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Reading Three-Point Shot Part 1 (V3 Spoilers)

So, I had a lot of fun reading “I’d Trade My Life for Yours” and sharing my thoughts on it. I was eager to repeat the experience with another fanfic, and was getting a feel for some recommendations using the Danganronpa Multiverse Wiki that I didn’t even know we have. I figured, ‘hey, the DR fanbase is pretty spoiler conscientious. If I want to know what the premise of a fanfic is, I’m sure this can give me an idea without spoiling anything.’ Then, under the ‘most visited articles’ tab, I saw a page for a character, clicked on it, and right there in the first paragraph; ‘Blank is the new mastermind of Three Point Shot.’
Thanks a bunch, Danganronpa Multiverse Wiki!
So yeah, learn from my mistakes; never look something up for any longer than you have to! Get what you need, then get the hell out!
Anyway, I figured since I already spoiled myself on the biggest twist of this story, I better read it now before I spoil anything else. So on this post, I’ll be covering both the first, and second cases of Three Point Shot, by RandomRex6. Why the first two? Well, this story starts with the investigation of the first case, so if I tried to just cover the first case, there wasn’t going to be enough to talk about. Anyway, here’s the original story if you want to read along, we’re covering chapter 1-18 in this thread. The chapters are a lot more bite-sized compared to I’d Trade My Life for Yours, which is a lot kinder to those of us with less free time on our hands.
Oh, and the same spoiler rules of my last series apply here too; spoilers for the actual canon V3 won’t be marked, since you shouldn’t be reading a rewrite fic without experiencing the original, but major spoilers for this story will be marked.
Ok, let’s start. So, the premise of this fanfic is, in its own words, a ‘justice is served au.’ Rather than Kaede or Shuichi taking the fall in the first trial, the group figure out who Rantaro’s real killer is in the very first trial, and have them executed. Now, as a fan of both of V3 Protagonist’s, I love this! I understood entirely why people wanted to play a whole game as Kaede, but it pained me that so many of them wanted Shuichi to die in her place. Chapter 1 worked so hard to endear people towards the dynamic of Kaede and Shuichi working together, and it felt like most people only wanted the one, or the other. Whether the romance is for you or not is irrelevant, they each have what the other lacks, which has been the recipe for great deuteragonists since time immemorial.
Thanks to Kokichi’s titular three-point shot, Shuichi discovered how the library trap works and tests it to reveal that it couldn’t have killed Rantaro. He goes from dreading the thought that he’d have to accuse Kaede, to being elated that she’s innocent, and the two work together to reveal the real killer.
Now, the first case is…pretty weak. You’ve gotta cut Rex some slack, since it seems like this was originally just supposed to be a single chapter what-if scenario that became an entire AU. They probably didn’t have a whole plan walking in and had to make do with what the first chapter left them.
The first trial barely scratches 5 minutes, and here’s everything that mattered in it (I don’t consider talking about this case as a spoiler when getting justice for the first chapter is literally the whole point of this story.) Shuichi explains how the trap works and that already demonstrated how it couldn’t have killed Rantaro. Kaede confesses to making the trap, and expects to be scorned by her peers, but everybody understands what she was really trying to do and forgive her immediately.
From there, the group wonder how the killer managed to avoid getting caught on the cameras, until Kokichi proposes that they were waiting on the other side of the hidden door in advance, suggesting the killer had to be the mastermind. The group concentrate on who doesn’t have an alibi at the time of the murder, and Kaede zeroes in on Tsumugi going to the bathroom. Shuichi finds it very suspicious since, if there is a second entrance to the hidden room, it’s probably somewhere where the whole group doesn’t have equal access to it, particularly him, the Ultimate Detective (which is just a smidge uncharacteristically big headed of him.)
I feel obligated to point out here, for anyone that hasn’t revisited chapter 1 of V3 for quite some time, that 3 other people have no alibis for this case, all of which claimed to just be in their own respective dorm rooms, and if we apply Shuichi’s logic, it would make way more sense to suspect one of them, over Tsumugi. So, to get around that sort of logical hiccup, the story settles for giving Tsumugi the worse poker face known to mankind. This extremely shaky accusation causes her to contract verbal diarrhoea, as she just keeps repeating ‘it was supposed to be Kaede.’ The group vote her, she’s declared guilty, Monokuma has no problem admitting she was working with him, but says she’s not the mastermind of this story, and executes her.
So, yeah, the story took the path of least resistance to get past this first trial as quickly as it could. Again, gotta cut Rex some slack here since I think they changed their mind about the scale of this project part way through. As far as I’m concerned, it’s not fair to let the first chapter speak for the rest of the story.
That being said…I’m not loving this story so far. I do see things I like, and this story does come highly recommended from the community, so I’m willing to stick with it, but it has its problems.
The first thing that jumped out at me as I read the next section was the pacing. Imo, it feels…off, I don’t really know how to best describe it, I’ve been wracking my brain trying to put it into words, but nothing I can come up with quite sounds right. This is the best I’ve got.
This story always seems to favour cutting to the next scene over transitioning into the next scene, if that makes any sense. The momentum is constantly being reset from wherever it’s at to 0 in an instant, at which point it then immediately starts building up again. You rarely get the chance to just calm down and digest what just happened. This isn’t helped by how the story rarely uses the characters internal dialogue to convey how their processing the situation, which is odd, since this story shifts perspectives a lot. Normally, this technique is done so we can understand where everyone’s coming from, and perhaps sympathise with people we otherwise wouldn’t. But without that internal dialogue, nothing changes. External dialogue is external dialogue, it doesn’t matter whose ears your hearing it through if they don’t have any unique thoughts about it to share.
The start of chapter 7 gives an example of some of these observations. Kaede has a nightmare where instead of being forgiven, everyone feels betrayed upon learning what Kaede did, Shuichi especially. She then goes through her horrific execution from the actual game before waking up. We barely get any insight into Kaede’s inner thoughts after what she just witnessed before the scene ends, and the next scene opens with the following morning, and the nightmare isn’t brought up again for the rest of this section. The nightmare itself is such a great idea to convey the guilt eating Kaede up, despite what the others have to say. But the story is so eager to move past it that it doesn’t leave much of an impact. And this is how the whole section plays out. It has one gear; GO! And it’s so abrupt and difficult to get invested in, because there’s just no time to breathe.
But enough about the pacing. Kaito and Shuichi’s night time training is already going on, which is a bit weird since that was something they did to take Shuichi’s mind off his grief, but he doesn’t have any particularly strong grief in this story yet (Kaede joins their training later.) The group give Shuichi time to rest whilst they explore the school, but by the time they find the secret passage in the girl’s bathroom, Monokuma’s already blocked the tunnel off. Also, as a sidenote, the flashback lights are gone in this story so far. Looks like they’ve abandoned the gopher project storyline when they abandoned Tsumugi.
The group make plans to hold a party in the casino, which I think is a great way to make use of an area that wasn’t really used in the canon story. It follows that up with this story’s take on the motive video. This time, each person receives their own videos, but the videos actually show their pre-V3 selves psyching them up to win the killing game, which confuses the group since they remember being kidnapped and forced to take part in the game. I like this take on the motive, it stirs up the pot without outright spoiling the end game twist. The kids are forbidden from destroying the videos, so settle for just agreeing not to watch them (Press X to doubt.)
We then get a ‘free time’ chapter, which isn’t quite the FTE formula we all know. This story doesn’t have one definitive protagonist, so instead the entire group breaks off into smaller huddles to spend time with each other in pairs or threes. This is one of the few times in this section where the story slows down and just lets the students showcase their personalities, and it shows that it’s fully capable of doing it well. Ryoma overcoming his reluctance to play tennis just because someone called him chicken is a bit trivialising, but we get some nice foreshadowing for Korekiyo’s sister, Himiko and Tenko get a nice dynamic, Angie manages to see eye to eye with Gonta and his love of insects, and Kokichi’s interaction with Monokuma in private betrays how on edge Kokichi really is. I just wish this didn’t have to be crammed into one chapter, and could’ve been intermingled with the rest of the section.
The party scene is pretty nice. It has some of that weird pacing again (we go from Kaede, at breakfast, going over what their plans for the party are this evening to the next scene…which is in the evening, Kaede getting dressed for the party. Just nothing else of note happened that day, I guess) but we get more fun interactions between some of the students, Korekiyo taking an interest in Angie’s religion, Kaito trying to help Ryoma get over his time in prison. I can imagine some beautiful CG’s of this party if it was an actual game. But the group don’t realise until it’s too late that Kokichi snuck away from the party to steal and watch everyone’s motive videos.
It doesn’t take too much longer after this for the deadly life to begin. I try to avoid talking about the case itself in these threads, but there were a lot of aspects to this case that just didn’t settle well with me. Again, I encourage you to read the story yourself and form your own opinions before reading my criticism below.
I do get what they’re going for; Tenko absolutely would kill Korekiyo upon discovering he’s a serial killer that targets young girls to send them to his dead sister. The storyline is definitely believable, but I don’t buy that Tenko would be fine with Himiko being executed at in their place, or how the story revealed Korekiyo’s secret. I like the aftermath of the trial, I like the dynamic they’ve set up between Kokichi and Maki but I can’t agree with how the case itself played out.
Overall, I’m nearly twenty chapters in now, and although I see plot elements I like (and I really want to see how that mastermind thing plays out,) I’m not loving the story so far, and am debating whether or not I should keep reading it. I leaning towards giving them one more case to try and win me over, but if it I’m still not invested in it after that, it may just be better for all of us if I move on to another fanfic instead.
submitted by darkcrusaderares to danganronpa [link] [comments]

Kaito Momota

Kaito Momota is a bit of a weird one for me to write about here. He has had two write ups so far by u/FeistyDeity and u/Analytical-critic-44. Because of that, there really isn’t much that I can say from a purely objective point of view that hasn’t already been said in this subreddit. So, instead of going over his involvement throughout the story, I’m going to try to articulate what I do and don’t like about Kaito’s character, personality, design, and other contributing factors.
At first glance, Kaito is boisterous, hotheaded, and arrogant. He seeks recognition and seems hungry for greatness, illustrated in his tendency to call himself “Luminary of the Stars”. He is an undeterred idealist, often to the point of ignorance. Kaito is also very determined and rarely lets anything keep him down for long. He is devoted to defending and supporting his friends and loved ones, doing what he can to protect them. In turn, he is very charismatic even in the face of adversity, able to inspire others to give their all in the face of despair. Despite his often brazen and practically insane actions, Kaito is fairly insightful, as his bombast and seemingly blind confidence and faith usually mask his true intelligence in planning and deception. He even personally admits that his bravado and fearlessness is mostly a device he uses to hid his own worries and to support others.
This is how I would describe Kaito’s personality in a single paragraph. Now, I want to do something a bit different by unpacking each part of that paragraph to really illustrate what I do and don’t like about Kaito.
At first glance, Kaito is boisterous, hotheaded, and a bit arrogant. He seeks recognition and seems hungry for greatness, illustrated in his tendency to call himself “Luminary of the Stars.”
Kaito’s introduction to the player really sets the tone for what to expect from his character. He talks big and has the enthusiasm to match. He very clearly thinks highly of himself and is proud of himself as well as his journey that led him to this point, even though it came about from lies and deception. He even manages to fit in a small speech to Shuichi and Kaede, which will be a recurring theme with him throughout the game. The biggest take away from his introduction though, to me at least, is one specific exchange.
Kaito: ...Limits don’t exist unless you set them yourself! There are no walls you can’t get over! The same goes for that one!
Shuichi: So do you have any ideas?
Kaito: … Th-That’s not the problem!
Kaede (Thinking): Um… no, that *is* the problem. Geez, this guy sure talks a big game.
Kaito is all talk most of the time, but he isn’t necessarily always able to back it up. It’s both really entertaining as well as frustrating to watch. It ends up being an interesting parallel to Kokichi’s character. They both become examples of the old tale “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.” Kokichi gets there via his incessant lies and misdirections to the point that nobody is willing to actually believe him whenever he happens to tell the truth. With Kaito, his big talk without being able to back it up could be dangerous in that people will begin not taking him seriously anymore when he starts on one of his speeches. All in all, it reminds me of a certain other character… but I’ll get to that later.
He is an undeterred idealist, often to the point of ignorance.
This is my least favorite part of Kaito’s character. While it isn’t present, or at the very least prominent, during the majority of his screen time, it does rear its ugly head on a couple memorable occasions: Chapters 1, 2, and 4. To be fair to him though, the Chapter 1 and 2 incidents are linked and don’t exist throughout the entirety of the chapters. I am, of course, talking about his interactions regarding Ryoma. u/FeistyDeity and u/Analytical-critic-44 both had very different interpretations of his character in relation to this scene, and I actually have an opinion that exists somewhere in between. I feel that what Kaito says in Chapter 1 is inexcusable, but also understandable given the situation that he and everyone else has just been put into. The end of Chapter 2 is equally explainable, though even less justifiable. As I said before though, both of the other write ups already went into detail regarding the moments, so I won’t dwell on it for long.
Chapter 4 is a weird chapter for me. I really like it and really dislike it at the same time. On one hand, you have some of my favorite Kokichi moments from the game, and the chapter really does illustrate well the game’s themes of truth and lies in a fairly unique way. On the other hand, you have the fact that Miu gets shafted, and that Kaito “knows” that it can’t be Gonta because it “can’t be one of his friends” and “there’s no way that Kokichi could be telling the truth.” I understand what the game is trying to do here, but it results in Kaito looking like a stubborn idiot who is willing to ignore evidence that is right in front of his and doom everyone to death simply because he doesn’t like the idea of Gonta being the killer.
One last thing that I would like to bring up in regards to Kaito’s idealism is how he views himself. He states time and time again that he thinks that he’s the main character of this story and that Shuichi is his “sidekick.” Personally, I don’t find this gag funny, and I feel like they really ran it into the ground. The time where he told Shuichi that he is actually Shuichi’s sidekick wasn’t an “awwww” moment like I think the writers were hoping for but rather a “Yeah, no shit.”
Kaito is also very determined and rarely lets anything keep him down for long.
I criticized Kaito for his stubbornness before, but as anyone who knows a stubborn person is aware of, stubbornness can be harmful as well as helpful depending on the situation. This can even be seen in his backstory. Kaito was so determined to get into space that he had college documentation forged so that he could take the astronaut program at a young age. He got caught and was in deep shit, but because he had legitimate talent and aced the test, they welcomed him into the program regardless of his crime.
During the events of the game, this can even be seen with his relationship with Maki. He is determined to help her in any way that he possibly can, and ends up succeeding in his own way. His stubbornness is also the reason why he doesn’t tell anyone about his sickness. He refuses to let anyone worry about him because he feels that everyone should be focused on more important things.
He is devoted to defending and supporting his friends and loved ones, doing what he can to protect them.
Kaito is not much a physical fighter, which can be seen as early as the prologue when the exisals show up. Also illustrative of this is the fact that he doesn’t actually participate in the nightly workouts. This is all due to his disease which has prevented him from doing as much physically as he would normally be able to do otherwise. What he lacks in physicality though, he makes up for in spirit and perseverance. He is willing to protect those he cares about in his own way. Sometimes this works, and other times it ends up blowing up in his face. And while it is somewhat frustrating to watch, I can’t deny that it is genuinely heartwarming seeing how far he is willing to go and push himself in the name of saving everyone.
Chapter 5 is the highlight of this in my opinion. He takes an arrow to keep Maki from killing Kokichi, and ends up impersonating Kokichi in order to help put a stop to the killing game in its entirety and save everyone there that was still alive.
He is very charismatic even in the face of adversity, able to inspire others to give their all in the face of despair.
The first thing that I think of when it comes to Kaito are his inspirational speeches. Sometimes they work narratively and sometimes they don’t, but it’s become synonymous with Kaito to me. My biggest problem with them is the same as u/FeistyDeity’s: it tends to scream “time for character development.” It’s a tell vs show kind of thing. I’d prefer to see the characters change over time based on their mannerisms and personality rather than hear how they’re going to change from a speech give from the “token inspirational character.” There’s not much more that I can say that hasn’t already been said though.
Despite his often brazen and practically insane actions, Kaito is fairly insightful, as his bombast and seemingly blind confidence and faith usually mask his true intelligence in planning and deception. He even personally admits that his bravado and fearlessness is mostly a device he uses to hid his own worries and to support others.
This is my personal favorite part of Kaito’s character and one that I wish had been explored more than in just his backstory and Chapter 5. Kaito’s past experiences with deception have undoubtedly shaped him as a person. He is fully unapologetic for what he did to get into the space program. Since it worked out for him, he sees it as something that was necessary and worth it. He is a natural-born risk taker and that ends up guiding a lot of his actions. It’s for this reason that he’s so good in the casino event. He has the skills and personality necessary to be good at gambling (aside from the poker face).
Once again, Chapter 5 is also a great example of this aspect of his character. He is able to expertly imitate someone and was only found out by the Ultimate Detective. He says that he went with Kokichi’s plans because he felt like he owed him, but I think that it’s more than that. He liked the idea and though it was a major risk, he was the perfect person to take that risk. All this risk taking also arises from, once again, his disease. He wants to live his life to its fullest in the time that he has left. He won’t be able to do that if he just sits around for the right time; he needs to take action and if he has to suffer consequences for his actions then so be it.
Just a couple extra miscellaneous thoughts about Kaito before I get to the final part of this analysis. For one, I absolutely love his design. His hair is so over-the-top that I adore it, and I actually genuinely like the way he wears his jacket, as well as the cosmos pattern on the inside of the jacket. Overall, he has a really appealing design. His FTEs are very meh. They’re not atrocious or anything, but they’re certainly not anything special in my opinion. I do like his love suite scene though. It’s a nice little scene where you just get more of Kaito as his usual self except now he sees Shuichi as his rival in a race. It’s a nice little scene even if it doesn’t contribute much to his character overall.
Now, for the thing that I’ve been really waiting to talk about. Look at Kaito. Now, clean your glasses and look at Kaito again. Yup, the joke isn’t original, but he is clearly reminiscent of Kamina from Gurren Lagann. While it may seem somewhat superfluous to others, Gurren Lagann was my first anime and holds a certain place in my heart for that. I can’t help but see a lot of Kamina in Kaito. His bravado, his long winded speeches that sometimes defy logic, his desire to reach the heavens, his relationship with a shy boy and girl who wants nothing to do with him initially. Hell, even Kaito’s execution acts as a drill. It may seem really superficial, but I can’t help but like Kaito more because of this.
To conclude this, I just want to apologize for taking so long to get this done. My computer at home broke, so I’ve been using my phone and work computer exclusively for writing this which has made it significantly more difficult to finish. Thank you all for your patience!
submitted by Zanthosus to DRrankdown [link] [comments]

Any Danganronpa Fans in Here?

So, I was watching some Danganronpa videos and I got the idea of making a Danganronpa x Dead By Daylight AU. Since the characters already have backstories and such, I already have some ideas for the characters. Feel free to join in! (Though, please avoid spoiling the games for others, especially V3.)
(Note some of the roles were taken from the official DBD wiki.)
Dwight - Ultimate Leader
Meg - Ultimate Athlete
Claduette - Ultimate Botanist
Jake - Ultimate Survivalist?/Solitary Survivalist
Nea - Ultimate Urban Artist
Laurie - Ultimate Survivor
Ace - Ultimate Lucky Gamble
Bill - Ultimate Veteran
Feng - Ultimate Game Ultimate Competitive Gamer (Idea from Solonus)
David - Ultimate Brawler
Quentin - Ultimate Dreamwalker?
And I believe the entity should rightfully be Monokuma, possibly taking the form of a person. V3 slight Spoiler: Perhaps the Monokubs could be the Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, Nurse and Micheal Myers (I could see him being Monodam.) What would they be called though?
All people have to have motivations to kill others right?
Dwight - Unsure, since he has perks like 'Leader' and 'Bond', maybe he has a strong connection with some people outside, so they could be his motivation. Or maybe he wants to get revenge on his boss for leaving him behind.
Meg - Her ill Mother, desperately searching for her daughter which is all she has left.
Claudette - Her parents or her friends that she made through the forums of answering Botany questions. She could possibly be desperate to help others.
Jake - His Mum. The video could be of her begging and pleading for the police to continue searching for him, only to see her request be denied by the police officer.
Nea - Possibly her old friends that she had back in Sweden. > "Nea was forced to leave her friends and life behind."
Laurie - The kids from the first movie (Thomas and Lindsey) could potentially be her motivation.
Ace - Hmm...Not much information on who his motivation could be, though it does mention that he was born poor. Perhaps it could be his parents who are in debt or such?
Bill - Seeing the other three L4D survivors, especially Zoey, since he deeply cares about her.
Feng - This is another hard one since Benedict states > "She came running, passed by a wounded girl and didn’t stop. A lone wolf maybe? I am not sure what I should call this new person." She doesn't like her parents either, though maybe the entity could have the motivation be her parents saying that they truly miss her and that they're sorry.
David - His close friends or his family
Quentin - Not sure about this one, I never really watched the movie. Any suggestions would help!
This will be the fun part to brainstorm with everybody, I'm interested in seeing everyone's ideas!
Dwight - Idea by Spectre_12: He needs to go through an obstacle course with the exits doors at the end, saving the replicas of his friends during the way. in the end, he would be slowed down too much by the replicas and as he's going through the exit doors the time will run out, cutting him in half.
Meg - My idea: Meg is forced onto a treadmill, her arms are bound to the arms of the treadmill. When she looks behind her, she realises that there is a pit of spikes directly behind the treadmill. The treadmill then begins to slowly increase in speed, the speeds dropping low and high at random intervals. Her legs eventually give in and she falls onto the treadmill, the binds on her arms giving in and she falls into the pit.
Claduette - Idea by Spectre_12: Maybe getting thrown into a big mortar and getting crushed by a pestle until she is nothing but mush.
Jake - Need ideas
Nea - Need ideas
Laurie - Need ideas. Dang V3 spoiler (if you haven't seen the first trial) I could definitely see Laurie being chased by Micheal Myers, Micheal being the last Monokub. In the end, she would be killed, but she would also be able to kill Micheal as well.
Ace - My suggestion: Ace is dragged to a Casino, where he sits on a chair. The entity deals him some cards to play a game of Texa's Hold Em. If he wins, he gets to escape and if he loses, he gets executed. Ace has no choice but to play, as he picks up the cards, revealing a Royal Flush, having hearts as all the suits. Ace gives a confident smirk and bets his life, however, he is utterly beaten when the entity reveals that they also have a Royal Flush, except with spades. He is then crushed by a giant dice or sliced with a card.
Bill - Lievrehare's idea: Bill is chased by a Tank through the forest. However, the tank is shot and afterwards, Bill sees Zoey's silhouette in an alleyway. As he walks toward her, it's revealed to be the Hag wearing her clothes. She screams at him and proceeds to claw him to death. In the sky, a text appears "Bill startled the Hag."
Feng - Lievrehare's idea: Feng is in the forest. She suddenly sees a princess trapped by a beartrap but chooses to ignore her as she sees a chest. We can hear the princess's screams while Nea opens the chest with a colored beam emitting from it into the sky. The princess's killer notices the beam and walks toward Nea, searching in it. Feng is disappointed when she finds a teddy bear inside the chest, but when the killer finds her (which turns out to be a TrappeWraith) he spares her as he loves it. The scene then cuts back to the Princess's corpse and the Doctor appears and electrocutes the Princess's body, which reanimates the princess as an undead and kills Feng.
David - My suggestion: He is dropped into a ring with a crowd of entity produced people (some may look the same or have the same shape but different haiskin colour.) He is forced to fight a weaker looking opponent, which in the end they utterly destroy him. He is humiliated in front of the crowd which boo at him, before the opponent finishes him off with a finishing blow.
Quentin - Need ideas
I hope you enjoyed the read and I hope that this'll be a fun discussion for everyone!
submitted by Remikat to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

Dead by Daylight AU

So, I was watching some Danganronpa videos and I got the idea of making a Danganronpa x Dead By Daylight AU. Since the characters already have backstories and such, I already have some ideas for the characters. Feel free to join in! (Though, please avoid spoiling the games for others, especially V3.)
(Note some of the roles were taken from the official DBD wiki.)
Dwight - Ultimate Leader
Meg - Ultimate Athlete
Claduette - Ultimate Botanist
Jake - Ultimate Survivalist?/Solitary Survivalist
Nea - Ultimate Urban Artist
Laurie - Ultimate Survivor
Ace - Ultimate Lucky Gamble
Bill - Ultimate Veteran
Feng - Ultimate Gamer
David - Ultimate Brawler
Quentin - Ultimate Dreamwalker?
And I believe the entity should rightfully be Monokuma, possibly taking the form of a person. V3 slight Spoiler: Perhaps the Monokubs could be the Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, Nurse and Micheal Myers (I could see him being Monodam.) What would they be called though?
All people have to have motivations to kill others right?
Dwight - Unsure, since he has perks like 'Leader' and 'Bond', maybe he has a strong connection with some people outside, so they could be his motivation. Or maybe he wants to get revenge on his boss for leaving him behind.
Meg - Her ill Mother, desperately searching for her daughter which is all she has left.
Claudette - Her parents or her friends that she made through the forums of answering Botany questions. She could possibly be desperate to help others.
Jake - His Mum. The video could be of her begging and pleading for the police to continue searching for him, only to see her to be denied.
Nea - Possibly her old friends that she had back in Sweden. > Nea was forced to leave her friends and life behind.
Laurie - The kids from the first movie (Thomas and Lindsey) could potentially be her motivation.
Ace - Hmm...Not much information on who his motivation could be, though it does mention that he was born poor. Perhaps it could be his parents who are in debt or such?
Bill - Seeing the other three L4D survivors, especially Zoey, since he deeply cares about her.
Feng - This is another hard one since Benedict states > "She came running, passed by a wounded girl and didn’t stop. A lone wolf maybe? I am not sure what I should call this new person." She doesn't like her parents either, though maybe the entity could have the motivation be her parents saying that they truly miss her and that they're sorry.
David - His close friends or his family
Quentin - Not sure about this one, I never really watched the movie. Any suggestions would help!
This will be the fun part to brainstorm with everybody, I'm interested in seeing everyone's ideas!
Dwight - Need ideas
Meg - My idea: Meg is forced onto a treadmill, her arms are bound to the arms of the treadmill. When she looks behind her, she realises that there is a pit of spikes directly behind the treadmill. The treadmill then begins to slowly increase in speed, the speeds dropping low and high at random intervals. Her legs eventually give in and she falls onto the treadmill, the binds on her arms giving in and she falls into the pit.
Claduette - Need ideas
Jake - Need ideas
Nea - Need ideas
Laurie - Need ideas. Dang V3 spoiler (if you haven't seen the first trial) I could definitely see Laurie being chased by Micheal Myers, Micheal being the last Monokub. In the end, she would be killed, but she would also be able to kill Micheal as well.
Ace - My suggestion: Ace is dragged to a Casino, where he sits on a chair. The entity deals him some cards to play a game of Texa's Hold Em. If he wins, he gets to escape and if he loses, he gets executed. Ace has no choice but to play, as he picks up the cards, revealing a Royal Flush, having hearts as all the suits. Ace gives a confident smirk and bets his life, however, he is utterly beaten when the entity reveals that they also have a Royal Flush, except with spades. He is then crushed by a giant dice or sliced with a card.
Bill - Need Ideas
Feng - Need ideas
David - My suggestion: He is dropped into a ring with a crowd of entity produced people (some may look the same or have the same shape but different haiskin colour.) He is forced to fight a weaker looking opponent, which in the end they utterly destroy him. He is humiliated in front of the crowd which boo at him, before the opponent finishes him off with a finishing blow.
Quentin - Need ideas
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As you progress in Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony, new rooms will unlock in the academy. One of these rooms is the casino. Most casinos are designed to take your cash, but the casino in... It's worth 100,000 casino tokens and has the description of "it may or may not pull in a powerful wave of luck". Will saving up to buy this be worthwhile? I was looking online to see if anyone said anything about this. Has anyone here bought this? If you have, did it do anything? Do you feel "lucky" in the casino? Thanks! ː2016roastedː The Casino is one of the main buildings in the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles featured in Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony. It is one of the two buildings unlocked in Chapter 2 along with Hotel Kumasutra. Get a taste of the good life at Paradise Casino, and collect 60 Danganronpa V3 Casino Wiki free spins to play on their top slots as well as up to Danganronpa V3 Casino Wiki €/$700 in bonus money over your first three deposits.. Read our casino review to find out Danganronpa V3 Casino Wiki more about Paradise Casino, their daily cashback promise and endless collection of online slots! Executions Danganronpa Wiki Fando . Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony is a visual novel adventure game developed by Spike Chunsoft for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita and Windows. The game was released in Japan in January 2017, and in North America and Europe by NIS America that September. A Windows version was also released at the same time Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony A new cast of 16 Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony, known in Japan as New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing (ニューダンガンロンパV3 みんなのコロシアイ新学期), is a Japanese visual novel game developed by Spike Chunsoft.It is the third main title in the Danganronpa series. It was released in Japan on January 12th, 2017 for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita. Like real life, winning at the casino requires a bit of luck, but since this is a video game there are some tips and tricks that can be used to get the. Spielsucht Wiki bekannt Spielsucht Wiki. - Beschreibung Screenshots iPhone iPad. Its at least 2 years old. He is 25 going on He looks well over More than likely he will not be carded. But just Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony - Present Guide (Spoiler-Free) Written by Nullenergien / Sep 29, 2017 The peach-colored presents can only be bought from the casino. The other presents are bought from the Monomono Machine. Presents No. 114 to 128 are unlocked by completing a character's Free Time Events. Presents No. 133 to 140 are unlocked through story progression. Present No. 141 is Saving up for the key in the casino is a huge hassle. I couldn't find any tips online, so I thought I'd write a small guide. I ended up getting it after chapter 2, so here is my advice: You will unlock more difficult settings which net more coins during the next few chapters, so don't try to grind out super early in the game. If you are going to play a game, 9 times out of 10 I'd reccomend Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony continues the series, bringing 16 new students into another round of the Killing Game. Forced by an unseen mastermind, only one student can survive — the only way

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