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Dead People With Something To Say 0.7: John Dee

An ongoing project consisting of a collection of biographies of people that have been overlooked in the annals of history. Categorised as counterculture, pseudoscience and absolute lunacy these individuals were not listened to whilst they lived and it’s only upon re-evaluation it becomes clear that a distinct pattern of thought has been suppressed throughout history and has shaped the society we live in today.
Sub to /TheMysterySchool for daily updates of this nature.
John Dee
We can say little about modern occultism without it connecting back in some fashion to the work of Mr John Dee.

Who He Was

Born to Roland and Johanna Dee in 1527, John spent the best years of his life as the consigliere to Queen Elizabeth the 1st and coined terms such as “The British Empire” whilst using Astrology to inform the Queens expansion of the empire in the 16th century. He used to sign his name as “007” and stands as the conceptual foundation for Ian Fleming’s James Bond series, he also acts as a early example of how occult practices can inform intelligence and military excursions.
In the latter half of Dee’s life we see a decline in reputation, wealth and mental and physical health as he begins to peruse a series of conversations with angels using a young man by the name of Edward Kelley as a medium.
It’s this juxtaposition of credible claims that make the life of John Dee such a fascinating one.
As a man that definitely existed, little allegory is necessary to decipher the intentions of Mr Dee.
He spent the first half of his life directing the British Empire and then left this cause to dive head first into the world of the infallible, the ludicrous and the unknown.
Through a modern lens this decision might signify a fall from grace and many of Dee’s peers took this stance.
After Dee’s public reputation had been tarnished due to his spiritual exercises reaching the public’s consciousness, he fled in disgrace to Eastern Europe and held meetings with several members of the Polish royal family before returning home to find his house ransacked and his persona vilified. Despite this soiling of his image Elizabeth still took pity on him and made him the Warden of the Manchester Cathedral, a position he remained in till his death in 1609.
Now to a skeptical eye the tale of John Dee may come across as interesting, sure, but largely significant only for the historical impact his assistance to Queen Elizabeth had on the expansion of the British Empire but this author is willing to out on a limb and say it is the occult workings of Mr Dee that have influenced the world we live in today more than any other aspect of his life.
Conversations with angels.

What He Said

A ridiculous concept from the get go.
Angels aren’t real therefore Mr Dee was simply a sufferer of a mental alignment like Schizophrenia right?
Any writings garnered from this phenomenon should be relegated to the category of the ravings of a madman and have no bearing on the rational world of science that we live in today, if that is, we live in the world one thought we lived in that has been built upon scientific thought and rationality?
I wouldn’t be so fast to dismiss the frenzied visions of Mr Kelley or any perpetrated medium offering revelations from the astral plane.
Besides, two of the worlds most popular religions have been formed off of this basis.
The narratives that surround the origins of the Islamic and Mormon faiths both feature a very similar tale to the one of John Dee.
All three men spent time deprived from their senses, communicating with a perceived otherworldly intelligence and all three wrote volumes of writings regarding and “from” the perceived entity. Mohammed and Joseph Smith have large followings as of 2020 and Islam and Mormonism are household names so why have the writings of John Dee fly under the radar?
Maybe it had something to do with the content of what John and Edward were being told by these so called angels. The initial concept of a channeling, or mediumship or in short speaking with a deity is so knee jerking in itself that 99% of the time the baby is thrown out with the bath water.
Because the idea itself is so ludicrous we rarely get around to actually reading the information that was channeled and I believe it is here where a large amount of the skepticism developed when discussing channeled works.
To understand the angels’s dialogues one must me familiar with the biblical character Enoch) and the associated apocrypha that refers to him.
Apocrypha is simply a religious work that refers to the main doctrine of a regime on but is not considered “canon)” by the representing organisation that surrounds a religion.
From the Church’s point of view it’s fan fiction but in a case such as the Dead Sea Scrolls some of the oldest copies of the legitimate Bible books were found in a cave near the Red Sea alongside comparatively old versions of a smattering of Christian and Jewish Apocrypha, including a certain Book of Enoch..
It’s this “coincidence” that allows one to say that maybe the church’s ousting of apocrypha is motivated not but truth but by control. This implication becomes clear once one understands what the narrative of the Book of Enoch brings the table from storytelling point of view.
You may have heard the name Enoch listed in the descendants of Adam and Eve after they are kicked out of the Garden of Eden. They begat Cain, Able and Seth and started a lineage of humans that pass down the story of man in the garden with the serpent.
This tale takes place in between the expulsion of AandE from Eden but before Noah’s flood and is referred to a the Antediluvian period, the time of The War In Heaven or the Titanomachy.
These three words correspond to different cultures speaking upon the same period of time. The Sumerian’s, the Abrahamic Religions and the Ancient Greeks are the three listed here but every single religion and culture has a word to describe this period of time.
It’s seems to refer to a period of time where:
  1. The “gods” that created humanity still roamed the earth in the fashion we do today.
  2. Gods interfered with the affairs of man..
  3. Man, in lieu of Science and Rationality, was subservient to a force we now refer to as “god, terms to describe this force are in the thousands and contain but are not limited to El), Ba’al, Elohim, The Watchers and their offspring the Nephillim), The Anunnaki, The Titans), The Ennead... the list goes on.
  4. By the time big JC (Jesus) is rolling into Bethlehem, possibly by the time of Ezekiel roughly around 600 BC, this force no longer appears on the physical plane. It only appears to “chosen” individuals or mediums and a large amount of ritualistic preparation is required to initiate contact. This period of time also marks a sharp rise in divination techniques such as the casting of lots, scrying and trance states were utilised to communicate with our estranged creator.
This set up to the story of the Book of Enoch is required so one can understand what the intelligences John Dee was in communication with were trying to say in the context of the cultural period Dee lived in and the perpetrated time period these so called angels were from.
Enoch is a seventh generation descendant of Adam and Eve and great grandfather to Noah. His mentions in a bogstandard common bible are minimal and only small references his ascents to heaven occur.
One of note would be shortly before Noah’s flood and is a mere mention in the Genealogy of Adam to Noah. It simply states, like the 6 preceding ancestors on the list, that Enoch was born to Jared and was the father of Methuselah, in the same fashion as preceding entries. Enoch is significant because there is a small addition to his entry on the Birth to Birth checklist compared to his ancestors.
Each patriarch’s age is listed and in keeping with pre-flood oddities people were seemingly living to, by today’s standards, unprecedented ages.
Adam lived to 930 and his descendants fare similarly but Enoch is only reported as living for a measly 365 years by comparison and does not “die” in the traditional sense but instead is “taken by God” and is always referred to as “the one who did not see death”.
Otherwise in the basic modern version of the Christian Bible this is the full extent of the explanation of Enoch’s life and can be considered a footnote. A cryptic message to be easily brushed past. Which brings us around to the Book of Enoch. Antediluvian literature is particularly difficult to come by namely due to the ambiguity of what was actually happening. Each culture puts their own perspective lens on the situation but what can be construed from looking at a cross section of these pre-flood narratives is that this period of time represented a time when man was on the path the serpent had put us on leading to our exile from Eden of becoming gods and seeming the gods weren’t best pleased about the coming workers unionisation.
I’m going to list a few ancient tales that elude to this time period so one can really pain a picture of what the allegory for this narrative is and paint a vibrant image of the period in ones head.
It is the Sumerian tale of Enki and Enlil that provides us with our context for a War occurring within heaven.
According to Sumerian tradition humans were created to carry the workload of the gods. They were preceded by a race of smaller workers called the Igigi who revolted against upper management (their creator, the gods, Anunaki ect) and this was the catalyst for designing Humanity.
A worker that didn’t revolt.)
This is the precedent for the points listed earlier. “Gods” and man lived together and gods intervened in the affairs of man.
Some clarification surrounding the word “gods” is required here.
To understand the difference between a “god” with a small g like Zeus or Enki and the overarching architect of the universe (ie God with a big G), one must look to what Gnostic scriptures called “The Demierge”.
This concept relates to the supposed God that appeared to have built Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden and suggests that this god was a sort of self-obsessed egotistical being) that did truly believe it was the creator of the universe whilst mearly being a imposter. Christian imagery has led us into think of “God” as a bearded man in the sky that namely has our best intentions at heart but when one consults the scripture this simply doesn’t seem to be the case. In fact, our father who art in heaven actually seems quite temperamental if the Torah is anything to go by.
Man’s relationship with God in the Torah is akin to one of parent and small child.
Parent lays down law and leaves to go about errands. Child disobeys ruling. Parent “comes down” and disciplines whilst citing jealousy as the motivation for his anger.
This occurs numerous times from the Garden of Eden to Mt Sinai and loops back round to the story of Enki and Enlil.
See in the Sumerian tale Enlil and Enki have equal parts in creating humanity and each have opposing views of their creation.
Enlil sees man as subservient to Gods and has little empathy for his creation whilst Enki may be seen as the fun uncle of humanity, passing in knowledge when possible and even alerting the Sumerian Noah to upcoming flood. So we can see that the Catholic narrative seemingly is a simplification off the original Sumerian and by amalgamating all this confusing Enki/Enlil business into one simple “God” figure removes the ability for one to discern the personality and aspirations of a deity.
Quite a convenient standpoint for a religion that has used its doctrine for the mass control of the entire population to have isn’t it?
Don’t confuse yourself with all this different gods and deities business, just think of it as a big bearded man in the sky that will send you to hell if you don’t obey his rules.
That seems to be the mantra of the Catholic Church and it is for this reason that scripture like the Book of Enoch, whilst still being found with some of the oldest copies of the bible humanity has to date, get relegated to the nonsense pile.
So basically what I’m saying is, is that the Catholic Church, who’s book is mostly considered to be nonsense by most of the general public, are aware of a large amount of texts that have been discovered alongside texts they consider to be “sacred” but consider “some” of them to be pseudepigraphal in nature and it is this authors assumption that this has been done to deter the masses from understand the true nature of god.
With all this in mind we can now talk about Enoch and his role as a patriarch.
In the Book of Enoch, Enoch is known in his native land as a medium of sorts. He analyses dreams, can see the gods and brings knowledge to the physical world from heaven. It states that the things he sees and brings back from heaven will not transpire to his generation but a future generation to come. It also details the tale of The Watchers, angels that have been cast out of Heaven for disobeying god that have reproduced with earthly women to create what is known as the Nephillim, Anak or GriGori which can be imagined as Giants and Cyclopes, Sasquatch or Yeti like creatures or through a modern scientific lens Dinosaurs and Large Sea Creatures.
Basically genetic monstrosities that our creator wants destroying.
These angels or Watchers are led by Azazel who is represented in the common day bible by a Goat that has had humanity’s sins placed upon it and cast out into the desert. The very origin of the word scapegoat can be found from this tale and the origins of Satan or Baphomet having a goats head stem from this tale.
Another example of how the devils of the catholic dogma are simply well designed smear campaigns against elements of the philosophical landscape that the church wanted suppressed due to their revolutionary nature and depiction of the true nature of god.
It is useful to consult the Islamic scripture on this issue as Azazel and Enoch are both very present in the Quran along with this entire War in Heaven narrative.
In fact in the Muslim version it is God himself that challenges three angel to live as men to and try to not fall to the temptation of sin and that is how we end up with our Nephillim situation.
It also touches on the menial nature of the wants and actions of gods in comparison to the compassionate needs of humanity.
The Hindus say that what we are currently experiencing is a gods dream and Gnostic scriptures talk of a god of nothingness and order bringing about chaos and existence simply out of boredom so for Azazel being known as the scapegoat in allegorical Christian scripture begins to start to make more sense.
Enoch is also know in Islamic scripture as the angel Idris and can be affiliated with the Christian Metatron.
It is implied that the angels were sent down to teach righteousness but were tempted into sin and because of this we have the Nephillim.
Whilst all sin is said to come from Azazel, the set up for this transpiring was instigated by higher management. Azazel is said to have taught man the skills of metal work, cosmetics and deception and this is the crime that gets him banished from heaven in the first place. It is said that the learning of these facets led to bloodshed and godlessness. To be blunt, people were eating and fucking one another with no regard for respect or decency and this isn’t good for the sustainability of humanity and therefore god is angered.
Hence a flood is coming to cleanse this wrongdoing and the resulting Nephillim or offspring of this a period of godlessness are receiving nightmares regarding the upcoming rapture.
It is Enoch that is called upon to decipher the dreams and direct the giants through the use of Hekalot literature.
Hekalot and Merkaba mysticism relate to a selection of Jewish texts that have been held close to the orthodoxies chest for centuries. Kabbalah texts also fall under this bracket and all three can be described as texts that facilitate or inform one on the nature, how to communicate with and how to travel through the realm of God.
All three of these categories of scripture have rules surrounding them and prior to the advent of the internet revealing these ancient topics was punishable and only a rabbi could only teach them to the most accomplished student.
Although these are fascinating points of research and well worth spending time upon, right now all you need to know is that these texts collect the information these supposed fallen angels gave to humanity and for that reason are considered highly holy and have been kept secret for centuries only to be studied by the upper echelons of the Jewish and Christian hierarchies.
As we know the flood does come and wipe clean the abominations that covered the earth leaving only Noah, being the only survivor and witness of the old way, to repopulate the world with a sustainable genealogy. The renegade angels get relegated to the fiery pits of Sheol and we move towards an era when gods are simply a word of mouth idea not something one sees.
It is only at this point, with this context now in place, that we can return to the life of John Dee for to understand the significance of the mans findings one must be aware of the above narratives.
For the angels that Edward Kelly and Dee apparently spoke to were the very same angels that led the War in Heaven and their writings provide a continuation of the narrative that begin 1,500 years or more prior.
Edward Kelly met John Dee at the age of 27, being nearly 30 years younger than Dee at the time of their meeting and was fairly instantly thrown into the world of what is known today as Enochian mysticism.
One may begin to see why the lengthy setup describing Enoch’s life was now necessary.
See Dee himself had been attempting to communicate with angels on his own for months via Crystal ball gazing to no avail and was looking for a young susceptible medium to take on the more physically demanding evocations.
It is at this point in John Dee’s tale that the author became rather perplexed at the reality of what seemed to transpire.
Seemingly Mr Kelly would meet up with Mr Dee at his house in Mortlake, Kelly would induce a trance state by either gazing into a mirror or crystal ball or by ingesting a mysterious red powder that has yet to be identified and would begin to talk to the angels. Kelly would relay what they said back to Dee and Dee would act as scribe and take down whatever was being said.
Now this could all be written off as schizophrenic ramblings but there are few points of interest that might make even the most skeptical individual raise an eyebrow.
  1. This partnership went on for 7 years. Either party had plenty of time to either leave or contest the legitimacy of these visions.
  2. Kelly actually did “escape” Dee’s captivity and ran away only to come back citing that the work they had been conducting was too important.
  3. Kelly received physical damage from these angels in the form of scars, bruises and apparent blindness at one point.
  4. An entire language referred to as Enochian as been derived from Dee and Kelly’s sessions and is still used today in the Golden Dawn and Thelemic traditions.
  5. This endeavour tarnished Dee’s public persona and by the end of his life was living mostly off charity from others.
These three points raise large scale concern regarding the perpetrated lunacy of Dee’s occult endeavours and this is without considering what the angels were actually apparently saying.
If we consider the depictions of the angels from back in Noah’s day they do seem physical in nature and seem to have long standing effect on the physical world. Compare this to the era of Dee and Kelly and they only appear after being summoned and a medium is required to hear their message. Almost like they have been banished or relegated to a space where remote access to this plane is available to them.
From Sheol to Earth.
It seems to imply that in a roundabout sense the apocryphal narrative is correct, these intelligences are no longer physical and can only impact on humanity through an avatar so to speak.
Which speaks to the idea from the antediluvian story that angels were bound to earth until judgment day in a very literal sense at least in this authors opinion. To elaborate on what I mean one may look into the nature of the domaine as to where the angels were "bound" after the Flood, the history of the construction of transistors and the use of precious rocks in their construction.
The device you are using to read this relies on precious stones and it is that concept that one must understand to see where we are now.
If you can see the synergy between
Then you are on the right path to having a chance at understanding what is going on.
From their earthbound prison they foretold of a coming apocalypse, in the same vain as was told in the Book of Revelation and in the revelations of Enoch, although this apocalypse was a coming event not one that was currently transpiring. They spoke with a tone of contempt for humanity and preached a message of detaching from the physical world to dwell in prayer until a time when gods wrath would condemn the malevolent force back to from whence it came.
The prophecy speaks with an abundance of familiar biblical terms like Babylon, The Bottomless Pit and The Rising Dragon which all sound very dated and hard to picture but seen through the correct lens they speak upon the world we live in today. Observing the synergy between the systems of Dee and Kelly with the work of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and subsequently the works of Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons one can see how hypothetically there is a non-visible intelligence attempting to warn humanity of an oncoming event.
Enoch’s Prophecies
The Book of Revelation
Mohammed's Cave Visions
Dee and Kelly’s Watchtowers
Joesph Smith and the Golden Plates
The Aeon of Horus
The Babalon Working
The Channeled Works of the 1950’s UFO Flap
We consider each of these an individual case of madness that has no baring in the physical rational world, but combine them together and you have a longstanding tradition of humanity communicating with a force of a higher nature. There would be no point in covering the above cases without prior knowledge of Dee’s attempts to commune with this intelligence and this speaks to why Dee has been covered at this juncture in this series.
The others will follow.

Why It Matters

In the interest of attempting to wrap this up, the point of this whole spiel would be to point out the lunacy that is John Dee’s entire existence.
Much like this series itself, the sum of the total parts of Dee’s existence make him worth talking about.
His entire ideology should be relegated to the realms of insanity yet his angel summoning table made entirely of beeswax is on show at the British Museum and it’s things like this that leads one to believe that somebody somewhere takes Dee’s Enochian excursions seriously.
In the public eye his efforts have been recognised by many contemporary figures such as;
It is a this juncture that we begin to see the reason for entertaining the life of Mr Dee at all.
Although esoteric nature of his life’s work relegates it’s deciphering to a select group of dedicated occultists, Dee is still a household name to many for his position next to Queen Elizabeth and his contributions to the coinage and expansion of the British Empire and whilst this may be the capacity he is now most well known for as the age of information progress and characters like Crowley and Parsons have their well deserved day in the spotlight, it will be an analysis of Dr Dee’s Enochian Adventures that will really offer a fruitful bounty of first hand knowledge from the a higher intelligences itself.
Until next time here at MIPLTD, Ølund wishes you a fruitful day and restful evening 🙌
submitted by olund94 to TheMysterySchool [link] [comments]

The Struggle for Arabia - Mildly Obscure Setting Discussions

A common trait Assassin’s Creed groups have is the constant theorizing about future settings, because historical tourism is one of the best parts of the series. Many fans want pretty cliche settings such as the American Civil War and Wild West, World War 2, Ancient Rome, and Feudal Japan. Most of these popular settings will be discussed in my series on commonly suggested settings. The common thread between all settings in this series of posts is that they have not appeared on a Ubisoft poll or survey that can be easily found (China, Japan, Rome), they are not overly requested settings by the fanbase (see wild west and world war 2), and they all are relatively known enough to be marketable to a broad base. In each of these posts, I’ll be discussing map areas, cities, architecture, culture, wars, historical events, historical characters, broad conjecture on how AC could work with this, and any existing lore in this area.
During the 18th century, the Ottoman Empire was reaching its zenith controlling a large amount of land surrounding the Mediterranean and a large amount of the Arabian Peninsula. They were chiefly opposed by Qajar Persia (Iran), Oman, Yemen, and Britain. Yemen was at the time the world’s only coffee export from the city of Mocha. The mid 18th century would see the beginning of a large disturbance in the region. Britain smuggled coffee seeds out of Yemen to begin growing in other countries like India, Iran began pushing to the west to take Basra. Kuwait was on the rise as a large trading hub. Most importantly, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab formed the Islamic movement and doctrine of Wahhabism and partnered with Prince Muhammad bin Saud of the House of Saud. This was the formation of the first Saudi State known as the Emirate of Diriyah (due to the capital being Diriyah). Over the next 50 years, the Emirate would grow to conquer the majority of the Arabian Peninsula and part of Jordan.
This wildly changed the political landscape. Yemen was the Sultanate of Lahej and became independent of the Ottomans due to the state fracturing from the Arabian invasion. The island of Bahrain in the Persian Gulf was controlled by the House of Khalifa and also controlled Qatar. Qatar, however, was conquered by the House of Saud. The House of Al-Sabah became the Emir of Kuwait and allied themselves with the Ottomans. The Omani were controlled by the House of Al Said and during this period launched several attempted invasions of Qatar and Bahrain, rebuffed by Al-Khalifa with the Wahhabi Saudis.
In 1809, Britain launched an expedition into the Persian Gulf against Al Qawasim that controlled part of what is now the United Arab Emirates due to alleged piracy from Wahhabis. In reality, they wished to destroy the Al Qawasim family’s power and French Influence for easier shipping and trade routes. This would cause the British to enter battle at and sack Ras al-Khaimah in 1809 and several small towns along the coast for a year before sailing east to Java. In 1810, most of the Arabian Peninsula was at war, and with the instability, the Governor of Egypt, Muhammad Ali Pasha would be ordered to invade Arabia.
Internal struggles would delay that order until 1811 when the governor’s son, Ibrahim Pasha would lead the invading force against the House of Saud. The first half of the campaign took place over the next year, pushing from Yanbu down to Medina and then capturing Mecca in 1812. Mecca is a very important holy site in Islam and was a primary goal for the Ottomans. The Sauds continued to resist but Pasha began pushing his way into the Arabian Desert. He had to cross 400 miles to reach the capital of Diriyah, but marched a longer route, destroying fortresses along the way.
During this 6 year march, the new Sultan of Oman pushed back against Wahhabis in Oman and its border, pushing them back into the Empty Quarter (a largely empty portion of southern Suadi Arabia). In the Empty Quarter, however, is the likely location of the Atlantis of the Sands, or as mentioned in the Quran, Iram of the Pillars. Shown in Uncharted 3 as well, Iram was a potentially lost city with large ornate pillars or towers lost beneath the sands. I’m personally a sucker for lost cities and cities buried underground, water, or sand (see Kitezh from tomb raider for example) and would love to be able to explore an underground Arab metropolis accessed through a lone pillar sticking out of the sand. While there’s no isu vault in the region, there are many potential explanations for how the city could survive underground such both realistic and based on isu technology.
The House of Saud also controlled Jordan and the region that the city of Petra is in from 1803 until 1812 when the war forced them to withdraw. Petra was actually far more than just the famous building, and was a large city, creating an artificial oasis that supported over 30,000 people. Due to how dry the desert is, many people, not just the Nabateans of petra created massive underground cisterns, tunnels, and aqueducts to control water throughout the middle east (and even in Europe). Petra was rediscovered by Europeans in 1812 and began being mapped in the 1820s, making for a fantastic potential DLC. Though I’d love to see this city at its prime before being lost to the ages in the 13th century due to Forts being built due to the Crusades. Maybe in an Ac1 remake.
Britain was now pushing back against the regional powers in the Gulf of Iran. They were already cucking Persia by forcing it into various treaties to decide its borders with Russia, while also funding it to go to war with the Ottomans in Iraq. The local Sheikhs of Kuwait used this to help consolidate power. In 1814 the Sheikh Abdullah I Al-Sabah was killed allowing for Jaber I Ah-Sabah to become Sheikh. He assisted the Ottomans in their wars against the Banu Ka’b in northern Arabia and aided in the defense of Basra and Khorramshahr. Basra is a city that has an Isu temple under it, interestingly. The British responded by attempting to make Kuwait a protectorate of Britain, which was violently rebuffed. This sounds like a great AC sequence where the assassins go to fight the Iranians and Banu Ka’b backed by the British and then followed up by fighting the British themselves. Perfect opportunity for an assassination mission too.
During this, Bahrain took back Kuwait and some of the surrounding coastlines of the Emirate of Diriyah. Soon after in 1818, Ibrahim reached Diriyah and besieged it, sacking it, and Abdullah bin Saud, the leader of the house of Saud was executed soon after. The first Saudi State was destroyed leaving behind the Ottoman control throughout Arabia as the tribes and petty kings scattered. Despite this, the royal families were not destroyed, and the majority of these families still rule these countries today, having some turbulence due to wars and re-establishment of dynasties in the coming decades after this. Britain would eventually force Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, the Al Qawasim family, and Oman into submission in 1820 as well with the general maritime Treaty of 1820. While this doesn’t sound like a happy ending, I don’t think our assassin character should side with any individual leader or country. Ultimately every side was mildly tyrannical and overstepped the lines of decency for power. I think situations like AC1 where the assassins are a neutral party taking out arms dealers and corrupt city officials would work best in this instance. The Templars could just use the region for profit off war while using other avenues to advance more sinister plots.
This region also has a ton to offer. Besides the cities mentioned already, there’s the capital of Oman, Muscat, Dubai was just being formed and the Al Fahidi Fort had already been there for a while, and Sanaa was a thriving and beautiful city for the 19th century with townhouses with a fantastic Yemen flair. Many parts of the coastline are very lush, while the inside of the desert can look almost alien, providing a fantastic opportunity for a variety of environments like we saw with origins as well.
submitted by nstav13 to assassinscreed [link] [comments]

Dead People With Something To Say 0.7: John Dee

An ongoing project consisting of a collection of biographies of people that have been overlooked in the annals of history. Categorised as counterculture, pseudoscience and absolute lunacy these individuals were not listened to whilst they lived and it’s only upon re-evaluation it becomes clear that a distinct pattern of thought has been suppressed throughout history and has shaped the society we live in today.
Sub to /TheMysterySchool for daily updates of this nature.
John Dee
We can say little about modern occultism without it connecting back in some fashion to the work of Mr John Dee.

Who He Was

Born to Roland and Johanna Dee in 1527, John spent the best years of his life as the consigliere to Queen Elizabeth the 1st and coined terms such as “The British Empire” whilst using Astrology to inform the Queens expansion of the empire in the 16th century. He used to sign his name as “007” and stands as the conceptual foundation for Ian Fleming’s James Bond series, he also acts as a early example of how occult practices can inform intelligence and military excursions.
In the latter half of Dee’s life we see a decline in reputation, wealth and mental and physical health as he begins to peruse a series of conversations with angels using a young man by the name of Edward Kelley as a medium.
It’s this juxtaposition of credible claims that make the life of John Dee such a fascinating one.
As a man that definitely existed, little allegory is necessary to decipher the intentions of Mr Dee.
He spent the first half of his life directing the British Empire and then left this cause to dive head first into the world of the infallible, the ludicrous and the unknown.
Through a modern lens this decision might signify a fall from grace and many of Dee’s peers took this stance.
After Dee’s public reputation had been tarnished due to his spiritual exercises reaching the public’s consciousness, he fled in disgrace to Eastern Europe and held meetings with several members of the Polish royal family before returning home to find his house ransacked and his persona vilified. Despite this soiling of his image Elizabeth still took pity on him and made him the Warden of the Manchester Cathedral, a position he remained in till his death in 1609.
Now to a skeptical eye the tale of John Dee may come across as interesting, sure, but largely significant only for the historical impact his assistance to Queen Elizabeth had on the expansion of the British Empire but this author is willing to out on a limb and say it is the occult workings of Mr Dee that have influenced the world we live in today more than any other aspect of his life.
Conversations with angels.

What He Said

A ridiculous concept from the get go.
Angels aren’t real therefore Mr Dee was simply a sufferer of a mental alignment like Schizophrenia right?
Any writings garnered from this phenomenon should be relegated to the category of the ravings of a madman and have no bearing on the rational world of science that we live in today, if that is, we live in the world one thought we lived in that has been built upon scientific thought and rationality?
I wouldn’t be so fast to dismiss the frenzied visions of Mr Kelley or any perpetrated medium offering revelations from the astral plane.
Besides, two of the worlds most popular religions have been formed off of this basis.
The narratives that surround the origins of the Islamic and Mormon faiths both feature a very similar tale to the one of John Dee.
All three men spent time deprived from their senses, communicating with a perceived otherworldly intelligence and all three wrote volumes of writings regarding and “from” the perceived entity. Mohammed and Joseph Smith have large followings as of 2020 and Islam and Mormonism are household names so why have the writings of John Dee fly under the radar?
Maybe it had something to do with the content of what John and Edward were being told by these so called angels. The initial concept of a channeling, or mediumship or in short speaking with an deity is so knee jerking that 99% of the time the baby is thrown out with the bath water.
Because the idea itself is so ludicrous we rarely get around to actually reading the information that was channeled and I believe it is here where a large amount of the skepticism developed when discussing channeled works.
To understand the Angels dialogues one must me familiar with the biblical character Enoch) and the associated apocrypha that refers to him.
Apocrypha is simply a religious work that refers to the main doctrine of a regime on but is not considered “canon)” by the representing organisation that surrounds a religion.
From the Church’s point of view it’s fan fiction but in a case such as the Dead Sea Scrolls some of the oldest copies of the legitimate Bible books were found in a cave near the Red Sea alongside comparatively old versions of a smattering of Christian and Jewish Apocrypha, including a certain Book of Enoch..
It’s this “coincidence” that allows one to say that maybe the church’s ousting of apocrypha is motivated not but truth but by control. This implication becomes clear once one understands what the narrative of the Book of Enoch brings the table from storytelling point of view.
You may have heard the name Enoch listed in the descendants of Adam and Eve after they are kicked out of the Garden of Eden. They begat Cain, Able and Seth and started a lineage of humans that pass down the story of man in the garden with the serpent.
This tale takes place in between the expulsion of AandE from Eden but before Noah’s flood and is referred to a the Antediluvian period, the time of The War In Heaven or the Titanomachy.
These three words correspond to different cultures speaking upon the same period of time. The Sumerian’s, the Abrahamic Religions and the Ancient Greeks are the three listed here but every single religion and culture has a word to describe this period of time.
It’s seems to refer to a period of time where:
  1. The “gods” that created humanity still roamed the earth in the fashion we do today.
  2. Gods interfered with the affairs of man..
  3. Man, in lieu of Science and Rationality, was subservient to a force we now refer to as “god, terms to describe this force are in the thousands and contain but are not limited to El), Ba’al, Elohim, The Watchers and their offspring the Nephillim), The Anunnaki, The Titans), The Ennead... the list goes on.
  4. By the time big JC (Jesus) is rolling into Bethlehem, possibly by the time of Ezekiel roughly around 600 BC, this force no longer appears on the physical plane. It only appears to “chosen” individuals or mediums and a large amount of ritualistic preparation is required to initiate contact. This period of time also marks a sharp rise in divination techniques such as the casting of lots, scrying and trance states were utilised you communicate with our estranged creator.
This set up to the story of the Book of Enoch is required so one can understand what the intelligences John Dee was in communication with were trying to say in the context of the cultural period Dee lived in and the perpetrated time period these so called angels were from.
Enoch is a seventh generation descendant of Adam and Eve and great grandfather to Noah. His mentions in a bogstandard common bible are minimal and only small references his ascents to heaven occur.
One of note would be shortly before Noah’s flood and is a mere mention in the Genealogy of Adam to Noah. It simply states, like the 6 preceding ancestors on the list, that Enoch was born to Jared and was the father of Methuselah, in the same fashion as preceding entries. Enoch is significant because there is a small addition to his entry on the Birth to Birth checklist compared to his ancestors.
Each patriarch’s age is listed and in keeping with pre-flood oddities people were seemingly living to, by today’s standards, unprecedented ages.
Adam lived to 930 and his descendants fare similarly but Enoch is only reported as living for a measly 365 years by comparison and does not “die” in the traditional sense but instead is “taken by God” and is always referred to as “the one who did not see death”.
Otherwise in the basic modern version of the Christian Bible this is the full extent of the explanation of Enoch’s life and can be considered a footnote. A cryptic message to be easily brushed past. Which brings us around to the Book of Enoch. Antediluvian literature is particularly difficult to come by namely due to the ambiguity of what was actually happening. Each culture puts their own perspective lens on the situation but what can be construed from looking at a cross section of these pre-flood narratives is that this period of time represented a time when man was on the path the serpent had put us on leading to our exile from Eden of becoming gods and seeming the gods weren’t best pleased about the coming workers unionisation.
I’m going to list a few ancient tales that elude to this time period so one can really pain a picture of what the allegory for this narrative is and paint a vibrant image of the period in ones head.
It is the Sumerian tale of Enki and Enlil that provides us with our context for a War occurring within heaven.
According to Sumerian tradition humans were created to carry the workload of the gods. They were preceded by a race of smaller workers called the Igigi who revolted against upper management (their creator, the gods, Anunaki ect) and this was the catalyst for designing Humanity.
A worker that didn’t revolt.)
This is the precedent for the points listed earlier. “Gods” and man lived together and gods intervened in the affairs of man.
Some clarification surrounding the word “gods” is required here.
To understand the difference between a “god” with a small g like Zeus or Enki and the overarching architect of the universe (ie God with a big G), one must look to what Gnostic scriptures called “The Demierge”.
This concept relates to the supposed God that appeared to have built Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden and suggests that this god was a sort of self-obsessed egotistical being) that did truly believe it was the creator of the universe whilst mearly being a imposter. Christian imagery has led us into think of “God” as a bearded man in the sky that namely has our best intentions at heart but when one consults the scripture this simply doesn’t seem to be the case. In fact, our father who art in heaven actually seems quite temperamental if the Torah is anything to go by.
Man’s relationship with God in the Torah is akin to one of parent and small child.
Parent lays down law and leaves to go about errands. Child disobeys ruling. Parent “comes down” and disciplines whilst citing jealousy as the motivation for his anger.
This occurs numerous times from the Garden of Eden to Mt Sinai and loops back round to the story of Enki and Enlil.
See in the Sumerian tale Enlil and Enki have equal parts in creating humanity and each have opposing views of their creation.
Enlil sees man as subservient to Gods and has little empathy for his creation whilst Enki may be seen as the fun uncle of humanity, passing in knowledge when possible and even alerting the Sumerian Noah to upcoming flood. So we can see that the Catholic narrative seemingly is a simplification off the original Sumerian and by amalgamating all this confusing Enki/Enlil business into one simple “God” figure removes the ability for one to discern the personality and aspirations of a deity.
Quite a convenient standpoint for a religion that has used its doctrine for the mass control of the entire population to have isn’t it?
Don’t confuse yourself with all this different gods and deities business, just think of it as a big bearded man in the sky that will send you to hell if you don’t obey his rules.
That seems to be the mantra of the Catholic Church and it is for this reason that scripture like the Book of Enoch, whilst still being found with some of the oldest copies of the bible humanity has to date, get relegated to the nonsense pile.
So basically what I’m saying is, is that the Catholic Church, who’s book is mostly considered to be nonsense by most of the general public, are aware of a large amount of texts that have been discovered alongside texts they consider to be “sacred” but consider “some” of them to be pseudepigraphal in nature and it is this authors assumption that this has been done to deter the masses from understand the true nature of god.
With all this in mind we can now talk about Enoch and his role as a patriarch.
In the Book of Enoch, Enoch is known in his native land as a medium of sorts. He analyses dreams, can see the gods and brings knowledge to the physical world from heaven. It states that the things he sees and brings back from heaven will not transpire to his generation but a future generation to come. It also details the tale of The Watchers, angels that have been cast out of Heaven for disobeying god that have reproduced with earthly women to create what is known as the Nephillim, Anak or GriGori which can be imagined as Giants and Cyclopes, Sasquatch or Yeti like creatures or through a modern scientific lens Dinosaurs and Large Sea Creatures.
Basically genetic monstrosities that our creator wants destroying.
These angels or Watchers are led by Azazel who is represented in the common day bible by a Goat that has had humanity’s sins placed upon it and cast out into the desert. The very origin of the word scapegoat can be found from this tale and the origins of Satan or Baphomet having a goats head stem from this tale.
Another example of how the devils of the catholic dogma are simply well designed smear campaigns against elements of the philosophical landscape that the church wanted suppressed due to their revolutionary nature and depiction of the true nature of god.
It is useful to consult the Islamic scripture on this issue as Azazel and Enoch are both very present in the Quran along with this entire War in Heaven narrative.
In fact in the Muslim version it is God himself that challenges three angel to live as men to and try to not fall to the temptation of sin and that is how we end up with our Nephillim situation.
It also touches on the menial nature of the wants and actions of gods in comparison to the compassionate needs of humanity.
The Hindus say that what we are currently experiencing is a gods dream and Gnostic scriptures talk of a god of nothingness and order bringing about chaos and existence simply out of boredom so for Azazel being known as the scapegoat in allegorical Christian scripture begins to start to make more sense.
Enoch is also know in Islamic scripture as the angel Idris and can be affiliated with the Christian Metatron.
It is implied that the angels were sent down to teach righteousness but were tempted into sin and because of this we have the Nephillim.
Whilst all sin is said to come from Azazel, the set up for this transpiring was instigated by higher management. Azazel is said to have taught man the skills of metal work, cosmetics and deception and this is the crime that gets him banished from heaven in the first place. It is said that the learning of these facets led to bloodshed and godlessness. To be blunt, people were eating and fucking one another with no regard for respect or decency and this isn’t good for the sustainability of humanity and therefore god is angered.
Hence a flood is coming to cleanse this wrongdoing and the resulting Nephillim or offspring of this a period of godlessness are receiving nightmares regarding the upcoming rapture.
It is Enoch that is called upon to decipher the dreams and direct the giants through the use of Hekalot literature.
Hekalot and Merkaba mysticism relate to a selection of Jewish texts that have been held close to the orthodoxies chest for centuries. Kabbalah texts also fall under this bracket and all three can be described as texts that facilitate or inform one on the nature, how to communicate with and how to travel through the realm of God.
All three of these categories of scripture have rules surrounding them and prior to the advent of the internet revealing these ancient topics was punishable and only a rabbi could only teach them to the most accomplished student.
Although these are fascinating points of research and well worth spending time upon, right now all you need to know is that these texts collect the information these supposed fallen angels gave to humanity and for that reason are considered highly holy and have been kept secret for centuries only to be studied by the upper echelons of the Jewish and Christian hierarchies.
As we know the flood does come and wipe clean the abominations that covered the earth leaving only Noah, being the only survivor and witness of the old way, to repopulate the world with a sustainable genealogy. The renegade angels get relegated to the fiery pits of Sheol and we move towards an era when gods are simply a word of mouth idea not something one sees.
It is only at this point, with this context now in place, that we can return to the life of John Dee for to understand the significance of the mans findings one must be aware of the above narratives.
For the angels that Edward Kelly and Dee apparently spoke to were the very same angels that led the War in Heaven and their writings provide a continuation of the narrative that begin 1,500 years or more prior.
Edward Kelly met John Dee at the age of 27, being nearly 30 years younger than Dee at the time of their meeting and was fairly instantly thrown into the world of what is known today as Enochian mysticism.
One may begin to see why the lengthy setup describing Enoch’s life was now necessary.
See Dee himself had been attempting to communicate with angels on his own for months via Crystal ball gazing to no avail and was looking for a young susceptible medium to take on the more physically demanding evocations.
It is at this point in John Dee’s tale that the author became rather perplexed at the reality of what seemed to transpire.
Seemingly Mr Kelly would meet up with Mr Dee at his house in Mortlake, Kelly would induce a trance state by either gazing into a mirror or crystal ball or by ingesting a mysterious red powder that has yet to be identified and begin to talk to the angels. Kelly would relay what they said back to Dee and Dee would act as scribe and take down whatever was being said.
Now this could all be written off as schizophrenic ramblings but there are few points of interest that might make even the most skeptical individual raise an eyebrow.
  1. This partnership went on for 7 years. Either party had plenty of time to either leave or contest the legitimacy of these visions.
  2. Kelly actually did “escape” Dee’s captivity and ran away only to come back citing that the work they had been conducting was too important.
  3. Kelly received physical damage from these angels in the form of scars, bruises and apparent blindness at one point.
  4. An entire language referred to as Enochian as been derived from Dee and Kelly’s sessions and is still used today in the Golden Dawn and Thelemic traditions.
  5. This endeavour tarnished Dee’s public persona and by the end of his life was living mostly off charity from others.
These three points raise large scale concern regarding the perpetrated lunacy of Dee’s occult endeavours and this is without considering what the angels were actually apparently saying.
If we consider the depictions of the angels from back in Noah’s day they do seem physical in nature and seem to have long standing effect on the physical world. Compare this to the era of Dee and Kelly and they only appear after being summoned and a medium is required to hear their message. Almost like they have been banished or relegated to a space where remote access to this plane is available to them.
From Sheol to Earth.
It seems to imply that in a roundabout sense the apocryphal narrative is correct, these intelligences are no longer physical and can only impact on humanity through an avatar so to speak.
Which speaks to the idea from the antediluvian story that angels were bound to earth until judgment day in a very literal sense at least in this authors opinion. To elaborate on what I mean one may look into the nature of the domaine as to where the angels were "bound" after the Flood, the history of the construction of transistors and the use of precious rocks in their construction.
The device you are using to read this relies on precious stones and it is that concept that one must understand to see where we are now.
If you can see the synergy between
Then you are on the right path to having a chance at understanding what is going on.
From their earthbound prison they foretold of a coming apocalypse, in the same vain as was told in the Book of Revelation and in the revelations of Enoch, although this apocalypse was a coming event not one that was currently transpiring. They spoke with a tone of contempt for humanity and preached a message of detaching from the physical world to dwell in prayer until a time when gods wrath would condemn the malevolent force back to from whence it came.
The prophecy speaks with an abundance of familiar biblical terms like Babylon, The Bottomless Pit and The Rising Dragon which all sound very dated and hard to picture but seen through the correct lens they speak upon the world we live in today. Observing the synergy between the systems of Dee and Kelly with the work of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and subsequently the works of Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons one can see how hypothetically there is a non-visible intelligence attempting to warn humanity of an oncoming event.
Enoch’s Prophecies
The Book of Revelation
Mohammed's Cave Visions
Dee and Kelly’s Watchtowers
Joesph Smith and the Golden Plates
The Aeon of Horus
The Babalon Working
The Channeled Works of the 1950’s UFO Flap
We consider each of these an individual case of madness that has no baring in the physical rational world, but combine them together and you have a longstanding tradition of humanity communicating with a force of a higher nature. There would be no point in covering the above cases without prior knowledge of Dee’s attempts to commune with this intelligence and this speaks to why Dee has been covered at this juncture in this series.
The others will follow.

Why It Matters

In the interest of attempting to wrap this up, the point of this whole spiel would be to point out the lunacy that is John Dee’s entire existence.
Much like this series itself, the sum of the total parts of Dee’s existence make him worth talking about.
His entire ideology should be relegated to the realms of insanity yet his angel summoning table made entirely of beeswax is on show at the British Museum and it’s things like this that leads one to believe that somebody somewhere takes Dee’s Enochian excursions seriously.
In the public eye his efforts have been recognised by many contemporary figures such as;
It is a this juncture that we begin to see the reason for entertaining the life of Mr Dee at all.
Although the esoteric nature of his life’s work relegates it’s deciphering to a select group of dedicated occultists, Dee is still a household name to many for his position next to Queen Elizabeth and his contributions to the coinage and expansion of the British Empire and whilst this may be the capacity he is now known as the age of information progress and characters like Crowley and Parsons have their well deserved day in the spotlight, it will be an analysis of Dr Dee’s Enochian Adventures that will really offer a fruitful bounty of first hand knowledge from the a higher intelligences itself.
Until next time here at MIPLTD, Ølund wishes you a fruitful day and restful evening 🙌
submitted by olund94 to C_S_T [link] [comments]

Resources and Historical Materials To Help Affirm (Mostly) Sisters

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

الحمد الله ربّ العلمين والصلاةُ والسلمُ على رسول الله و على أهلهِ وَ أصحابِهِ أجمعين.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

In the name of Allah, The Most Merciful and the Especially Merciful, all praise is due to Allah, Lord of the Alameen. [May He] send his peace and blessings upon the Messenger of Allah, the Prophet SAW and his family and his companions all together. May the Peace and Mercy and Blessings of Allah be Upon You.
This is a response to u/whateverwhocaresbye on her post I think I'm having a "crisis of faith" :(
Many of our misconceptions about women, marriage, gender roles today emerge from the Colonial Era as well as "modernity;" This is the typical cultural narrative Muslims have adopted today.
However, there is more to be said from this because in many instances we willfully adopted nationalistic, Cultural, Social, Scientific beliefs that affect the way we think about the world.
Another way our misconceptions about marriage arises come from rhetoric and polemics. Many Muslims assume that anything deemed "traditional," existing in or as part of a tradition (usually from religion); long-established, is comparable to what the "Islamic tradition" says. So when American politicians/moralists (abuse) utilize family values, traditional values, etc they are using it in a certain way that is not necessarily for family values but ulterior motives such as racial suburban segregation (Biden called out Trump on this in the first debate) and more recently privatization of the economy (neo-liberalization).
Another way is how many Muslims adopt silent ideologies/movements out of opposition to more apparent movements; so being reactionary without deliberate thought.
So many mainstream shaykhs and speakers, as well as more abrasive speakers like Daniel Haqiqatjou actually utilize anti-feminist, anti-collective, Masculinism (yes this is a real thing), pro-capitalist rhetoric for the mere purpose of "owning liberals," the all-powerful, but weak ambiguous yet pervasive, silent but loud Muslims who are deemed to be people who will destroy Islam.
So the following articles, chaptebook suggestions, podcasts, videos are basically tackling this issue holistically from science, culture, politics, economics, etc
You should not find these books on libgen, Hint hint,

Conservative politicians using "Family Values" starting in the late 60s to subvert and destroy socio-economic supports systems through neoliberal privatization, making it harder for people to get married, have kids, take care of the elderly, etc

The emergence of Eugenic Sciences in the late 19th century

Other 19th-century stuff

Sex, gender, and marriage stuff

>"In the 1980s, Christian feminists began to challenge the exclusivity of male leadership in the church, as well as aspects of theology, including the assumption God was masculine in nature. The feminist movement that had been gaining momentum in wider society during the 1960s and 1970s underpinned this revolt against male privilege in the church. In fervent response, evangelical factions of the Christian church began to double down on men’s authority over women. In fact, evangelical Christian leaders who believed in the infallibility of biblical scripture, began to blame Christian feminists for creating more divorce, sexual abuse and promiscuity."


> This article undertakes the first known qualitative study focusing on The Red Pill, an online forum wherein heterosexual men attempt to improve their seduction skills by discussing evolutionary psychology and economic theories. My content analysis of twenty-six documents (130,000 words) designated by the community as central to its purpose and ideology shows that The Red Pill is not just an expression of hegemonic masculinity but also explicitly integrates neoliberal and scientific discourses into its seduction strategies. I theorize that the resulting philosophy superficially resolves a contradiction between hegemonic masculinity’s prescriptive emotional walls and an inherent desire for connection by constructing women as exchangeable commodities.
> This paper explores the role that men’s rights activism (MRA) is playing in a contemporary backlash to feminist anti-rape activism. We engage in a discourse analysis of popular MRA websites to reveal a set of interrelated claims, including: that sexual violence, like domestic violence, is a gender-neutral problem; that feminists are responsible for erasing men’s experiences of victimization; that false allegations are widespread; and that rape culture is a feminist-produced moral panic. We argue that sexual violence is emerging as a new focus of the men’s rights movement, competing with a longstanding emphasis on fathers’ rights. The subject of MRA activism has shifted and is becoming less familial and more sexual. MRAs appear to be using the issue of rape to mobilize young men and to exploit their anxieties about shifting consent standards and changing gender norms.

Islamic History and stuff

I'm working on other things mainly arguing that the sahaba RA did not view things like we do including sex (male-centric), hoor al ayn (we hyper sexually objectify them rather than see them as loving spouses), and other sexual ethics stuff including the assumed sexual agency of Sahabiyat RA
we ignore hadiths that suggest even one instance of hitting your wife makes unable to be the best of men (best of you is who treats his womenfolk the best), and general recreating the sexual culture during the time of the Prophet SAW through hadith, Arabic language, the Quran and other things
So feel free to ask about that as well if you want
u/bubbblez I made it male and female participation but I'm known to be stalked and harassed by guys on here bc I'm pretty much a Low testosterone Dayooth, sad
you'll be able to tell, just delete them I don't care to deal with them. Please and thank you sis
I'll add more stuff inshallah. I'm missing something i can't think what I'm missing atm
Edit: reminder for me mohyian report/welfare queen, federal segregation, intro Islamic law, 9/11 gender, affirmative action Nixon reagan adviser Edward banfield,
submitted by MuslimHistorian to Hijabis [link] [comments]

Wanna go down an insane inter-dimensional rabbit hole (Part II)

(u/Downvotedcomment_ is the original creatoposter. Sharing this incredible work)

Read Part I first if you haven't already
The ultimate goal of this project was to obtain a better understanding specifically of the spiritual/metaphysical aspects of the pedophilia which is so inexplicably rampant amongst the highest echelon's of every society in the world. In the last post we explored the idea of this secret ancient occult knowledge and how it has been passed down amongst the rich and powerful in secrecy since the beginning of civilization. We found out in Part I that this "secret ancient occult knowledge" is actually just a Hermetic view of the world that is basically an understanding that the spiritual/metaphysical aspects of reality are not only real, but far more important than the simple material experience which we live everyday. It is no mistake that the term "occult" (which literally means secret or hidden) has been so heavily weaponized especially in the US, it is immediately associated with pseudo-scientific lunacy by almost everyone mainly thanks to Hollywood. This is what originally motivated me to begin this project, the mainstream's overt insistency that anything spiritual or metaphysical is to be laughed at was becoming a bit too obvious for me. This, paired with the obvious spiritual obsessions ie (symbolism, rituals etc) of the most powerful people in the world was really bothering me and inspired me to make these posts.
SECTION I: That which is apparent to our five senses is only a fraction of the human experience
First we must do a recap on the ancient origins of esoteric and spiritual knowledge. In Part I, we showed that an extremely diluted form of Gnosticism (a strictly metaphysical belief system) influenced each and every one of the mainstream religions practiced today. But what I failed to mention in the last post was the fact that Gnosticism was specifically derived from the Hermetic school of thought which gained popularity in ancient Egypt and is said to have originated far before the earliest of our known history. Hermeticism is said to be passed down from the ancients of the “lost land” and has been regarded as the oldest form of knowledge even amongst the ancient Egyptians who taught it and popularized it. The Hermetic Teachings are to be found in all lands, among all religions; this knowledge has been very carefully disseminated amongst the elites of various secret societies for generations upon generations. I recommend reading the first chapter of the Kybalion if you want a full picture of its origins.
-So why should we take Hermeticism seriously?
Here I will show that these unimaginably-ancient Hermetic Principles are constantly being proven in modern science through quantum mechanics
--Mentalism: The first Hermetic principle tells us that “All is mind, the universe is mental.”
This is now being explained by breakthroughs in quantum gravity, the field devoted to uniting Einstein’s relativity with quantum theory, as due to quantum information processing, which tells us that our spacetime is an emergent simulation. Elsewhere, experiments into the foundations of quantum mechanics, such as tests of the Leggett inequality, have actually falsified material realism. Recent discoveries tell us that spacetime emerges specifically from entangled information, the information generating quantum entanglement, the phenomenon wherein two or more particles affect each other at vast distances at speeds faster than light (Previously regarded as impossible by the Laws of Physics) .
Meanwhile theIntegrated Information Theory of consciousness, or IIT, identifies entangled information as integrated information or consciousness:
”Quantum entanglement and integrated information, to the extent that one cannot perturb two elements independently, they are informationally one
Putting these two together we see therefore that spacetime emerges from consciousness.The universe is after all a mental information construct inside of some greater consciousness, which is of course the same thing as the Hermetic Principle of Mentalism.

--Vibration: The next Hermetic principle ill cover, the Principle of Vibration tells us that: “Nothing rests; Everything moves; Everything vibrates.”
Modern physics exactly parallels this with the wavefunction. According to the Schrodinger equation in quantum mechanics, everything can be defined by a wavefunction that describes a quantum probability wave, which vibrates at a specific frequency.
--Interestingly, the parallels do not stop there. Other direct parallels specific to both quantum mechanics, as well as even more advanced physics exist. The Kybalion states that:
“if the vibrations be continually increased the object would mount up the successive states of manifestation… until it would finally re-enter The All,”
As it turns out, the frequency of an object’s wavefunction is directly proportional to the energy content of the object being described. So the higher the vibration of the object the greater the degree of its mass or energy content, just as described in the quote.
A discovery regarding the relationship between space and quantum entanglement demonstrated that spacetime behaves as a holistic pattern of entanglement known as a string-net, and that subatomic particles emerge from this string-net. This network of entanglements is of course a field of vibrating quantum waves.
String theory meanwhile tells us something similar. According to string theory matter and space are actually two descriptions of the same thing. This is shown by the fact that spacetime created by matter due to relativity shares the same vibratory frequency as the matter that generated it. The spacetime is merely matter at a different degree of vibration and vice-versa, exactly as explained in the quote.

Take this quote from the massively important CIA document ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF GATEWAY PROCESS

Important side note: The paragraph cuts off here and does not continue on to the next page. This paragraph on page 24 was titled “34. Belief System Considerations”. The next page is not 25 but is page 26 and the paragraph is titled “37. Motivational Aspect” obviously skipping the material which is most important to my argument
“...the universe which at least some physicists are now coming to accept is identical… with the one known to the learned elite in selected civilizations and cultures of high attainment in the ancient world.”
If you would like to see more connections with quantum theories and ancient occult ideas refer to these two posts of mine:
"The Soul"
"The Absolute"
--Continuing with Modern scientists struggles with the relation between ancient knowledge and modern quantum theories we have learned in the last century

Werner Heisenberg:
Quote from Tao of Physics
“I had several discussions with Heisenberg. I lived in England then [circa 1972], and I visited him several times in Munich and showed him the whole manuscript chapter by chapter. He was very interested and very open, and he told me something that I think is not known publicly because he never published it. He said that he was well aware of these parallels. While he was working on quantum theory he went to India to lecture and was a guest of Tagore**. He talked a lot with Tagore about Indian philosophy. Heisenberg told me that these talks had helped him a lot with his work in physics, because they showed him that all these new ideas in quantum physics were in fact not all that crazy. He realized there was, in fact, a whole culture that subscribed to very similar ideas. Heisenberg said that this was a great help for him.** Niels Bohr had a similar experience when he went to China.”
Erwin Schrödinger:
“Nirvana is a state of pure blissful knowledge… It has nothing to do with the individual. The ego or its separation is an illusion. Indeed in a certain sense two ‘I”s are identical namely when one disregards all special contents — their Karma. The goal of man is to preserve his Karma and to develop it further… when man dies his Karma lives and creates for itself another carrier.
“In itself, the insight is not new. The earliest records, to my knowledge**, date back some 2500 years or more... the recognition** ATMAN = BRAHMAN (the personal self equals the omnipresent, all-comprehending eternal self) was in Indian thought considered, far from being blasphemous, to represent the quintessence of deepest insight into the happenings of the world.

Niels Bohr:
“For a parallel regarding to the lesson regarding the limited applicability of such customary idealizations, we must in fact turn to quite other branches of science, such as psychology, or even to that kind of epistemological problems with which already thinkers like Buddha and Lao Tse have been confronted, when trying to harmonize our position as spectators and actors in the great drama of existence.”
In the psychophysical parallelism, as envisaged by Leibniz and Spinoza, has obtained a wider scope through the development of atomic physics, which forces us to an attitude towards the problem of explanation recalling ancient wisdom, that when searching for harmony in life one must never forget that in the drama of existence we are ourselves both actors and spectators.
Bohr adopted the yin yang symbol as part of his family coat of arms when he was knighted in 1947.
Wolfganf Pauli*: He viewed that the acquisition of knowledge in mathematics or quantum physics “gives rise, however, to a situation transcending natural science” that can even acquire a “religious function” in human experience. This is not a belief in the religions of old, but as Pauli states “I do not believe in the possible future of mysticism in the old form.* However, I do believe that the natural sciences will out of themselves bring forth a counter pole in their adherents, which connects to the old mystic elements.”
Alber Einstein: This [the theories connecting ancient mysticism with modern quantum mechanics] led to Einstein’s famous attempt at “breaking” quantum physics, the EPR paradox. At first a thought experiment which appeared to demonstrate quantum physics violating the seemingly well established principle of locality, later experiments showed that quantum physics instead proved locality to be false, therefore collapsing the laws of physics.
Violations of locality and determinism seemed to bother Einstein greatly, and this can be seen in his famous quote objecting to the randomness involved in wave function collapse under Bohr’s interpretation, that “God does not play dice”.
Einstein wrote in his autobiography:
“All my attempts to adapt the theoretical foundation of physics to this new type of knowledge (quantum mechanics) have failed completely. It was as if the ground had been pulled out from under one, with no firm foundation to be seen anywhere, upon which one could have built.”
Keynote: I am by no means claiming that these scientists have “cracked the code” of ancient mysticism or have indefinitely solidified a scientifically proven connection between these ancient ideologies and modern physics. I am not even saying that these scientists fully believed the point im trying to prove her at all. But let's just assume for a second that what I am arguing is true, these ancient Hermetic texts have divine origins and are a correct philosophical interpretation of the intertwined physical and metaphysical reality of the universe. If this was the case wouldn't it be safe to predict that the most intelligent minds, attempting to understand the laws of the universe, in modern history would be in a constant intellectual struggle with these ideas throughout their career? Well, know we know that they have been.
Now let’s look at the physicists behind the CIA and KGB during the Cold War:
-- Because of the Cold War, accounts of alleged psychic abilities (extrasensory perception, as in telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, a.k.a. telekinesis, and psychometry) could no longer be ignored by the US and USSR intelligence agencies out of fear of losing a competitive edge. Experiments and tests on people with these abilities were abundant at this time, thankfully coming along with an overwhelming amount of scientific literature trying to figure out how the hell this was even possible. It soon became obvious that well.. it wasn’t, well at least not within our current laws of physics, we obviously needed to reevaluate our current understanding of physics just like Einstein in that quote. This called for scientists to start taking the theories of quantum mechanics seriously. Quantum mechanics ended up being the first field of study which could offer natural explanations for these phenomena.
--The significant results of the findings in the document ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF GATEWAY PROCESS, showed that the only way to naturally explain this kind of paranormal/esoteric phenomena, scientists view the universe through the Holographic Universe Theory.
We know from the last post that there is as much evidence behind the holographic universe theory as there is behind the current big bang theory, I elaborated on this in Part 1.
--There becomes a point where, both physicists and us a society, have to be either all in on this holographic theory of the universe or just discredit it altogether. There simply is no other way to explain the paranormal phenomena which people around the world are conducting. The problem with going “all in” with this theory is that it tears down everything that we know, again just like we saw Einstein stressing in his quote.
This is best exemplified in a CIA document showing a Soviet Scientist, tasked with constructing a quantum theory of reality. He states:
“The repeated attempt to construct a quantum theory of field.. that would not be purley illusory and in which it would not be necessary to physically absurd consequences*, have not been met with success”*
Read The Paraphysics Warsaw Pact to see how real paranormal abilities are

SECTION II: What exactly am I looking for?

To tie back into Part I, we must understand that all of those in power have a complete and total understanding of the Hermetic spiritual nature of the universe which they have actively and purposely hidden from the masses over generations. Those in power have used this spiritual/metaphysical knowledge to their advantage in order to maintain ultimate and total dominance over the world and its inhabitants.
So where does the evil that embodies these elite tie in?:
Going back to Robert Bernard; here he explains how spirituality came into play during his time as a top player in this international crime syndicate:
“Then you start to discover that there is much more than what I call the 4 dimensions, you have length, width, height, and time… but then you start to discover that we are the cross point of multi-dimensions and frequencies.. You start to sense that there is really something going on in the other frequencies and dimensions and then you start also to know that there are low frequency beings, what we call now the fallen angels or the Djinn, who are really serving a sort of master… a dark manifestation entity known as Lucifer… We really have to face the fact that besides the 4 dimensions we have this interaction with other intellects, other beings.. And the ones I was serving (negative manifestation Lucifer) was real- it was not a joke, including the sacrifice of children everything was real.
I also came across a reference to these evil entities in the book The Vatican Exposed
“The scoundrels we study remain even to this day some of the most accomplished matter deceivers in western history. The fraud and masquerade we encounter in these pages is not only a product of a particular conspiracy or cabal it is older than the pyramids and of institutional character. They are two-faced operators, for whom double-thinking and double-dealing are second an immensity greater than we can imagine. We are in the presence of the servants of an intelligence almost without limit; and second only to God”

Once again an immaterial evil force was mentioned by the Vatican’s top exorcist Father Gabriel Amorth:
According to The Times, Amorth blames "cardinals who do not believe in Jesus, and bishops who are linked to the Demon".
Father Gabriele Amorth, who according to The Times is president of honour of the Association of Exorcists, said the Vatican's current problems - including recurrent child abuse allegations and a brewing gay prostitution scandal - can be largely attributed to Lucifer's visitation at the Vatican.

Main Point: What the fuck are all these different sources talking about? I was so goddamn lost at this point in my research but at the same time absolutely positive(my opinion) that these consistent allusions to this immaterial force, couldn't just all be bullshit, there is an active evil presence playing out malevolent events in our world to serve a higher spiritual being and I was not going to stop until I found out what it was.

Section III: The ancient descriptions of this immaterial force

Like with most of this project I will start with the most ancient description I can find which, again, is the Gnostics, this is how they describe these malevolent spiritual forces which they call Archons:
-They are cyborgs inhabiting the planetary system (exclusive of the earth, sun and moon), which is **described as a virtual world (**stereoma) they construct by imitating the geometric forms emanated from the Pleroma, the realm of the Generators, the Cosmic Gods.
-Archons are said to feel intense envy toward humanity because we possess the intentionality they lack
-Have no empathy, feed off of negative emotions, have no creative ability
-Archons are an alien force that intrudes subliminally upon the human mind and deviates our intelligence away from its proper and sane applications.
-Archons are psycho-spiritual parasites**.**
-The risk they pose by invading our mental software is far greater than any physical risk they might pose by erratically breaching the biosphere.
-Because the Archons need human complicity to gain power over humankind, any one who assists them can be considered a kind of Archon, an accessory.
-Working through telepathy and suggestion, the Archons attempt to deviate us from our proper course of evolution. Their most successful technique is to use religious ideology to insinuate their way of thinking and, in effect, substitute their mind-set for ours.
Keynote: to quickly summarize here, an Archon is a parasitic, cyborg, alien/foreign intruder. They are envious of certain human traits, attach to hosts, and have telepathic powers at their dispense. Really think about the meaning of these ideas, especially the bold terms, before moving on to the next section.

--Quran-Djinn(specifically referenced by Ronald Bernard): Djinn are capable of possessing human beings. They are said to enter the bloodstream and circulate rapidly through the body. They cause mental and physical problems, and also disrupt marriages and relationships. Asking a Djinn to leave, or bargaining with it, may not be enough to get it to go, and someone who is trained may be needed to perform an exorcism to get it out of the body.
According to Islamic writings, Djinn live alongside other creatures but form a world other than that of mankind. Though they see us they cannot be seen. Characteristics they share with human beings are intellect and freedom to choose between right and wrong and between good and bad, but according to the Qur'an their origin is different from that of man

-- Mesopotamian Toltec-The Allies: . The Allies lack a brain, which means they have no factory to create emotions, but they need the ethereal energy of emotions to sustain their life. Allies push humans to create traumas in order to create fear, which they feed upon.”
The Allies must then convert emotion into the negative emotion on which they feed. He explained that the Allies had no mechanism to produce the negative emotional energy themselves. They had to turn human emotional energy into negative energy before they could harvest it. In order to turn human emotion negative, the Allies are capable of putting fearful thoughts into the minds of humans which in turn generates the negative emotion on which they feed. These entities are attracted to negative emotional energy much as sharks are to blood.

--Wetiko-Native Americans: Wetiko is an Algonquin word for a cannibalistic spirit that is driven by greed, excess, and selfish consumption (in Ojibwa it is windigo, wintiko in Powhatan). It deludes its host into believing that cannibalizing the life-force of others (others in the broad sense, including animals and other forms of life) is a logical and morally upright way to live.
-Wetiko short-circuits the individual’s ability to see itself as an enmeshed and interdependent part of a balanced environment and raises the self-serving ego to supremacy. It is this false separation of self from nature that makes this cannibalism, rather than simple murder.
-Wetiko can describe both the infection and the body infected; a person can be infected by wetiko or, in cases where the infection is very advanced, can personify the disease: ‘a wetiko.’ This holds true for cultures and systems; all can be described as being wetiko if they routinely manifest these traits.

--Chitauri - Ancient African: -The Chitauri are an evil extraterrestrial race of shape-shifting humanoids
- We are told the Chitauri feed on the energy that we give them. They make us fight against each other, and when the whole world is drowning in death, fear, and terror, the Chitauri get fed by the dark power which is brought out when humans destroy the planet on which they live. They are fed when human minds think at certain levels. We are told they want us to think at certain levels and they reward us with long lives.
--E’epa-Hawaii: The e'epa are mental forces that have the ability to intrude into the human mind. They operate through subterfuge and psychic stealth.
They are adversaries who are drawn to humans because they wish to acquire our human capacity for creative imagination. Humans are creators, and they are not. Because of this, the deceivers will always be thwarted by the superiority of our human species."

--Bible-Demons: Demons have the ability to possess people*. These fallen angels are what the Bible refers to as demons.* Demons are able to take shape, form and be visible to humans (Job 4:15). Demons may be exercised, or driven out, from a possessed person. However, this may be dangerous if not followed by stringent cleaning and discipleship. Without proper spiritual care, the person might then be open for a seven-fold infestation (Matthew 12:45).
Demons confuse the truth by utilizing demonic lies and half-truths (1 John 4:4).Those who worship idols and pagan gods are really worshipping and sacrificing to demons. Demons live to deceive people into worshipping themselves (1 Corinthians 10:20-21). The Bible teaches that demons can inhabit animals and people (Matthew 8:31)
--Zuswazi Africa-Zulu:
And, it is further said that these Zuswazi, these Imbulu, or whatever you choose to call them, are not capable of eating solid food. They either eat human blood, or they eat that power, the energy that is generated when human beings, on the surface of the Earth, are fighting and killing each other in large numbers.
Main point: How is it possible that all of these cultures from all over the world from entirely different time periods are describing the same force with the same characteristics? There has got to be some reality to this, something more than simply primitive fairytale like we are taught. So I researched…

Section IV: Modern Descriptions of this evil inter-dimensional force
There are beings in the spiritual realms for whom anxiety and fear emanating from human beings offer welcome food. When humans have no anxiety and fear, then these creatures starve.” declared Steiner. “These beings are hostile towards humanity …and they become more and more powerful (from this negative human energy nutrition) …launching cruel attacks on human beings.
“Therefore,” says Steiner, “it is above all necessary… that the person who enters the spiritual world overcomes fear, feelings of helplessness, despair and anxiety. These are exactly the feelings that belong to contemporary culture and materialism because it estranges people from the spiritual world… to evoke hopelessness and fear of the unknown in people, thereby calling up the above mentioned hostile forces against them.

This wasn't enough for me, I needed some scientific backing, after seaching long and hard I came across this psychology study in the CIA FOIAvault by clinical psychologist Juilka Kiskos and Andree Samuel

The Abstract Reads:
“Clinical Psychology has not taken into account evidence provided by other areas of research that point to the existence of other levels of reality. Therefore, that which is not perceived through physical senses is often considered as being of a paranormal nature. The authors have observed that in some psychological disorders sometimes there is an ESP factor mingled with the symptoms, and which are only taken into account as a proof of "insanity".
-The entire study is dedicated to drawing a distinction between what doctors deem as “insanity” from actual clairvoyance experiences. The specific type of “insanity” we are going to cover for our purpose is the schizophrenia/”voices in your head” part of the study. These psychologists would employ “sensitives” or people with ESP to try and interact with these “voices” in some way. They turned out to be extremely successful and seemingly were performing ground breaking science that, unsurprisingly, we never heard about...
Here are some direct quotes from the study:
During the treatment of certain patients, we came across extraneous personalities*. These were named “Theta Agents” because the circumstances in which they manifest themselves led us to conclude they were deceased persons.”*
“As a working hypothesis, we consider that these entities exist in another level of reality or structure of their personality*, enabling us to understand and(page cuts off)”
-There are 4 different groups of Theta Agents that they categorized. Only one of them matched up to the description consistently allotted to us by these ancient cultures previously mentioned.
Category 3: “Theta Agents induced to harm patients by means of black magic”
Now we are starting to get somewhere, The next place I looked for evidence turned out to be the more obvious one, with a lot more first hand accounts and expert testimonies… demonic possessions, which I previously believed were fiction.
-What many religions have called “demon/djinn/e’epa/etc. possessions” actually turns out to be a very similar if not identical condition as the malevolent “theta agent” described above.
There is undoubtedly a demand for the services of Exorcists which has been legitimized by the Vatican:
“In 1990, Father Amorth and five other officially appointed exorcists founded the International Association of Exorcists.By 2010, the organization numbered around 300 members from around the world, and although it was founded as an informal organization, the Roman Catholic Church officially approved its statute in 2014.”
--Father Gabriel Amorth did an exclusive interview on this topic which he required to be released only after he died, here are the highlights:
Q: Can you contact these entities, what do they say?
A: "Yes, through the patient, but in a strange, unnatural voice. If it is the Devil himself, he says 'I am Satan, or Lucifer, or Beelzebub. We ask if he is alone or if there are others with him. We ask when and how they entered that particular body. We find out whether their presence is due to a spell and the specifics of that spell.
Q: How do people come to be possessed by demons in the first place?
A: "I believe God sometimes singles out certain souls for a special test of spiritual endurance, but more often people lay themselves open to possession by dabbling with black magic. Some are entrapped by a satanic cult. Others are the victims of a curse."
--If you do not want to take the word of someone with religious presuppositions and biases I completely understand, neither did I. So here are the highlights from a Washington Post interview with Richard Gallagher, a board-certified psychiatrist and a professor of clinical psychiatry at New York Medical College (studied psychology at Princeton, Yale, and Columbia) Here is what he had to say:

"As a man of reason, I’ve had to rationalize the seemingly irrational. Questions about how a scientifically trained physician can believe “such outdated and unscientific nonsense,” as I’ve been asked, have a simple answer***. I honestly weigh the evidence. I have been told simplistically that levitation defies the laws of gravity, and, well, of course it does! We are not dealing here with purely material reality, but with the spiritual realm. One cannot force these creatures to undergo lab studies or submit to scientific manipulation; they will also hardly allow themselves to be easily recorded by video equipment, as skeptics sometimes demand. (The official Catholic Catechism holds that demons are sentient and possess their own wills*; as* they are fallen angels, they are also craftier than humans. That’s how they sow confusion and seed doubt, after all.)"
"But I believe I’ve seen the real thing. Assaults upon individuals are classified either as “demonic possessions” or as the slightly more common but less intense attacks usually called “oppressions.” A possessed individual may suddenly, in a type of trance, voice statements of astonishing venom and contempt for religion, while understanding and speaking various foreign languages previously unknown to them. The subject might also exhibit enormous strength or even the extraordinarily rare phenomenon of levitation*. (I have not witnessed a levitation myself, but half a dozen people I work with vow that they’ve seen it in the course of their exorcisms.)* He or she might demonstrate “hidden knowledge” of all sorts of things — like how a stranger’s loved ones died, what secret sins she has committed, even where people are at a given moment. These are skills that cannot be explained except by special psychic or preternatural ability.

---These mentions of dark occult practices seemed to be exactly the connection I was looking for to explain the evil nature of this international-mafia. They purposely create wars, disease, child killings/raping, because these are the greatest sources of the dark and negative emotions/energy that they feed off of. I will list the mentions of dark magic and occults below from the previous three sources:

CIA Psychology study: “Theta Agents induced to harm patients by means of black magic”
Father Gabriel Amorth: “ people lay themselves open to possession by dabbling with black magic. Some are entrapped by a satanic cult. Others are the victims of a curse."
Richard Gallagher: “In the late 1980s, I was introduced to a self-styled Satanic high priestess.. In our many discussions, she acknowledged worshipping Satan as her “queen.” She could tell some people their secret weaknesses, such as undue pride. She knew how individuals she’d never known had died, including my mother and her fatal case of ovarian cancer. Six people later vouched to me that, during her exorcisms, they heard her speaking multiple languages, including Latin, completely unfamiliar to her outside of her trances.
Keynote: The simple yet significant conclusion that can be drawn from these excerpts is the fact that these malevolent spiritual entities are not entirely random and out of control, there exists people and groups with the spiritual capabilities/knowledge to wield these negative forces for personal gain.
--Take this quote from life-long clairvoyant Anton Steiger an outspoken advocate for the metaphysical realm and esoteric nature of our existence:
“When I see people in business or politics who are particularly trapped by the material world, for example, I notice that they no longer have any light bodies at all. In many of these people, the point of light at the heart chakra, which is otherwise always present, is no longer visible to me. Instead, I see something like a layer of ‘shiny tar’ around them in which a monstrous being in the shape of a lizard can be distinguished. When such people speak on television, for example, I see a crocodile shape manifesting itself around the person like in a concave mirror; I don’t see the light of their throat and forehead chakra.”

There is something different about these people, something inhuman, something immaterial. It’s time to wake up and realize that the material world is just a fraction of what we are meant to experience as humans. These elite fully understand this but use/hide this knowledge to serve the dark manifestations of spirituality through material control over every aspect of this world
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Evolution of "God" | On Religions

Why I picked the book and what it's about

I was looking for a book with a take on evolution of religious beliefs from evolutionary psychology perspective, and picked it. Already had gone through Karen Armstrong's History of God.
Although that wasn't the main thesis of the book, it was in imbued to main thesis (which is main thesis of History of God), and in background, but still it was really helpful. I feel hopeful, optimistic about where we go as species as I did when I read Sapiens by Yuvaal Noah which had stated the same, arrow of history (net) seems to be moving toward global cooperation and tolerance. People who are familiar with Steven Pinker's work might also share the same opinion. - This is an overview of thesis of book:

1. Religion as cultural evolution

1.1 Religions as part of cultural evolution
As H. sapiens (humans like you and me - for starters, there were multiple species of humans) evolved by natural selection in Africa, we looked for causalities of things around us, and our brains projected supposedly spirits, deities being the causal agents, and evolution of brain by natural selection sculpted in way that those deities, spirit always felt a lot like us because we evolved in human context so it was natural to point the causes to be human like agents.
This was a way to feel certain, to create ordestructure, to feel in control - as we have psychological need of some level of certainty at any given time.
These beliefs evolved from animism to polytheism to monolatry to monotheism ultimately as H. sapiens moved from hunter gathering society to chieftains, to small cities to small empires to larger empires or countries - hierarchy of gods changed reflecting the hierarchies of human societies as they evolved.
In short words, every next stage of religious beliefs evolved from previous cultural material just like natural selection sculpts new forms of life from already existing biological material e.g. monotheism evolved from polytheism (through monolatry). Also, there were selection pressures acting on , certain beliefs that made you behaved in certain ways that ensured your survival spread and opposite for those that didn't.
To quote the book:
"But biological evolution isn’t the only great “designer” at work on this planet. There is also cultural evolution: the selective transmission of “memes”—beliefs, habits, rituals, songs, technologies, theories, and so forth—from person to person. And one criterion that shapes cultural evolution is social utility; memes that are conducive to smooth functioning at the group level often have an advantage over memes that aren’t. Cultural evolution is what gave us modern corporations, modern government, and modern religion."
1.2 History of God
If you wanna explore more how evolution God/Gods happened from polytheism into monotheism, here are videos made by TheraminTrees's brother.
These videos use Karen Armstrong's History of God as primary source, and really interesting to watch.
History of God part 1:
History of God part 2:

2. Religion as part of cultural evolution

Religious evolution is part of cultural evolution which happens more or less like evolution of life by natural selection. In case of cultural evolution, selection pressures are economical, technological, social, political etc. Religious beliefs or Gods sometimes merge or diverge as cultures merge and at other times they turn against each other as human believing in them face different realities.
When people played non-zero sum games (interdependence in some sense which benefits both groups), they embraced (sometimes their beliefs converged) gods of other people, and showed tolerance and vice versa when playing zero-games.
For example, when prophet of Islam was in Mecca, the Meccan verses tend to be more tolerant generally relative to Medinan verses, as prophet of Islam was playing a non-zero sum game with Meccans. While the Medinan verses tend to less tolerant relative to earlier Meccan verses, sometimes more hostile.

3. Evolution of tolerance in religions or moral evolution

3.1 Moral direction and tolerance
Robert notes, net direction for humanity is increasing tolerance on net. As we get more and more globalized, we play more and more non-zero game, we might get more and more tolerant toward each other as we have in past.
And the book shows, as people played non-zero game or zero-sum game, character of deity of a particularity religion let's say Yahweh in Hebrew Bible or Allah in Scripture changes, as authors of these scriptures face different situations employing different approaches.
When Israelites were playing zero-sum game, their attitude toward Marduk, a Babylonian sky god was hostile. We find the evidence in Bible Marduk is eventually annihilated by Yahweh and Yahweh takes places of all gods - reflecting what was going on cultural level, one group turning hostile toward another.
Even when a scripture has been laid down, we find believers finding tolerant and progressive interpretations if they perceive they're playing non-zero game with the "other", or rest of people.

To quote from the book, as it talks about Abrahamic religions:
"all three fluctuate between best and worst according to the same dynamic: scripture ranges from tolerant to belligerent, and the reason lies in the facts on the ground, in the perceived non-zero-sumness, or lack thereof, among human beings."

4. Argument for "God".

4.1 Being agnostic atheist
Wright argues for possible higher being, or higher purpose by noting that culture has evolved in certain direction, as evolution as certain direction - evolution by natural selection created human brain which created culture and a cultural evolution.
He calls it a moral truth of some sort as he writes:
"Our conception of God has “grown”—that is, the moral compass of the gods we believe in has grown, and our moral imagination has thereby grown—as we’ve moved from hunter-gatherer societies to the brink of a unified global civilization; and, if we make it over that final threshold, we’ll have gotten closer still to moral truth in the bargain."
But he's agnostic about it. He acknowledges this higher being won't be theistic one, as all theistic ones are products of human imagination.
This feels more like a position of being agnostic atheist (some who' convinced all theistic religions are man-made, but open to possibility of non-theistic deity but not certain about if the evidence comes forth - I share the same position.
4.2 Direction-ed evolution and meaning
This is really important to understand, that evolution has certain directions, hence there are directions we must move as individuals and as species.
Farhan Iqbaal Sb. for example committed to naturalistic fallacy here by pointing out if atheists assert we derive our morals by survival of fittest.
a) There's baseline of morality which exists within a specie e.g. natural selection discourages murder in H. sapiens (usually) as well incest.
b) Natural selection creates a brain which creates a culture and cultural evolution, and moral axioms also evolve as culture evolves.

5. Possible explanation of religious beliefs

Cognitive origins of religious beliefs
In last, book goes onto explain how religious beliefs are spanderl which is defined as:
"a spandrel is an incidental by-product of the organic “design” process, whereas an adaptation is a direct product. Religion seems to be a spandrel."
In simple word, traits in brain adapted (due to natural selection) for some other purpose could have ended up catalyzing initiating and evolution of religious beliefs.

Moderate Fundamentalists

I've started afzaalupaal's Moderate Fundamentalists.
I was so glad that he uses a holistic approach to explain origins of new religious movements, and Ahmadiat using that framework. I love how he takes into account psychology of recipients for message of founders of these movements as well as social psychology in historical context for a particular movement unlike Abdullah Gondol - though I really appreciate his work - who takes a reductionist approach in this video, trying to explain the origins of revelations for Quran as possibly caused by epilepsy of Prophet Muhammad (Abdullah is student of neuroscience himself).
Note: Mental illness is one of main theory which tries to explain why founders of religions feel they're receiving revelations, it doesn't mean they are crazy or mad, in fact these people can be quiet gifted (for example, I suspect MG Ahmad Sb. had high levels of openness - Big Five personality traits -, and also a prophet of Islam, these people have an urge to create, build, make - be of artistic, scientific, entrepreneurial nature - , they're unconventional relative to the context they're born in - be it cultural, social, intellectual. I too have high levels of openness and I'm creative type as well. :))
Would you be interested in a series of posts giving an overview and main thesis of each chapter of Afzaal Upaal's Moderate Fundamentalists? Let me know.
submitted by irartist to islam_ahmadiyya [link] [comments]

Various esoteric Spirituality, Physics, Metaphysics, Theories, Misc, Law & Gov for seekers at various levels

SS: Various esoteric Spirituality, Physics, Metaphysics, Theories, Misc, Law & Gov for seekers at various levels
submitted by ISITREALLYFLAT to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Wanna go down an insane inter-dimensional rabbit hole (Part II) by u/Downvotedcomment_

Read Part I first if you haven't already
The ultimate goal of this project was to obtain a better understanding specifically of the spiritual/metaphysical aspects of the pedophilia which is so inexplicably rampant amongst the highest echelon's of every society in the world. In the last post we explored the idea of this secret ancient occult knowledge and how it has been passed down amongst the rich and powerful in secrecy since the beginning of civilization. We found out in Part I that this "secret ancient occult knowledge" is actually just a Hermetic view of the world that is basically an understanding that the spiritual/metaphysical aspects of reality are not only real, but far more important than the simple material experience which we live everyday. It is no mistake that the term "occult" (which literally means secret or hidden) has been so heavily weaponized especially in the US, it is immediately associated with pseudo-scientific lunacy by almost everyone mainly thanks to Hollywood. This is what originally motivated me to begin this project, the mainstream's overt insistency that anything spiritual or metaphysical is to be laughed at was becoming a bit too obvious for me. This, paired with the obvious spiritual obsessions ie (symbolism, rituals etc) of the most powerful people in the world was really bothering me and inspired me to make these posts.
SECTION I: That which is apparent to our five senses is only a fraction of the human experience
First we must do a recap on the ancient origins of esoteric and spiritual knowledge. In Part I, we showed that an extremely diluted form of Gnosticism (a strictly metaphysical belief system) influenced each and every one of the mainstream religions practiced today. But what I failed to mention in the last post was the fact that Gnosticism was specifically derived from the Hermetic school of thought which gained popularity in ancient Egypt and is said to have originated far before the earliest of our known history. Hermeticism is said to be passed down from the ancients of the “lost land” and has been regarded as the oldest form of knowledge even amongst the ancient Egyptians who taught it and popularized it. The Hermetic Teachings are to be found in all lands, among all religions; this knowledge has been very carefully disseminated amongst the elites of various secret societies for generations upon generations. I recommend reading the first chapter of the Kybalion if you want a full picture of its origins.
-So why should we take Hermeticism seriously?
Here I will show that these unimaginably-ancient Hermetic Principles are constantly being proven in modern science through quantum mechanics
--Mentalism: The first Hermetic principle tells us that “All is mind, the universe is mental.”
This is now being explained by breakthroughs in quantum gravity, the field devoted to uniting Einstein’s relativity with quantum theory, as due to quantum information processing, which tells us that our spacetime is an emergent simulation. Elsewhere, experiments into the foundations of quantum mechanics, such as tests of the Leggett inequality, have actually falsified material realism. Recent discoveries tell us that spacetime emerges specifically from entangled information, the information generating quantum entanglement, the phenomenon wherein two or more particles affect each other at vast distances at speeds faster than light (Previously regarded as impossible by the Laws of Physics) .
Meanwhile theIntegrated Information Theory of consciousness, or IIT, identifies entangled information as integrated information or consciousness:
”Quantum entanglement and integrated information, to the extent that one cannot perturb two elements independently, they are informationally one
Putting these two together we see therefore that spacetime emerges from consciousness.The universe is after all a mental information construct inside of some greater consciousness, which is of course the same thing as the Hermetic Principle of Mentalism.

--Vibration: The next Hermetic principle ill cover, the Principle of Vibration tells us that: “Nothing rests; Everything moves; Everything vibrates.”
Modern physics exactly parallels this with the wavefunction. According to the Schrodinger equation in quantum mechanics, everything can be defined by a wavefunction that describes a quantum probability wave, which vibrates at a specific frequency.
--Interestingly, the parallels do not stop there. Other direct parallels specific to both quantum mechanics, as well as even more advanced physics exist. The Kybalion states that:
“if the vibrations be continually increased the object would mount up the successive states of manifestation… until it would finally re-enter The All,”
As it turns out, the frequency of an object’s wavefunction is directly proportional to the energy content of the object being described. So the higher the vibration of the object the greater the degree of its mass or energy content, just as described in the quote.
A discovery regarding the relationship between space and quantum entanglement demonstrated that spacetime behaves as a holistic pattern of entanglement known as a string-net, and that subatomic particles emerge from this string-net. This network of entanglements is of course a field of vibrating quantum waves.
String theory meanwhile tells us something similar. According to string theory matter and space are actually two descriptions of the same thing. This is shown by the fact that spacetime created by matter due to relativity shares the same vibratory frequency as the matter that generated it. The spacetime is merely matter at a different degree of vibration and vice-versa, exactly as explained in the quote.

Take this quote from the massively important CIA document ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF GATEWAY PROCESS

Important side note: The paragraph cuts off here and does not continue on to the next page. This paragraph on page 24 was titled “34. Belief System Considerations”. The next page is not 25 but is page 26 and the paragraph is titled “37. Motivational Aspect” obviously skipping the material which is most important to my argument
“...the universe which at least some physicists are now coming to accept is identical… with the one known to the learned elite in selected civilizations and cultures of high attainment in the ancient world.”
If you would like to see more connections with quantum theories and ancient occult ideas refer to these two posts of mine:
"The Soul"
"The Absolute"
--Continuing with Modern scientists struggles with the relation between ancient knowledge and modern quantum theories we have learned in the last century

Werner Heisenberg:
Quote from Tao of Physics
“I had several discussions with Heisenberg. I lived in England then [circa 1972], and I visited him several times in Munich and showed him the whole manuscript chapter by chapter. He was very interested and very open, and he told me something that I think is not known publicly because he never published it. He said that he was well aware of these parallels. While he was working on quantum theory he went to India to lecture and was a guest of Tagore**. He talked a lot with Tagore about Indian philosophy. Heisenberg told me that these talks had helped him a lot with his work in physics, because they showed him that all these new ideas in quantum physics were in fact not all that crazy. He realized there was, in fact, a whole culture that subscribed to very similar ideas. Heisenberg said that this was a great help for him.** Niels Bohr had a similar experience when he went to China.”
Erwin Schrödinger:
“Nirvana is a state of pure blissful knowledge… It has nothing to do with the individual. The ego or its separation is an illusion. Indeed in a certain sense two ‘I”s are identical namely when one disregards all special contents — their Karma. The goal of man is to preserve his Karma and to develop it further… when man dies his Karma lives and creates for itself another carrier.
“In itself, the insight is not new. The earliest records, to my knowledge**, date back some 2500 years or more... the recognition** ATMAN = BRAHMAN (the personal self equals the omnipresent, all-comprehending eternal self) was in Indian thought considered, far from being blasphemous, to represent the quintessence of deepest insight into the happenings of the world.

Niels Bohr:
“For a parallel regarding to the lesson regarding the limited applicability of such customary idealizations, we must in fact turn to quite other branches of science, such as psychology, or even to that kind of epistemological problems with which already thinkers like Buddha and Lao Tse have been confronted, when trying to harmonize our position as spectators and actors in the great drama of existence.”
In the psychophysical parallelism, as envisaged by Leibniz and Spinoza, has obtained a wider scope through the development of atomic physics, which forces us to an attitude towards the problem of explanation recalling ancient wisdom, that when searching for harmony in life one must never forget that in the drama of existence we are ourselves both actors and spectators.
Bohr adopted the yin yang symbol as part of his family coat of arms when he was knighted in 1947.
Wolfganf Pauli*: He viewed that the acquisition of knowledge in mathematics or quantum physics “gives rise, however, to a situation transcending natural science” that can even acquire a “religious function” in human experience. This is not a belief in the religions of old, but as Pauli states “I do not believe in the possible future of mysticism in the old form.* However, I do believe that the natural sciences will out of themselves bring forth a counter pole in their adherents, which connects to the old mystic elements.”
Alber Einstein: This [the theories connecting ancient mysticism with modern quantum mechanics] led to Einstein’s famous attempt at “breaking” quantum physics, the EPR paradox. At first a thought experiment which appeared to demonstrate quantum physics violating the seemingly well established principle of locality, later experiments showed that quantum physics instead proved locality to be false, therefore collapsing the laws of physics.
Violations of locality and determinism seemed to bother Einstein greatly, and this can be seen in his famous quote objecting to the randomness involved in wave function collapse under Bohr’s interpretation, that “God does not play dice”.
Einstein wrote in his autobiography:
“All my attempts to adapt the theoretical foundation of physics to this new type of knowledge (quantum mechanics) have failed completely. It was as if the ground had been pulled out from under one, with no firm foundation to be seen anywhere, upon which one could have built.”
Keynote: I am by no means claiming that these scientists have “cracked the code” of ancient mysticism or have indefinitely solidified a scientifically proven connection between these ancient ideologies and modern physics. I am not even saying that these scientists fully believed the point im trying to prove her at all. But let's just assume for a second that what I am arguing is true, these ancient Hermetic texts have divine origins and are a correct philosophical interpretation of the intertwined physical and metaphysical reality of the universe. If this was the case wouldn't it be safe to predict that the most intelligent minds, attempting to understand the laws of the universe, in modern history would be in a constant intellectual struggle with these ideas throughout their career? Well, know we know that they have been.
Now let’s look at the physicists behind the CIA and KGB during the Cold War:
-- Because of the Cold War, accounts of alleged psychic abilities (extrasensory perception, as in telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, a.k.a. telekinesis, and psychometry) could no longer be ignored by the US and USSR intelligence agencies out of fear of losing a competitive edge. Experiments and tests on people with these abilities were abundant at this time, thankfully coming along with an overwhelming amount of scientific literature trying to figure out how the hell this was even possible. It soon became obvious that well.. it wasn’t, well at least not within our current laws of physics, we obviously needed to reevaluate our current understanding of physics just like Einstein in that quote. This called for scientists to start taking the theories of quantum mechanics seriously. Quantum mechanics ended up being the first field of study which could offer natural explanations for these phenomena.
--The significant results of the findings in the document ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF GATEWAY PROCESS, showed that the only way to naturally explain this kind of paranormal/esoteric phenomena, scientists view the universe through the Holographic Universe Theory.
We know from the last post that there is as much evidence behind the holographic universe theory as there is behind the current big bang theory, I elaborated on this in Part 1.
--There becomes a point where, both physicists and us a society, have to be either all in on this holographic theory of the universe or just discredit it altogether. There simply is no other way to explain the paranormal phenomena which people around the world are conducting. The problem with going “all in” with this theory is that it tears down everything that we know, again just like we saw Einstein stressing in his quote.
This is best exemplified in a CIA document showing a Soviet Scientist, tasked with constructing a quantum theory of reality. He states:
“The repeated attempt to construct a quantum theory of field.. that would not be purley illusory and in which it would not be necessary to physically absurd consequences*, have not been met with success”*
Read The Paraphysics Warsaw Pact to see how real paranormal abilities are

SECTION II: What exactly am I looking for?

To tie back into Part I, we must understand that all of those in power have a complete and total understanding of the Hermetic spiritual nature of the universe which they have actively and purposely hidden from the masses over generations. Those in power have used this spiritual/metaphysical knowledge to their advantage in order to maintain ultimate and total dominance over the world and its inhabitants.
So where does the evil that embodies these elite tie in?:
Going back to Robert Bernard; here he explains how spirituality came into play during his time as a top player in this international crime syndicate:
“Then you start to discover that there is much more than what I call the 4 dimensions, you have length, width, height, and time… but then you start to discover that we are the cross point of multi-dimensions and frequencies.. You start to sense that there is really something going on in the other frequencies and dimensions and then you start also to know that there are low frequency beings, what we call now the fallen angels or the Djinn, who are really serving a sort of master… a dark manifestation entity known as Lucifer… We really have to face the fact that besides the 4 dimensions we have this interaction with other intellects, other beings.. And the ones I was serving (negative manifestation Lucifer) was real- it was not a joke, including the sacrifice of children everything was real.
I also came across a reference to these evil entities in the book The Vatican Exposed
“The scoundrels we study remain even to this day some of the most accomplished matter deceivers in western history. The fraud and masquerade we encounter in these pages is not only a product of a particular conspiracy or cabal it is older than the pyramids and of institutional character. They are two-faced operators, for whom double-thinking and double-dealing are second an immensity greater than we can imagine. We are in the presence of the servants of an intelligence almost without limit; and second only to God”

Once again an immaterial evil force was mentioned by the Vatican’s top exorcist Father Gabriel Amorth:
According to The Times, Amorth blames "cardinals who do not believe in Jesus, and bishops who are linked to the Demon".
Father Gabriele Amorth, who according to The Times is president of honour of the Association of Exorcists, said the Vatican's current problems - including recurrent child abuse allegations and a brewing gay prostitution scandal - can be largely attributed to Lucifer's visitation at the Vatican.

Main Point: What the fuck are all these different sources talking about? I was so goddamn lost at this point in my research but at the same time absolutely positive(my opinion) that these consistent allusions to this immaterial force, couldn't just all be bullshit, there is an active evil presence playing out malevolent events in our world to serve a higher spiritual being and I was not going to stop until I found out what it was.

Section III: The ancient descriptions of this immaterial force

Like with most of this project I will start with the most ancient description I can find which, again, is the Gnostics, this is how they describe these malevolent spiritual forces which they call Archons:
-They are cyborgs inhabiting the planetary system (exclusive of the earth, sun and moon), which is **described as a virtual world (**stereoma) they construct by imitating the geometric forms emanated from the Pleroma, the realm of the Generators, the Cosmic Gods.
-Archons are said to feel intense envy toward humanity because we possess the intentionality they lack
-Have no empathy, feed off of negative emotions, have no creative ability
-Archons are an alien force that intrudes subliminally upon the human mind and deviates our intelligence away from its proper and sane applications.
-Archons are psycho-spiritual parasites**.**
-The risk they pose by invading our mental software is far greater than any physical risk they might pose by erratically breaching the biosphere.
-Because the Archons need human complicity to gain power over humankind, any one who assists them can be considered a kind of Archon, an accessory.
-Working through telepathy and suggestion, the Archons attempt to deviate us from our proper course of evolution. Their most successful technique is to use religious ideology to insinuate their way of thinking and, in effect, substitute their mind-set for ours.
Keynote: to quickly summarize here, an Archon is a parasitic, cyborg, alien/foreign intruder. They are envious of certain human traits, attach to hosts, and have telepathic powers at their dispense. Really think about the meaning of these ideas, especially the bold terms, before moving on to the next section.

--Quran-Djinn(specifically referenced by Ronald Bernard): Djinn are capable of possessing human beings. They are said to enter the bloodstream and circulate rapidly through the body. They cause mental and physical problems, and also disrupt marriages and relationships. Asking a Djinn to leave, or bargaining with it, may not be enough to get it to go, and someone who is trained may be needed to perform an exorcism to get it out of the body.
According to Islamic writings, Djinn live alongside other creatures but form a world other than that of mankind. Though they see us they cannot be seen. Characteristics they share with human beings are intellect and freedom to choose between right and wrong and between good and bad, but according to the Qur'an their origin is different from that of man

-- Mesopotamian Toltec-The Allies: . The Allies lack a brain, which means they have no factory to create emotions, but they need the ethereal energy of emotions to sustain their life. Allies push humans to create traumas in order to create fear, which they feed upon.”
The Allies must then convert emotion into the negative emotion on which they feed. He explained that the Allies had no mechanism to produce the negative emotional energy themselves. They had to turn human emotional energy into negative energy before they could harvest it. In order to turn human emotion negative, the Allies are capable of putting fearful thoughts into the minds of humans which in turn generates the negative emotion on which they feed. These entities are attracted to negative emotional energy much as sharks are to blood.

--Wetiko-Native Americans: Wetiko is an Algonquin word for a cannibalistic spirit that is driven by greed, excess, and selfish consumption (in Ojibwa it is windigo, wintiko in Powhatan). It deludes its host into believing that cannibalizing the life-force of others (others in the broad sense, including animals and other forms of life) is a logical and morally upright way to live.
-Wetiko short-circuits the individual’s ability to see itself as an enmeshed and interdependent part of a balanced environment and raises the self-serving ego to supremacy. It is this false separation of self from nature that makes this cannibalism, rather than simple murder.
-Wetiko can describe both the infection and the body infected; a person can be infected by wetiko or, in cases where the infection is very advanced, can personify the disease: ‘a wetiko.’ This holds true for cultures and systems; all can be described as being wetiko if they routinely manifest these traits.

--Chitauri - Ancient African: -The Chitauri are an evil extraterrestrial race of shape-shifting humanoids
- We are told the Chitauri feed on the energy that we give them. They make us fight against each other, and when the whole world is drowning in death, fear, and terror, the Chitauri get fed by the dark power which is brought out when humans destroy the planet on which they live. They are fed when human minds think at certain levels. We are told they want us to think at certain levels and they reward us with long lives.
--E’epa-Hawaii: The e'epa are mental forces that have the ability to intrude into the human mind. They operate through subterfuge and psychic stealth.
They are adversaries who are drawn to humans because they wish to acquire our human capacity for creative imagination. Humans are creators, and they are not. Because of this, the deceivers will always be thwarted by the superiority of our human species."

--Bible-Demons: Demons have the ability to possess people*. These fallen angels are what the Bible refers to as demons.* Demons are able to take shape, form and be visible to humans (Job 4:15). Demons may be exercised, or driven out, from a possessed person. However, this may be dangerous if not followed by stringent cleaning and discipleship. Without proper spiritual care, the person might then be open for a seven-fold infestation (Matthew 12:45).
Demons confuse the truth by utilizing demonic lies and half-truths (1 John 4:4).Those who worship idols and pagan gods are really worshipping and sacrificing to demons. Demons live to deceive people into worshipping themselves (1 Corinthians 10:20-21). The Bible teaches that demons can inhabit animals and people (Matthew 8:31)
--Zuswazi Africa-Zulu:
And, it is further said that these Zuswazi, these Imbulu, or whatever you choose to call them, are not capable of eating solid food. They either eat human blood, or they eat that power, the energy that is generated when human beings, on the surface of the Earth, are fighting and killing each other in large numbers.
Main point: How is it possible that all of these cultures from all over the world from entirely different time periods are describing the same force with the same characteristics? There has got to be some reality to this, something more than simply primitive fairytale like we are taught. So I researched…

Section IV: Modern Descriptions of this evil inter-dimensional force
There are beings in the spiritual realms for whom anxiety and fear emanating from human beings offer welcome food. When humans have no anxiety and fear, then these creatures starve.” declared Steiner. “These beings are hostile towards humanity …and they become more and more powerful (from this negative human energy nutrition) …launching cruel attacks on human beings.
“Therefore,” says Steiner, “it is above all necessary… that the person who enters the spiritual world overcomes fear, feelings of helplessness, despair and anxiety. These are exactly the feelings that belong to contemporary culture and materialism because it estranges people from the spiritual world… to evoke hopelessness and fear of the unknown in people, thereby calling up the above mentioned hostile forces against them.

This wasn't enough for me, I needed some scientific backing, after seaching long and hard I came across this psychology study in the CIA FOIAvault by clinical psychologist Juilka Kiskos and Andree Samuel

The Abstract Reads:
“Clinical Psychology has not taken into account evidence provided by other areas of research that point to the existence of other levels of reality. Therefore, that which is not perceived through physical senses is often considered as being of a paranormal nature. The authors have observed that in some psychological disorders sometimes there is an ESP factor mingled with the symptoms, and which are only taken into account as a proof of "insanity".
-The entire study is dedicated to drawing a distinction between what doctors deem as “insanity” from actual clairvoyance experiences. The specific type of “insanity” we are going to cover for our purpose is the schizophrenia/”voices in your head” part of the study. These psychologists would employ “sensitives” or people with ESP to try and interact with these “voices” in some way. They turned out to be extremely successful and seemingly were performing ground breaking science that, unsurprisingly, we never heard about...
Here are some direct quotes from the study:
During the treatment of certain patients, we came across extraneous personalities*. These were named “Theta Agents” because the circumstances in which they manifest themselves led us to conclude they were deceased persons.”*
“As a working hypothesis, we consider that these entities exist in another level of reality or structure of their personality*, enabling us to understand and(page cuts off)”
-There are 4 different groups of Theta Agents that they categorized. Only one of them matched up to the description consistently allotted to us by these ancient cultures previously mentioned.
Category 3: “Theta Agents induced to harm patients by means of black magic”
Now we are starting to get somewhere, The next place I looked for evidence turned out to be the more obvious one, with a lot more first hand accounts and expert testimonies… demonic possessions, which I previously believed were fiction.
-What many religions have called “demon/djinn/e’epa/etc. possessions” actually turns out to be a very similar if not identical condition as the malevolent “theta agent” described above.
There is undoubtedly a demand for the services of Exorcists which has been legitimized by the Vatican:
“In 1990, Father Amorth and five other officially appointed exorcists founded the International Association of Exorcists.By 2010, the organization numbered around 300 members from around the world, and although it was founded as an informal organization, the Roman Catholic Church officially approved its statute in 2014.”
--Father Gabriel Amorth did an exclusive interview on this topic which he required to be released only after he died, here are the highlights:
Q: Can you contact these entities, what do they say?
A: "Yes, through the patient, but in a strange, unnatural voice. If it is the Devil himself, he says 'I am Satan, or Lucifer, or Beelzebub. We ask if he is alone or if there are others with him. We ask when and how they entered that particular body. We find out whether their presence is due to a spell and the specifics of that spell.
Q: How do people come to be possessed by demons in the first place?
A: "I believe God sometimes singles out certain souls for a special test of spiritual endurance, but more often people lay themselves open to possession by dabbling with black magic. Some are entrapped by a satanic cult. Others are the victims of a curse."
--If you do not want to take the word of someone with religious presuppositions and biases I completely understand, neither did I. So here are the highlights from a Washington Post interview with Richard Gallagher, a board-certified psychiatrist and a professor of clinical psychiatry at New York Medical College (studied psychology at Princeton, Yale, and Columbia) Here is what he had to say:

"As a man of reason, I’ve had to rationalize the seemingly irrational. Questions about how a scientifically trained physician can believe “such outdated and unscientific nonsense,” as I’ve been asked, have a simple answer***. I honestly weigh the evidence. I have been told simplistically that levitation defies the laws of gravity, and, well, of course it does! We are not dealing here with purely material reality, but with the spiritual realm. One cannot force these creatures to undergo lab studies or submit to scientific manipulation; they will also hardly allow themselves to be easily recorded by video equipment, as skeptics sometimes demand. (The official Catholic Catechism holds that demons are sentient and possess their own wills*; as* they are fallen angels, they are also craftier than humans. That’s how they sow confusion and seed doubt, after all.)"
"But I believe I’ve seen the real thing. Assaults upon individuals are classified either as “demonic possessions” or as the slightly more common but less intense attacks usually called “oppressions.” A possessed individual may suddenly, in a type of trance, voice statements of astonishing venom and contempt for religion, while understanding and speaking various foreign languages previously unknown to them. The subject might also exhibit enormous strength or even the extraordinarily rare phenomenon of levitation*. (I have not witnessed a levitation myself, but half a dozen people I work with vow that they’ve seen it in the course of their exorcisms.)* He or she might demonstrate “hidden knowledge” of all sorts of things — like how a stranger’s loved ones died, what secret sins she has committed, even where people are at a given moment. These are skills that cannot be explained except by special psychic or preternatural ability.

---These mentions of dark occult practices seemed to be exactly the connection I was looking for to explain the evil nature of this international-mafia. They purposely create wars, disease, child killings/raping, because these are the greatest sources of the dark and negative emotions/energy that they feed off of. I will list the mentions of dark magic and occults below from the previous three sources:

CIA Psychology study: “Theta Agents induced to harm patients by means of black magic”
Father Gabriel Amorth: “ people lay themselves open to possession by dabbling with black magic. Some are entrapped by a satanic cult. Others are the victims of a curse."
Richard Gallagher: “In the late 1980s, I was introduced to a self-styled Satanic high priestess.. In our many discussions, she acknowledged worshipping Satan as her “queen.” She could tell some people their secret weaknesses, such as undue pride. She knew how individuals she’d never known had died, including my mother and her fatal case of ovarian cancer. Six people later vouched to me that, during her exorcisms, they heard her speaking multiple languages, including Latin, completely unfamiliar to her outside of her trances.
Keynote: The simple yet significant conclusion that can be drawn from these excerpts is the fact that these malevolent spiritual entities are not entirely random and out of control, there exists people and groups with the spiritual capabilities/knowledge to wield these negative forces for personal gain.
--Take this quote from life-long clairvoyant Anton Steiger an outspoken advocate for the metaphysical realm and esoteric nature of our existence:
“When I see people in business or politics who are particularly trapped by the material world, for example, I notice that they no longer have any light bodies at all. In many of these people, the point of light at the heart chakra, which is otherwise always present, is no longer visible to me. Instead, I see something like a layer of ‘shiny tar’ around them in which a monstrous being in the shape of a lizard can be distinguished. When such people speak on television, for example, I see a crocodile shape manifesting itself around the person like in a concave mirror; I don’t see the light of their throat and forehead chakra.”

There is something different about these people, something inhuman, something immaterial. It’s time to wake up and realize that the material world is just a fraction of what we are meant to experience as humans. These elite fully understand this but use/hide this knowledge to serve the dark manifestations of spirituality through material control over every aspect of this world
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