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JoJo's OC Tournament #3: R1 M8 - Tsao Xu and Dr. Jekyll vs. ?????

The Results are in for match 6! The winner is…   The Good Vibrations, with a score of 66 to Cosmic Fire’s 33!
Category Winner Point Totals Comments
Popularity The Good Vibrations 32-8 A massive popularity lead from The Good Vibrations led to a massive boost in score as well. To the credit of Cosmic Fire, many of these votes highlighted was a difficult decision this was.
Quality The Good Vibrations 22-14 Reasoning.
JoJolity The Good Vibrations 12-11 Reasoning
Despite coming close on JoJolity, ultimately Cosmic Fire had an unfortunately low Pop score and the Quality score followed a similar path, which compounded to what was an insurmountable difference in score. If you are itching to vote right now, then voting for a chain-whipping cleric fighting an unholy dragon atop mighty steeds is still underway at this location.
Hearing tell of a Stand User who commands an entire army is enticing to say the least. Someone with that much power and influence would be a great addition to any team of Stand Users looking to collect the artifacts. It is for this reason, this great tactical advantage to be had for the coming war that Tsao Xu has found himself on the doorstep of the enigmatic philanthropist Flori Dada, driven out there by Blue Monday, on the strength of a tip he was given. The lavish Californian estate, complete with several helipads, pools, ballrooms and a nearly limitless number of rooms and halls would impress those who deemed material possessions worth any value… As such,Tsao Xu was unimpressed. However, the man standing beside the withered corpse of a man would have to admit, it was kinda impressive. Even with all Dr.Jekyll’s knowledge and expertise… Money was a common denominator that bent all mortal men to its’ will.
Normally, when two stand users got together like this, both looking for the same thing and only one of them able to have it, a fight would inevitably break out… But without any aggression from Tsao and Jekyll not being sure if Tsao was dead or not… no such confrontation was to occur.
So the two stood on the, rather large, doorstep for quite a while. Neither spoke, Tsao for he was simply unable, and Jekyll because he didn’t make it a point to speak to corpses. After a solid hour of silence...Jekyll finally broke down and rang the doorbell. Not a moment later did a rotund man, dressed in the finest robes and jewels open the door. A warm wind rolled over the two stand users from inside the house, smelling of cinnamon and of the finest oils and fragrances. The honey sweet aroma was, however, soiled by the positively rancid smell rolling off the clearly unwashed man in front of them. While he was dressed finer than the greatest of british royalty, his skin was coated in a thick sheen of grease and crusted bodily fluids, his hair a matted mix of grey and black with fleck of brown that looked like dirt, but the smell made it seem like something different. The man smiled a single toothed smile and spoke, his breath smelling like death itself had chosen his mouth as his base of operations. “Heyo ho yu doin! Yu ere ta see Mr.Dada?”
“Oh god…” Jekyll’s mind nearly collapsed at the sight before him. His brain made stupid from the sheer affront to all his senses. “Y-Yes, I am here to speak to a ‘Flori Dada’. Is he in?” “Oh yea, Mr.Dada’s en es study, il show ya to em!” The large man let out a shallow chuckle before gently picking up Tsao and leading Jekyll to into the home.
The pair were lead though corridor after corridor, hall after hall. Each packed full of men and women similar to their guid, dressed like kings and queens yet clearly fresh off the streets and unwashed.
The group wandered through the house for a solid ten or so minutes, their guide chatting away happily, Jekyll trying his best to contain his mounting frustration and hatred of the man leading their path and Tsao gently mumbling wisdoms untold to the passers by. Eventually the group made it to the main hall. A veritable colosseum filled with gibbering mad men all dressed in the finest this world has to offer.
“Why are we stopping here? You said Flori was in his Study!” Jekyll sneered at their guide who put Tsao down and waddled into the crowd, all but disappearing. “Wait you simpleton!” The sudden sound of static cut through the room and silenced the low murmur of the masses. The large monitor on the hall’s south wall suddenly burst to life, as the image of a thin, tall man in an orange and green striped Zoot Suit seated in a lavish armchair filled the screen “WHY hello there,” The man’s voice was posh and his syllables drawn out, “It is so nice to meet you both… Is what I would like to say had I been in the main ballroom with you. Unfortunately, I’m in my study, as you can see,” A small voice from the crowd shouted something that sounded like ‘I told you so’
“I don’t like this…” Jekyll sneered as he eyed the screen. Things were not adding up.
“Allow me to introduce myself!” The man said, standing from his chair. “I am Flori Dada! The owner of the estate you have so rudely broken into! And just when I was having a party for all my housemates. How utterly insensitive of you!”
“To call a land your own is foolish,” murmured Tsao, his quiet voice reaching all who were present. “The land we stand on has been for time immeasurable, and it shall for eons after you are naught but dust...”
“Tch,” Flori leaned into the camera, his sharp face filling the screen. “Oh, what was that?! I see! Oh yes I see I do indeed I see! You two have not only tracked dirt and filth into my home but now you insult me? Ohhh Huhuhu! There is only one way to rectify this: Payment! Yes, all things have a price! Men, Women, Children! All have a price, and all will be paid to me… The only question is what should the price be. Let me think...” Flori tapped his chin as he retreated back to his chair and flopped down in it. His tongue flopped out of his mouth as a deranged look spread across his face.“Oh! I’ve got it! You both tell me the locations of your Artifacts, and I’ll only take your kidneys as a finder’s fee!”
“Hmm... I should have known a Stand User of your renown would be hunting the artifacts as well.” Jekyll’s snere turned into a smirk as he looked up to the screen the power of [Go Robot] beginning to manifest.
“If ignorant of both your enemy and of yourself, you are certain to be in peril…” Tsao’s [High Mountain and Running River] began to coil around him as he spoke.
“Gyuhuhuhu!” Flori laughed as he jumped to his feet and nearly tackled the camera, “Attention! All filth that suckle on MY teet! There are two intruders in the estate! I wish for them to become the richest of you all! Give unto them all I have given unto you, and then kill them! Kill them and bring it back to me! The filth that brings me their heads will be given the shares of all who die trying! Gyuhuhuhu!”
The camera feed died with one final, echoing laugh…
The crowd-turned-army slowly turned to the pair standing by the main doors of the hall.
“...Geet em!”

*Challenger: *

Flori Dada
Sex: Male
Age: 25
Species: Human
Physical Stats:
Strength: 2 (Average)
Durability: 2 (Tougher than he looks, but he look particularly frail so it evens out to average.)
Speed: 2(Average running speed.)
Physical Skill - Sleight of hand: 4 (Unless being directly watched, Flori can get his hands just about anywhere)
Special Knowledge - Value: 4 (Can assess the monetary value of almost any object at a glance)
**Appearance: A tall lanky man of six foot ten in a cheap knock off orange and green striped Zoot Suit with short, similarly colored hair. Wears a permanent toothy smile and and goatee with the same horizontal stripes as his suit, and hair trimmed to read “Flori Dada” with the word Flori above his lip, and the word Dada wrapped around his chin.
Equipment: Pocket Knife, wad of several hundred dollar bills, rolex watch, several gemstones including diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and fools gold.
Personality: Flori Dada is, by all outward appearances and accounts, a good, wholesome, and moral man. He seems to dedicate himself fully and wholly to his work. His facade is one of a fully altruistic man who cares little for his own safety, financial stability or comfort, and instead dedicates his time to fully supporting those less fortunate than himself. Where he gets his vast fortune to do so is unknown. In reality, though, Flori is a sociopath with little to no redeeming qualities in the slightest. He puts on this visage of the well natured philanthropist to aid in feeding his messiah complex. He feeds on those he helps, driving them to worship him as if he were a god.
Though, his wealth does come from somewhere. A black market deal for a few organs, a few shipments of able bodied men and women into the slave trade… it doesn't matter where they go, so long as those who no longer need him or worship him leave his estate, he honestly couldn’t care. Neither could those homeless souls who call his grand estate refuge. Who cares if one or two of them disappear in the night… as long as they all have warm food and a roof over their head.
Stand - [Golden Gal]
Destructive Power: C (Stand cannot punch all that hard, this covers it’s secondary ability.)
Speed: B (Effects of the primary ability are nearly instant, movement speed is average)
Range: A (Range of primary effect is world wide, however manifestation is only a few meters)
Durability: E (Stand is very frail. A few good hits will incapacitate)
Precision: B (Enables fine manipulation and great accuracy with secondary ability)
Stand Appearance
[Golden Gal] manifests as a tall, lanky man with rail thin limbs made entirely of a transparent material with a feeling similar to blown glass. [Golden Gal] is entirely hollow with a hole in each of its finger tips and several in its back. The stand’s head resembles that of a rabbit. The stand is entirely covered in Orange and Green stripes.
Stand Ability
[Golden Gal] has two abilities:
Taste of Coke: Prevents any person or stand belonging to that person who ether currently has more wealth on their person than Flori Dada to harm Flori in any way. This can take the form of an insurmountable force that repels any incoming harm directed towards Flori from a source with more wealth on their person. This includes inanimate objects if their value is greater than the sum of objects currently on Flori.
Paves the Golden Way: An object inserted into the holes on [Golden Gal]’s back will be fired from one of the holes on its fingers at a high velocity. This velocity is directly proportional to the value of the object inserted. A penny will simply flob out of the end of [Golden Gal’s] finger, while a diamond will be fired out at 800m/s, nearly twice the speed of a bullet.
Fighting Style
Flori likes to keep himself away from his opponent and put as many valuable objects between himself and them as possible, playing keep away and being defensive with his movements. Slowly, he will pelt them with valuables until they become far more wealthy than him, at which point he will switch tactics and be far more aggressive with his shots and focus on kill shots and disabling shots.
Inside Flori’s entrance mansion, a mansion he uses as a foyer for his main estate. Inside the mansion is a veritable army of the homeless people, each fiercely loyal to Flori and willing to both kill and die for him. Each has been told that the one who brings Flori your head will receive five million dollars and permanent residence in the estate, needless to say, they’re out for blood.
Both combatants start in the main Ballroom, marked with a black dot, Flori is located in his study, marked with a red dot. Flori is free to move about his mansion as he sees fit, the combatants on the other hand will need to fight through his army of the down wealthy bums to get to him. Each room is nearly full of these people.
Players must find Flori and RETIRE him by any means necessary. Leaving simply is NOT an option. His entire estate is crawling with guards. Stand User or not… you won’t make it far, unless you can take down their commander first.
Team Combatant JoJolity
The Combined Forces of Bikini Bottom and Jaded Justice Dr.Jekyll and Tsao Xu "Where did your pride go!?" - Try and prevent as many deaths as possible. The squatters have nothing to do with this...
??? Flori Dada “MAKE EVERYONE HAPPY!”. - Make sure as many of your subjects die as possible. Then you can redistribute what they had to everyone else! Thus making everyone, who is alive, happy.
Spectators, if you would like to interact with the tournament community and get news first about tournament events, please feel free to PM a member of our Judge staff and request an invite to the Official Tournament Discord Server.

Link to the Player spreadsheet.

Match Number Player Count Objective/Deathmatch PlayeTeam 1 PlayeTeam 2 Stage Description Date
Match 1 1v1 Deathmatch Clarence Creedwater Felix Arrowsmith Just make sure the ice doesn’t crack beneath you… Jan. 4th
Match 2 1v1 Objective Lucil Caravan Buffalo Soldier There’s a fox on the run… And you’ve got to catch it! Jan. 6th
Match 3 2v2 Deathmatch Blake Falstaff, Mr. Moon, and Bas Haze Marco F. Caine and Geoff Wetton Visibility is low, and it’s cold as hell… This is the tundra, I guess. Jan. 8th
Match 4 1v1 Objective Blue Monday ‘Crowbar’ Jackson $500, three hours, and an underground casino. Get as rich as you can! Jan. 10th
Match 5 1v1 Deathmatch ‘Lazarus’ Judas Saxon This coaster is pretty rickety… Hopefully it’ll last the fight! Jan. 12th
Match 6 2v2 Objective Simon ‘Jack’ Rodgers and Basilio Goltero Santos Sarah ‘Stratovarius’ Williams and Kent Jerrod Moore You have to stop your train from crashing! Wait, there are robbers too?! Jan. 14th
Match 7 1v1 Deathmatch Dragomir Mrovich Stephen ‘Steppy’ Morris Bumper cars are lonely with two people… But they’re perfect with just one! Jan. 16th
Match 8 2v1 Boss Match Tsao Xu Dr. Jekyll A homeless army, and their loathsome king... Jan. 18th
Match 9 2v2 Deathmatch Nick Mason and Eleanor Rigby ‘Mute’ (River Eiselidge) and Baron Mordechai A nice pleasant cruise… Except for two small problems…! Jan. 20th
Match 10 1v1 Deathmatch ‘Monster’ Seido Shuto There should be a base up in these mountains… But there shouldn’t be another climber! Time to fix that. Jan. 22nd
Match 11 1v1 Objective Rory Raccoon Grace Vincent Two intruders, waging a quiet war in a top secret base. Jan. 24th
Match 12 2v2 Deathmatch Stu Steel E. and Fabian Gibson John ‘Jaco’ Pastorius and Michael McClane Hopefully there’ll be something to find on this island… Besides the shipwreck survivors, I mean. Jan. 26th
Match 13 1v1 Objective Anna Rose Ken Nard … It’s time to slam now! Jan. 28th
Match 14 1v1 Deathmatch Bremen Mary Ann You don’t have to be faster than the swarm… You only have to be faster than the other guy! Jan. 30th
Match 15 2v2 Objective MAKS_13 and Manny Elflad Bond Jovi and Crispin Freeman A Stand-Using robber has set a bomb in the mall! Make sure it doesn’t go off. Feb. 1st
Match 16 2v1 Boss Match Gregor Yuvecksky Lance Fight for your life in an abandoned cathedral! Feb. 3rd
Match 17 1v1 Deathmatch Henry Jenkins Akiyoshi ‘Aki’ Yamamato The ground far beneath you, the wind in your hair… There’s nothing quite like bungee jumping. Feb. 5th
Match 18 2v2 Objective Thela Hun Ginjeet and Soichi Utsumi) Roger Waters and Donatello Blackwell ‘Row’ as in ‘rowboats’, obviously. What did you think I meant? Feb. 7th
Match 19 1v1 Objective Damon Aurel Ivan Abaduboi A rural English town hit with a nasty… Rainstorm?! Feb. 9th
Match 20 1v1 Deathmatch Jim Ledbetter Johnny Leever Two truck drivers racing down the highway, while the stowaways have a battle of their own! Feb. 11th
Match 21 2v2 Objective Miras Atrium and Henry Walshman Amaki Castillo and Ortaz Ivanov An erupting volcano, and a straight path down… Time to run! Feb. 13th
Match 22 1v1 Deathmatch Furo Raida Daniel Cali Two foes duke it out on a fishing boat, assaulted by the weather! Feb. 15th
Match 23 1v1 Objective Tyler Bonnie Chloe Jay, Chloe Kay, and Chloe Elle Don’t worry, buddy. Prisoners stick together. I’ll protect you, no matter what! Feb. 17th
Match 24 2v2 Deathmatch Russ Teneo and Jules Langlias Henry Muller and Qiao Si Zhou Four Stand Users, two cars, and an empty highway... Feb. 19th
submitted by FastLikeLightning to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]

Burning Stars: Hawkins' Hunters ch.15 - Scum and Villainy -

Hawkins' Hunters Prologue:

Camp Armadillo
The drop ship made contact on the pad and settled onto its landing gear as the loading ramp began to open. Docs Chatom and Holiday carried their bloody cargo down to a waiting medical team from the Navy Medial Center. The nurses and doctors huddled around the gurney and took battered man away as soon as he was set down on the gurney. Abadi had gone silent during the trip back to Armadillo, his suit and the two corpsmen continuing to work as it became more and more hopeless as Abadi's scarlet blood had began to take on a lighter and lighter hue from the amount of substitute pumping through his vein. Sam watched the med center staff wheel him away from the top of the loading ramp, his armor flecked with the blood of the insurgent he had killed. Michelle and Abraham waited for him to step back down into the dirt as he removed his helmet.
“What happened out there?” Michelle began, running a hand down his face. “Your Uplinks went down for ten minutes.”
Sam continued on, giving a tight smile
“Interference from the jungle canopy. I’m fine, it’s Abadi I’m worried about.” Sam said, carefully watching his emotions as he left out the murder he had committed in the bush.
Killing Minyari and insurgents that were threatening his life or the lives of his marines was one thing, but killing a helpless man was another and it made Sam sick to his stomach with anger at what he had done. In his heart though, he knew he was only getting started. The look on Michelle's face told him she didn't believe a word he said, it was the same look her father had given them on Luna. If anyone could connect the dots, it was her.
"I need to be with my marines right now Michelle. I'll keep you and Abraham in the loop when I go to meet Le Clerc." Sam said, running a clean armored hand down her side. She gave him a smile and a sincere look.
The Spearpoint team disembarked and made their way with recon to the dugout to strip off their armor. They could clean and service them later; there was one friend to mourn as it was and another close behind. All sense of bravado had left them, and recon and raider confided in themselves over the day’s events. Vilks took it upon himself to collect the belongings of the killed Recon sergeant, moving a pair of boots and a rifle to the far corner to act as a memorial. The Spearpoint operators quickly stripped themselves of their armor as they ran to go check on their wounded brother, Song even more so, he had known Abadi the longest and was the first out the door.
Sam stepped into his armorer station and peeled himself from his suit. Spinal connections and shoulder stubs disengaged as he pulled the body glove down from his neck, shivering as the cool air of the dugout washed over his bare skin. He quickly changed into a set of green BDU’s, pulling his revolver from his armor and returning it to his shoulder holster, his axe came next, blade sitting at his thigh.
Sam left the dugout just as the Recon marines finished the shrine to their fallen comrade and broke out their tin pot hooch. He’d leave his marines to their own devices, there was a pirate to speak too. Zachariah stood beside a waiting ground buggy, dressed in UIS fatigues, the Minyari almost looked like a normal person, besides the glowing eyes and metal arms.
“I heard what happened out there, I feel for your marine Samuel.” He said, his cigarette burning down in his fingers.
Sam waved him off and took the driver’s seat, pressing the ignition and shifting the 4x4 into drive.
“He’ll live, he has too. I haven’t given him permission to die yet.” Sam said, staring ahead as Zachariah sat beside him.
Sam pressed down on the accelerator and the buggy took off, weaving through tired and dusty line marines. Stopping to let an ambulance pass by and light a cigarette.
“I did something out there Dillion.” Sam said somberly, weaving thorough the entry and exit gate traffic. The Minyari didn’t say anything, just letting Sam talk.
“We captured a Neo-Bolshevik after our ambush. Old guy, maybe late fifties. Scrawny thing.” Sam took a pull on his cigarette and let it hang from his mouth. “We get ambushed back, Vilks’ has a man go down, then Abadi gets fucked. I pulled that old man out into the clearing and shot him. Not cleanly either.”
Zachariah nodded, lighting another cigarette.
“You know how many people I killed in the SDG?” he began, bouncing as the buggy went over a hole in the road. “Dozens. Some deserved it, others didn’t, but I did what was necessary. Something you need to learn. “
Sam gave the cyborg a sideways glance, and then refocused on the road into Libertatia.
“I’m serious. I did unspeakable things in the group, being as necessary as they were at the time, part of the reason I went along with Anders was in my mind, a chance at redemption.” Dillion looked to the sky as he let out a cloud of smoke “You’ll know you’ve gone to far when you don’t have that nagging sense of guilt in the pit of your stomach.”
The 4x4 bounced again and settled, tires biting into the hard packed dirt road as they entered into Libertatia. The settlement was split into thirds, with the spaceport and repair facilities taking up the northern section, the other two were a hodgepodge of brothels, bars, small casinos, and a large market place where the pirates would hawk their bloody and stolen wares or buy supplies for their next raid. Throngs of pirate crews and their hangers-on of prostitutes, slum children, and degenerates of all creeds wandered through the streets, browsing through the stalls of different goods. “Liberated” UIS and Minyari weapons and armor, industrial equipment, drugs, and what ever else was selling at the moment.
Sam turned the 4x4 down a small side road and continued down it for several blocks. The signage in the ally ways betraying their true purpose. Hidden from plain view, the slaving dens were just as busy as the main market place. Big Brother may have been next door, but the slavers of Temper hid their living wares with care. To busy dealing with the Minyari and the Neo-Bolsheviks, the UIS had turned a blind eye to the buying and selling of flesh.
“Disgusting…” Sam said, turning his head as they passed a live auction. “Wherever we go, we always take our bullshit.”
Dillion craned his neck as they drove past, looking over the crowd of buyers and sellers, and shook his head.
“We might need to pay this place a visit before we leave.”
“Agreed.” Sam said, pulling the 4x4 into the parking lot of the Hotel Rouge and coming to a stop in front of the large glass doors of the lobby.
The Hotel Rouge had been one of the first permanent buildings in Libertatia when it had been a simple farming settlement, years before the influx of roving pirate gangs and slavers. Built to resemble a 20th century French colonial manor, it clashed with the cheap prefab buildings around it. Once the settlement had gone belly up, the locals turned it into a luxury hotel for the richest of their numbers. Just looking at it made Sam angry, even more so when he stepped inside to vaulted ceilings and crystal chandeliers.
“I hate this place already. Sam said, walking past two hired guns without a second glance, Dillion trotting beside him.
“Another thing we can agree on. I don’t understand the fascination with the gold leaf.” He said, smirking as they stepped into the Hotel’s lounge, which was filled the upper echelons of pirate society.
Sam scanned the area with his eye, picking up the tell tale signs of pistols, knives, and sawed off shotguns. There was even a bejeweled sword on the hip of a rather angry looking woman as she argued with their contact, Le Clerc.
“God damnit Le Clerc, we agreed to a sixty/forty split, and you give me the crumbs!? Bullshit, you’re a dirty liar and a cheat. Good luck counting on my ships next time you want to raid, you pompous French fuck.”
The woman took a step forward and kicked the low table Le Clerc was using to the ground, spilling its crystal glasses and bottle of real champagne to the floor. Le Clerc didn’t do much more than glance down at it as he leaned back to twirl his mustache and rest a hand on the gold plated pistol at his hip.
“Madame Sinclair, had I known how angry you’d get, we should have filled out a true contract.” He said through a fake smile, “As you’re aware my letter of marque allows me to contract out jobs to the lesser gangs, and in doing so, the letter holder, ME, is given the right to distribute the spoils as he sees fit. Or did you think I wouldn’t notice your ships sitting in the back, just waiting for the battle to end?”
The pirate matron pulled her sword and held it a breath from Le Clerc’s nose.
“How dare you insult my crews to my face you—“
No less then ten heavily armed pirates pulled their weapons and trained them on the stone-faced woman. She glanced around the room at the grouped firepower and sheathed her sword.
“This isn’t over Le Clerc, you better watch yourself out in the black.” She said, giving him an evil look as she stepped away.
“That I’m sure of Madame Sinclair, good day.” Le Clerc said, a devilish grin flashing across his face.
With a twirl of her cape she turned away, brushing past Sam and Dillion as she went. Her hushed insults at Le Clerc's parentage following her out the main doors. Sam and Dilion approached only to be stopped by Le Clerc bodyguards as a young girl cleaned up the mess at his feet. Sam went to brush past, but a handgun to the stomach was more than enough to stop him, especially while being outnumbered.
“Antony, please, let them through. I called them here.”
The large bodyguard slipped his weapon back into his coat and stepped to the side, allowing Sam and Dillion to pass through unmolested.
“Major Dillion, so nice to see you again, it has been too long.” Le Clerc Said, pushing the young servant girl way with a tray of broken glasses. “ Please join me would you and what’s this that you’ve defected?”
“Good to see you as well Michel, it’s a long story. I hope this war hasn’t harmed your profits?” Dillion said, sitting and taking an offered cigar.
Sam gave the pirate lord a long hard look. He had hunted this man for years, even came close in getting him on more than one occasion in an effort to make him pay for his crimes against the people of the Frontier. But yet here he was, fighting for the very government he’d stolen from for years and being paid handsomely to do it. That now familiar feeling of rage was beginning to bubble to the surface, and Sam unconsciously moved his hand to his axe.
“On the contrary, I’ve never made so much money in such a short time. The Inner System’s offer was too good to pass up.” Le Clerc said, taking a new glass of champagne from the young servant girl.
“That’s good to hear, maybe now you can afford better tastes in clothing.” Dillion said, chiding the flamboyant Frenchman’s choice in everyday wear.
This brought a laugh to Le Clerc lips as he sipped his glass, setting it down and sitting up.
“And I see you’ve brought a friend…a very important friend it seems.” Le Clerc said, looking over to Sam, matching his hard stare. “I must admit Hawkins, I do find it ironic that we’re having this conversation. Last time we saw each other was that raid on my anchorage in the Alaska system, do you remember?”
“Yeah, I remember. I remember I killed your first officer too, or was he your lover? It’s been to long, and the details are kinda fuzzy.” Sam replied, keeping eye contact as Le Clerc leaned forward.
“That it was…”
Dillion cleared his throat on an effort to bring the task at hand back into the conversation.
“Now, now, that’s neither here or there. Hawkins and I are here for one reason. You have the whereabouts of General Zustra here on Temper, don’t you?”
“Le Clerc smiled again as he leaned back into his seat.
“That I do. She contacted me via a Neo-Bolshevik courier. She wants transport off world through the Inner Systems blockade. Offered me a large sum of money to do it too.”
“And did you accept?” Dillion asked, puffing away on his cigar.
“I did.”
“Excuse me?!” Sam shouted, as he stood, hand resting on his axe’s safety catch. The bodyguards surrounding them pulled their weapons again and a cluster of laser sights came to life over Sam’s heart. Le Clerc put a hand up and lowered the closest bodyguard’s weapon.
“No need to yell Hawkins. If you must know, the money hasn’t cleared yet, and I only work once I’ve been paid. She’s still here.”
Sam cooled slightly as he took his seat once again. “Where is she?” Sam asked, his hand finally coming away from his axe.
“The far north, past the lines, sitting comfy in the Minayri command base. She said she has an important meeting that can’t wait for Republic reinforcements.”
Sam and Dillion both gave each other knowing looks.
“When does the money clear?” Dillion asked, “Group funds are backed and guaranteed by the Central Bank. Can’t be more then a week to reach out here.”
Le Clerc threw his hands up and nodded.
“I know, something I’m aware of when I did business with you. Tomorrow most likely.”
“Give us everything you have on her location. Security codes, air patrols, anything she gave you, I want it.” Sam said, Dillion also nodding his head in agreement.
“Of course, anything to assist the home government in their fight against tyranny.” Le Clerc said laughing and twisting his mustache.
Sam stood and looked down at the pirate lord, giving him one last staredown.
“You may be a part of this now but know this Le Clerc. I remember what you did; I remember the bodies in the black. When this war ends, I will come after you again. You can bet your life on it.”
Le Clerc nodded and rose his glass in a toast.
“Then lets hope this war never ends my good man, and if it does, good luck and happy hunting. You’ll need it.”
Dillion stood next and stamped out his cigar.
“Michel, always a pleasure.”
The pirate lord gave the cyborg a friendly nod and the wall of bodyguards parted for the two of them to leave. Together, Sam and Dillion made their way back to the 4x4. Pulling out of the lot and going back the way they had come, stopping outside the slave auction and waiting. With a single confirmation, Spearpoint rounded the corner, dressed down with their weapons hidden beneath simple cloaks. Sam and Dillion exited the 4x4 and walked to the main door of the building. Sam flipped the safety latch on his axe and thumbed the heating element. The hired gun didn’t see the searing hot blade until it met his shoulder and carved down into his chest, Sam looked him in the eyes as he brought up a boot and kicked him off the edge of the blade. Dead before he hit the ground, the other gun took a silenced pistol shot to the face and crumpled.
Sam took the offered shotgun from Michelle and stacked up beside the door. Sigursdottir pulled her own two handed axe and went to breach. The large axe turned red from the heat and she cleaved through the weak aluminum door with a single swipe. Sam pushed in and put a shell of buckshot into a slaver’s neck, taking his head from his shoulders and pumped the action as the rest of Spearpoint rushed in, weapons barking and dropping more slavers. In the open courtyard, buyers and sellers shouted as their bodyguards went to pull their weapons, cracks from Kusnetsov’s sniper rifle picked off the most obvious holders as the rest of Spearpoint swept inside. Slaves in their pens cheered as they rushed the gates and attempted to break through the locks. While handlers attempted to quell their newfound vigor with stun sticks and gunshots.
Sam closed the distance to the nearest pen and took the head of its handler with his axe. With another swing, the cage’s locking mechanism was taken off, and a rush of grateful Humanity flooded out. Many went straight for their masters and pulled them limb from limb in a frenzy of violence. Others fell to their knees in thanks as Spearpoint cleaned up the rest of the still living slavers. The owner of the auction locked himself in his panic room, leaving his clients to take the brunt of the death and destruction. Sam tapped his axe on the thick steel doors several times.
“This isn’t going to end well for you.” Sam started, as he motioned for Obie to begin planting charges along the door’s hinges. “Slavery is illegal in the United Inner Systems, and it seems most of your product are citizens of said government. Now, you can come out under your own power, or I can come in there and pull you out myself, your choice.”
The owner said nothing and the doors remained sealed. Sam shook his head as Obie handed him the detonator.
“Ok, we’ll do it my way. Stand back everyone, and get those kids out of here, this isn’t going to be pretty.”
Michelle and O’Hara wrangled the children and moved them over through the carnage of the courtyard as Don and Obie pulled back around the corner. Sam moved to join them and thumbed the detonator. Two muffled thumps later; the thick steel doors fell inwards, revealing a disoriented obese man as he lay on the floor bleeding from small shrapnel wounds. Sam stepped over the door and drew his revolver as he stood over the bleeding man. Dillion and Don following him in as they took stock of the room, with its rich tapestries and gold livery.
“Mr…Youssef?” Sam said, waiting for his uplink to tell him who the man was. “I find you guilty of human trafficking.”
The fat man could barely croak out a word before Sam finished for him.
“Your testimony is noted. I’m sure you’re aware of the penalty that comes with your crime yes?”
Sam looked back over his shoulder at Dillion and Don. They cyborg nodded his head while Don gave a solemn look and turned to leave the room. The blood rushed from the fat man’s face as Sam cocked his weapon’s hammer.
The rest of the cry was lost to time as Sam pulled the trigger.


submitted by Saw_Did_Won to HFY [link] [comments]

The Floyd & Manny Saga: Chapter 1

Two of boxing’s most beloved figures, one a congressman fighting for a nation, while the other a showman, amassing his personal fortune; together they created the ultimate good vs evil drama. The polarizing kind that would take over the sporting world. Three million Americans were predicted to purchase the live broadcast and invite over everyone they’re close with to witness the ultimate spectacle. Las Vegas, and essentially every person standing to make a profit, saw nothing but dollar signs from the perhaps the most lucrative prizefight in the history of organized fighting.
But ultimately, no amount of greed, personal pride, or a sheer will to fight could place the 2 in a ring for 45 minutes.
This is the story of the richest prizefight in history to never happen.
The saga begins in 2001. The setting is San Francisco, California. It was the first time in nearly 40 years that professional title prizefighting would take the stage in San Francisco; and for a brief moment in time, Floyd Mayweather Jr and Manny Pacquiao, separated officially by 8 pounds, would share the same ring. On November 10th, 2001 Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather competed on HBO under the Top Rank banner.
While Floyd Mayweather, a former bronze medalist in 1996, was already something of a big deal, Manny Pacquiao was on his way to super stardom He and Agapito Sanchez thrilled the crowd in a bloody, all-out brawl.
The two were victorious that night and would go their separate ways, on different paths, but ultimately their destination would be the same.
Five years later, Manny Pacquiao had become a sensation. He was blitzing through whoever was put in his path. The one set-back being Erik Morales. In their rematch, which Pacquiao assured he would win given he got to wear his favorite gloves, he got his revenge. But the intrigue of the fight wasn’t that Pacquiao had avenged his loss to Morales. It was a fan he had at ringside who stood on his chair when referee Kenny Bayless stopped the fight. (Watch the bottom right corner of your screen.) That fan was Floyd Mayweather Jr.
Ten months later would be the first time any sort of fantasy match-up between the Filipino slugger and defensive mastermind would be pondered.
At the time, it seemed farfetched that the two would eventually be able to meet. It seemed as unlikely as a fight between Nonito Donaire & Danny Garcia seems. Floyd was already a welterweight weighing 147 officially, while Manny still campaigning at the 130 super featherweight limit.
We’re going to fast forward now. To 2008 specifically.
Following the retirement of Floyd Mayweather Jr, the then pay-per-view king of boxing, Oscar De La Hoya, was looking for his next opponent. While Pacquiao had the option to fight Humberto Soto at a more comfortable weight, a lucrative fight with De La Hoya was far more attractive. The only speed bump was the split. Pacquiao, at the time, demanded a 65-35 split with the Golden Boy. Oscar and Golden Boy President Richard Schaefer declined, citing Mayweather got 30 percent and they didn’t believe Manny was a bigger draw than Floyd. They eventually made an agreement and the dubbed “Dream Fight” proceeded.
Unfortunately for De La Hoya, the offensive output in the fight was even more lopsided than the purse split. Pacquiao dominated De La Hoya from start to finish and immediately following the fight, the whispers around Mayweather and Pacquiao became a mighty cry.
Comparing Mayweather and Pacquiao’s performance over De La Hoya, fans & experts wondered, argued, bickered, and everything else about how the two would do against each other.
Floyd Senior had an opinion of his own. While many fans believed the relentless Pacquiao would break down Floyd’s defensive fortress, Floyd Sr believed there was no way the Filipino could “whoop Lil’ Floyd.”
Pacquiao’s trainer, Freddie Roach, stated that the Pacquiao’s commitment first and foremost was to pursue the exciting fights. Thus, old Mayweather victim Ricky Hatton would be their next target.
On May 2nd, they would get their wish. In the second round, Pacquiao would connect with a devastating left hand that would floor Hatton in brutal fashion. While Pacquiao had just scored the knockout of the decade, he had to share center stage that night.
Prior to the MGM Grand Garden Arena being filled with crazed Filipinos and British fight fanatics, Floyd Mayweather took the fight world over. Mayweather held a press conference that morning to announce that 16 months was enough of a retirement for him and he would be meeting former Pacquiao foe, Juan Manuel Marquez, in a few months time. He also had an implicit message for Pacquiao, "A big, great fighter always beats a small, good fighter."
Freddie Roach, hearing the comments was quick to respond. "Floyd is afraid of Manny. If he had waited 24 hours, we could have made a fight with him right away."
And so it began. With Pacquiao defeating 2 old Mayweather foes in brutal fashion, and Mayweather about to take on one of Pacquiao’s old foes, everything was set.
Days before Mayweather was set to take on Juan Manuel Marquez, he sat down for a lengthy interview with his trainer and Richard Schaefer. The allure of Mayweather-Pacquiao was evident as a large portion of the interview was dedicated to the discussion of the potential fight. Mayweather began by stating that Pacquiao’s success against common opponents was from weight draining and a blueprint he had created. When the subject of Marquez came up, Floyd became defensive. He asked questions to the interviewer like “Where was this guy when I was dominating in the ‘90s?” and ‘they [the fans] don’t want to see Mayweather-Marquez but it’s okay for Marquez and Pacquiao to fight. If it’s okay for Pacquiao to fight every other welterweight but then there’s a problem for Marquez to do it and both these guys are the same size. Actually Marquez is a bit bigger than Pacquiao. So I don’t really understand, like I said before, a lot of times, people speak on boxing and don’t really understand boxing or really know boxing.”
When the conversation shifted, it would ultimately find its way back to the subject of Pacquiao.
The interviewer asked Floyd about his perfect record and the importance of maintaining it for the duration of his career. Floyd’s answer included Pacquiao.
“…when Floyd Mayweather is facing these fighters today… there’s no pressure on any of these fighters because they have nothing to lose. If Marquez gets beat….they are still going to love him in this country because he had a chance to face the best. And they’ll say well you lost but you lost to the best. And that’s no difference from Pacquiao. I mean if I fought Pacquiao, if he were losing and then lost, when he goes back to his country they are still going to love him.”
The interviewer then asks Floyd if he would feel like there’s unfinished business if the fight with Pacquiao never happened?
Floyd’s answer: No. Absolutely not. I’ve done what I had to do in this sport of boxing. Whatever fight presents itself, I’m fine with that.
One month removed for Floyd’s lopsided victory of Marquez, his uncle and trainer Roger Mayweather found himself in legal trouble. An arrest warrant had been issued on allegations of battery and coercion charges following his alleged assault of female boxer Melissa St. Vil.
Later that month, just a couple weeks before facing Puerto Rican star Miguel Cotto, Pacquiao spoke very candidly regarding his future. He claimed that he didn’t think the fight with Mayweather would ever happen. In fact, he said, “I’m sure he doesn’t want to fight me.” Pacquiao raised his left hand and stated that the power in his left hand no doubt has Mayweather fearing a date with him.
He ultimately said that Floyd sees boxing as a business. That Floyd doesn’t care about entertainment value or pleasing his opponents. As long as Floyd makes money, according to Pacquiao, Floyd is happy. Pacquiao took a contrarian stance, citing that his ultimate goal was to have people be happy and entertained by a good fight.
Mayweather’s camp at this point has made it clear. Following a million buys against Marquez, he would be the one to demand the lion’s share of the prize should a fight with Pacquiao arise.
Two days after Pacquiao ravaged Miguel Cotto, Freddie Roach told that a fight with Mayweather had been on his mind for a long time. He praised the defensive mastermind, but given the recent performance of his pupil against Cotto, he no longer thought Mayweather could withstand the Pacquiao onslaught.
But Roach wasn’t optimistic. Floyd and his camp had already stated that they wanted 65% of the purse and Roach believed that it was simply another way of saying they don’t want the fight.
Floyd disagreed with Roach. He believed Pacquiao was one-dimensional with a solid punch. Floyd said, “"I'm in a no-win situation. If I beat Manny Pacquiao you know what they are going to say? 'You are supposed to beat him, you are Floyd Mayweather, you are the bigger man.' If I knock him out they'll say, 'You're supposed to knock him out [because] he's been knocked out before.' I'm in a no-win situation and when I beat him no one is going to be surprised because he's been beaten before. Whatever I do to Pacquiao has been done before. He's been beaten on three occasions. And if I knock him out I don't want the world shouting because he's been knocked out twice before as a flyweight in the 1990s."
Roach wasn’t convinced. He claimed that Floyd’s close call against Oscar De La Hoya and Jose Luis Castillo was enough to show Floyd wasn’t invincible. He was confident given that Jose Luis Castillo was one of the main sparring partners Pacquiao had utilized to prepare for Miguel Cotto and he confessed to Roach that Pacquiao was faster and hit harder than Mayweather.
Despite the lack of optimism from both camps, March 13th stood as the potential date of the boxing Super Bowl.
Roach had already begun plans for the next round of sparring partners and a new gameplan for a Mayweather fight.
Vegas had already begun taking bets, with Pacquiao opening as an 8-5 favorite by Station Casinos. Following several $20,000 bets, the line moved down to 7-5.
Vegas saw the potential profits from the monumental event and the promoters and networks eyes began to open to the pocket lining prospect.
Ross Greenburg, HBO Sports president, believed it was a simple negotiation. With all the money to be made, the possibility of the fight not happening would cause revolt among the American public.
Richard Schaefer shared the same sentiments. He told the LA Times, “Bob and me – how often have we failed to make a big fight?”
Arum believed that the negotiation would not hinge upon personal feelings shared between him and Mayweather. Mayweather had left Arum’s stable years earlier believing that Arum had shafted him and not given him an opportunity to be a star like he had given De La Hoya.
Ross Greenburg believed that all that was required was for both sides to sit together and work it out. He believed 50-50 would be the easiest thing. But with Pacquiao’s camp nearly driving Hatton from the table with his constant demands for more money, it seemed that greed between the 2 camps would stop the fight before it even got started.
Schaefer concluded with very wise words. “Getting them together is a mega-fight that has to be made. We’d all have to be morons to not let this happen.”
This is only chapter 1. The original draft was over 50 pages long in Microsoft Word. I'm condensing and editing a lot of it.
Please follow, subscribe, bookmark, etc. to my blog HookDreams. I'll be posting the rest of the tale there over the next days and weeks & a lot more stuff. I've taken a break from posting there to focus on the subreddit, and now that the PPV fights are over, I'll be posting a lot more there.
submitted by noirargent to Boxing [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Dec 27th - Tue, Jan 2nd)

Tulsa's event list.


Wednesday, Dec 27th

  • Holiday Helicopter Rides - Tour of Lights (Safari Joe's H2O Water Park - Tulsa) Thru Sat, Dec 30th This holiday season, gather your family and take in Tulsa's magical light displays just like Santa - from the air -…
  • Kringle's Christmas Land (Tulsa Promenade Mall - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 31st Experience Victorian-era Christmas in the modern age as you walk through Kringle's Christmas Land. During this…
  • 😂 Kristin Key (Loony Bin - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 31st
  • Lyrical Smoke (Soundpony Lounge - Tulsa) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • 🏆 Tulsa Oilers vs. Kansas City Mavericks (BOK Center - Tulsa) Thru Sat, Dec 30th Cheer on the Tulsa Oilers as they take on the Kansas City Mavericks for three exciting nights at the BOK Center in…
  • Philbrook Festival (Philbrook Museum of Art - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 31st The Philbrook Museum of Art hosts the Philbrook Festival each winter, an annual holiday tradition in Tulsa.…
  • Rhema Christmas Lights (Rhema Bible Church - Broken Arrow) Thru Mon, Jan 1st Join over 200,000 annual visitors at the Rhema Christmas Lights display and witness over two million lights and over…
  • Scott Evans and Dylan Stewart (Blackbird On Pearl - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:30pm
  • Tournament of Champions (Mabee Center - Tulsa) Thru Fri, Dec 29th Witness Oklahoma's premier high school basketball tournament live at the annual Tournament of Champions. Held…
  • West Bend Winterland (Claremore Expo Center - Claremore) Thru Sun, Dec 31st Claremore's West Bend Winterland is reminiscent of holiday memories with an ice skating rink, pictures with Santa,…

Thursday, Dec 28th

  • Aaron Tippin / Sammy Kershaw / Collin Raye (Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tulsa - Catoosa)
  • Chess Club (Floor Show!) (The Vanguard - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:00pm Postparty, Cheap Kites, AnchorWay
  • Holiday Helicopter Rides - Tour of Lights (Safari Joe's H2O Water Park - Tulsa) Thru Sat, Dec 30th This holiday season, gather your family and take in Tulsa's magical light displays just like Santa - from the air -…
  • Tulsa Holiday Winter Circuit (Expo Square - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 31st The Tulsa Holiday Winter Circuit is held at the Built Ford Tough Livestock Complex at Tulsa's Expo Square and is an…
  • 🎭 Karaoke night ( no cover ) (Blackbird On Pearl - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Kringle's Christmas Land (Tulsa Promenade Mall - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 31st Experience Victorian-era Christmas in the modern age as you walk through Kringle's Christmas Land. During this…
  • 😂 Kristin Key (Loony Bin - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 31st
  • 🏆 Tulsa Oilers vs. Kansas City Mavericks (BOK Center - Tulsa) Thru Sat, Dec 30th Cheer on the Tulsa Oilers as they take on the Kansas City Mavericks for three exciting nights at the BOK Center in…
  • Philbrook Festival (Philbrook Museum of Art - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 31st The Philbrook Museum of Art hosts the Philbrook Festival each winter, an annual holiday tradition in Tulsa.…
  • Rhema Christmas Lights (Rhema Bible Church - Broken Arrow) Thru Mon, Jan 1st Join over 200,000 annual visitors at the Rhema Christmas Lights display and witness over two million lights and over…
  • Tulsa Shoot-Out (Expo Square: River Spirit Expo - Tulsa) Thru Sat, Dec 30th The Tulsa Shoot-out is the largest micro sprint racing event in the country. With up to 1,000 participants gathered at…
  • 😂 Stand Up Comedy (The Shrine - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Styx (River Spirit Casino - Tulsa)
  • Tha Corner Top 10 Music Video Show (Show case) hosted by Big Ro aka Punki Loco (Soundpony Lounge - Tulsa) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • Tournament of Champions (Mabee Center - Tulsa) 1 day left Witness Oklahoma's premier high school basketball tournament live at the annual Tournament of Champions. Held…
  • West Bend Winterland (Claremore Expo Center - Claremore) Thru Sun, Dec 31st Claremore's West Bend Winterland is reminiscent of holiday memories with an ice skating rink, pictures with Santa,…

Friday, Dec 29th

  • 🎡 Festival Light Nights (Philbrook Downtown - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:00pm Celebrate the holiday season. Every Friday 6-9pm. Bring the whole family. See the lights, walk the gardens, enjoy the art, eat, drink, have a blast.
  • Holiday Helicopter Rides - Tour of Lights (Safari Joe's H2O Water Park - Tulsa) 1 day left This holiday season, gather your family and take in Tulsa's magical light displays just like Santa - from the air -…
  • Tulsa Holiday Winter Circuit (Expo Square - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 31st The Tulsa Holiday Winter Circuit is held at the Built Ford Tough Livestock Complex at Tulsa's Expo Square and is an…
  • Kringle's Christmas Land (Tulsa Promenade Mall - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 31st Experience Victorian-era Christmas in the modern age as you walk through Kringle's Christmas Land. During this…
  • 😂 Kristin Key (Loony Bin - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 31st
  • 🏆 Tulsa Oilers vs. Kansas City Mavericks (BOK Center - Tulsa) 1 day left Cheer on the Tulsa Oilers as they take on the Kansas City Mavericks for three exciting nights at the BOK Center in…
  • Philbrook Festival (Philbrook Museum of Art - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 31st The Philbrook Museum of Art hosts the Philbrook Festival each winter, an annual holiday tradition in Tulsa.…
  • Rhema Christmas Lights (Rhema Bible Church - Broken Arrow) Thru Mon, Jan 1st Join over 200,000 annual visitors at the Rhema Christmas Lights display and witness over two million lights and over…
  • Tulsa Shoot-Out (Expo Square: River Spirit Expo - Tulsa) 1 day left The Tulsa Shoot-out is the largest micro sprint racing event in the country. With up to 1,000 participants gathered at…
  • 🎭 Silent Night (Philbrook Downtown - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:00pm Sometimes at the end of the holidays you just need a little quiet time to yourself. Join us for a number of quiet and relaxing activities such as yoga, massages, and a silent disco. You can also experience Festival’s glowing gardens from the Terrace to the Tempietto with tens of thousands of lights. Enjoy concessions (hot cocoa, cash bar),…
  • "A Skateboard Film Premiere" by: Jono Sinclair (Soundpony Lounge - Tulsa) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • Through Being Cool: Emo & Pop Punk Night! (The Vanguard - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm Forswear, Class Zero
  • Tournament of Champions (Mabee Center - Tulsa) Last Day Witness Oklahoma's premier high school basketball tournament live at the annual Tournament of Champions. Held…
  • West Bend Winterland (Claremore Expo Center - Claremore) Thru Sun, Dec 31st Claremore's West Bend Winterland is reminiscent of holiday memories with an ice skating rink, pictures with Santa,…

Saturday, Dec 30th

  • Chad Prather (Cox Business Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • DJ Sweet Baby Jayzus (Soundpony Lounge - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Tulsa Flea Market (Expo Square: Exchange Center - Tulsa)
  • Grind ( Masquerade Bash) (Blackbird On Pearl - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Holiday Helicopter Rides - Tour of Lights (Safari Joe's H2O Water Park - Tulsa) Last Day This holiday season, gather your family and take in Tulsa's magical light displays just like Santa - from the air -…
  • Tulsa Holiday Winter Circuit (Expo Square - Tulsa) 1 day left The Tulsa Holiday Winter Circuit is held at the Built Ford Tough Livestock Complex at Tulsa's Expo Square and is an…
  • 🎭 Tulsa intergalactic circus (The Shrine - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Kringle's Christmas Land (Tulsa Promenade Mall - Tulsa) 1 day left Experience Victorian-era Christmas in the modern age as you walk through Kringle's Christmas Land. During this…
  • 😂 Kristin Key (Loony Bin - Tulsa) 1 day left
  • MBB vs Omaha (Mabee Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:00pm Come out and support the Golden Eagles as they host Omaha @ the Mabee Center
  • 🏆 Tulsa Oilers vs. Kansas City Mavericks (BOK Center - Tulsa) Last Day Cheer on the Tulsa Oilers as they take on the Kansas City Mavericks for three exciting nights at the BOK Center in…
  • Philbrook Festival (Philbrook Museum of Art - Tulsa) 1 day left The Philbrook Museum of Art hosts the Philbrook Festival each winter, an annual holiday tradition in Tulsa.…
  • Rhema Christmas Lights (Rhema Bible Church - Broken Arrow) Thru Mon, Jan 1st Join over 200,000 annual visitors at the Rhema Christmas Lights display and witness over two million lights and over…
  • Tulsa Shoot-Out (Expo Square: River Spirit Expo - Tulsa) Last Day The Tulsa Shoot-out is the largest micro sprint racing event in the country. With up to 1,000 participants gathered at…
  • The Turnpike Troubadours + Charley Crockett (Cain's Ballroom - Tulsa) Day 1 of 2 ON SALE FRI SEP 29 10:00 AM CDT This event is all ages Advance $40 Day of Show $45 Door $45 Mezzanine (21+) $55 There is a $2 fee that applies to each ticket purchased at the Cain's Box Office. No re-entry! No smoking! No refunds! Support acts are subject to change without notice!
  • West Bend Winterland (Claremore Expo Center - Claremore) 1 day left Claremore's West Bend Winterland is reminiscent of holiday memories with an ice skating rink, pictures with Santa,…

Sunday, Dec 31st

  • Ann Bell and Friends NYE Party (The Shrine - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Crystal Ball || A New Year's Eve Masquerade (The Vanguard - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:00pm Co-Headliner: Uber Feenix Queen Jesseen
  • DangerZone Bull Riding & Futurity (Claremore Expo Center - Claremore) Head out to DangerZone Bull Riding & Futurity in Claremore this New Year's Eve for a day full of fun. The…
  • DJ Swang EM + DJ Trigger Warning (Soundpony Lounge - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Tulsa Holiday Winter Circuit (Expo Square - Tulsa) Last Day The Tulsa Holiday Winter Circuit is held at the Built Ford Tough Livestock Complex at Tulsa's Expo Square and is an…
  • Kringle's Christmas Land (Tulsa Promenade Mall - Tulsa) Last Day Experience Victorian-era Christmas in the modern age as you walk through Kringle's Christmas Land. During this…
  • 😂 Kristin Key (Loony Bin - Tulsa) Last Day
  • Mike Johnson's World's Richest Calf Roping (Expo Square: Ford Truck Arena - Tulsa) Day 1 of 2 Come see some fast-paced, high action barrel racing and calf roping during Mike Johnson's annual World's Richest…
  • Paul Bogart (Cherokee Casino Will Rogers Downs - Claremore)
  • Philbrook Festival (Philbrook Museum of Art - Tulsa) Last Day The Philbrook Museum of Art hosts the Philbrook Festival each winter, an annual holiday tradition in Tulsa.…
  • 🏃 Race Into the New Year (River West Festival Park - Tulsa) Celebrate with a 5K running/walking chip-timed race that starts at 11:45PM and allows most runners to run from one year to the next!
    One Mile fun run starts at 11:00 PM
    Have you been thinking about your New Year's Resolutions? Why not end 2017 and kick off the 2018 season by running into the New Year with RunnersWorld Tulsa.
    This is a…
  • Rhema Christmas Lights (Rhema Bible Church - Broken Arrow) 1 day left Join over 200,000 annual visitors at the Rhema Christmas Lights display and witness over two million lights and over…
  • The Turnpike Troubadours + Charley Crockett (Cain's Ballroom - Tulsa) Day 2 of 2 ON SALE FRI SEP 29 10:00 AM CDT This event is all ages Advance $40 Day of Show $45 Door $45 Mezzanine (21+) $55 There is a $2 fee that applies to each ticket purchased at the Cain's Box Office. No re-entry! No smoking! No refunds! Support acts are subject to change without notice!
  • The Turnpike Troubadours w/ American Aquarium (NYE) (Cain's Ballroom - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm ON SALE FRI SEP 29 10:00 AM CDT This event is all ages Advance $40 Day of Show $45 Door $45 Mezzanine (21+) $55 There is a $2 fee that applies to each ticket purchased at the Cain's Box Office. No re-entry! No smoking! No refunds! Support acts are subject to change without notice!
  • West Bend Winterland (Claremore Expo Center - Claremore) Last Day Claremore's West Bend Winterland is reminiscent of holiday memories with an ice skating rink, pictures with Santa,…

Monday, Jan 1st

  • 🏃 Commitment Day 5K (Life Time Fitness - Tulsa) Join us as we commit to a happy and healthy New Year on January 1. This family friendly chip timed 5K will start and finish at Life Time Fitness, South Tulsa. Memorial Drive will be closed for us as we head north and back again for an after party that is sure to be worthy of New Years Day.
  • Hangover Ball (Cain's Ballroom - Tulsa) Advance $22 Day of Show $25 Door $25 Mezzanine (21+) $42 There is a $2 fee that applies to each ticket purchased at the Cain's Box Office. No re-entry! No smoking! No refunds! Support acts are subject to change without notice!
  • Mike Johnson's World's Richest Calf Roping (Expo Square: Ford Truck Arena - Tulsa) Day 2 of 2 Come see some fast-paced, high action barrel racing and calf roping during Mike Johnson's annual World's Richest…
  • Rhema Christmas Lights (Rhema Bible Church - Broken Arrow) Last Day Join over 200,000 annual visitors at the Rhema Christmas Lights display and witness over two million lights and over…
  • 🏃 Tatur's Polar Bear Plunge (Life Time Fitness - Tulsa) 2 Mile Run/Walk. Three pool plunges, huge 7" medal, free beer, pizza, koozie and other swag.

Tuesday, Jan 2nd

See Also

submitted by tulsanewsbot to tulsa [link] [comments]

the choe method, what dvdasa means to me, where i am headed and how im going to get there.

I think you have to know what your doing. And understand the real consequences of living the life where no one else is. The choe method is best done alone or with someone who is just as crazy as you. The choe method is having IBS and holding it in for 5 hours to experience maybe the best blowjob ever. The choe method is finding out if sardines in water or oil taste better. The choe method is jail time. The choe method is will take you to places you only see in your dreams. The choe method will make you believe in a god then turn your back on him. The choe method will look will make onlookers say I hope I'm never that guy. And most of all when everything you tried fails or doesnt come right away and when you are at your weakest, the choe method will be all that you have.
Out of all the stories, from the sexcapades to Ask Asa, the ones I want to remember are the ones where David has failed. The baccarat mistake, losing one of his paintings cause he held it on top of his car going down the freeway, his chase for some release from the symptoms of not being enough ever. Failure is a symptom of trying. his many failed attempts of trying to fuck girls who have no interest in him. im sure i am missing a ton its been a while since dvdasa was on. but look where he is at now. because he laid it out all on the line. never saving for the swim back. dvdasa is about a guy who saw what he wanted and no wasnt an option.
i am lucky enough to not have a family, during my depressive self destructive years i burned all bridges to people who actually cared about me. friendless and without family i am going to try whatever idea pops into my head to try to become a millionaire, ive always had a dream to make movies/videos about the shit i think is insane in this world. i am going to gamble, i have skills enough to make a profit playing poker. the 1/2 game in nearly any casino is easy enough to beat if you want to. im going to start my own business. im going to move out of my parents house and try damnedest to become the richest mother fucker ever. im gonna starve. im gonna buy a shitty 1000 car of craigslist with my first paycheck and learn the ins and out of the mother fucker so i never have to worry about it breaking down. im gonna find some shitty 1 room closet where i can sleep and masturbate. im gonna give ten percent of my casino winnings to my parents and 50 percent is gonna go into investing in shit. honestly i can see myself killing myself living like this, but i can also see myself living like a god.
can wait to watch hong dynasty, hope your doing well dc, mangchimangchimangchi
submitted by Isthemicon99 to dvdasa [link] [comments]

Subreddit Stats: collapse top posts from 2016-11-15 to 2017-11-14 14:57 PDT

Period: 363.77 days
Submissions Comments
Total 1000 56801
Rate (per day) 2.75 155.54
Unique Redditors 321 5751
Combined Score 150174 331939

Top Submitters' Top Submissions

  1. 20994 points, 131 submissions: xrm67
    1. Coca-Cola increased its production of single-use plastic bottles by a billion last year: “We calculated it produced over 110bn throwaway plastic bottles every year –an astounding 3,400 a second– while refusing to take responsibility for its role in the plastic pollution crisis facing our oceans." (505 points, 30 comments)
    2. 100,000 newly released pages of Chemical Industry secrets “lay out a 40-year history of deceit and collusion involving the chemical industry and the regulatory agencies that were supposed to be protecting human health and the environment.” (409 points, 70 comments)
    3. Americans Are Retiring Later, Dying Sooner and Sicker In-Between: U.S. life expectancy is declining, new calculations show. (393 points, 123 comments)
    4. Kurt Vonnegut got it right... (389 points, 31 comments)
    5. In his five months on the job, Trump-appointed EPA chief Scott Pruitt has tried to block, delay or entirely uproot more than 30 environmental regulations. (340 points, 14 comments)
    6. Scientists categorize Earth as a 'toxic planet': "Earth, and all life on it, are being saturated with man-made chemicals in an event unlike anything in the planet's entire history." (339 points, 102 comments)
    7. Thirty countries use 'armies of opinion shapers' to manipulate democracy – report: “Governments are now using social media to suppress dissent and advance an anti-democratic agenda.” (305 points, 33 comments)
    8. Naval Exercises Add Trillions of Pieces of Plastic Debris to Oceans: "When taken together, the amount of environmental damage the US military is causing around the planet on an annual basis is nearly impossible to comprehend." (303 points, 33 comments)
    9. Biologists say half of all species could be extinct by end of century: “The living fabric of the world is slipping through our fingers without our showing much sign of caring.” (291 points, 48 comments)
    10. ‘Shell knew’: oil giant's 1991 film warned of climate change danger. Public information film unseen for years shows Shell had clear grasp of global warming 26 years ago but has not acted accordingly since. (288 points, 64 comments)
  2. 10390 points, 86 submissions: endtimesranter
    1. "Sadly, the truth is that much of the news that fills the 24-hour cycle simply isn’t newsworthy … and a lot of it really isn’t even news at all. It is mostly a serialized soap opera. It is personality-driven drivel. And it is rarely original reporting based on actual news..." (304 points, 58 comments)
    2. Dallas had never hit 90 degrees in November. It just did so three of the past four days. (276 points, 36 comments)
    3. Biologist: “We’re losing them right now, we’re losing them really quickly, much more quickly than I think any of us ever could have imagined.”- Coral Reefs Rapidly Dying Worldwide (243 points, 50 comments)
    4. The Trump administration's solution to climate change: ban the term - "a list of phrases to be avoided includes “climate change” and “climate change adaptation” “reduce greenhouse gases”, to be replaced by “weather extremes” and “resilience to weather extremes” Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (224 points, 39 comments)
    5. An analysis of 167 years of federal storm data by The Associated Press found that no 30-year period in history has seen this many major hurricanes, this many days of those whoppers spinning in the Atlantic, or this much overall energy generated by those powerful storms. (218 points, 20 comments)
    6. Industrial farming is driving the sixth mass extinction of life on Earth, says leading academic (204 points, 52 comments)
    7. Scientist: “Its pretty depressing that it’s only a couple of years since the 400 ppm milestone was toppled” – Global CO2 Emissions Just Breached 410ppm, Level Unseen In Millions Of Years (186 points, 32 comments)
    8. Climatologist: “It’s a scale we haven’t seen in recent history and it’s very concerning.” Forest Fires Worldwide Burning Longer At Greater Frequency & Intensity Across Wider Areas (185 points, 11 comments)
    9. FEMA Is Almost Out of Money and Hurricane Irma Is Approaching - Agency’s Disaster Relief Fund down to its last $1 billion - Fund has burned through half its money since Thursday morning (180 points, 73 comments)
    10. Abandon Florida? Not quite. But it’s time for a retreat from flood zones. --- "When you hear about a house in Houston, assessed at $72,400, that has received more than $1 million in payouts through the federal flood insurance program, it’s only natural to ask, “Why did we ever build there?" " (178 points, 61 comments)
  3. 6150 points, 36 submissions: eleitl
    1. Jesus. The House Science Committee just cited a false Breitbart report that the climate is cooling. Our Orwellian future is here. • /climate (759 points, 125 comments)
    2. [fun] 27 year-old who hasn't woken up before 9:30am in 8 years thinks he could run farm if society crumbles (380 points, 257 comments)
    3. Americans Losing Faith in College Degrees, Poll Finds (284 points, 155 comments)
    4. Coal mining health study is halted by Trump’s Interior Department – “Stopping this study is a ploy to stop science in its tracks and keep the public in the dark about health risks as a favor to the mining industry” (276 points, 62 comments)
    5. Fetal deaths rose 58% and fertility rates fell 12% after Flint switched to lead-poisoned water (265 points, 29 comments)
    6. Welcome to the new dark ages, where only the wealthy can retire (265 points, 120 comments)
    7. Al Gore: 'The rich have subverted all reason' (236 points, 117 comments)
    8. China Announces That It Will Cover Nearly A Quarter Of The Country In Forest By 2020… (235 points, 70 comments)
    9. Across 22 Countries, 57% of people think their country is in decline, 48% think young people will have worse lives than their generation, and 69% think the system is rigged against them. (199 points, 33 comments)
    10. The Invention of Capitalism: How a Self-Sufficient Peasantry was Whipped Into Industrial Wage Slaves (186 points, 153 comments)
  4. 6034 points, 38 submissions: cliffhanger1983
    1. Nowhere in America can a full-time minimum wage worker afford to rent a two-bedroom apartment (571 points, 217 comments)
    2. Get Rid of Capitalism? Millennials Are Ready to Talk About It - Bloomberg (334 points, 457 comments)
    3. Stanford Study: Poor children remain poor, rich children get even richer - MarketWatch (259 points, 72 comments)
    4. Feds Say It's Too Dangerous To Share Dakota Access Oil Spill Report-DAPL SPILL!! (249 points, 17 comments)
    5. Noam Chomsky: Imagine a World Without Neoliberals Privatizing Everything in Sight - Alternet (246 points, 46 comments)
    6. Grim report shows teen suicide rate at 40-year high (245 points, 95 comments)
    7. U.S. is a 'danger to the world', warns top economist - Reuters (239 points, 68 comments)
    8. Two-thirds say this is the lowest point in U.S. history—and it’s keeping a lot of them up at night (216 points, 113 comments)
    9. Global inequality much worse than previously thought, say economists (204 points, 62 comments)
    10. A whopping 72% of all US businesses are NOT profitable. (174 points, 71 comments)
  5. 5286 points, 25 submissions: veraknow
    1. Fentanyl is the number one cause of US overdoses. The maker of a fentanyl drug was the largest donor to the campaign opposing marijuana legalisation in Arizona. (927 points, 74 comments)
    2. Oklahoma hits 100°F in the dead of winter (349 points, 127 comments)
    3. Republicans move to sell off 3.3m acres of national land - land that provides corridors for gray wolves and grizzly bears and is the winter pasture for big game species. (335 points, 46 comments)
    4. I went to the NY and Paris climate conferences in an official capacity. I have seen what "climate action" looks like. We need more alarmism. (311 points, 140 comments)
    5. Avoiding Two Degrees of Warming 'Is Now Totally Unrealistic' - UN IPCC author (304 points, 191 comments)
    6. Record 37% of children in the UK forecast to be in poverty by 2022, undoing all progress in the last 20 years (289 points, 85 comments)
    7. Geophysicist writes paper titled: “Is Earth F**ked?” Answers: "more or less." (258 points, 88 comments)
    8. Brazil to open Amazon rainforest national reserve for mining, cancelling its nature reserve status (249 points, 49 comments)
    9. Japan declares Ogasawara Islands coral extinct (the Chinese poached it all for jewellery) (245 points, 34 comments)
    10. New Zealand plans for 3 coal mines would require clear cutting of forests in an area of outstanding biodiversity - with the coal itself shipped to developing countries (188 points, 36 comments)
  6. 3515 points, 28 submissions: ReverseEngineer77
    1. Detroit's unaffordable water hints at a U.S. crisis to come (264 points, 41 comments)
    2. Over 2000 Veterans To Form Human Shield At Dakota Pipeline Protest (220 points, 67 comments)
    3. Someone deleted some code in a popular cryptocurrency wallet — and as much as $280 million in ethereum is locked up ('s GONE!) (201 points, 123 comments)
    4. Army denies Dakota pipeline permit, in victory for Native tribes (174 points, 10 comments)
    5. We Do Not Live in “Post Truth” World, We Live in a World of Lies and We Always Have (170 points, 102 comments)
    6. ‘If anyone can hear us … help.’ Puerto Rico’s mayors describe widespread devastation from Hurricane Maria (164 points, 21 comments)
    7. Three billionaires are wealthier than half the US population (161 points, 40 comments)
    8. So many journalists have been killed in Mexico this year that a newspaper is shutting down (157 points, 28 comments)
    9. Paradise Papers: Tax haven secrets of ultra-rich exposed (145 points, 9 comments)
    10. ...AND SO IT BEGINS: World facing greatest humanitarian crisis since 1945 (136 points, 189 comments)
  7. 3460 points, 26 submissions: finiteworld
    1. Planet Will Burn Before Corporate Media Covers Climate Change as Existential Threat (220 points, 20 comments)
    2. 'Psychologically scarred' millennials are killing dozens of industries — and it's their parents' fault (213 points, 177 comments)
    3. Earth's oceans are warming 13% faster than thought, and accelerating (210 points, 44 comments)
    4. UN experts denounce 'myth' pesticides are necessary to feed the world (199 points, 35 comments)
    5. Somalia: 'People are dying..there's no water' (187 points, 95 comments)
    6. Silicon Valley Is Not Your Friend (181 points, 48 comments)
    7. The Paris climate deal won't save us, our future depends on de-growth (166 points, 88 comments)
    8. 'People aren't spending': stores close doors in 'oversaturated' US retail market (157 points, 72 comments)
    9. How Technology Hijacks People’s Minds - It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they’ve been fooled. (148 points, 11 comments)
    10. The great climate silence: we are on the edge of the abyss but we ignore it (144 points, 83 comments)
  8. 2779 points, 21 submissions: MrVisible
    1. Neoliberalism has conned us into fighting climate change as individuals (367 points, 78 comments)
    2. Global Ocean Circulation Appears To Be Collapsing Due To A Warming Planet (198 points, 55 comments)
    3. People who don't have children benefit our environment more than any campaign – it's time to celebrate them (191 points, 164 comments)
    4. Rigged. Forced into debt. Worked past exhaustion. Left with nothing. (182 points, 81 comments)
    5. How A Warm Winter Destroyed 85 Percent Of Georgia's Peaches (146 points, 21 comments)
    6. Harvey destroyed hundreds of thousands of cars in a city that relies heavily on them (132 points, 98 comments)
    7. Spring is more than two weeks early in the American southeast (128 points, 53 comments)
    8. Climate change might be worse than thought after scientists find major mistake in water temperature readings (124 points, 20 comments)
    9. Rising CO2 Levels Are Sapping Staple Crops Of Their Protein & Iron Content (122 points, 11 comments)
    10. 102 million dead California trees unprecedented in our modern history, officials say (121 points, 32 comments)
  9. 2594 points, 15 submissions: hillsfar
    1. Children of Men predicted a future of mass poverty, extreme class divide, a worsening refugee crisis, environmental ruin, and worldwide infertility. It becomes more real every day. (Seen in /lost generation) (454 points, 150 comments)
    2. Dollar General Hits a Gold Mine in Rural America. In the poorest towns, where even Wal-Mart doesn't want to go, Dollar General is moving in and turning a profit. "Essentially what the dollar stores are betting on in a large way is that we are going to have a permanent underclass in America". (408 points, 159 comments)
    3. Bluefin Tuna at the Brink: "Bluefins caught today are mostly juveniles, up to 98% of total catch. They have not reproduced and never will because they’ll never have the opportunity." (303 points, 87 comments)
    4. How We REALLY Deal with Climate Crisis: "Those of us working to avoid the worst of the climate crisis must be honest with ourselves. Humanity does not have the cultural capacities to make the transition and avoid systemic collapse" (221 points, 94 comments)
    5. Slow Crash: Two years before the 2008 crash, Harper's published a dark prophecy of what was to come. Now: "It’s more like a slow crash". "The whole economy at the end of the road is going to look like Greece or Spain or Portugal or Italy." (163 points, 20 comments)
    6. The harsh truth about economic inequality, based on thousands of years of evidence: "only the so-called 'four horsemen' of war, disease, state collapse and revolution have succeeded in leveling income" (155 points, 72 comments)
    7. Battered Puerto Rico hospitals on life support after Hurricane Maria: "If this is not taken care of, people are going to start dying". (143 points, 31 comments)
    8. Arkema Warns It Can't Prevent Potential Chemical Explosion in Texas: "As soon as the chemicals begin to degrade they start to 'self-accelerate' in a type of no-turning-back mode"... (120 points, 33 comments)
    9. Extremely Nasty Climate Wake-Up: "...sudden changes in the ecosystem are causing climate scientists to stop and ponder what’s happening to our planet, like never before." "...A team of UK scientists discovered 8,000 blue lakes formed in East Antarctica" (111 points, 11 comments)
    10. Our Planet Is So Fucked That Some Women Are Choosing to Not Have Kids: "There's this number, 9,441. That's the amount of additional metric tons of carbon you add to the atmosphere for every child you have." (100 points, 102 comments)
  10. 1962 points, 11 submissions: MichaelTen
    1. Millennial households are poorer than any other generation: Study (350 points, 156 comments)
    2. Bernie Sanders warns of 'international oligarchy' after Paradise Papers leak (317 points, 122 comments)
    3. TIL that 69% of Americans Have Less Than $1,000 USD in Savings, as of September 2016 (253 points, 140 comments)
    4. It Is Becoming Illegal To Be Homeless In America As Houston, Dallas And Dozens Of Other Cities Pass Draconian Laws (172 points, 44 comments)
    5. Tyson Foods Linked to Largest Toxic Dead Zone in U.S. History (170 points, 16 comments)
    6. Rigorous Study Finds Antidepressants Worsen Long-Term Outcomes (164 points, 62 comments)
    7. Casino Magnate Wants to Kill Bill That Would Make Nevada a Renewable Energy Powerhouse (154 points, 16 comments)
    8. Medical Debt Is the Top Cause of South Florida Homelessness, Survey Says (117 points, 8 comments)
    9. How 90% of American Households Lost an Average of $17,000 in Wealth to the Plutocrats in 2016 (104 points, 16 comments)
    10. Most Americans’ best days are behind them. Median household income peaked at least 15 years ago in 81 percent of U.S. counties. Use this interactive map to see when each county peaked. (83 points, 4 comments)
  11. 1893 points, 12 submissions: FF00A7
    1. The ozone layer is as thin as it was 30 years ago and not recovering as predicted due to new unregulated chemicals. (367 points, 41 comments)
    2. Oxygen levels ‘falling 2 to 3 times faster than predicted’ in warming oceans (216 points, 32 comments)
    3. Trump wants to pay coal companies $15/ton to burn more coal. (183 points, 48 comments)
    4. Depletion of dissolved oxygen in oceans is occurring much faster than expected, new study. "This scares me more than arctic methane." (174 points, 23 comments)
    5. Even If We Cut All Energy And Transportation Emissions, The Meat And Dairy Will Kill Us (164 points, 139 comments)
    6. Hurricane Irma covered Florida with a film of poop. (142 points, 23 comments)
    7. World must hit zero carbon emissions 'well before 2040', scientists warn - New research suggests it will be an ‘enormous challenge’ to prevent global warming getting out of hand (133 points, 56 comments)
    8. Disaster Capitalism: 2-person 2-year old company in hometown of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke lands $300 million contract to rebuild Puerto Rico electric grid. (130 points, 20 comments)
    9. "It would seem that man is destined to exterminate himself after having rendered the globe uninhabitable" (Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck, 1820) (114 points, 9 comments)
    10. Putin says expects 'fake' gas attacks by USA, "they are planning to again plant some substance and accuse the Syrian authorities". (103 points, 32 comments)

Top Commenters

  1. MrVisible (6341 points, 556 comments)
  2. NICK16_06 (4235 points, 445 comments)
  3. xrm67 (3028 points, 255 comments)

Top Submissions

  1. Fentanyl is the number one cause of US overdoses. The maker of a fentanyl drug was the largest donor to the campaign opposing marijuana legalisation in Arizona. by veraknow (927 points, 74 comments)
  2. Jesus. The House Science Committee just cited a false Breitbart report that the climate is cooling. Our Orwellian future is here. • /climate by eleitl (759 points, 125 comments)
  3. Carl Sagan in 1996. by boldra (677 points, 116 comments)
  4. Environmentalists Are Ignoring the Elephant In the Room: U.S. Military Is the World’s Largest Polluter - The US Department of Defence is one of the world’s worst polluters, its footprint dwarfs that of any corporation. by xleb1 (594 points, 147 comments)
  5. Nowhere in America can a full-time minimum wage worker afford to rent a two-bedroom apartment by cliffhanger1983 (571 points, 217 comments)
  6. FBI Uncovers Al-Qaeda Plot To Just Sit Back And Enjoy Collapse Of United States by factczech (522 points, 43 comments)
  7. Coca-Cola increased its production of single-use plastic bottles by a billion last year: “We calculated it produced over 110bn throwaway plastic bottles every year –an astounding 3,400 a second– while refusing to take responsibility for its role in the plastic pollution crisis facing our oceans." by xrm67 (505 points, 30 comments)
  8. Professor Joseph Stiglitz : Inequality is killing America. Employee income is lower than before, suicides, drugs and alcoholism is rising. Life expectancy is now going down for middle-aged white Americans. I was Chief Economist of the World Bank in the 90s, this looks like the Soviet collapse by alllie (500 points, 103 comments)
  9. Children of Men predicted a future of mass poverty, extreme class divide, a worsening refugee crisis, environmental ruin, and worldwide infertility. It becomes more real every day. (Seen in /lost generation) by hillsfar (454 points, 150 comments)
  10. The people of South Dakota democratically pass a sweeping anti-corruption bill. Republican legislature calls for "emergency" measures, cancels law, and blocks it from appearing on future ballots. by magnora7 (446 points, 34 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 392 points: CrankyDude16bit's comment in Millennials earn 20% less than Boomers did at same stage of life
  2. 259 points: MrVisible's comment in Where Did All the Men Go? The rise of the unworking. America has suffered a quiet catastrophe in the collapse of work for men
  3. 246 points: entropys_child's comment in 'Psychologically scarred' millennials are killing dozens of industries — and it's their parents' fault
  4. 187 points: deleted's comment in millennials, regardless of politics, can agree that society is fundamentally and irreparably ‘broken’
  5. 183 points: MrVisible's comment in Is anyone sick of the argument that, somehow, gay people and transsexuals are proof that Western civilization is in decline?
  6. 178 points: lazlounderhill's comment in In Orange County, California, you need $28 USD per hour to buy a one-room apartment. 70% of area jobs don't pay that much.
  7. 170 points: MakeTotalDestr0i's comment in Nowhere in America can a full-time minimum wage worker afford to rent a two-bedroom apartment
  8. 163 points: MrVisible's comment in How does one endure this shit show?
  9. 159 points: thewisesloth's comment in Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation? More comfortable online than out partying, post-Millennials are safer, physically, than adolescents have ever been. But they’re on the brink of a mental-health crisis.
  10. 157 points: radical_vegan's comment in Why Are More American Teenagers Than Ever Suffering From Severe Anxiety?
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ICO for dummies

*What is an ICO? Many has asked (and, quite conveniently, answered) this question in gigabytes of articles. But even those articles had passages that required articles (or asterisks) of their own.
There are many people, who are interested in investing, however they are far from the budding cryptocurrency market if not conventional stock market.
Many potential investors still bear scars of various Ponzi schemes: Rothstein, Payne, Pearlman — these guys had made piggy bank our go-to investment center year after year. These people (investors, not schemers, duh!) need a healthy dose of information before they feel safe to invest again.
One needs to give them a bit of cryptocurrency background. I will read you a sermon on ICO ELI5.* [url=][img][/img][/url]
This article is primarily targeted at the people who have some spare money, would like to put it somewhere, but don't want to approach banks. At the same time everybody wants to be “in”, as only squares invest in stock market. The current New Frontier is cryptocurrencies (bitcoin and altcoins), ICOs and ITOs. Last two terms are really close in their meaning and are both linked to blockchain. Of course blockchain is unthinkable without Internet, but, I guess, if you are reading this article you know how to get online!
Well, in the beginning there was blockchain. The significance of its invention analysts compare with the significance of the invention of Internet itself. Blockchain is literally a chain of blocks (crickey!). The chain basically worths ten times its weight in gold. If you put a pre SegWit Bitcoin on a floppy disk that is... I dunno why you would, but someone actually did it (one dude lost his HDD with bitcoins for real)! This information chain, or rather its blocks, is scattered across decentralized PCs all around the world. It handles transactions in cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is electronic money. “Crypto” means that they are heavily encrypted. Therefore, it is nigh impossible to forge or otherwise corrupt it for a regular user as well as a team of master hackers.
Cryptocurrency is not issued by any state or private bank. Cryptocurrency’s story began in 2008 with Bitcoin. Actually first blockchain was described in the early 1990s and became the basis for Bitcoin as the first (and the most valuable) cryptocurrency. One could describe block chains as a digital ledger — kept by all parties — in the pristine condition. It cannot be edited, changed or redacted by anyone as it is constantly verified by all other parts of the network. This organization of data storage makes the system nigh impossible to crack (it does not protect the person with wallet from some bruisers taking a crack at him IRL though).
Apart from Bitcoin there are more than 1,000 types of cryptocurrencies, however Bitcoin takes the lion share of market followed by smaller guys like Ethereum or Ripple.
Every day the market is redistributing the market shares between well-established cryptocurrencies and the newcomers. There is a chance of some new cryptocurrencies skyrocketing to the top of the coin chain, albeit a slight one.
The main advantages of cryptocurrencies: - Anonymity of the transaction’s participants is protected — only the wallet address is known, - Transaction takes seconds or minutes to transfer (depends on the miners / participants ratio or condition of the network), - Transfer fee is approximately 0.01%. - Decentralized network works without the middlemen, i.e. supported by participants themselves, - Cryptocurrencies show significant growth over fiat currencies.
However some pillars of our society (the banking system, the stock market, the state itself) are rather jealous and frown on anonymity, decentralization and high investment attractiveness as it is a rather tempting piece of investment versus the ones, provided by the state. So, it is high time to get some tokens… Token meant "sign" in Old English. In the world of E-currency it serves as a proof of transaction of money to some project. That is, the process of issuing shares, entering exchanges, distribution of shares among investors and even investing the money into the project has been considerably sped up and improved by the blockchain technology.
Also it has decreased or eliminated the significance of middlemen like stock exchanges and brokerage firms. Basically token is the equivalent of share, but unlike shareholders token holders do not become co-owners of the company.
As the term “coin” was traditionally used in the field of cryptocurrency the launch of a new coin has been called ICO (Initial Coin Offering) — similar to IPO (Initial Public Offering). There is also a separate concept of ITO (Initial Token Offering), as the tokens can act not only as virtual money, but also have other functions like provision of access to different platforms and services. But in practice, ICO and ITO are interchangeable, and if you so desire to specify, you can use other another abbreviation — TGE (Token Generation Event) — an event for the token generation.
How can you make money with ICO?
The same way you would with old-fashioned stocks. During ICO tokens are sold at the starting price, which is way lower than what it would cost in case of successful implementation of the project. For that reason ICOs are sometimes called “token sale”. Companies, which issue tokens, typically redeem them up at a price significantly higher than the starting price. That is, you buy a thousand tokens for one dollar and a year after sell them for $5. You have just made 400% annually — not so bad, right?
Of course it is not a fairytale... If we look back at the stock market state in its early years we will find peculiar similarities:
First stock market crash happened in England in 1720 and led to passing of Bubble Act — the name speaks for itself. As you know history repeats itself, but, in my opinion, first is farce... Second is tragedy... Stock market boom that took place two hundred years later in the United States led to the collapse of the entire US economy and plunge of the country into the Great Depression....
But let's look at the brighter side — some people make billions in stocks! One of the richest people in the world — Warren Buffett — made his fortune in stocks!
In the XXI century the money lie in cryptocurrencies and tokens! Let us visualize: If you had bought bitcoins in November 2016 for $740 then you would have sold them in November 2017 for $7400 (according to netting 900% annually!!!
As for the tokens — there are those, which outdone Bitcoin growth, e.g. Stratis, whose ROI (Return on Investment — another lingo word you are likely to hear) was over twenty two thousand per cent! Apart from that Stratis tokens will yield dividends like proper stocks! Another additional successful ICO project — media blockchain GOLOS. If you still do not know what it is, you can peruse their site, which is a source of peculiar news from IT field: Its ROI has been 398%.
Also if potential investors feel that the project is profitable, its tokens will sell like hotbitcakes! Just imagine: an innovative browser Brave sold more than 35 million dollars in 30 seconds! Apparently the investors were hooked on the idea of receiving cryptocurrency for ad views! To me it looks like a pretty legit idea....
One would think right away: "Where can you get the latest news about ICO?" Special sites cater to those needs — they are called ICO trackers. These websites provide information about issues of new tokens, their stats and information....
Here is a list of ICO trackers:
You can contact founders of projects, ask experts and gossip with other investors on a dedicated forum
All decent ICO projects have their YouTube channels, accounts and groups on Facebook, Twitter, Telegram and other social media... If the project is a real deal it will allocate enough resources on PR and ad campaign.
You should always be able to find White Paper and Road Map, which will guide you through all stages of the project and useful information for the investors. There should be photos of the project team and links to their social network profiles. From these photos should look people with Prudence and Integrity in their eyes, otherwise you might be in trouble...
Pay attention to sections, where it is described how you can reimburse your funds in case the project will turn pear-shaped; will they have unsold tokens burned — in this case tokens, remaining with investors, are going to grow in price.
It also looks reassuring if the project has some material base, that is — if it is connected to real economy. For example, Global Metrology Project has a Metrology Lab that is in such high demand that it plans to develop their own network of centers around the world.
In the process of choosing of a sound project for investment it is very important not to hit a snag, i.e. give money to scammers. Some ICO trackers actually warn about dishonest or straight away shady enterprises. Actually, it is a topic of a completely different article, and I might preach a sermon on it later.
How can you detect a shady enterprise — you can check the project for all the things I have been talking about in the last paragraph: Have the founders got a White Book? Is it a back of the napkin? Are all the conditions of investment stated? Do the rates even look real? All they talk about is "blockchain", but they have no connection to real economy? Shady!
Sometimes project with high hype turn out to be HYIP (High Yield Investment Program) — a kind of Ponzi scheme. Its organizers will promise you pie-in-the-sky dividends AND will actually pay them. At first... Then everything will follow the melody of Robbing Peter to pay Paul tune. One of the brand new Ponzi schemes of the XXI century is OneCoin — it has already gathered $250 M among the growing talks about its untrustworthiness and shadiness.
Certainly there are projects, which will return investment ten- or hundredfold. They are mostly connected with blockchain technology enhancement or application: starting from crypto stock markets, crypto banks and crypto casinos and all the way to tow truck, taxies and dating agencies.
So, as experts would suggest: “Thoushalt not fear to invest — Thou shalt fear shady ICOs!” Firstly, do not sell your kidney to buy some crypto money, Secondly, most experts advice to diversify: “Do not put all of your investment in one ICO.” Lastly: You have to spend time to earn money. Information equals money, so you would have to monitor zounds of sites and channels to increase your profit!
Author: Dickinson-Junior
submitted by Dickinson-Junior to icocrypto [link] [comments]

Weekly Roundup | Random Chat | Notifications

News roundup for the previous week.
In International news
  1. BRICS Bank to Finance Technological Innovation Projects: the multilateral lender approved loans worth $1.5 billion last year, mainly to finance clean energy and infrastructure developments in BRICS countriesBrazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa
  2. South Korea Vows to Protect Firms Amid China Pressure Over Thaad
  3. U.S. report accuses Taiwan of human rights violations
  4. Keener on arms from China, Bangladesh dithers on defence pact with India: Bangladesh military are not keen on purchasing defence hardware from India. They point to the poor quality of equipment India supplied to Nepal and Myanmar, while admiring Chinese equipment for being cheap and easy to use
  5. THAAD battery reaches S. Korea, deployment begins
  6. US & South Korea drills may lead to 'actual war', North Korea warns
  7. Chinese reporter Ye Qinglin 叶青林 talks about how BBC hired him to smear China and how western media brainwashes people
  8. Beijing Is Changing Its Tone In South China Sea Disputes
  9. Is Beijing outflanking the United States in the South China Sea?
  10. China and Russia have agreed to intensify their opposition to the US’ controversial THAAD missile defense system which is set to be deployed to South Korea, both countries have announced
  11. China's foreign minister calls on North Korea to halt missile tests
  12. Japan must cure its 'anxiety' about China
  13. How do you frustrate a CIA hacker? Show them Chinese
  14. Overall Best Countries Ranking 2017: China ranks in top 25
  15. China seeks global support for cyber sovereignty framework: countries should wield sovereign authority over all cyber-related matters within their territory
  16. 'Sky Net 2017' launched to capture fugitive corrupt suspects
  17. China trying to rope India, Russia in cyber pact against the West
  18. China issues report on US human rights
  19. Duterte thanks China for lightening up Philippine economy
  20. Beijing says it has reached agreement with ASEAN over disputed South China Sea
  21. Mu Cong has become the first-ever female Chinese athlete to win two bodybuilding competitions, as well as membership to the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBB)
  22. China tried to get the U.S. to negotiate with North Korea. The U.S. declined.
  23. Falling Malaysian Chinese population worrying: Analysts
  24. Russia Creates 'Special Business Force' for Work in China
  25. China blasts CIA after WikiLeaks reveals extent of agency’s hacking abilities: CIA can compromise an array of popular tech products. The CIA “lost control of the majority of its hacking arsenal,” WikiLeaks said in a statement
  26. China says trade war will only bring "pain"
  27. China Wins Nine of 10 Events at First FINA Diving World Series
  28. Racist T-shirts condemned by Chinese embassy in Germany
  29. Chinese Universities Have Plenty to Gain from Trump’s Policies, Says Scholar: United States is slowly turning away professionals, academics, and students with its current “anti-global” stance and travel ban. Their loss, however, is China’s gain, especially Chinese universities
  30. As U.S. aid and influence shrinks in Pakistan, China steps in
In Domestic news
  1. White paper: Judicial Transparency of Chinese Courts
  2. Xi's vision of media: Responsible, innovative, global
  3. China to formulate judicial exclusionary rule of illegal evidence
  4. 5-year-old girl in ICU after falling from 11th floor emulating umbrella jumping scene from cartoon [Chinese]
  5. China Counterfeiting: 8 Common Myths | China Law Blog
  6. Tibet and Xinjiang offer preferential tax terms, draw China’s jet set
  7. Baidu’s Robin Li calls for easier visas for foreign tech workers in China
  8. China's new civil code light on individual rights reforms
  9. [HNA acquires 80% share of Caijing’s parent company [Chinese]](HNA acquires 80% share of Caijing’s parent company [Chinese])
  10. Pomp and Politics: China's Annual Congress in Photos
  11. More Chinese students return from overseas in 2016: In 2016, 544,500 Chinese students studied overseas, 144,900 people more than 2012; while the number of returnees in 2016 was 432,500, up 159,600 than 2012
  12. 3 Things Chinese Tourists Are Surprised To Find When They Travel Abroad To Taiwan: People are ominously courteous, It’s not very modern, Things are cheap
  13. China approves 38 new Trump trademarks
  14. China Building 21 Nuclear Reactors to Boost National Power Supply: Of this total, the construction of five should be finished within the year. Together with "other projects," these rectors will add some 6.41 GWe of nuclear generating capacity to the national grid
  15. Women hold up half of China's winter sports "sky": Women contributed half of the gold medals for the Chinese team's Sapporo effort
  16. China considers subsidies for second children in population push
  17. Returning Chinese from Abroad Driven by Legal Barriers, Other Opportunities
  18. Premier Li Keqiang sounds warning on Hong Kong independence: Premier says separatist sentiment in Hong Kong will lead nowhere and the ‘one country, two systems’ principle will be implemented without distortion
  19. China to turn 800,000 hectares of marginal farmland into forests or grassland: China will begin to pilot projects to improve the quality of forests and restore ecosystems along the Yangtze Economic Belt
  20. China launches world’s largest oil exploration sea platform: The 42,000-tonne Bluewhale 1 is bigger, faster and can drill deeper than its rivals in disputed waters. Can reach the seabed at a depth of 3,658 metres and bore a further 15,240 metres into the earth’s crust
  21. Myanmar women illegally marry, live in Yunnan: between 20,000 to 30,000 Myanmar women married Chinese men and live in Dehong without the proper documents
In SciTech news
  1. China releases first images from Fengyun-4A geostationary weather satellite: provide high spatial, temporal and spectral resolution observations of China and surrounding areas, improving weather forecast and monitoring
  2. China is aiming to launch a new Long March 8 rocket by the end of 2018 to fill a gap in the country's carrier rocket capabilities and commercial launch prospects, a top space official has said
  3. The China gene genius: from Hebei to the pinnacle of American science. Meet the young China-born American scientist (Feng Zhang ) who is making waves with a technique that could roll back disease and usher in “designer babies”
  4. China orbited a small experimental satellite called Tiankun-1 (TK-1), utilizing the Kaituozhe-2 (KT-2) rocket, new launch vehicle. TK-1 will be used for remote sensing, telecommunications and experiments in minisatellite-based technologies
  5. China speeds 5G roll-out with world's largest test field
  6. China’s first woman in space on spacewalks, the Chinese space station, and future female astronauts. Liu Yang answered questions on the sidelines of the NPC ahead of International Women's Day
  7. China is reportedly developing a manned space mission to the moon
  8. China’s tech giants are pouring billions into US start-ups
  9. Xiaomi's Global Move: Chinese Tech Firm Challenges World's Smartphone Market. Chinese electronics company is the first to produce a smartphone powered by a custom chipset. It is also the fourth smartphone maker to have self-designed processors
  10. Why China’s internet use has overtaken the West: We’ve reached a watershed moment in Chinese people’s online lives – and their innovation will lead the way for the rest of the world.
  11. China's domestic underwater glider reached a depth of 6,329 meters during a mission in the Mariana Trench, breaking the previous record of 6,000 meters held by a U.S. vessel
  12. China to develop space rockets to launch from planes: Move comes as Beijing aims to send hundreds of military, commercial and scientific satellites into orbit
In Economic news
  1. Massive investment planned in ‘Made-in-China’ industrial robots: 100,000 industrial robots set to be built annually by 2020, with sales of service robots also expected to exceed 30 bn yuan by then, according to official forecasts
  2. China overtakes eurozone as world's biggest bank system
  3. Tesla's China Sales Triple to More Than $1 Billion - Bloomberg
  4. China February official manufacturing PMI rises to 51.6, beats forecasts
  5. German region decides to sell Hahn airport to China's HNA
  6. China creates over 13 million new urban jobs for 4 consecutive years
  7. European businesses attack China high-tech push
  8. China's Plan to Build Its Own High-Tech Industries Worries Western Businesses
  9. China’s Richest Win, Mexican Billionaires Lose With Trump Effect: The 36 Chinese billionaires on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index have increased their wealth by 13.2 percent since the real estate mogul was elected U.S. president on Nov. 8, a $39.2 billion increase
  10. China's banking system is now the biggest in the world
  11. Opinion: Beijing, Washington Face Similar Economic Challenges
  12. Xinhua Insight: China's booming "sheconomy". female consumption in China reached 2.5 trillion yuan (about 362 billion U.S. dollars) in 2015 and is expected to hit 4.5 trillion yuan in 2019
  13. New report confirms phenomenon: no country comes even close to China in self-made female billionaires
  14. Chinese yuan to be stable in 2017
  15. Asia will soon be the world’s economic center if it isn’t already
  16. Chinese goods flex more muscle in S. Korea: Chinese manufacturers, armed with lower prices and improved quality, are now venturing into new South Korean markets such as home appliances and even autos
  17. China clarifies manufacturing plan after EU group criticism
  18. China's foreign reserves rise following capital controls: reserves rose by a relatively modest $6.9 billion to just over $3 trillion
In Military news
  1. China’s claim it has ‘quantum’ radar may leave $17 billion F-35 naked: While the photons are separated, they retain their quantum link. Attempting to break that link would be a giveaway. And any attempt to distort would be equally noticeable
  2. China says it has received its largest foreign drone order: The order for the Wing Loong II was placed before the next-generation unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) successfully completed its maiden flight
  3. Latest-generation Chinese combat drone makes maiden flight: Wing Loong II that flew for the first time carry up to 480 kilograms (1,058 pounds) of bombs and missiles, can stay airborne up to 20 hours and fly at a maximum altitude of 9,000 meters (29,500 feet)
  4. Retired general: Russia and China’s military are gaining on us. US military’s ability to deliver “shock and awe” on the battlefield is being overtaken by the rapidly revamping Russian and Chinese forces, the former NATO Supreme Allied commander
  5. PLA patents declassified for civilian use
  6. China also working to add hypersonic warheads to shorter range missiles: China has conducted seven tests of a hypersonic glide missile. While Beijing has acknowledged such testing, it was previously unknown that it is also working on a short-range hypersonic weapons development program
  7. Chinese troops appear to be operating in Afghanistan, and the Pentagon is OK with it
  8. China’s capabilities threaten US superiority in new battlefronts: space, electromagnetic and cyber warfare. China launched satellites with an arm that can grab satellites. DF-ZF hypersonic vehicle will travel at more than 7,000mph. PLA has been actively creating Information Warfare militias
  9. After a decade, China may have more warships than the US: According to some estimates, over the next 10 to 15 years, China could build its fleet to a total of 500 ships, including up to four aircraft carriers and 100 submarines as well as sophisticated corvettes, patrol boats and other combat craft
  10. China to step up patrols to create 'first class' navy
  11. China Expands Its Strategic Airlift Capability, Prepares to Expand Its Sphere of Influence: Y-20 was built to fill the roles of strategic airlift, paratroop transport, and heavy airdrop missions. The AG600 is a large flying boat, capable of landing and taking off on water, or on land-based airstrips
  12. China Declassifies 3,000 Military Patents in Bid to Create Military-Industrial Complex: They cover a wide range of ideas with great potential for both military and civilian uses. These include aircraft design, vehicle design, image processing, materials, communications, measurement and control
Other Notables
  1. Clickbait about China’s ‘parliament of billionaires’
  2. Misunderstanding China (1972) - unusually self-aware documentary explores the history of racist and ignorant American perceptions of China
  3. China And Trump: Can Relations Thrive Under ‘America First’ Policy?
  4. On reacting to John Oliver's latest Last Week Tonight featuring our good friend the Dalai Lama
  5. 8-Year-Old Armless Boy Finds Academic Success: Born without arms, Jiang's parents named him after a famous quote from the Book of Changes: "As heaven's movement is ever vigorous, so must a gentleman ceaselessly strive." Jiang's parents hoped their son would be tough when facing life's difficulties
  6. E China's Women Leading Way in Entrepreneurship: "2016 Report on Zhejiang Female Entrepreneurs Report. Women in east China's Zhejiang Province have established over 1.46 million businesses. Some one-in-19 local women in the region are their own boss
  7. 《朝歌》 Zhao Ge drama trailer 2017
  8. Western liberals stole Mao's proverb “women hold up half the sky”
  9. 7,108 parts, with no single nail! Chinese man builds imposing ancient building
  10. "China's Oprah" busts The Great Wall of Zhang Yimou! (Eng Sub) 金星手撕张艺谋《长城》
  11. 解放军
  12. When China’s Got a Gripe It Can Turn a Billion People Against You
  13. Scholars debate the pros and cons of Chinese history books written by foreigners
  14. Some Recommended China Writers on Quora
  15. Pictures: Scenery of Reed Flute Cave in Guilin, China
  16. Love-struck Man Spends 21 Yrs Caring for Paralyzed Wife: Wang Bisheng and his wife Liu Guishu tied the knot 55 years ago, they were college classmates. Having looked after his wife for two decades, the man maintained that his love for her is still as fresh as it was when they met for the first time
  17. Pak-China-Russia nexus ‘scenario-changer’ for S Asia
  18. These Rare Examples of Early Photography in China Captured a Disappearing World
  19. China’s New Film Ratings Don’t Cut Out the Censors
  20. Quora: Is China colonizing Asia and Africa?
  21. Chinese patrol soldiers rescue wounded wild animals
  22. Why Is China So … Uncool?
  23. Why China's Screenwriters Are Thriving
  24. Donnie Yen To Headline ‘Sleeping Dogs’ For Neal Moritz’s Original Film
  25. Here are six talented ancient Chinese women who once impressed in their time, and still affect us in our time: Li Qingzhao, Cai Wenji, Ban Zhao, Shangguan Wan'er, Su Hui, Xue Tao
  26. The Chinese Math Rock Bands You Need To Know
  27. Power Rangers Exclusive Set Visit (2017) - Ludi Lin Movie
  28. Virtual reality enriching students' learning experience
  29. "Pink flight" launched for women on International Women's Day in SE China
  30. Marking Int'l Women's Day with speed and guts! Watch stunning skills of Chinese female drift racer
  31. The Ten Cent Pictures co-produced Action movie 'Kong: Skull Island' Roars With $3.7M in Thursday Night Previews - and is getting great reviews
  32. Democracy in a nearly chaotic state in U.S , western Europe( Brexit , populism wave , Taiwan , now since yesterday South Korea. How long westerners will keep this charade about the benefits of democracy?
  33. What is democracy in China?
  34. The Chinese Movie Stars Who Regret Their Failed Relationships with Foreign Men
  35. Chinese villagers become millionaires selling yarn online
  36. Quora: Why do Chinese political leaders have engineering degrees whereas their American counterparts have law degrees?
  37. Chinese film has bright future on the global stage
  38. Quora: Why are China's GDP growth figures questioned in the western media?
  39. House always wins: the dark side of life in Macao’s casino economy
submitted by AutoModerator to Sino [link] [comments]

Billionaire Battle Royal.

The ten richest people in the world have an all out. Who come out on top?

1 Bill Gates - Microsoft 78.6 B [all net worths are in usd]

2 Carlos Slim Helu - Telecommunications 71.6 B

3 Warren Buffett - Berkshire Hathaway 64.6 B

4 Amancio Ortega - Retail [self made] 64.3 B

5 Larry Ellison - Oracel 52.00 B

6 Charles Koch - Mining/Textiels 41.4 B

7 David Koch [brother to Charles] 41.4 B

8 Christy Walton - Wal-Mart 37.4 B

9 Sheldon Adelson - Casinos 36.1 B

10 Bernard Arnault - LVMH 35.8 B

All fighters agree to meet on a deserted island in one years time to compete in a battle to the death. Last man/woman standing acquires the fortunes and assets of the fallen. The fighters must be present on the island, and no other people are allowed to interfere or will be present. They will be allowed to bring with them whatever single item they develop in the one year prep time.
submitted by Punch_Drunk_AA to whowouldwin [link] [comments]

Pro Basketball Yesterday (#1, 15 Oct 1993)

In the inaugural edition of Pro Basketball Today, on sale Friday, October 15, 1993:
Quotes of the week:
"If coach (Don) Nelson asks me to call a time-out, I'm going to pass the ball to Chris (Mullin) and let him call it" - Chris Webber, whose infamous time-out cost the University of Michigan a national championship.
"I don't think they have a chance without him" - Jimmy Vacarro, sportsbook director of the Mirage Casino, Las Vegas, on the impact of Michael Jordan's retirement.
"I would like to stop at age 25 and just chill for the rest of my life" - Shaquille O'Neal speaking about his career plans. We think he was joking.
"As soon as you start trying to control the competition, you're going to have confusion. I mentioned to (NBA Commissioner) David Stern that we're working on it and getting under control ourselves" - New York Knicks coach Pat Riley on a proposed rule change that would suspend a player, and eventually a coach, for accumulating too many flagrant fouls. The Knicks led the NBA in flagrants.
"Basketball without Michael Jordan is like ballet without Maya Plisetskaya" - Romanian television on Jordan's exit. We couldn't agree more.
Pro Basketball Today was a weekly newspaper sold in Australia from 1993 until about 2003, and was the definitive source of news, rumours, boxscores and opinions for Australian NBA fans in the pre-Internet era.
submitted by KBee75 to NBA_Classics [link] [comments]

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