Best Air Purifiers for Covid-19: Can a HEPA Filter Block

can dyson air purifier filter covid

can dyson air purifier filter covid - win

I am 38 years old, make $175,000, live in San Francisco, and work as a Project Manager

Section One: Assets and Debt
Annual Bonus: 20-30% of my salary
Retirement Balance: ~$150,000 between 401k and Roth IRA. My salary has nearly doubled in the past four years, and I’m playing catch up. My goal is to have $300,000 saved by 40. I started saving for retirement around 23 or 24 but missed a few years here and there due to pay cuts and living abroad.
HSA: $7,000. My company funds the annual limit at the beginning of the year because we have a high deductible health plan, but for the past two years I’ve been saving this contribution to use as another retirement vehicle. I pay for medical expenses out-of-pocket. Annual eye, dental and physical exams are covered.
Emergency Fund: $40,000
Travel Fund: $3,000
Investment accounts: ~$13,000
Grad school savings account: $2,129 (I just paid Fall quarter’s $8,200 tuition)
Checking account balance: ~$1,000 each payday. I pay off my credit cards in full a couple times a month.
Credit card debt: $0. Two years ago, I had $6,000 in cc debt and no emergency fund. Grateful for how far I’ve come.
Student loan debt: $0. I studied Political Science in the early aughts and graduated owing $50,000 between Sallie Mae and the government. I finally paid them off in 2017 and had zero help from my parents.
Net worth: ~$215,000
Pronouns: She/her

Section Two: Income
Monthly Gross: $14,583
Monthly take-home: $7,840

Section Three: Expenses
Rent: $1,900. I live alone in a studio apartment.
Retirement contribution: 13% of my salary ($1,694 monthly). I also put $6,000 in a backdoor Roth. The company match is 4%.
Savings contribution: $3,000 (I’m about to start shifting this to investments)
Investment contributions: $500-$1,000
Debt payments: $0
Donations: No set donations but it’s between $5-10k per year, usually from my bonus. I’ve been giving to COVID relief efforts for LGBTQ folx and BLM efforts recently.
Electric: ~$30
Wifi: $60
Cell phone: Paid for by work
Subscriptions: $200 (Netflix, Spotify, Chegg, Google storage, iCloud, Feather furniture rental)
Regular therapy $300 (I go biweekly)

Annual Expenses:
Grad school tuition: $25,000 per year. I saved enough to cash flow this year’s tuition from my bonus last year. Work reimburses $10,000 per year.
Chase Sapphire Reserve: $450 (will be $550 next year)
Amazon Prime Student: $59
Renters Insurance: $140

Day 1 - Tuesday | Daily total: $18.49
3:30 a.m. A car alarm is blaring outside and I’m in a hypnagogic state for about 30 minutes.
8:30 a.m. Real alarm goes off. I’ve been WFH since mid-March when our SIP went into effect, but I’ve been going into my actual office a couple of days a week lately. My desk there is much better for my neck, back, wrists, and mental health, and there’s no one around. Have some Trader Joe’s instant coffee with a splash of hazelnut creamer. It’s honestly better than the drip at the cafe near my place.
10 a.m. I post a room divider on Craigslist to sell since I’m doing some redecorating. I’m planning to put some plants I ordered in its place to serve as a barrier between my “bedroom” and “living room.” Oh, studio apartment Tetris. It sells almost immediately and the guy Venmos me $125 even though he’s not coming to pick it up until tomorrow morning. Score!
10:30 a.m. Eat some meatballs in marinara for breakfast I got from the deli counter the other night for dinner but forgot to eat. Throw on blue jeans, a striped shirt, one of the cloth masks made by my mom with a coffee filter liner, and my helmet. I’ll just say this now, people in SF are great about mask-wearing, and any store, indoors or out, requires them. I own many.
11 a.m. Ride my e-scooter to the office to prep for a call at noon and another one at 1:30 p.m. I’m in an online master’s program and get a notification that our final group project has been graded and posted in Canvas for my Finance class. I wind up with 94% in the course overall. Go me! I text my mom and the woman I’m seeing long-distance, J., the good news. They are my biggest cheerleaders.
12 p.m. Meetings meetings meetings until 2. Eat some chips and drink a can of Kombucha from the office kitchen. The rest of the workday is spent updating our website with some new photos and compiling a monthly report that needs to go out this week. I also discuss my birthday plans with a friend. I suggested a few of us visit a lake that I had never actually been to but drove by a few weeks ago and thought it was gorgeous. However, the planning is getting cumbersome and logistics around social distancing and renting a boat for the day are proving complicated. I decide to suggest a new plan tomorrow and ask everyone to hang at a local park instead.
5:30 p.m. Ride my scooter home. This is a recent endeavor after deciding taking the bus was too risky and walking home at night has been sketchy on more than several occasions the past few months. I look like a total dork but it’s fun and easy so who cares.
7:30 p.m. Order a turkey club sandwich and fries for pickup from a restaurant around the corner I had a $10 coupon code for. The difference is $7 with the change rounded up for the Grubhub relief fund. I leave a $5 cash tip ($12). Stop at the bodega for a can of bubbly rose. $18.49
8 p.m. Eat, drink, and catch up on TV. I have the week off from school before Fall quarter starts next week, so I watch the first episode of a new show called Lovecraft Country because I love actress Jurnee Smollett. Some friends have read the book it’s based on and now I want to read it too.

Day 2 - Wednesday | Daily total: $133.97
7 a.m. Awake too early but just go with it and start a book titled Patsy I’d been saving for when I had this week-long break from school. Receive texts from a couple friends saying there are wildfires in the area near the lake we were planning to go to, and people are evacuating. Feel awful for everyone going through this on top of everything else.
9:30 a.m. I have a video call at 10 so I get ready. Wear another striped shirt and yesterday’s blue jeans, which has become my quarantine uniform. I have six or seven of them now in varying styles and colors. I told myself the stripes add a little razzle dazzle. The room divider buyer arrives so I haul it down to the lobby.
10 a.m. Drink warm water with lemon during the call. It’s about the environmental design review for one of our upcoming projects. Probably should have ordered a side salad instead of fries last night because I’m having mild heartburn.
12:30 p.m. Walk to the bodega across the street for smoothie ingredients: raspberries, oranges, beets, avocado, and a few bananas. I bought a single-serve Ninja blender last month (highly recommend) and have been on a smoothie binge. I’m iffy on the beets...will see what I can concoct with them. Make a smoothie with berries, banana, spinach, frozen avocado, and unsweetened coconut milk. $17.15
1:30 p.m. Focus on getting close to inbox zero and compiling the report to send to our partners since I’m taking PTO tomorrow and Friday. J. texts saying she made dinner reservations (my love language) for when she comes to visit in a couple weeks. The place has a nice patio and looks like they’ve figured out how to properly distance the diners. Run down the street to pick up some wash & fold (I send out the bedding and towels every two weeks). $32.50
5 p.m. Break to eat a frozen burrito and run back to the bodega for lemons, limes, Tate’s gluten-free cookies, and a 6-pack of Fort Point Strawberry Darling which winds up being a bit sour for my taste but I can bring it to the park hang this weekend (if it still happens). The air quality right now isn’t great. Find a couple of packages addressed to me in my lobby. Birthday gifts from two friends. Feeling loved and my birthday isn’t until Saturday. I usually don’t make a big to-do about it but maybe I was feeling antsy this year due to a lack of regular human interaction and motions generally at everything. $21.48
8:30 p.m. I’ve been watching the DNC and whittling work emails down to inbox twenty. I’ll take it. Kamala Harris is sharp, and it’s time to log off. I FaceTime J. for a bit and wind up having to schedule a work call for tomorrow morning but am otherwise looking forward to having some time to myself.
11 p.m. Late night shopping on the Target app before bed. I order two swimsuit tops in different sizes. They sent me the wrong size a couple of weeks ago, so I am trying this again. I also get a Bona microfiber cleaning cloth and a Pixi shade stick in Copper Glaze. $62.84

Thursday - Day 3 | Daily total: $17.19
8:30 a.m. Awake before my 9 a.m. Sonos alarm. I have it set to peaceful music, so I usually just let it play. Check the news for a status update on the wildfires and see some awful photos. Poke my head out the window to assess the sky and weather. My call is at 10 so I make my cheapo coffee and start some laundry in my portable washing machine. Watch the latest episode of Married at First Sight which I discuss with my bff. We were incensed after the poor matches last season, yet here we are again. Look at Clare V. purses online while hoping the MAFS couples are still happy after the honeymoon. J. randomly Venmos $10 for a latte. She’s so thoughtful and cute.
11 a.m. Call over. I get back to life admin and my laundry list of things to do which includes reserving a rental car to run various errands and get around this weekend. I also make an appointment to visit a Black-women-owned nursery in Oakland tomorrow, post a few items on Craigslist for sale, and research air purifiers. I’m considering the $499 Dyson one but that’s a big impulse buy.
3:30 p.m. The bed I ordered from Feather is delivered. Two nice gentlemen dismantle the old one and assemble the new one in about 20 minutes. I just started using Feather, a furniture rental company, to try out a new bed and couch. The free delivery, assembly, and swap outs were the selling points for me. I love the Floyd sofa I got last week.
6:30 p.m. I lose track of time but see if J. wants to have a date tonight which usually involves Netflix watch party. I order a steak salad for pickup from the restaurant across the street and get 25% off my first order. I leave a $5 cash tip when I pick it up. I’m not really in the mood for a movie so we just FT for a few hours and I head to bed. $17.19

Friday - Day 4 | Daily total $256.61
10 a.m. True PTO day today. A Craigslist buyer comes to pick up a bench I posted for sale ($40 earned). I spend the morning putzing around, beautifying, and getting ready to pick up the rental car.
1:30 p.m. The rental car company will charge $125 when I drop it off Monday morning, however, my $300 CSR annual travel credit just reset so I’m expecting it to be credited back right away.
3 p.m. Arrive for my appointment at the plant shop. I LOVE IT HERE. It’s a little outdoor oasis and all the plants are healthy and gorgeous. The women running it were lovely too. I purchase three 6” plant babies: mother-in-law's tongue, Wandering Jew, and polka dot. $85
4 p.m. I’m at IKEA looking for a plant stand and room divider option for my studio. I wind up with a few picture frames, sheer curtains and a rod, two throw pillows and covers, a lampshade, and plastic hangers for laundry drying. The shelf I wanted for the plants was out of stock. $117.59
6 p.m. Stop at a Target nearby to grab a bottle of wine for a dinner party tonight. There should be six of us in my friend’s backyard. Also grab a NYX lippy, toilet paper, and a USB cord since my phone is about to die. $54.02
6:30 p.m. Arrive at my friend’s yard and it is lovely. Flowering bougainvillea and a lemon tree hug the dining table. Her street is lined with the tallest palm trees and it just feels so California. After dinner, wine, cake, and dancing, I head home smiling and happy around midnight. Call a very sleepy J. to give her a rundown.

Saturday - Day 5 | $58.27
9 a.m. Awake to Happy Birthday messages from family and friends. My mom and stepdad call and I chat with them for a bit. Mom sent me a lovely bouquet of flowers and they both pitched in to buy my e-scooter earlier this month. I have leftover dinner party cake and tea for breakfast. The cake was made with quinoa flour and carob chips, so I’m calling it healthy.
11 a.m. People are (understandably) backing out of the park hang due to the poor air quality today, but a few friends are still down so I start getting ready. I check BAAQMD’S website and it’s in the unhealthy range for sensitive groups, although I wonder if we’re all more at risk due to COVID. My sister calls and I see she’s sent me $150 in birthday money. I sent her this exact amount for her birthday last month; I agree it is a bit silly. J. also sends me $140 for a floor mirror I’d been eyeing. It is WAY TOO MUCH because I make triple what she makes. I vow to sneak it back to her somehow. Put on a midi-length polka dot romper and rainbow Tevas, pick up my friend about 10 minutes away and head to the park. We stop at a bodega in her neighborhood and I run in to grab chips, salsa, guac, and brie. $33.32
3 p.m. Having fun at an empty park spread out in a circle on our own blankets. We debate the discographies of Brandy and Monica (it’s Brandy, no contest) over snacks and wine. I ask everyone to take a pic of someone else with my Instax camera as little keepsakes. My car friend gives me a card and a bottle of wine. I really appreciate these folx.
8 p.m. Car friend and I grab chicken tacos and Mexican limeade from a place with outdoor seating before I drop her home. $24.95
10 p.m. Home and FT with a sleepy J. for a bit and watch Frozen II in bed while responding to Instagram birthday wishes. I gotta say it was a good day (Ice Cube voice).

Sunday - Day 6 | Daily total: $219.17
7 a.m. Why am I awake? Is this the waking up early in your old age everyone speaks of? I have never been an early riser. Text with J. since she’s two hours ahead and rises with the roosters. Stare at the comically hideous IKEA pendant lamp shade I put up yesterday. It looks like a wet wad of toilet paper cum crumpled up homework. I decide to head back to IKEA after seeing the one in Palo Alto has the glass shelf unit I want to house the plants.
10 a.m. I want to take a self-portrait in my living room since my coffee table is currently full of said plants and three bouquets of flowers and it looks like a mini botanical garden. I decide to curl my hair and put on makeup and lipstick. I pair it with a bright yellow floral dress and gold jewelry.
12 p.m. Photoshoot over and I catch up in my group chat before making the trip to Palo Alto. The IKEA line is snaking around barriers in the parking lot like the entrance to a music festival. I regret this decision immediately and decide to head downtown instead to get lunch and stop by West Elm. I bookmarked a mirror there but want to see it in person. The mirror is stunning but at $500 I’m not ready to bite just yet. I get soup and salad at Mendocino Farms and eat on their patio ($16.55 with tip). The ice cream shop across the street is calling to me. I get a scoop of Brown Sugar Banana with hot fudge and almonds ($8.50 with tip) and FT J. to show her because she’s obsessed with ice cream. With sustenance, I head back to IKEA and the line has thankfully died down. I get a new lamp shade, the shelf unit, and another picture frame for a limited-run poster by a local artist that says “what the fuck” — because 2020 ($102.03). $127.08
5 p.m. Stop by Target, Trader Joe’s, and the gas station ($20 offset by CSR) in the city before making my way home. I book a car every few months and do all.the.errands. I was hoping to find planters at Target but no such luck. I get a can of shaving cream and some comfortable looking olive-green paper bag waist pants ($31.67). TJ’s haul includes collagen protein powder, avocado, lettuce, labneh, balela salad, pineapple chunks, flax bread, corn chowder, and a bottle of wine ($42.85). The cashier sees it was my birthday yesterday (I know) and he disappears for a minute only to return with a little bouquet of flowers. I get emotional. $74.52
Sidebar: The past few years have really shown me that your friends will show up for you and people love you for just being your authentic self. I am always so blown away by it. I am working on getting better about accepting and feeling like I am deserving of generosity and love. My therapist is helping.
7 p.m. I am late to the Lovecraft Country watch party and probably have to skip it tonight, but I luck out and find a parking spot in front of my building. Have corn chowder with some leftover cheese and crackers from the park for dinner and pineapple chunks with a leftover cupcake for dessert. I am determined to put the shelf unit together and put up the new lamp shade tonight. I order a few self-watering planters on Amazon ($17.57 after a gift card balance is applied). $17.57
2 a.m. Finally in bed after finishing chores neglected from the busy weekend, writing out a few thank you cards, and taking a long, hot shower. I see an email from the Professor warning us the homework this week will take a few hours, so plan accordingly.

Monday - Day 7 | Daily total: $18
7:30 a.m. No.
8:30 a.m. I return the rental car and walk home before putting myself together for a 10 a.m. Zoom. The rental company emails the receipt ($125.64 offset by CSR). Listen to The Daily while checking various banking apps and see the $300 bonus from opening a Capital One 360 savings account a few months ago was credited. Make a smoothie with frozen spinach, avocado, blueberries, pineapple, collagen protein powder, and unsweetened coconut milk.
11:30 a.m. Still on Zoom while writing this money diary and looking at the syllabus for class (Financial Accounting). It requires an e-textbook, but I sign up for the 14-day trial because the purchase button isn’t working.
12:30 p.m. Break for a lunch of TJ’s Mexicali salad and a side of cheese and crackers. Make my cheapo coffee as well since I’m anticipating a long day of work and school.
3:30 p.m. I’ve been doing what we’ll call working for the past three hours. Now on a call about some ad placements we’re doing for an upcoming virtual event. The next meeting gets canceled, so I play catch up from my PTO days.
5:00 p.m. Decide that’s enough for the workday since I’ll be in the actual office tomorrow morning to meet the IT guys. Unload and reload my mini dishwasher then reread my syllabus to get a better understanding of this week’s assignment. Although my program was already online-based, it’s not all that user-friendly and stuff hides in weird places. I see several other confused individuals have posted on the Ask the Instructor board.
6:30 p.m. Take a study break and order sliders and fries from the pub around the corner. I will likely regret this later when I get heartburn but nothing else sounds good and I rarely feel like cooking (I am Fran Lebowitz in her April New Yorker interview). $18.00
11:00 p.m. I’m texting with a friend about the artwork she’s been posting on Instagram. It’s fantastic and I ask her if it’s for sale, and ask if it was ok that I even asked her that. She’s an interesting, sort of mysterious woman I met through another friend a couple of years ago. She said she’d been quietly selling them but was afraid to really put herself out there. I encourage her to do so immediately. We discuss the pieces I’m interested in and she offers me a much too generous F&F discount. I object but she says, “strangers can pay full price.” I will send her $100 + shipping tomorrow morning once she tallies it up. I shower, watch the season finale of I May Destroy You (whewwww), and make it to bed around midnight.

I normally budget $800 each paycheck for general spending money; I don’t budget everything out by category. Food is always up there. This was a higher spend week, but I accounted for the household stuff with Craigslist sales and the $300 Capital One bonus. I also made about $350 in birthday money. Overall, it was a great week. Take a shot every time I say birthday.

Food & Drink: $218.48
Home: $322.19
Health, Beauty, Clothes: $96.51
Other: $86.52
Weekly Total: $723.70
submitted by edanroe to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

NEW ITEMS ADDED! Drugstore to Luxury Makeup and Brushes | DYSON CORRALE | Pat McGrath Labs | Hourglass | Em Cosmetics | RÓEN | Wayne Goss | Natasha Denona | Chantecaille | Scott Barnes | Chikuhodo | Hakuhodo + WAY MORE!

Hello again, MUE! Please read my info section before browsing, as any questions you might have may be answered below.
-I have fixed the problem that was preventing me from editing my post to reflect sold items! I so appreciated everyone's patience during my last sale and am sorry for the frustration that caused!
-Minimum purchase requirement of $15 pre-shipped, please. Following the change of MUE rules, ALL TRANSACTIONS MUST BE THROUGH PAYPAL GOODS & SERVICES ONLY. G&S fees covered by me. Due to the G&S changes, I don't offer any bundle pricing. I tried to price everything fairly.
-Shipping to the US only at this time. Postage starts at $4 and goes up with weight.
-I honor timestamps on comments. Please reply to your own comment instead of editing the original if you want to add something! I will not be notified of your edit so I may overlook it. Thank you! Please send payment within one hour after your item is confirmed so that I can inform any other interested buyers. I will move on to the next person in line after this time.
-As always, I include a goody bag with each purchase over $25. I've gotten great feedback on my "GWP" bags from previous buyers and try to include a range of foils, samples, travel-sized, and sometimes even full-sized items from drugstore all the way up to luxury brands.
-Due to the ongoing situation with COVID-19, I will be shipping once a week on Mondays. Please re-sanitize your package once received. Research has shown that transmission of COVID-19 via physical objects is unlikely, but many human beings are involved in the shipping process. I think this is the safest option.
-I will be happy to provide more information or pictures of an item if needed. I have a very active one year old, so please be patient if I can't get back to you right away!

  1. Dope Taupe
  2. Evening Seduction
  3. Urban Brown
  1. Sephora Easy Smoky Eye in Matte Black
  2. Sephora Easy Smoky Eye in Matte Brown
  3. Ulta Cream Eye Shadow & Liner in Cup of Joe
  4. Ulta Cream Eye Shadow & Liner in Naked Truth
  5. Ulta Cream Eye Shadow & Liner in Rule of Plum
  6. Ulta Cream Eye Shadow & Liner in Taupe of the World
  1. Denim
  2. Desert SOLD
  3. Golden Hour
  4. Matte SOLD
  5. Minimalist
  6. Prism SOLD
  7. Punked SOLD
  8. Ultra Violet SOLD
BROWS (Verification)
  1. Clio Kill Brow Color Lacquer in 06 Blondie Brown
  2. Peripera Speedy Browcara in #1 Light Brown
  3. Peripera Speedy Skinny Brow Pencil in #5 Light Brown
MASCARA (Verification)
FACE PALETTES (Verification)
BRONZER & CONTOUR (Verification)
HIGHLIGHTER (Verification)
BLUSH (Verification)
FACE POWDERS (Verification)
LIP PRODUCTS (Verification)
BRUSHES (Verification) - All brushes have been washed gently and thoroughly with either BeautyBlender solid soap or Dr. Bronner's Liquid Castile Baby Soap, depending on their respective fibers. They have been dried in brush guards in order to show their original shape.
  1. Citrus Oil Radiance Cleanse
  2. Purifying Charcoal Cleanse
  3. Muslin Cloths
submitted by 1_000catherine to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

can dyson air purifier filter covid video

The Winix 5500-2 is the best air purifier we've ever tested. It uses a true HEPA filter, carbon filter, and plasma for filtering, which are recommended by experts for filtering COVID-19 particles. While Dyson purifiers are scientifically-tested to capture particles as small as allergens and viruses, no purifier manufacturer—including Dyson—can speak to their products' performance against the COVID-19 virus, given there's still so much we don't know. This portable air purifier is great for your desk or a small room. It can cover up to 150-square-feet of space. IQAir Atem Desktop Air Purifier, $399, available at Amazon 2. Coway Airmega 150 Air HEPA-filter purifiers can help keep recycled air clean inside an enclosed space If you've considered purchasing an air purifier or Best HEPA Filter Air Purifiers To Buy For COVID-19. To answer the question in the most basic terms: yes, air purifiers generally filter particulate out of the air effectively -- especially if they use a HEPA filter (more on those in the next Portable air cleaners, also known as air purifiers or air sanitizers, are designed to filter the air in a single room or area. Central furnace or HVAC filters are designed to filter air throughout a home. Portable air cleaners and HVAC filters can reduce indoor air pollutants, including viruses, that are airborne. Yes, a Dyson air purifier can kill COVID-19 particles that get caught in the filter. But those particles need to travel to the filter first. Can building air filtration protect me from getting COVID-19? Filtration in building heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems can be a part of an overall risk mitigation approach but is not generally regarded as solution by itself. But if someone in your household has COVID-19 or needs to quarantine until they can be sure they don’t have it, it might make sense to have an air purifier in their room with the door closed, if only to help protect caregivers from possible exposure. "Since most COVID viruses spread through droplets and/or aerosols, these airborne pathogens can be captured by the air purifier filter," Dr. Wei-Ning Wang, associate professor of mechanical and

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