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[Table] IamA licensed Las Vegas stripper AMA!

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Date: 2014-01-30
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Questions Answers
Hello, did you ever consider any escort work? Would the pay increase be substantial or is that something that is out of the question for you? I actually have worked as an escort in the past. The pay was fantastic, but no amount of money could pry me away from my SO and he isn't ok with the idea of sharing. If that changed in the future, I would absolutely return to it.
Thanks for the reply! When you did escort, were you open to pretty much every type of client or only certain types of people? I worked for a very high-end agency, so everyone was prescreened for me. But my only prerequisites were clean, polite, and able to pay me.
What were your limits. Anybody ever request something you were not comfortable with and decline? No anal, but I am comfortable with kink. Never walked out, but did deny a few clients that wanted anal.
How did you find your agency? Did they seek you out? I actually found them via an ad; I had pimps try to recruit me but they didn't service the clientele I wanted.
Do the movies portray it wrong? Yes and no. Parts of the job are incredibly glamorous - you work in beautiful hotels, mansions, and on the occasional yacht, customers buy you gifts of lingerie and chocolate and champagne, and your work uniform is lace and heels and a cocktail dress. Plus you get to roll around in $100's when you get home - not that I would ever do that ...
The clients you service are often, though kind, not the most attractive men in the world - I've never escorted in Vegas, so that may be different here. Sex itself is not glamorous, really, when you get right down to it, and one often has a good chuckle to oneself while trying to surreptitiously figure out the best position to accommodate a very overweight client in.
So it's half and half? There are certainly amazing parts, but it is a job like any other and there are certainly parts that I could do without. All told, like I've said elsewhere, I enjoyed my time but I'm not in the business anymore and have no intention of returning.
You mentioned your clients are male so do you get more female or male clients? Male, by far; female is the exception to the rule.
That is sweet, I have a lot of respect for Courtesans and escorts, its too bad it isn't legal in US. Absolutely agree with you, it should be. Thank you!!
I know some women hate being a stripper, and only do it because of money. But what about the guys who go there only seeking a connection, other than to see them get naked? What's your opinion on guys who just want to pay someone like you to sit and talk with no expecations of sleeping with you? Are people like me no better than the guys who go there and want to watch you strip naked? You guys are the ones that make my job amazing. I love the money, the hours, and the freedom, but there's something warm and wonderful about getting to connect with someone and fill the lonely spot in their life, regardless of what you are or aren't wearing and whether or not you're being paid for it.
Excuse my cynicism for a moment, but see it from a cynic's point of view: you're getting paid to have a nice conversation. That would be the favourite part of my job too :) Pretty much! It's delightful :)
Any warnings or advice to anyone that might have an interest in entering this profession? Or for guys going to a strip club? Don't take it personally - you're a commodity, and people will judge you on your body. It's harsh, but it's business. If you let it get to you, this isn't the business for you.
For guys? Be respectful, be kind, and tip if a girl spends a lot of time with you (unless you ask her to leave and she's persistent.) This is our livelihood!!
How did you first get into the business? Need for money, lack of skills for other jobs, or are you just an exhibitionist at heart? A combination of the first and the last; I'd always wanted to strip, and I found myself in a financial situation where it made the most sense to quit my minimum wage job and try my hand in the industry!!!
How long have you been doing it? Is it temporary or have you grown to love it? I've been stripping for about a year now, and I loved it from day one. But I'm always looking to my future - I know I can't do this forever!!
Smart. Big future plans? See the world, and someday write a book about it!
Any bad experiences? Funny stories? Surprisingly few really bad experiences - the occasional creeper or someone that tries to barter for services I don't offer - but the bouncers are always great at taking care of them.
Funny stories ... Loads. I met my SO at a club, and when I asked him to meet me outside he apparently thought I was going to try to rob him? But he did meet me, and we've been together since :)
"99% chance I may get robbed...but 1% chance the hot stripper actually wants to see me after hours...I'll take it" Pretty much. I don't know if he expected he'd find a life partner in the deal ;)
How many women or couples come into strip clubs? Do people come in that you can tell are uncomfortable. How do handle uncomfortable customers to loosen them up? We get a lot of bachelorette parties, and the occasional couple - more than you would expect!!
With uncomfortable customers, I tend to talk to them - people loosen up when they start to recognize you as a real person instead of just a "stripper."
Are you married or have a significant other? If so how do they feel about you stripping? Has it hurt you relationships before? I have a significant other - he loves what I do! He is the first relationship I've had since I started :)
Does your family know that you are a stripper? My family doesn't know what I do - it wouldn't cause anything but stress for them, so I don't feel that they need to know.
So what do you tell your family that you're doing? Any awkward situations trying to "prove" it to them. Waitressing and a kept woman :) no awkward situations!!
"We should go visit CydSinclaireVegas at her restaurant. Maybe she'll serve us free food!" Hope that never happens! Roflmao no they're far away. And they think it's a nightclub, so they would never venture to visit :)
Roflmao... How long have you been a redditor 0.0. Just had my second cake day :)
If there was a zombie outbreak, what would be your zombie plan? Find an oil tanker and take it over with the boyfriend, put to anchor just offshore. Keep walkers on chains like michonne for my supply runs, taking a lifeboat to shore for food when we run low. Water is taken care of through the ship's RO system, and we would have plenty of fuel to run it. Once crisis is over, we have oil to sell for profit :)
Damn. You've thought this out. In omnia paratus!
Do you actually need a license to strip? You do in vegas!
Is there a stripper exam as well, or you just have to buy it? Edit:Found the answer below. I wish. "Now put on fake eyelashes and shake your ass like yea ..."
What is a pet peeve of yours while stripping? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT TRY TO PUT YOUR FILTHY MOUTH ON MY TITS.
Does Listerine make mouths less filthy? Listerene, toothpaste - it's all good stuff.
I never understood the draw of sucking on tits. Unless you're an infant. Then I get it. And I get it if you're in a relationship, but I really don't when it comes to my job. And I wish men would stop trying - no means no, even if she's a stripper!
No means maybe, but it "seems to me that maaaybe / pretty much always means no" No means no, and no a second time means if I have to say it again you're going to get slapped.
Whats an average nite pay? I work as I please - usually 6 nights a week for 2 or 3 weeks, and then I take a few weeks off to travel. Nights can range from $5 to the thousands - average is between $4-600
You're pulling in 144k/yr ! If I worked constantly, I would make 6 figures. As it is, I average around 50-60k ... But I take a LOT of time off.
How old do you think is TOO old for stripping? I think that depends on the stripper - I've seen 25 year olds that should probably get out of the business, and 40 year olds that are total 10's.
How is Las Vegas? And if you don't mind, How old are you? It's wonderful! And I'm 20 - I know, I know. I'm sure it'll be better when I can hit the all-you-can-drink happy hours ;)
How do you become licensed? You have to fill out a few forms that are signed by your club, get fingerprinted, and have a background check run.
At the end of that process you get what is known as a Sheriff's Card. Absolutely correct :)
What's the most you've made in a night? Edit: or in a day. My best night was at my last club, I made just under $2100. Those are always wonderful nights :)
a bad night? $5 in tips and you still have to pay house fees. That doesn't feel good.
Why get a job as a stripper? Besides making money It suits my lifestyle and allows me all the freedom I want :)
Are you male or female? Female :)
What club do you work at? And do you run reddit specials? Little Darlings of Vegas - and yes, I think I could manage that ;)
Come see me - ask for Cyd!!
Hey! I didn't a Cyd on Any chance you could link to a photo? For science, that is. I'll be getting all my social media set up shortly - I'll post links when I do!!
Is there a lot of drama among the dancers there? Are there any that you dislike working with? There's always a bit of drama, but I don't play that game. Nobody I expressly dislike!!
What is the craziest night you had ? I had a wonderful Argentinian businessman that paid me $600 to salsa dance with him ... That was lovely. And I had a regular at my first club rain $250 in ones on the stage - there's nothing like the thrill of being showered in money just because someone thinks you're cute.
I always wonder one thing. How old are you now? Because this isnt a job that you can do untill people normally retire. Do you have some sort of backup plan? When will you stop stripping? Or are you already saving money to retire early? Thanks for your time. I'm 20. I do have a backup plan, and I am already saving to support myself in the future. I plan to leave the industry when I don't enjoy it anymore- no idea when that will be!!
Which places in the world have you traveled to? I've done the US and the UK - next is Western Europe! Slowly but surely getting there )
How did you do it in the UK? Do you need a special visa to work as a stripper there? I lived off my savings in the UK, which is why I'm back in the US again - have to chase that almighty dollar!
If you got a oportunity to take back time would do the same steps or would you change somenthing ? I would've started dancing the day I turned 18 - all the stress of a minimum wage job just isn't worth it!
So actually you are pretty much happy at this point of your life am I right ? Brilliantly so. I love my job, I can travel as I please, I get to fulfill my dreams, I have all the free time I want, and I'm in love with a wonderful man. What more do I need?
The only thing that would make it better is the ability to eat without gaining weight. I could go for a burger right now ...
How long is a work nite? Any classes you take for training (dance class or Carmen Electra pole dance workout) 8 hours, although I have worked doubles :) and nope, no classes - just work!!
Do you take precautions against stalkers? I do - I don't meet customers outside the club, and I'm very careful about keeping work and personal life separate.
So if you meet someone you recognize from the club on the street, and they come up to you and say "Hi". How do you react? It's never happened!!! But I would probably just laugh and try to swing them a deal - all my friends know what I do.
I've wanted to date some one in the sex industry. How do you meet them, if most of them don't mix work with personal life. How do you meet lawyers, or doctors, or teachers? It's just another job to us; we're just like other women. You probably know at least one woman that has worked in the sex industry right now, and you just don't know it.
What is the biggest tip you have ever received? For escorting, $800. For stripping, $600. Although I once got $200 just for dancing to Piano Man!!
Sounds like a bloody good job! What is the most you've spent going shopping with a job like that? Hahaha I think $1000 a day in a kink store is my worst ... Most of my money goes to savings or plane tickets!!
You like to travel? Nice. Travel is my passion :)
Have you been to New Zealand? Sadly, no :( but it's on the list!!
What did you get at the kink store? Let's see - a pair of ballet boots, a few costumes, a corset, and a lovely flogger. The kink store is my favourite store ;)
It's an amazing place, I love my home country! So I hear. Sooon!!
Hhhnnnggg ballet boots. I've been trying to get a pair for my SO. Any tips that I can slyly give her to help ease the transition to walking en pointe? Honestly? Practice makes perfect, and don't over-exert yourself.
I'm interested how strict are lap dance rules in the US? Is touching allowed? How much touching? Do you grind your clients to the finish line? How much $ for a lap dance in the vip-room? Do you "milk" your clients for overpriced drinks? Every club here has different rules, and every dancer has different lines she won't cross. Touching is not allowed at most clubs that I know of; I consider dancing an art rather than a service, so I am personally incredibly reticent about any touching - I tend to allow nonsexual touches (like a client resting his hand on my leg or my arm) but not sexually intended ones. I can't speak to how other dancers conduct their business. The VIP room prices depend on how long you're interested in my company, not on a per-dance basis. The club I currently work for is full nude, so there's no alcohol allowed on the premises - customers don't buy me drinks here.
So the rules are strict... Full nude=No drinks? Where is the fun in that?:) And what about lap dances? How far do you get? I think I already answered about lap dances - I can't speak for other girls, but I don't allow touching of a sexual nature. That includes during my lap dances.
What made you wanting to be a stripper? Did you have long thoughts about it or? I thought about it for years before I actually made the leap - I'm a total exhibitionist!
Who are some of the most high profile people you have served? I don't want to name names, but I've danced for a few CEO's, a few B-list actors, and a lot of entrepreneurs ...
David Tennant would be the holy grail for me :)
Imagine one day he come to you and says: Hello, im the Doctor and i would love a lap dance in the a man and even i get excited about it haha. I would die. And probably cum everywhere. Oh man.
When i turn 21 im gonna go to where you work just to talk about doctor who haha. Our club is 18+!!!
Once a stripper told me she liked me. Was she lying? Only she can tell - I like a lot of my customers, and actually met my SO at the club. So there is a chance!!!
So do you have daddy issues? LOL. Pretty sure I already answered this one - no daddy issues!! :)
What is the most anoying thing about the people in Las Vegas? Some of the girls here are absolute 10's - it definitely makes it harder to make a living!!
If you were an animal, what animal would you be? A cat, 110%. I would make an awesome cat.
I love cute cats!> Little Darlings of Vegas. It's unfortunate that I can't actually be one :(
Thank you kindly for your response! Keep on keepin' on :D. Will do, you too!!! :)))
If you had a choice of any job would to still do your job? Also, why is it that people like you get to earn quite a lot of money? I always thought most strippers are living paycheck to paycheck, unless it's just Reddit showing the upper end of the industry. If I could do anything, I would probably be a burlesque dancer - so yes? I would absolutely still be taking my clothes off for money.
And a lot of girls aren't great with money - it can be difficult if you have cash-in-hand, which this job provides, to budget that. My boyfriend is a wonderful balancing influence as far as keeping me on track with budgeting goes - he never thinks about touching my earnings, but he does obsessively bookkeeping and is very good at "suggesting" I should save instead of buying new shoes.
Also, drugs are pervasive in this industry, and a lot of girls spend their takes on them. I don't!!
I'm sure it'll be a great read. I hope you find your passion and have fun while doing it. Do you have a Twitter? Not yet! I'll be setting up all my social media a little later today - once I'm off work! :)
How do you file tax's? As an entertainer :)
Fantastic! I'll follow you:) Awesome!! I'll come back and reply once everything is set up!! :)))
I read this article Link to . Any truth ? No idea, but the SO can attest to my sexy drive while I'm ovulating, so that may have something to do with it ... The poor man has to deal with so much!
Can you still be a stripper if you have tiny boobs? Absolutely!!! A lot of guys really like that look :) mine aren't overly huge - I'm a b or c cup - and I definitely do well!!
How often do gay guys go to the strip club? Occasionally - we often see bachelor or bachelorette parties with a gay man or two, and I have dragged a few of my gay friends along. I wish we saw more :( I love nothing more than being tipped because of my personality/outfit/haitits with the caveat of "but I'm gay and don't want to creep on you."
Im on your website. Which girl is you? Link to I'm not on the website yet, unfortunately; I'm relatively new to this club. You can always come in and see me :)
Check out - I'm on next :)
What's your relationship like with your father? Very good! We don't live in the same state, but we talk frequently and I would consider him a good friend :)
Is the test to become a stripper harder than a driving test? Haha no, it's all just paperwork.
How long have you been doing it? I've been dancing about a year :)
Just saw that you work at little d's. do you happen to know a dancer whos stage name is "porsche" and whos real name is torry lynn? No, I don't. Sorry!!
It must be her. I'm still relatively new; I haven't met a lot f the girls!
What do you do/think if you give a guy a lap dance and he doesn't get a boner? I dance exactly as I would otherwise, and I think nothing of it. It's not my business if he doesn't get it up - doesn't mean he isn't enjoying himself regardless. I often don't even know one way or the other.
I love strippers. When I was in Vegas I so badly wanted to go to a strip club but my guy said no. I will forever be sad about that! Come back!!! :)
I wish! If you ever do a show in Chicago let me know! Haha will do!
What are your daddy issues? I don't have any! Surprisingly, we aren't all damaged goods - some of us are just smart enough to maximize our time economy ;)
Becoming a prostitute is considered 'smart' nowadays? Geez. How do you think your dad would react if he found out what you did? I think being resourceful and pragmatic is considered smart, regardless of your career or situation. And I think he would want to have a long talk about it, but would understand why I made the choices I made and (hopefully!) support me regardless.
Well then can you explain why you made these choices? I don't think it's something that everyone should go into - in fact, most of the people I meet in this lifestyle are people that shouldn't be in it, with a few notable exceptions. That said, it works for me. It makes me happy; I started work in the sex industry not just because of the money, but because it was something I had always been curious about; I'm an exhibitionist to the core, and the thought of getting paid (paid!!) to do what I love was a huge draw. It was not a last recourse; far from it.
Is it purely because of the money? I get to wake up excited to go to work; I get to go to sleep with a smile on my face because I'm happy with my life. I know you won't believe it if you don't want to, and there are many people that aren't ok with the idea of someone in such a "degrading" industry enjoying it, but I do. And I now have a wonderful, loving partner that knows my past and everything about it, and isn't bothered by it.
I'm sure a tonne of people will go "yea but it's her body, she can do what she wants, girl power! blah blah blah" but I can't understand how anyone could be so selfish that they'd ignore the impact this could have on their family. Do you honestly not care what any of your family think about this? As far as the impact on my family goes - I think there's a point at which everyone has to make a choice - you can be what your parents want you to, or you can do what makes you happy. I know my parents won't be thrilled if it ever comes out that I've been in the sex industry, but I can hope that they will be adult enough to realize that as long as I'm safe and happy it's entirely ok that my morals don't line up with theirs.
If you ever had kids, do you think they'd be happy knowing that their mother slept with people for money? If I ever have children, I won't hide my past from them either, once they're of an age to understand. By that point I will absolutely be out of the industry, and I will be incredibly honest with them if they ask. I don't find sex shameful, and I would hope to raise children that wouldn't either.
Well to each their own. I'm not saying sex is shameful at all, but I do wonder whether you've thought out how your career choice may affect you in the future... I absolutely have; I realize that there are very few industries that I will be able to work in when I leave this one. My choice was neither made lightly nor out of necessity, and I thank you for being able to respect that.
Last updated: 2014-02-03 17:04 UTC
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[Table] I am a casino executive. AMA

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Date: 2013-06-16
Link to submission (Has self-text)
Questions Answers
What's you're best story about someone trying to con/steel from the casino? I figure you're looking for some kind of crazy Oceans 11 story (of which there are several in the industry but none on my watch), but honestly the best ones are people trying to steal from the fucking buffet.
Mom comes in with two kids and says they're not eating so she shouldn't have to pay. The cashier says OK.
Fast forward 15 minutes and the cashier notices that the kids are missing.
Best AMA response ever. have an upvote! We had set out in the foyer those bags for your umbrella so the floor doesn't get wet.
Lady takes one, goes to the buffet, and starts filling it with food. Brazenly. Not trying to hide it.
We stop her and she says "what? this is all you can eat?!"
"Sit down and eat the contents of the bag then..." We found a HUGE ziplock bag of food by a table. The "customer" had obviously left it behind.
She realized she forgot it and came back to get it about 30 minutes later.
You should hire me as a buffet monitor i can pose as a customer then obnoxiously call them out for stuffing their purses with chicken fingers and mashed potatoes w/gravy. "HEY FAT LADAYYY I SEE YOU STEALIN THEM CHIKKAN FINGAZ!" Have a lady who consistently bitches about having to pay full price since she can't consume a lot because of her gastric bypass.
Do you actually have a policy to ask people to leave if you feel they lost more than they can afford? i watched a piece by loius theroux once where he asked this question to some of the managers of a casino and they all said "oh, i know they can afford it, of course we would ask them to stop if they couldnt". but obviously, from a business perspective, this is counter-intuitive towards making profits. so what is your take on this whole thing? and what is the overhead like for running a casino? what are some expenses you have which may be surprisingly high? We never make judgment on whether or not they can afford it. We really only step in if they come to us or start doing something overt like begging for money or asking for loans, etc. In the macro view, it's very bad for business if we don't do something about problem gambling when it presents itself.
Overhead... EBITDA margin of 30% is great.
Expenses... I guess crab legs would be too obvious? Besides that, maybe table games labor. You have a 0.5% house advantage at blackjack and have to have a physical person here 24/7 plus a supervisor for every 5-6 games.
What games are the biggest money makers for the casino? and coincidentally, Ace, ever ran a sports book? Penny slots by far.
Ha. No. But have worked in casinos that have them.
But why do I always win/come out ahead max-betting on the fucking Sex and the City penny slot? Google "law of large numbers"
1) How do you like the city? (So many people hate on it, and I don't understand why). Also, how did you like UNLV and when were you there? 1.) I actually just moved away for a job. I just think Vegas is OK. I moved there when I was in my mid-20s with a decent job so it was cool and exciting then. Fast forward a decade or so and the allure isn't there anymore. It's not "home" and I don't think it will ever will be because of how transient the population is.
2) to me it seems like a pretty small about of locals gamble (at least at the strip properties), do you guys keep tabs on those numbers? If so, what is the ratio of your gambling customers? 2.) I don't have the numbers in front of me, but we did a study one time and showed that Vegas has the highest incidence of regularly gambling activity in the nation. I always just felt that was a function of accessibility and self selection on the part of the residents. But you're right that locals don't go to the strip. The marketing offers are terrible compared to the non-strip properties and it's a pain to get to the strip just to get your gambling fix.
To what extent is organized crime still present in or around the casinos? Any personal encounters? Virtually none AFAIK.
The industry is very, very heavily regulated. When you get to the executive ranks you have to go through very, very thorough background checks. 5 years of tax returns, 5 years of all cancelled checks, explanations of all withdrawals > $200 and deposits > $500, in depth interview with an agent, etc.
The last time I've heard of legit organized crime here in the states (places like Macau are an entirely different story) was in Rosemont, IL I think in the mid-90s.
Link to
Damn, all withdrawals over $200? For the past 5 years? "Uh, I dunno, I don't really remember why I withdrew $300 from an ATM 3 years ago. Maybe I spent it buying some off of Craig's List, I dunno." Yeah, it's really ridiculous.
Explain Macau? The Triad are heavily influential there. Kind of like what you'd imagine in Vegas in the 50s.
Holy shit, I live in Des Plaines. Des Plaines' only problem now is how to more quickly count all the money they're making
The scene from Skyfall comes to mind. Yep.
Organized crime is the muscle of the casino, the security guards, the directors of security, the private investigators, the small business owners, the gamblers who launder money through the casinos. Of course the mob isn't like the movies anymore. Well i'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you on everything except the money laundering despite the fact we have to live by Title 31 Link to
It is true that if a person is on a helluva winning streak and is consistantly winning and you cant figure out why... you will demand that he take his winnings and leave and never show his face in the place again? (kick him out for winning). It's possible but relatively rare. you have to have enough cash to really turn out our lights to get to that point. for the vast vast majority of people, we have more money than you so as long as feel like we can get you back in the door, go ahead and win away
So that scene in Rain man is totally bullshit then? Where they consistently win and make $80,000 from a couple of thousand... then are told to GTFO after the casino guys couldnt figure out how they were doing it. Bullshit only in the sense that couldn't figure out what was going on
What gives a person the best odds when playing Blackjack-playing with more decks or less decks? i seem to win more with tables that use 6 decks and my friends do better with 4 decks.. It's a lot more than the number of decks and the casinos use that information asymmetry to their advantage (e.g., $5 SINGLE DECK BLACKJACK!!!) Everything being the same, the less amount of decks the better but we will change the payouts for BJ, rules for splitting and double down, etc. to our advantage. So you can have a 6-deck shoe with otherwise very liberal rules that have a lower house advantage than a single deck show with very unfavorable rules.
So with the same set of rules, less decks is more favourable? Yes everything else being equal
Is that just because it's easier to count or is it fancy math stuff. Fancy math stuff.
Six Decks: -0.02% Five Decks: -0.03% Four Decks: -0.06% Two Decks: -0.19% One Deck: -0.48%
Link to
Ever seen anyone get naked or have sex in the casino or bathrooms? Boobs pop out of the cocktail waitresses' uniforms relatively often because they'll get tops 3 sizes too small in order to get bigger cleveage/tips.
Saw chick blowing a dude at a slot machine at the entrance of a club.
And Vegas has all of these European-style pools so if you're out there "inspecting the grounds" then all those girls are topless.
Sweet. What'd you do with the BJ couple? Pic of one of the pools please? Security was running towards them so I just assumed they got the boot.
Pools = just go to imagefap and look for topless beaches.
Do you ever feel guilty for all the money people lose to your business? Of course.
Did you see the fictional series "Tilt" on ESPN about 5-7 years ago? Any opinions on it? Did you find it entertaining? Did you find any of it accurate at all? Vaguely. And when I say that I mean I remember the series and watching a bit of it and that's it.
To us, the holy grail of Casino movies is Casino and Rounders.
Thanks for the response! I love Rounders, but it seemed to focus more on the players, and more on non-casino-based games, whereas Tilt was as much about the casino management as anything else. I should watch Casino. Yeah if you're interested in the casino management piece then Casino.
Does your casino make any efforts to stop problem gamblers from betting more than they can afford? Every casino company has policies regarding problem gambling that are audited by the state. Each state also has its own minimum guidelines like mandating that brochures be placed in very visible areas of the casinos, hotline numbers printed on every ad, etc.
It's a delicate situation when you think someone might have a problem because, well it might not be a problem. So we generally only do things if they specifically ask us to (e.g., they can ban themselves) or if they start doing something really egregious like asking players or employees for loans at which point we'd probably pull them aside and hand them a brochure and ask if there's anything we can do to help because what they're currently doing is unacceptable (the begging).
There's a casino near my house that keeps a full time car appraiser on staff. I've always felt that's a little shady. You ever run into anything like that? No way.
Even though I believe casino gambling should be legal, I find the practice of casino's providing credit to be morally indefensible. What is your opinion on the practice? Would it be a reasonable compromise to allow for more casinos on the stipulation that gambling on a margin is banned? So if I'm a high worth individual who likes to gamble, your expectation is that I just bring in a suitcase of $100s to gamble with?
No, a debit card. Reasonable.
A debit card? not reasonable...a credit limit is the only feasible way some patrons can gamble...most people do not want to walk around with 50k in there pocket...and I'm not sure how you would go about withdrawing thousands of dollars from an ATM machine. I was being sarcastic. It's a huge competitive disadvantage to not be able to offer credit (e.g., Missouri) because no high roller wants to play there. You'd have to physically go to the bank, withdraw 20K cash or whatever, somehow survive walking to your car, and then somehow survive walking to the casino from your car. TBF, there's also what is called front money which is where you can wire money to us and we will hold it for you but you have to pay the fees vs us offering you credit free. I did have a millionaire player who strictly got his money off of a variety of credit cards and would just do cash advances. We obviously never questioned it but he had apparently had a huge credit line (evidenced by the amount he was able to withdraw) and enough to pay it back (evidenced by him able to come often). one cares if "you believe casino gambling should or shouldn't be legal"
How do you know if i am card counting, and do you care if i am not playing for big money? Primarily odd fluctuations in your betting patterns. $5, 5, 5, 5, then $1,000, then $5, 5, 5, 5 would catch our eye big time.
, big money! We care. Small wins add up.
What if i went 5,5,5,20? Would you care then? At those low levels no one would be on the lookout for you.
How automated is the alerting system for this? Pit boss getting info from the sky I assume? Not very automated. There are a variety of technologies out there designed to thwart this but they're expensive and casinos are too staid to invest.
So basically it's just either surveillance or the pit supervisor noticing something odd then starting to keep track of the bets.
Might be a silly question, but does stuff ever go down like it does in the movies? Like, say some guy is cheating in one way or another or doesn't take a hint to leave. Is he going to get taken into a back room and get his ass kicked or just escorted out? Taking fingers, breaking knee caps etc. etc. Nah, too highly regulated these days.
At what point do you start looking for card counters? If I'm playing with a $50-200 bet spread am I noticeable? Is the the spread (4:1, 8:1, 20:1) the dollar figure or a combination? Sorry this isn't my area of expertise so I can't with this level of specificity. I'd think a 4X spread wouldn't be bad, though, but just an educated guess.
You could buy a membership to the Green Chip forum (, though and read up on the reverse engineering they've done.
I would venture a guess that electronic card games have pattern recognition built right in? I don't know how they do the shuffle. I'd imagine it's a fresh shuffle before every hand like in video poker thus nullifying counting.
Well I understand that, but profits on a casino are through the roof, are they not? I assume that there is a relatively low amount of card counters , and that you still will make a very good profit. Profits aren't as good as you'd think post 2008 economy.
Bottom line is that it ain't ever gonna happen. Sorry.
What is the biggest amount you have seen someone lose? I was working at Wynn when Andy Beal played "The Corporation" so that was like $16.5MM he lost to them I believe.
That's fucking cool, I read the book detailing the events of this, Link to Any cool stories etc from your point of view from then? Honestly, everything I found out about it at the time was from 2+2. I didn't have direct access to the players so it wasn't really like I could analyze the session with Phil afterwards.
Urban legends of someone winning big at the slots but having it taken away to a glitch. Has this really happened to your knowledge? Not urban legend. Many cases like this. The player never wins. Google it and you'll find tons of them. E.g.,
Link to
This one is international but I think is the funniest. Not only did you "win" $55MM on a machine that stated the max jackpot was $50K but after winning $55MM, you went ahead and played another spin... just in case...
Link to
Damn that sucks. Well here is one for you. Did you know that in Panama you can double down at the black jack tables at any point. It gives you a huge advantage and you can win a lot of money that way. I'd heard something like that. My best friend (avid gambler) went to Costa Rica and basically came back saying he had to totally re-learn BJ when he was down there because of all of their crazy rules.
If that's true about Panama, I'm surprised there aren't people haven't just set up shop down there and pillaged that place until they went bust.
No i didnt have sex with the hooker but my friend did make out with her drunk. As would I. What's up with fucking people who just make out? Fucking amateur hour. This isn't fucking 7th grade.
He didn't know that she was a hooker and was just putting the moves on her. He thought he was just really smooth with his broken spanish. What he didn't know what that I paid her to keep quiet about it. He looked REALLY sad when someone else bought her and he realized what she was. I actually did something similar for my friend after he split up with his whore wife. We wanted to boost his spirits so gave a hooker $100 to go and flirt with him.
Shit man in Panama you can get a lot more than flirting for a hundo. Granted she won me a grand and i think i threw her 50 back. Well that and she got to make out with my friend...Worth it. Did your friend end up with the hooker hilarious movie style? Nah, this was in Vegas, he's cheap, and we're not that generous.
How do Vegas casinos differ from Native American casinos? Or are they essentially the same? Depends in the jurisdiction. in some there is no difference (e.g florida) while others are wildly different (e.g north Carolina)
I'm curious as to how they differ. I'm from NC but haven't been to any of the casinos around here. In NC, for example, games have to be "games of skill" so like on the slot machines you don't just pull the handle and watch the reels go round and round, you have to physically touch the game to stop each reel.
That's not true (I've been there). Admittedly it's been awhile since I've dealt with them (I used to work for Harrah's) but it was like that for awhile.
Link to (scroll down a bit)
They might have some that are like that, but the handful I played (there are a shit ton) were not. Apparently they've got table games there now, too, which is new from when I was last there just a year ago. Well the states quickly understand that they're leaving money on the table (no pun intended) but creating this arcane regulations.
Fastest growing casino region? AC? Vegas? Macau? Macau.
Absolutely nothing domestically.
Why? Distance to the large volume of middle and wealthy chinese? Yes, and whose culture has a high propensity for gambling.
Why isn't counting cards allowed? Lets say I was a math genius, isn't it just part of the game then? Because we reserve the right to serve whomever we please as long as we're not discriminatory against a protected class.
I see. It just seems like mocking people for being good. Maybe if I was a black math genius with down syndrome I could get along with it. No offense to either btw. Perhaps but we're not particularly concerned.
Btw, I'm a bit of an advantage gambler myself. I only play low house advantage games, maximize my coupons and promotions etc. so I'm sympathetic but there's just nothing that can be done on the card counting front.
Private business CAN discriminate based on protected classes, just bad business to do so. Then don't come to my casino.
Semi-serious question: have you ever crashed someone's hand with a hammer because he/she was found cheating? Boy do I wish, but no.
Could you explain why it is so difficult to get casinos in states that do not already have them? Im from Dallas, and it seems that the Oklahoma casinos are 70%+ Texans. It seems our state is losing a ton of $ to other states. (Oklahoma, Louisiana...) In Texas it's because your legislature meets relatively irregularly. expansion since the 90s has been predicated on budget shortfalls and using gaming to patch up those holes.
Texas' economy has been relatively good so combine that with a conservative legislature that doesn't meet often as we'd have have to have the perfect storm of you having a bad economic run at the same time the legislature is meeting.
Trust me, we are ready to pounce when that happens.
Okay so a couple of years ago there was a show called "Las Vegas" and it was about a casino. Hosts are basically your sales team to high worth players. The compensation structure is just like any other salesperson: base + commission.
Not sure if you ever saw it, but there was a character named Sam and she was a casino hostess and she was kind of a bitch but I always wanted to be that (casino host not bitch). How can I get into that? So, if you've never done that kind of work before or sales at all for that matter, you just need to take anykind of remotely similar job and then just keep trying to plug along with the job search.
Well I cant wait until it happens. I will gladly donate my fair share for a free Paula Dean buffet. We've owned land for decades in preparation.
You see where companies like PENN have already bought stakes in racetracks there, taking a bet that racinos (adding slots to tracks) will be the states first foray.
The owner of Landry's (also owns the Nugget) has said repeatedly that as soon as the law is passed he can have working slots in Galveston overnight. Yeah. His family (Fertitta) started Stations casinos in Vegas (and MMA) and really big shots in town.
Yeah, as a Houstonian and gambler, I am really hoping one day it finally happens. I hate hate HATE driving to Louisiana and I haven't been able to make it out to Vegas in 2+ years. The folks in Lake Charles and Shreveport do not share your sentiment.
I'm sure they don't. Bud of mine wanted to make an ad campaign of just going to Isle of Capri and showing the license plates. You mean Pile of Debris.
Highest progressive payout you've ever seen paid out? And what was the game? And any good stories about throwing out patrons? That I've physically seen? Probably like a $75K Caribbean Stud.
I have been encouraged by many people to get a job there, but no one, even me, knows where I should start. Personally, I don't enjoy gambling and have only been in the Hard Rock a couple times, just to see the lobby and buy shirts with some out of town guests. Probably on the non-gaming side. Not sure of your educational background but NA with degrees go very, very far very, very quickly.
So my question is where would you recommend someone to start in the casino industry, if they don't particulary like/understand gambling? If you want to work the front line, then hotel front desk or something like that.
I don't have a degree yet, but I do have 10 years in B2B (business to business) sales in telephony, so I know a lot about circuits/phone systems/general telecom. Native American.
EDIT: what does "NA" stand for? So then in your case either work in IT or maybe some kind of sales position like convention sales?
Oh I didn't know there would be some sort of sales team with a casino. Sweet. I considered IT, but I assumed it would be in the realm of network security, which I know little to nothing about. Who do you think maintains the phone switch, PCs, servers, etc.?
Proof? What would suffice without outing me?
You would know best what you have, however this sounds like it would be easier to prove confidentially to the mods. Things such as work ID, paystub, business card, etc are acceptable forms of confidential verification. I'll send a pic over to them. Never done this before so wasn't sure.
I have a BA in Accounting and am currently a Project Manager (Prior exp in Cost, Tax and Accural accounting, worked for the Big 4, Now I make Warheads for the Army). If I wanted to get into the Casino industry what jobs should I persue. What is the best way to persue them? Do people telecommute? Whats the pay range? We always need good finance people. There are always other industries they can work in so it's hard to find good people.
So I'd say just go be an accountant?
We post on all the major job boards and is the main industry-specific job board.
Telecommuting is not a regularly accepted practice.
For finance, it's just market rate salary.
How did you get your job? Was in undergrad and needed a job. responded to ad in paper for entry level job. worked my way up.
I'm going to guess that wasn't a typo. Not going to edit for the lulz.
You know what, why the hell not? Best way to make money fast? Well, assuming you have one and only one bet to make, the math always says banker on baccarat.
Any tips/secrets for slot machine players? Which one's your favorite type/brand? Learn to play video poker, blackjack, baccarat, or craps.
Anything video scares me..are there 'rules' in place for video poker or Bj blackjack to guarantee payouts or is it completely random? If random, how do we know the game isn't rigged in your favor? Completely Random.
Because it behooves the state not to let us rig the games so they employ strict regulations to prevent such.
For example, many states mandate that this company verify the legitimacy of a game: Link to
Those states that don't, do it themselves.
I accidently got my gf addicted to video poker but it paid well. Its a better chance and payoff than video slots IMO. No opinion about it, it is true.
Does this only go for high roller tables? Or does it also go for some guy that hits a big jackpot on the slots? Both.
Are security as horrible as people say in Vegas? I've heard from my relatives that purse snatching and such happens quite a bit and security shows up minutes after they were called (so pretty much useless). On the other hand, I've heard some amazing quick response time in Macau. Are these myths? Need some reference point. Horrible as compared to what. You've got a 3-mile long street with literally a million people on it. There's gonna be crime.
Hmmm... how about relative to san diego or fort worth? I'd say on par to Gaslamp but I'm no criminologist.
HOW DO YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT!? I'm serious, I want the gritty details... You use a sleep number? Memory foam? Standard matress with some box springs? And what kind of pillow to. Oh, oh, and what is the thread count of your sheets... I'm a minimalist. Same mattress I've had for literally 15 years that I got at a department store. Hypoallergenic pillows from Target. 800 count. Also from Target.
Nice! Glad I registered my wedding at Target. Sounds like they got the good stuff. Decent and reasonably priced. The girls can't tell the difference between it and the really nice stuff.
Counting cards actually means that you are playing the game very well and it isn't cheating. How can you justify kicking someone out of a casino for being too good at the game? Also as far as I'm aware it isn't illegal. No it is not illegal but just like any other business we reserve the right to serve whomever we please (as long as we're not discriminating against a protected class, of course).
In essence you are keeping track of how many 10s/face cards and low cards are in the deck because high cards help the player, low cards help the dealer.
So if you know that the deck is rich in high cards you bet more and vice versa.
I will be attending UNLV for hospitality management in the fall. any tips? For undergrad? Make the program what you want out of it. Just by graduating no one is going to hand you a huge job but if you do well the brand recognition can really work in your favor.
Yep for undergrad. thanks for the answer! Go Rebels!
Does your business invest in gambling addictions or have employee training to prevent those who are gambling addicts from playing in your casino? I take it you mean gambling addiction treatment... And yes, we do: Link to
And every employee, at least in the majority of casinos, is trained on how to identify problem gaming.
How do you hire trust worthy people, meaning do you have some dude or gal that is like HR on steroids watching people? I imagine you have seen more than one case where there is employee theft or people who are running a front for money laundering? Well everyone goes through a background check through the state with fingerprints and whatnot then executives go through an FBI-style background check where they check all of your bank records and stuff.
But with so much cash floating around there is theft but it's basically like a bank so I can't imagine the incidence to be much higher than with tellers at banks.
How much do you make? Six figures + bonus.
Awesome. What was your path to this career choice? Like education/jobs. I just happened into it. Got entry level job during undergrad and worked my way up. Picked up master's while working.
Nice. Went to school for business I presume? For my master's yes. Have doo doo lib arts degree for undergrad.
Awesome! So you managed to get the entry level job with just an arts degrees then worked your way up? Or was the MBA necessary for where you are at now? I was in undergrad I got the job. It as entry level. $10/hr.
Master's not necessary but very helpful to stick out of the crowd.
Just noticed your name...classic. At around what limits are you able to get comps for free rooms out in either AC or Vegas? I would assume that Vegas is easier due to the vast amount of rooms, but what are your tips to earning comps faster? Depends on the property and depends on the game. And by rooms, do you mean like direct mail offers or the ability to walk up to someone and say "bitch, I'm a baller - hook me up!"
What do you know of online gambling? I did a bunch of preliminary work when I was a corporate person.
Last updated: 2013-06-21 00:10 UTC
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las vegas cocktail waitress uniforms video

Request-Hot Babe Vegas Cocktail Waitress Electrical ... Las Vegas Strip Experience- Twin Peaks - YouTube Let's get ready for work las vegas cocktail server - YouTube Waitress World of Las Vegas - YouTube Waitress at The Rio Las Vegas - YouTube Confessions of a Cocktail Waitress - YouTube A Day in the Life of a Cocktail Waitress - YouTube How to become a Cocktail Waitress  Introduction to ...

On my first trip to Vegas i was a little disappointed about the cocktail waitresses.You see all the movies with the hott waitresses and i guess I was just expecting more.I liked the girls at the Presently, the cocktail waitresses wear black uniforms that include a tiny skirt and jacket -- attire that might be considered modest by Las Vegas standards. Cocktail servers at some other casinos... If you've ever been to a Las Vegas nightclub you know they are awesome. At first you notice the massive size, the amazing designs, advanced technology and sound, and then you notice the extremely hot waitresses that work there. Las Vegas - SEXiest Cocktail Waitress Uniforms..... - So whose got the sexiest most revealing cocktail waitress uniforms in vega$ Paris' cocktail waitresses may have ridiculously small thongs, but some of the peaches they split could be confused with a U-Haul, not that there's anything wrong with big butts - they're AWESOME.According to the readers of VegasTripping the hotties at the Rio have the most deliciously cut uniforms. and since it seems the strip doesnt "do" Christmas (apart from the bellagio conservatory) im guessing a cocktail waitress in festive uniform is as good a symbol of vegas in Christmas as im ever going to get Aug 26, 2018 - Explore Charleena Santos's board "Waitress" on Pinterest. See more ideas about waitress, cocktail waitress, casino. We are glad you have selected to visit our on-line WebStore. Here you will find the same great selections you can find in our retail store. We hope you enjoy your shopping experience, and please come by our retail store - we would love to see you. I hate the gambling there (horrible blackjack rules) but the casino is nice and the cocktail waitress uniforms are hot. Wynn: I love to play there (excellent gaming) but don't stay there. The server's uniforms don't matter because these women are beautiful inside and out lol. Which Las Vegas casinos have the best cocktail waitress service? I'm interested in knowing, speed, personality, appearance, uniforms skimpy or classy.

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las vegas cocktail waitress uniforms

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