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I recently caught up to Gintama, and I think you should make it your 2021 goal to at least start it. Here's why I think that.

I know we've all seen Gintama floating around on the internet so often. People saying "watch Gintama!" and posting funny clips of the show all over reddit. I want to take a slightly different approach as to why I loved the show so much. Most of the time you hear, "it's really funny! best comedy!" with the additional "the serious moments are so good!" but I want to share my thoughts on why both aspects of it are so good, and why they work so well together. This post will not contain any major or specific spoilers.
So to start things off, how is the comedy in Gintama? I will warn you ahead of time, Gintama is not afraid to be vulgar. If you're turned off by jokes about private parts and poop, it's not the central focus of the humor but there is a lot of inappropriate humor. There is also a ton of pop culture references, by which I mean one episode may reference about 20 different things. Sometimes there will be entire mini-arcs (3 episodes) dedicated to one parody, something like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure or Dragon Quest. There is also a ton of meta humor. They are not afraid to break the fourth wall, talk about the production of the show, voice actors, filler episodes, etc.
Do you need to understand all the references to enjoy it? I would say it certainly helps if you have a somewhat strong grasp on Japanese culture, popular game and anime franchises, etc, but it's not mandatory. I've seen people go back and forth on this point, and while having a comprehensive knowledge of everything in Japanese media and growing up in Japan will definitely help the enjoyment, I found that with my limited knowledge it was still very fun. Even if I didn't get a reference it was still a silly moment for me, regardless if I knew who they were talking about or not. Plus, if you really want to, you can look up the references later to have an "a ha!" moment and learn more about the pop culture scene.
All of the characters are unique and enjoyable! Everyone has their own personality and their own dynamic with each other. You have the lazy yet (usually) dependable Gintoki, the straight man Shinpachi who's the butt of a lot of jokes, the vulgar overconfident Kagura, the leader of the rebels who is serious to a fault even in ridiculous situations Katsura, I could go on and on. Every character has their own vibe, their own appeal, their own dynamic with other characters, and their own running gags. Every time you see one of them on screen you know what to expect and it always delivers in a satisfying way, to the point where sometimes you'll see two characters interact and you're like, "oh man how will they interact?" It's really fun!
So, comedy aside, what is the plot of the show? The show takes place in Edo, specifically Kabukichō which is an entertainment and red-light district of Shinjuku in real Japan. There are host and hostess clubs, shops, nightclubs, restaurants, casinos, you name it. Aliens known as Amanto attacked Japan and took over, starting the sword ban. Samurai are far and few between and those who remain get by however they can. Enter the main character, Gintoki. A samurai who fought in the war against the invading Amanto, he still carries a wooden sword around and runs a business called Odd Jobs where he'll take on any task, from finding a kitten to stopping an invasion.
It's a very simple premise but it builds up and pays off in great ways. The more serious aspects of the plot come from leftovers of the war, rebels that defy the current government, the police force (Shinsengumi) trying to keep order, and some darker shadows behind the scenes, the truth of the Amanto, and the teacher that raised Gintoki and a few other of the main characters. It leads to some really serious and oftentimes depressing moments in the series.
So, how good are the serious portions? The action portions of the show are a little scarce early on. There's definitely a heavier focus on the comedy. At episode 58 you get your first taste of the true action and plot of the series (yes, I know, that's quite a ways in). From there, there are more mini arcs of about 3-6 episodes each that cover some much more serious topics and push the main plot along and introduce new characters and concepts. There's some really hard hitting backstories for some of the characters as well, often in ways you wouldn't expect. It makes each character feel a bit more real. The choreography, music, and voice acting are all top notch.
How do the comedy and more serious topics blend? This is the main point of my post that I want to make, and I thank you for reading this far. The serious moments really let you see the characters in a more serious light (duh), while the comedy segments let you see them in moments of peace. They're allowed to laugh, have fun, do stupid shit, but when shit hits the fan it often feels like they need to power through it to see those peaceful moments again. The show doesn't make a big point of this, but it's definitely the factor that pulled me in. You wanna see our goofy main trio get past this terrifying moment and be able to joke around again. You want to see the side characters persevere and overcome the odds so they can see tomorrow and laugh along with the rest of the cast. You get invested in the characters during the funny moments, so the serious moments have a stronger impact.
The action and serious scenes are also littered with silly moments or one-liners that make the fights or moments feel more natural. Like Gintoki will drop a one-liner or do something dumb during a serious moment and it's like "yeah that seems about right." He'll make fun of an opponent's name, complain about getting hurt, yelling at the bad guy for overreacting, make dirty distractions to get away, etc. But it always comes back to a satisfying conclusion. The comedy and the action flow seamlessly. A perfect example would be this moment where he fails to make a serious entrance. There's also this story about a dog who was abandoned by his owner. I feel those are my two favorite examples of blending serious with comedy.
Later in the series, especially the last few arcs, the comedy takes a backseat for a much more serious plot. It really makes the stakes feel high and every character feels like a part of this world. It's super well done and I won't say more than that.
Have you been convinced to check out Gintama? It's definitely a long series to get into, but it's absolutely worth it. Try sticking to one episode a day or every few days and you'll always have something to look forward to. Just make sure to skip the first two episodes because they were made as a celebration of the manga getting an anime adaptation, and it expects you to know all the characters (and also just isn't that great). Episode 3 is the proper "episode 1" of the series and begins with the characters meeting for the first time.
Don't think of it as some colossal hurdle to complete, focus on the journey not the destination. Enjoy your ride through the crazy, hilarious, fun, and heartbreaking world of Gintama and I hope you all end up enjoying it! There's definitely a reason that everyone who's seen it regards it so well and now I can confidently say I do too. I'm really excited for the final movie!
Edit: I also want to add that all of Gintama (aside from specials and OVAs) is on Crunchyroll!
submitted by Kyozou66 to Animesuggest [link] [comments]

Sessyoin Kiara (Summer)'s Valentine Scene

  [Voiced scene here]
  [The watery depths of darkness greets us.]   Guda: ...Huh...   [The scene shifts to what appears to be the Moon Cell.]   Guda: ...This place is...   [Accompanied by static, Kiara in her third ascension's mermaid cosplay appears before us for a brief second before she disappears and we find ourselves in the middle of a city.]   Guda: ???   [Once again, Kiara appears, this time in her first ascension swimsuit.]   Sessyoin Kiara: Fufu. The meal at the restaurant just now was very delicious. As expected of Master; you have a discerning eye, or perhaps I should say you have heavenly luck. At this point, I'm almost fully sated.   Guda: [1] Sessyoin Kiara-san...!   Kiara: ...Aah. You're calling my name with such a smile on your face again... I am happy about your feelings, but please have patience. We are still in the middle of town...right?   Guda: [2] You're Sessyoin Lily's...!   Kiara: Fufufu. Keep your feigning of ignorance in moderation. I can't guarantee what'll happen otherwise in all sorts of meaning, you see?   Kiara: Now then, since we have filled our stomach, shall we visit our favorite beach? I finally changed into a swimsuit, but I could only try it out at a lake... The one who invited me to the sea while I was lamenting that...was none other than you. I was so happy, I couldn't sleep last night. I might be unable to fall asleep ever again♡ Ju~st kidding☆ Fufufufufu! Since it's a vacation on Valentine's, I'm in high spirits. It might be out of season, but this is a garden of pleasure without any discomfort. That rumored Altar of Perpetual and Everlasting Summer that I've heard of... Umm, if I remember correctly, Luluhawa was its name? I absolutely won't lose to such a wicked thing. I've snuck in there and done my research, after all.   Guda: I see. So today was Valentine's. / I see, you are the night time's Sesshouin...   Kiara: Yes, of course. Please, spend this holiday so you'll have no regrets afterwards, Master.   [We spend the day on the seashore with Kiara, and then, at night...]   Kiara: Swimming at the beach where no one else is around, enjoying the sunlight, and engaging in conversations as we listen to the sound of the waves... It was a very pleasant holiday, Master. I've returned my childlike innocence as I frolicked about. Aah, but, being unable to order a few drinks...would be my only regret. Downing your glasses all night will be a thing for when you're a little older♡ ...Oh. Putting that aside... I might be giving it to you at the very end, but would you accept this...? It's chocolate for Valentine's.   [Kiara's choco acquired!]   Guda: I'll gladly accept it! / I see, it slipped my mind!   Kiara: You being pleased with it is all that matters to me. To commemorate this Summer, I tried to imitate a flower ornament. It might be some plain chocolate compared to what you received from the other Servants... ────Aah, however. If you still find it insufficient...if it still does not satisfy you...if you still want more... There might be more after this...perhaps?   Guda: [1] No such thing, this is more than enough!   Kiara: ────I see. Then this is where it ends. I have been turned down. Yes, Valentine's only lasts one day. It's not something to repeat over and over again for several days. Then, let us return to Chaldea, Master. You have no need for the tranquility of the depths. Please, join hands with everyone and take back our great planet, okay?   [GOOD END]
Guda: [2] ...You are right, it might be a little lacking...   Kiara: ────You wished for it, right? Then close your eyes for a bit. Let my following version guide you even deeper. How cruel to say that pleasant affairs end in an instant. If they can continue, let them do so for eternity. That is what everyone honestly wishes for.   [Suddenly, everything goes white. Then, accompanied by static, images of the Moon Cell and the previous city flashes before our eyes and we find ourselves in an Oriental capital.]   Guda: ────Huh?   [We hear the sound of an approaching bike and Kiara skids to a halt before us in her second ascension's getup.]   Kiara: Oh my. My preferred unsightly pig Master has been foun~d♡ ────Ahem. That's not it. Stop there, you bitch (if female)/swine (if male). Get on your knees and raise your hands. You aren't allowed to resist. If you move even a little, I'll smack you in the ass (if female)/between your legs (if male) with this baton.   Guda: This is also Kiara-san...? / So next is Kiara Police!   [Kiara smiles before she reverts to her previous stern expression.]   Kiara: Shut up. There is no chance for you to explain or a right for you to vindicate yourself. You should have learned in compulsory education that in this town being a Master itself is a sin, right? Moreover, to think you'd be leisurely walking on the main street...are you not aware that you're a piece of trash? You────know what's going to happen next, right?   Guda: Perhaps...going along voluntarily to be questioned by the police? / Could it be...I'll be forcibly detained?   Kiara: Yes, a tiny piece of trash belongs in the trashcan. A miserable pig belongs in the pigpen. And so, you're under arrest~♡ Game over for you, best regards?   [More choco acquired!]   Kiara: Fufufu. I wonder if you'll like this handcuff-shaped chocolate. Now then, the continuation will be happening in solitary confinement, plenty of it. This Saint Graph does not adhere to the master-servant relationship. It is the form a ruthless ruler. I will thoroughly train that lax attitude of yours without any mercy. Yes, even if it will take a year or a decade. As you wished, forever, right?   Guda: Eh...? / A decade...?   [Our vision goes white once again.]   Kiara: Don't you find it strange? Why are the bubbles the Shen spews forth called mirages on the surface? If the bubbles reflect the insides of the shell, what appears on the surface should be simply the clam's muscles. So then, the reason why oases and capitals emerge────is that what's inside the Shen is literally a castle (read as town). [1] An ideal world envisioned by the people of the secular world. An earthly paradise without any discomfort. A perfectly convenient and infinitely vast city. This is the insides of the mirage. A different world contained within the palace of the clam. Even so──── For me, it is nothing but a cramped bed, you see?   [Accompanied by the sound of static, we find ourselves at a pool.]   Kiara: How about something of this aspect this time? Though you might already be sick of eating chocolate.   [Even more choco acquired!]   Kiara: Ufufu. Beaches are great, but pools like this are fine too. Well, since the current is too strong, it is not to my liking... Fortunately, the current me is a mermaid as you can see. No matter how many times you drown or how far you are swept away, I can easily scoop you up, you know, Master?   Guda: ............   Kiara: What might be the problem? You seem to be under the weather based on your expression. Could it be...the clam chocolate from before wasn't to your liking? ...As expected, mixing clam with chocolate was dangerous... No, this only happened by a chance, it's just an accident! It's not like I'm better at cooking when I'm in Lily form! ...Oh, that's not what I should be saying. Master? If your stomach hurts, how about we return to the hotel? This is a high-class resort that even has casinos. There is no shortage of entertainment even at the hotel.   Guda: It's about time...   Kiara: Yes?   Guda: If I don't return to Chaldea soon...   Kiara: ─────── ─────── ────Then let us do that. Go ahead and return, Master. I won't stop you. That is. If you can escape?   [We leave behind Kiara and run through the city, the Moon Cell, the beach, and reach the Oriental capital where we encountered Kiara Police.]   Guda: ────pant pant──── ────No good, this city, is way too vast────   [The ground rumbles and *the faint image of Kiara we could see in the sky all this time comes into view and Kiara's voice echoes out.]*   Kiara: ────Pfft. Fufu, ufufu, aah, how funny! Just what are you talking about when you are so out of breath? This is an immensely vast world. After all, this is next to my pillow. It is a castle that would be sent flying if I were to blow on it.   Guda: ────Just what, is that────   Kiara: After you take refuge in illusions, you won't be able to leave. ...Indeed, I also find it regrettable. To think you'd fall so deep after being bewitched by the sweetness of sugar. I can't view you as Master anymore. You're like an ant that ran around restlessly and separated from its colony. I wonder if I should cover you in chocolate and eat you.   [The ground rumbles once again.]   Kiara: Fufu, of course, that was just a joke. This is an earthly paradise, inside the dream released by the Shen. If you are fine with empty illusions, here you will be granted tranquility lasting until your death, no, lasting forevermore without you being able to die. Will you disappear along with the illusions in a single breath from me or will you cling to my fingers seeking salvation──── Regardless of what you choose, there is no way for you to return to reality. Resign yourself to your fate, Master.   [A pink mist fills our vision.]   Kiara: Your fall will lead to the Heaven of Pleasure. The Hell of the woman who captivates her prey. ...Fufu, you wish you hadn't gone to something like the Palace of the Dragon King, right?   [BAD END]
(Moral of the story: Don't be greedy. Or Kiara will trap you in illusions and toy with you for eternity.)

Bond CE

A Single Summer's Mirage Set
Valentine's chocolate from Sessyoin Kiara (MoonCancer).
Chocolates matching each stage of ascension are stored inside the Tamateba[2] ......correction, a multi-layered lunch box. You can eat any of the "flowers floating at the waterside", "handcuffs" and "shellfish" that you prefer.
However, moderation is important for everything. If you eat just one or two kinds, the boddhisatva will watch over you with a charming smile, but if you display an unsatiable desire where you eat everything at once────
「Fufufu, what's stored inside the box might not be only chocolate, you know?」
Translator notes: [1] "Mirage" is written with the kanji for "Shen" "emission/spirit/mind" and "building/tower", so mirages are "buildings created of what the Shen emits", I guess? [2] The narration was gonna say Tamatebako before it cut off.
submitted by Konchew to grandorder [link] [comments]

Sessyoin Kiara (Summer)'s Valentine Scene

  [Voiced scene here]
[The watery depths of darkness greets us.]   Guda: ...Huh...   [The scene shifts to what appears to be the Moon Cell.]   Guda: ...This place is...   [Accompanied by static, Kiara in her third ascension's mermaid cosplay appears before us for a brief second before she disappears and we find ourselves in the middle of a city.]   Guda: ???   [Once again, Kiara appears, this time in her first ascension swimsuit.]   Sessyoin Kiara: Fufu. The meal at the restaurant just now was very delicious. As expected of Master; you have a discerning eye, or perhaps I should say you have heavenly luck. At this point, I'm almost fully sated.   Guda: [1] Sessyoin Kiara-san...!   Kiara: ...Aah. You're calling my name with such a smile on your face again... I am happy about your feelings, but please have patience. We are still in the middle of town...right?   Guda: [2] You're Sessyoin Lily's...!   Kiara: Fufufu. Keep your feigning of ignorance in moderation. I can't guarantee what'll happen otherwise in all sorts of meaning, you see?   Kiara: Now then, since we have filled our stomach, shall we visit our favorite beach? I finally changed into a swimsuit, but I could only try it out at a lake... The one who invited me to the sea while I was lamenting that...was none other than you. I was so happy, I couldn't sleep last night. I might be unable to fall asleep ever again♡ Ju~st kidding☆ Fufufufufu! Since it's a vacation on Valentine's, I'm in high spirits. It might be out of season, but this is a garden of pleasure without any discomfort. That rumored Altar of Perpetual and Everlasting Summer that I've heard of... Umm, if I remember correctly, Luluhawa was its name? I absolutely won't lose to such a wicked thing. I've snuck in there and done my research, after all.   Guda: I see. So today was Valentine's. / I see, you are the night time's Sesshouin...   Kiara: Yes, of course. Please, spend this holiday so you'll have no regrets afterwards, Master.   [We spend the day on the seashore with Kiara, and then, at night...]   Kiara: Swimming at the beach where no one else is around, enjoying the sunlight, and engaging in conversations as we listen to the sound of the waves... It was a very pleasant holiday, Master. I've returned my childlike innocence as I frolicked about. Aah, but, being unable to order a few drinks...would be my only regret. Downing your glasses all night will be a thing for when you're a little older♡ ...Oh. Putting that aside... I might be giving it to you at the very end, but would you accept this...? It's chocolate for Valentine's.   [Kiara's choco acquired!]   Guda: I'll gladly accept it! / I see, it slipped my mind!   Kiara: You being pleased with it is all that matters to me. To commemorate this Summer, I tried to imitate a flower ornament. It might be some plain chocolate compared to what you received from the other Servants... ────Aah, however. If you still find it insufficient...if it still does not satisfy you...if you still want more... There might be more after this...perhaps?   Guda: [1] No such thing, this is more than enough!   Kiara: ────I see. Then this is where it ends. I have been turned down. Yes, Valentine's only lasts one day. It's not something to repeat over and over again for several days. Then, let us return to Chaldea, Master. You have no need for the tranquility of the depths. Please, join hands with everyone and take back our great planet, okay?   [GOOD END]
Guda: [2] ...You are right, it might be a little lacking...   Kiara: ────You wished for it, right? Then close your eyes for a bit. Let my following version guide you even deeper. How cruel to say that pleasant affairs end in an instant. If they can continue, let them do so for eternity. That is what everyone honestly wishes for.   [Suddenly, everything goes white. Then, accompanied by static, images of the Moon Cell and the previous city flashes before our eyes and we find ourselves in an Oriental capital.]   Guda: ────Huh?   [We hear the sound of an approaching bike and Kiara skids to a halt before us in her second ascension's getup.]   Kiara: Oh my. My preferred unsightly pig Master has been foun~d♡ ────Ahem. That's not it. Stop there, you bitch (if female)/swine (if male). Get on your knees and raise your hands. You aren't allowed to resist. If you move even a little, I'll smack you in the ass (if female)/between your legs (if male) with this baton.   Guda: This is also Kiara-san...? / So next is Kiara Police!   [Kiara smiles before she reverts to her previous stern expression.]   Kiara: Shut up. There is no chance for you to explain or a right for you to vindicate yourself. You should have learned in compulsory education that in this town being a Master itself is a sin, right? Moreover, to think you'd be leisurely walking on the main street...are you not aware that you're a piece of trash? You────know what's going to happen next, right?   Guda: Perhaps...going along voluntarily to be questioned by the police? / Could it be...I'll be forcibly detained?   Kiara: Yes, a tiny piece of trash belongs in the trashcan. A miserable pig belongs in the pigpen. And so, you're under arrest~♡ Game over for you, best regards?   [More choco acquired!]   Kiara: Fufufu. I wonder if you'll like this handcuff-shaped chocolate. Now then, the continuation will be happening in solitary confinement, plenty of it. This Saint Graph does not adhere to the master-servant relationship. It is the form a ruthless ruler. I will thoroughly train that lax attitude of yours without any mercy. Yes, even if it will take a year or a decade. As you wished, forever, right?   Guda: Eh...? / A decade...?   [Our vision goes white once again.]   Kiara: Don't you find it strange? Why are the bubbles the Shen spews forth called mirages on the surface? If the bubbles reflect the insides of the shell, what appears on the surface should be simply the clam's muscles. So then, the reason why oases and capitals emerge────is that what's inside the Shen is literally a castle. [1] An ideal world envisioned by the people of the secular world. An earthly paradise without any discomfort. A perfectly convenient and infinitely vast city. This is the insides of the mirage. A different world contained within the palace of the clam. Even so──── For me, it is nothing but a cramped bed, you see?   [Accompanied by the sound of static, we find ourselves at a pool.]   Kiara: How about something of this aspect this time? Though you might already be sick of eating chocolate.   [Even more choco acquired!]   Kiara: Ufufu. Beaches are great, but pools like this are fine too. Well, since the current is too strong, it is not to my liking... Fortunately, the current me is a mermaid as you can see. No matter how many times you drown or how far you are swept away, I can easily scoop you up, you know, Master?   Guda: ............   Kiara: What might be the problem? You seem to be under the weather based on your expression. Could it be...the clam chocolate from before wasn't to your liking? ...As expected, mixing clam with chocolate was dangerous... No, this only happened by a chance, it's just an accident! It's not like I'm better at cooking when I'm in Lily form! ...Oh, that's not what I should be saying. Master? If your stomach hurts, how about we return to the hotel? This is a high-class resort that even has casinos. There is no shortage of entertainment even at the hotel.   Guda: It's about time...   Kiara: Yes?   Guda: If I don't return to Chaldea soon...   Kiara: ─────── ─────── ────Then let us do that. Go ahead and return, Master. I won't stop you. That is. If you can escape?   [We leave behind Kiara and run through the city, the Moon Cell, the beach, and reach the Oriental capital where we encountered Kiara Police.]   Guda: ────pant pant──── ────No good, this city, is way too vast────   [The ground rumbles and *the faint image of Kiara we could see in the sky all this time comes into view and Kiara's voice echoes out.]*   Kiara: ────Pfft. Fufu, ufufu, aah, how funny! Just what are you talking about when you are so out of breath? This is an immensely vast world. After all, this is next to my pillow. It is a castle that would be sent flying if I were to blow on it.   Guda: ────Just what, is that────   Kiara: After you take refuge in illusions, you won't be able to leave. ...Indeed, I also find it regrettable. To think you'd fall so deep after being bewitched by the sweetness of sugar. I can't view you as Master anymore. You're like an ant that ran around restlessly and separated from its colony. I wonder if I should cover you in chocolate and eat you.   [The ground rumbles once again.]   Kiara: Fufu, of course, that was just a joke. This is an earthly paradise, inside the dream released by the Shen. If you are fine with empty illusions, here you will be granted tranquility lasting until your death, no, lasting forevermore without you being able to die. Will you disappear along with the illusions in a single breath from me or will you cling to my fingers seeking salvation──── Regardless of what you choose, there is no way for you to return to reality. Resign yourself to your fate, Master.   [A pink mist fills our vision.]   Kiara: Your fall will lead to the Heaven of Pleasure. The Hell of the woman who captivates her prey. ...Fufu, you wish you hadn't gone to something like the Palace of the Dragon King, right?   [BAD END]
(Moral of the story: Don't be greedy. Or Kiara will trap you in illusions and toy with you for eternity.)

Bond CE

A Single Summer's Mirage Set
Valentine's chocolate from Sessyoin Kiara (MoonCancer).
Chocolates matching each stage of ascension are stored inside the Tamateba[2] ......correction, a multi-layered lunch box. You can eat any of the "flowers floating at the waterside", "handcuffs" and "shellfish" that you prefer.
However, moderation is important for everything. If you eat just one or two kinds, the boddhisatva will watch over you with a charming smile, but if you display an unsatiable desire where you eat everything at once────
「Fufufu, what's stored inside the box might not be only chocolate, you know?」
Translator notes: [1] "Mirage" is written with the kanji for "Shen" "emission/spirit/mind" and "building/tower", so mirages are "buildings created of what the Shen emits", I guess? [2] The narration was gonna say Tamatebako before it cut off.
submitted by Konchew to FGOGuide [link] [comments]

MIL hates me so much she keeps asking my husband to message women in other countries

Both my husband and I come from the same ethnicity. Although we're the same ethnicity, we were raised differently. His family grew up in enough financial security to be able to afford luxury cars. My family could barely make ends meet. Which meant in anything and everything I've done, I had to support myself. Including skipping college so I could work right away to afford the ridiculously high rent in my state. When I was dating my husband, I explicitly told him it was up to him to decide whether or not he wanted to move in with me. This enraged my Mil since she liked the free labor in the house when he used to live with them. (Installing windows, fixing computers, working on their cars, etc.)
Ever since the world turned upside down last year, my husband's medical facility hired anyone they could find. Mil saw this as an opportunity to work closely with him. Ever since then she's been making snide comments saying "you don't know what she's after" or "your father is hurting because you chose her over us." Mind you, this will be quite ironic since she had the nerve to tell him to message some random woman in the Philippines because "she's a nurse like us." It's ironic because she's questioning MY intentions when she'd rather have some stranger use her own son to gain access to this country and use him for a damn greencard. I know how this works. I'm not stupid. It happens all the time. They pimp their own children so they can get paid when they marry and bring the person to this country.
He's been telling her to f-off while I find it funny. We've joked about it. Saying if he ever does intend to be with some random chick he'll end up homeless. I'm the primary account holder for everything in our place. I take care of the bills. Yes, we split then 50/50 but every utility bill, rent bill, cable bill, home insurance, I. Take. Care. Of. Them. All. I've tried having him handle them before but due to his very exhausting line of work, it was best to just leave it to me. (I do have a whole list of my accounts on a piece of paper he can easily access but he insists on just sending me the money for them)
Today puts the cherry on top when husband tells me Mil told him how "dad is disappointed in you for not giving your old car to your younger sister." This was so wrong for so many reasons. Back in December, even with the whole pandemic, they chose to go to the casino. They won a LUXURY CAR but were so blinded with greed, they CHOSE TO CASH IT OUT. Meaning they cashed out about $40k. Husband and I didnt know about this. Christmas comes and I tell husband to drop off their presents. We got them some good stuff but never expected much since they're always "too busy" but I love his sister so I always make sure to give her something good.
They gave him nothing and of course I never expect anything so my hopes weren't high. They chose not to tell us about their casino winnings and my husband found out from a random coworker about this fact. Apparently mil and fil were so proud of their winnings even a long time friend who I no longer talked to, congratulated me. But never informed my husband and I. So pretty much they're blaming my husband for their daughter not having a "better car" when they turned down a car and cashed it out. Theyre blaming us for not giving a car, my husband paid off on his own, to his sister when they're the ones who turned down a car. (His sister does in fact already have a car and is actually 22 years old. Working 2 jobs and going through college. So no, she's not a young teenager Mil makes her seem to be.)
Makes damn sense to me how narcissistic they are.
submitted by xickennoogit to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

After episode 33, I really feel like we need to address the Gacha Situation seriously

This is gonna be a really long, rambling post about gacha, gambling, addiction, psychology and ethics. If you want the TL;DR, here it is: Joey and Garnt are at the very least irresponsible influencers, and at the very worst they might have a serious addiction that stems from a low dopamine life-style.
We all most likely watched the episode and know what happened and what was talked by who, but for further context, if you are unaware of anything, even after the memes, on the last episode of Trash Taste Podcast, specifically in the last 40 minutes of it, the Boys discussed (and argued) about the gacha game scene and gambling addiction. You can check it out on the sticky post on the top of the subreddit front page.
To cut it short, Connor argued that gacha games are just as if not more dangerous than actual gambling, specifically for a few reasons. First, it is a game of no return. In real life gambling, you can (fleetingly) get real money back from it, and even make a considerable profit. Gacha games simulate the act of gambling while offering no significant reward or value other than a measle amount of dopamine and a cute character to play with. Secondly, the game is marketed towards older kids, teenagers and young adults on an age range of 12-25 years old, an age group where most individuals are either not mature enough to manage their money safely or even financially independent at all, with most people in this range not even being active members of society yet. Furthermore, the gacha-gambling model is largely unregulated and unsupervised by authority figures, be it responsible adults, laws or any other regulating institution.
To this, Garnt (largely) and Joey (in a lesser but still significant way) responded that, while they agree no one should be able or willing to spend such large amounts in these games, they do not pose significant harm to most people, and even further, can present justifiable value enough to be acceptable in their current forms, with minor changes. At one point, Joey expressed the idea that if these games made it difficult for him to spend money, he would mostly just not play them at all rather than go free-to-play. Garnt attempted to defend the idea that spending on these games was not necessary and going the F2P route was not only possible, but easy. He himself, however, admitted to that not being the case with him.
This is the thick and short of it. Now let me get into the main argument this post is attempting to make.
Connor's position along the entire discussion was entirely and utterly reasonable, and not only that, but even after being soft-gaslighted into being less harsh on his stance, he still was the only one willing to take the problem seriously at all.
Garnt and Joey, kn the other hand, began the discussion with an ironic and memey tone, not taking it at all seriously. When Connor's stance didn't change and his points began hitting a little too close to home, that's when they got defensive of their point and tried to appeal to various fallacious arguments and unbelievable takes. Most notably, Garnt defended that "If you have a problem with gambling or if you have poor self-control, you just should not be playing Gacha Games", which beyond being obvious, is a bonkers thing to say. It would be akin to saying "if you feel depressed or suicidal often, you should just ask for help and not kill yourself" or "if you have a drug problem, maybe don't go buy drugs". It is a statement that hides behind it's obvious correctness to take away attention from the fact that this adds nothing of value at all to the discussion,nor does it make for a suitable defense of the system that gacha ganes operate in.
The first big problem with this entire thing is that the three of them, both in the podcast and with their individual channels, have a great influencing power. Having your opinion, no matter who you are, broadcast to over a few hundred thousand people world-wide is bound to influence or resonate with some of the audience. When the person in question is a respected figure, speaking to an audience of admirers or fans, most of which at a young age, and within a subject matter of interest to the audience, the influence rate will grow even bigger. In this midst, there is statistically no way at least a handful of people didn't watch this episode and felt like they had their actions justified. Add to this that the gacha community at large is either aware but indifferent to the similarities it has to gambling, or straight up defensive of the entire model, and you have a pretty dangerous mixture of things here.
The second issue I see and hope to convey on this matter is that both Garnt and Joey seem unaware of just how scummy and messed up the tactics behind gacha games are. It's not just rate manipulation and constant advertising. The entire development process is centered around creating the perfect space for you to spend copious amounts of money without feeling that you really spent them. It goes so much deeper than just making cute girls to sell you. From the game page on the app store you get it from to the main menu, to the game design, to the in-game systems, to the rates, to the promotions, to the update cycle, to the end game, to the daily challenges, EVERY LITTLE ASPECT of it is engineered to rewire your bain into believing that it's not that bad to spend, and having the desire to do so more often than you reasonably would.
This is a very important one, amd Connor briefly touched on it in his rant. Cassinos, actual gambling places, build and thought to make you spend and lose, are like a glass door compared to the five inch lead wall that is the gacha strategy. They show you the rates at all times. They offer you the option to set yourself a limit. They make you aware that you are spending money, they cap the age at a minimum of 21, they have a lot of systems in place to control bad spenders. Of course, most of those came from law and regulations, but even before that, back in the 18th amd 19th centuries, no normal adult would advocate or defend that 12 to 18 year olds should be able to gamble real money into pieces of paper or cardboard cutouts. So imagine thinking, for even a moment, that what gacha games do is even close to okay. It is not, by any measure, morally, ethically or lawfully, okay.
But it gets worse. Way worse. Here is where I began actually worrying about the boys, in particular Joey and Garnt, the latter most of all.
They seem to actually believe that the above exposed is somehow justifiable based on little doses of dopamine, memories and the abstract idea of "the experience" you get. They compare spending ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS on a game to get TWO DIMENSIONAL IMAGINARY GIRLS to a night out with friends where you spend a hundred dollars in food or drinks.
What the actual f*ck.
This is not just bad. It's really, really bad. It's unreasonably and unbelievably absurd. It nearly collapses the entire concept of reality from just how bad a take this is.
No. No, no, no. NO. In no way, in no conceivable theoretical way, one of those things is comparable to the other. Never. This is the type of thing that depressed people tell themselves to justify self destructive behavior. Spending copious amounts of disposable income into games just to get "a daily dose lf dopamine" going is insane. Just for reference, you can get dopamine for free by doing any of the following:
Finishing a task-list
Cleaning your room
Working on a passion project
Playing any sport, specially with friends
Going for a walk with you pet
Having a conversation with a friend or significant other
Having a good meal
Waking up from a good nap
Watching a fun movie
Riding a bike
Radical sports
Reading a good book
Seeing a long-time relative or friend you missed for a long time
Getting a hug
Having sex
Sleeping cuddled with you SO
Holding hands
Watching the sun set/rise
Going to the beach
Playing an actual good videogame that isn't f*cking Genshin or FGO
This is not an exhaustive list. It's literally just things I thought off the top of my head while writing this. Some of those activities require some money to do, and some are impossible during the pandemic. But most of them are free/cheap and easy to do at home or with little to no contact with anyone.
If getting a good pull in a lootbox virtual casino is the best way you can think of to get any dopamine release, or if that release is so significant to you as to justify spending more money than some people make in a week, then I'm sorry, but you have a serious problem. I mean it. I know the Boys can do most or all of those things listed up there and much more. I know for a fact they are not in a situation of loneliness, vulnerability or isolation, even in the current world situation. So why is it that Garnt thinks gambling is a good solution for boredom in the quarentine? Or why did Joey insinuate that making it harder for him to spend money would just make him drop the game?
And if these two, that as I said are in a very privileged spot of having easy access to healthy ways to produce dopamine and conquer isolation, are having this kind of relationship with these games, what's to say of people around the world, including many of their listeners/viewers, who either live alone and/or have no perspective of a successful career with easy access to basically limitless disposable income like they do? What's to say of the teenagers who spend all night up playing games, watching anime, jerking off and stealing their parents' credit card to buy pulls? What's to say of the depressed university students who have a shitload of debt thrown at them and live an isolated, virtual life right now? What about them?
Joey and Garnt might not have any problem controlling themselves, or have enough money to waste such that a thousand dollars into gachas doesn't feel unreasonable, no matter how actually unreasonable it is. But they are either ignorant of the actual problem, or (and I sure hope I'm completely off on this one) completely unemphatic to their struggles. Because "Just don't play" is not a thing someone with empathy for the gambling addicts would say. Connor was deadass on this one.
And that leads us to the final nail in this horrific, goldplated coffin. The memes.
Yes, the memes.
There are so many memes. Garnt mentioned that "no one memes on the guys going bankrupt" while doing just that for half an hour. The entire gacha culture is basically a serious sociological and psychological problem deep-rooted into the heart of the zoomer generation. And yet it wears a mask mad e of memes, that hides the actual problem under a nearly impenetrable layer of irony, self-pity and depressive jokes. But the subject is not that funny under the magnified lens of a closer look.
The easygoing demeanor with which gacha addicts and casual underaged gamblers treat the entire thing is so light on the mood, so soft on the eyes, that you may just forget that those people might be ruining their lives. It's not a joke. It should not be treated like one. The meme culture around gacha fames has created more gambling addicts among 15 and 16 year olds than any illegal casino would ever dream of. These young people are just laughing away ridiculous sums of money for a teenager to spend, and feeling none of it until it is too late to go back and give up.
I am not trying to guilty trip any of the Boyys here, nor am I accusing them of being apologetic of underage gambling. I'm just trying to put this entire thing under a serious light. Because it needs someone to do so. This post comes from a place of worry and love, not one of disrespect or accusations. I simply want the Boys to look at this in a responsible way.
I might be talking to the walls here. I might really be just shouting in the vacuum. But if I can try to make my voice be listened to, I will. Because I must. If you read all the way down to here, I have two more things to say.
One is: please, do not let the monetization model these games operate in get to you. If you've spent any amount of money on them and feel tempted to continue, I insist you don't. If you have only ever played them without spending, and are still having fun, you're free to do so, but tread carefully.
And the other is: gacha mechanics can ruin much more beyond your financial wisdom. They are actively harmful to the games industry as a whole. Instead of making good games out of passion, these developers are being led to create mediocre games out of greed from the higher ups. If gou care about gaming at all, or if you just give a shit about an industry many people love, I request that you understand why gacha games are a bad sign, and that you spread that awareness, if you can. This is a really important subject to me and I think ut should be to other gamers as well.
Thank you for reading. Have a great day. Save your money.
P.S.: Garnt, Joey and Connor. If you guys read this, I love you and what you do. I listen to this podcast almost religiously, and I really enjoy all of it. Please, take care of yourselves and have a great 2021. Peace. (This is a shot in the dark, the chances of them reading this are so low I feel almost stupid. But hey, I tried huh?)
submitted by i_need_helpguys to TrashTaste [link] [comments]

AITA for making my bf throw away his gift?

Bf (Mike)& I have been together just shy of 2 yrs. I love him. He's spontaneous, funny & kinda irreverent. I'm more sedated, but I try not to censor or change him. He's his own grown man.
Mike bought us both custom shirts. Hilarious: they had each other's face on them. Mine has him, bare chested, flipping people off. His has my face ultra zoomed in, cross-eyed with a drawn on moustache. I planned to wear them to friend's houses and everyone would get a kick out of it.
Our state is on lockdown, and were itching to get out of the house, his bro (Pete) & gf (Ann) invite us out, for the first time, we crossed state lines, dinner at a nice place, casino, have a good time.
Mike wears the shirt.
Ok, so, I tell him "Haha, don't you dare. You better not take your coat off", he makes a joke about "i get hot easy, whos to say..." I give him a look, but I make a decision at that point- he loves it. It's funny. Maybe people won't know it's me? I can be the cool gf.
But me? I don't wear the shirt. I do my hair, makeup, nice shirt. It's my first time out, I try not to be vain, but I have my own insecurities, I wanted to look nice.
We arrive, Pete & Ann laugh at the shirt, good natured, ok, I can do this. Of course, Mike wears no coat the whole night. Admittedly, I'm self conscious. I have trouble looking at it, but I look at Mikes face, he's having fun, I'm having fun.
People point & laugh. He keeps says "it's my girl! It's her!" I shake my head & blush.
FFwd:I'm full on drunk. Sitting with Pete &Ann, laughing, the shirt comes up again. Maybe someone asked me what I thought about it, drunk w/o filter, I say, "I hate it. It's funny in private with friends, but this is a first nice night out for a while and my extra ugly face that's the size of a man's chest keeps staring at me, and I'm struggling." Mike: "I thought you enjoyed it, like a fun cute thing between us, you could have worn the shirt with me on it." Me: "I'm sorry, but I dressed up nice, I would have been embarrassed." Pete: "ohh snap, she's embarrassed of you!" Mike: "oh dang, I didn't know it was like that, that you were embarrassed of me." "No, I'm just self-conscious of how I look, and I tried really hard all night to be cool, but no, it sucks. My main saving grace is that maybe people wouldn't know it's me, but you immediately tell everyone it's me. I hate I feel this way, but I asked you not to wear it, & you thought it was a joke, so now I'm no- win, I either make you not wear it & I'm a bitch or I try to get over it, which I've been trying to do, but I can't when it's this huge focus all night!" I'm drunk & an easy crier, so I start to tear up, which makes me more frustrated, & I know I need to get out of there right now. I get up & go to the bathroom.
I come out. I'm held together with booze & tp tissues but... I'm out. Mike is there waiting for me. He threw away the shirt and wearing a random tee from the casino gift shop.
submitted by Selfconscious_sally to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

quick and dirty history of dogecoin

jackson palmer gets drunk one night, decides to make a parody of bitcoin, litecoin is easy to clone so he goes with that, removes the coin cap so it will have as little value as possible, because LULZ, gets more drunk, talks billy into helping him, they release it, everyone laughs at it except us weirdos who find the joke funny, so we start mining for the memes, throwing dogecoin at each other like were monkeys throwing feces, we make dogecoin casinos, chat bots, tip bots, everything we can to make throwing valueless coins at each other, just for the luls. this starts to attract attention from the serious investors and people looking to actually turn a profit (hmmmm could history be repeating itself?), the soaks start to vanish because everyone starts thinking our toy isnt really a toy anymore but is a financial tool, the casinos start to disappear, the games stop getting developed, shops slowly start to disappear, no more josh wise sponsorships, no more jamacian bobsled team sponsorships, no more "just for the lulz" moments, now everyone wants to get rich, so the community stops being fun and starts getting serious.
to the OG's: we have seen this happen before, they will eventually go away. they always do. we will settle back down to normal eventually.
to the new people: hopefully today taught a few people some important lessons in being a little more responsible with their money. it sucks you lost out, but it is a lesson you needed to learn. find some dogecoin funded games or something and use dogecoin the way it was intended to be used: for dumb fun where nobody loses anything of value.
submitted by 3DRetard to dogecoin [link] [comments]

Character arcs ruin comedy

Archer. Rick and Morty. South Park. Character arcs always become so meta and ruin the running jokes that made the content so funny in the first place. I didn't come here to watch a raging alcoholic become a loving father or grandfather. It makes things very heavy, when the reason that most people watch comedy is for gritty, repetitive zingers that have made us laugh for years and years. I am not here for a coming of age drama. I am here to watch Rick Archer and Randy get drunk and wake up naked in a casino. Does anyone agree?
submitted by poorlyfunctioning to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

I feel bad for the valet sometimes

I feel bad for the valet sometimes submitted by JABL261253 to gtaonline [link] [comments]

Notes from WOR - Tony Khan Interview

Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez interviewing with Tony Khan No need to make 20+ threads of quotes from an interview I've got you covered
submitted by zachdawizard to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

Don’t pass out in a Casino bathroom

I had turned 21, on June 21, 2016, and my Grandmother took me to Atlantic City where she went on her honeymoon before the casino’s were established. Unfortunately, my grandfather had passed away in 1999 and at least my Grandmother has me to go places with her.
We stayed at the Trump Taj Mahal and I just loved the bright lights and the sounds of the slot machines. My Grandmother and I decided to play the penny slots with just one penny at a time. We were definitely not their target customers.
My Grandmother carried around a big purse where she had loads of snacks stuffed inside. Between the free drinks and my Grandmother’s snacks there was really no reason to get up besides to go to the bathroom.
Every time I would get up my Grandmother would save my seat at the slot machine. My Grandmother was raised during he depression and she developed some unique habits, like if someone had only eaten half of their hotdog and left it on the side of the garbage then she would just finish eating it. I just thought it was funny and she probably had developed an immunity to every imaginable germ.
Watching my Grandmother, I followed suit and did the same thing by finishing other people’s meals.
I was 21 and had no real responsibilities. I came from a dysfunctional home where my parents were at times functioning alcoholics and other times they weren’t really functional at all.
Unfortunately, I had the same addictive personality like my parents as does my Grandmother and the slot machines were like candy to our brains.
Neither my Grandmother nor I had cell phones so we had no one to bother us. We just had such a good time playing the slots and joking around with each other. There was no real concept of time inside the Taj Mahal. 2:00 am looked the same inside the casino as 2:00 pm.
We just played and played and played. We both seemed to drift off at times and close our eyes for a short time then we wake up and continue to play.
I would lose a penny then win three pennies then lose five pennies then win seven pennies. The thrill of winning mixed with the bright lights and catchy sounds sent a jolt of happiness through my brain.
My grandmother and I were definitely poster child’s for the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. We just both had addictive personalities. I remember reading about radio contests to see who can stay up the longest where days of sleep deprivation led to permanent mental health issues for the contestants.
I knew things were getting bad when multiple cocktail waitresses would say “hey your back again” or “you were in the same spot as last week.”
I was hanging on by a thread. I knew if I got away from the stimulus of the machines then my mind and body would just collapse. I had complete tunnel vision everything besides my Grandmother was completely filtered out.
The casino manager actually approached my Grandmother and I to give us a friendly warning that it was time to leave. I almost collapsed when he told us that it had been three weeks straight that we were playing the same slot machines. I think we caused red flags in their computers because neither of the slot machines we using were generating any money for the hotel.
I think we were scared to move for fear that we would both collapse. The casino made an exception and brought us both coffees.
After drinking the coffees my Grandmother and I agreed to get up and go to the bathroom then leave. When I got into the bathroom I knew that I had pushed my mind and body way to far from days if not weeks of sleep deprivation. I was concerned for my grandmother but I truly had nothing left in me, so I went in one of the bathroom stall’s locked the door and sat down on the toilet where I instantaneously passed out.
I had such deep dreams that I never had before. I was in my own dreamworld. Nothing could wake me up but time.
Then, like a bear knows hibernation is over, I felt a sensation in my head that it was time to get up. I opened my eyes and there’s nothing but absolute darkness. A darkness that I haven’t experienced since I was deep in an underground cave when I was on a tenth grade field trip.
I thought that I had gone blind because there was nothing but darkness. My head was just so exhausted. I feel like I could close my eyes and sleep more, but my adrenaline was starting to kick in.
I’m still feeling a bit woozy and I say “where am I?” I was still trying to remember all the weird dreams I had on top of trying to figure out where I am in this complete darkness. I’m in a sitting position so I try to stand up, but my legs are numb, so I sit back down.
I then try to recall where I am and I say “am I sitting in a toilet in the casino?” I think to myself this can’t be. Did the lights in the bathroom break? Why hasn’t anyone else come in?
I yell out “Hello ... Hello. The lights in the bathroom are out. Grandma! Can you hear me?”
I’m met with deafening silence. I reach my arms out and feel metal walls on both sides of me so I know for sure that I’m in a bathroom stall.
I figure I sat for to long and I must of put to much pressure on my nerves so that’s why my legs are numb. I decide to throw myself on the floor. I lean forward and I could feel the door of the stall in front of me. I use the door to brace myself to the floor.
I continually say “ooh awe ooh” until I hurl myself on the floor. My legs are still to weak to move so I drag myself with my arms and reach up to unlock the door to the stall.
I get out of the stall and I get a sensation of extreme hunger and thirst. I now focus on finding the sinks. I use my arms to drag my body on the bathroom floor. I can’t remember where the sinks were located so I just continually move around on the floor. The fear of the absolute darkness outweighs the disgustingness of the bathroom floor. Eventually I start to feel metal pipes and I realize that I’m under a sink. I’m starting to get a little sensation back in my legs so with one hand I reach up for the sink and I reach out with my other hand and thrust myself upwards until I’m on my knees. I yell out a loud groaning sound and I awkwardly stand up. My legs are shaky and weak but at least I can feel them. I give myself a minute to allow my legs to get reacclimated and allow circulation to go through them.
I reach out and feel metal and I push in and realize that it’s one of those faucets that you push in to get water in order to get water to come out. I use one hand as a cup and I lean forward and continually drink water from my hand until I’m satisfied.
I start to feel that my legs have some strength so I take small steps while I hold onto the sink.
I get an overwhelming urgency to urinate so I decide to pee in the sink rather than trying to find the urinal. I unzip my pants and all I could think of if someone opens the door then I would be so embarrassed or possibly arrested. I finish peeing and I pick a direction and I slowly move my legs. I feel around the walls and eventually I feel the frame of a door and I push on it forward.
As the door opens I see nothing and I hear nothing. I’m scared beyond belief. I don’t know if there was a massive power outage or some type of evacuation happened or there was some type of apocalypse.
I yell out “Hello is there anyone else here Hello!” I get no response so I continually to yell out Hello. I vaguely remember the women’s bathroom being next to the men’s bathroom. So I guide myself against the wall until I feel a door. I figure that it must be the women’s bathroom so I open the door.
I yell out “Grandma are you in there ... Grandma are you there?”
I wait a few moments and in a low raspy voice I hear “John, Is that you? Turn the lights on. Where am I?”
I say “Grandma I think we’re still in the casino and I don’t know what’s going on. There’s no power anywhere. It’s just not the bathroom. The casino is completely dark as well.”
My grandmother responded “Casinos never close. Especially the Taj Mahal.”
I respond “I know Grandma. I have no idea what’s going on!”
My grandma responds “How long have we been asleep?”
I respond “I have no idea. I’m guessing days.”
My grandma says “I can’t move my legs.”
I respond “I know I couldn’t move mine either. Give them a few minutes you’ll get your sensation back. Try to move around as you sit down. I’m going to go and try to find out what’s going on!”
My grandmother responds “Ok but come back. Don’t leave me to die.”
I say “I won’t I’ll come back for you.”
I exit the bathroom and yell out “I’ll be back Grandma!” And she responds “You better!”
I try my best to remember as much as I could about the casino and the arrangements of everything. It’s difficult because it’s as dark as an underground cave. There is zero light or at least I hope that’s the problem and I haven’t gone blind. But then I think that my grandmother couldn’t see either. I thought there’s emergency lights that should come on if there’s a power outage, so I really have no idea of what’s going on.
I get a dreamlike memory of dropping money on the floor and remembering a red like carpet then I remember the garbage cans alongside the walkway where people would leave there their uneaten food.
I slowly start to remember that there’s a walkway made up of tiles in the middle of the casino floor that separates two areas of slot machines. So if I make it to the middle area then I probably could walk towards an exit.
I feel the floor and it’s carpet. I slowly start to walk and I feel slot machine after slot machine. I walk slow so I don’t bang my legs into chairs. I’m in a virtual maze and I feel like I’m just going around in circles.
The feeling of overwhelming hunger is starting to consume me as well. My legs have most of their strength back at this point but I’m consumed with hunger and fear.
Navigating around a casino floor is confusing enough with the lights being on and in complete darkness it’s virtually impossible.
I’ve must have been wandering aimlessly for an hour in a virtual circle. I have to come up with a plan. I know my grandmother must be terrified as well.
I have no rope or anything else. Not to say that rope would help me. Then I have an aha moment. I say out loud “The chairs. Use the chairs.” Meaning that the backs of the chairs move to the side when someone gets up from the slot machines. So if I move the back of the chairs to their sides then that’s how I’ll know I’ve been down the row.
I can’t explain why all the chairs are facing forward. If there was a mass exodus then most of the chairs would be facing to their sides.
As I walk each chair I pass I move it to its side. This takes a painstakingly long amount of time but my wandering method didn’t work.
Eventually my method seems to work as I can tell which rows I’ve been down already. Remarkably I feel a divide in carpet from from tile and I say “Thank God!”
I have grainy memories of coming into the casino and seeing staircases and escalators that were opulent but my Grandmother wanted nothing to do with them. But I do remember getting on an elevator and I believe we went to the third floor, so I know that I have to find stairs now.
I know we originally came in through the boardwalk and we didn’t walk that far once we got inside the casino. So now I have to find the stairs and not miss them because the hotel is long and if walk in a direction opposite the boardwalk I am virtually dead because I’ll never find my way back in the pitch dark because the hotel casino is so big and long.
So I slowly walk with my hands out. I walk back and forth and I can tell that the tiled area is about six feet wide.
Eventually I find an area where the tile opens up. My hands reach out to walls and I feel metal elevator doors. Of course their buttons don’t light up. Next to the elevators is a wall that feels like a dead end. So I feel for the elevators again and move past them. I know there must be stairs in the middle of the casino floor.
I want to find the stairs and I don’t want to keep walking down that tile corridor. Also I don’t want to fall down the stairs so once I make it past the elevators I slowly put my foot down to the right and feel more tile so I’m guessing this is more of the corridor.
I backtrack a little bit and I try to move in a horizontal direction to the elevators towards the middle of the casino floor. I inch my way towards the center with my hands out and eventually my right leg hits something and I quickly determine that it is an escalator.
Though I’m consumed by hunger, I know I’m close to getting out of here. I walk down the escalator then I get off and walk down two more sets of escalators.
I figure that I’m on the ground floor and I’m overwhelmed with disappointment that it’s still complete darkness. I have no answer for this. I figure the glass entry doors should emit some form of light even if it’s the moonlight if it’s dark outside.
I know that I have to walk towards the boardwalk and if I move in the wrong direction then I’m better off dead.
I remembered how I walked down the escalators where I went down one way then the next floor I was turned around.
So I figure that I need to walk straight. I force myself to count steps and if I walk more than a hundred then I know I’m going the wrong way. So I slowly move forward with my arms out.
I counted 60 steps and for the first time I can see something other than darkness. I can barely make out a silhouette of a wall, so I move towards the wall.
As I move towards the wall I can’t explain why there’s only a small amount of light getting through. I reach out with my hands and I feel glass. I’m still baffled on why there’s only faint light. Then as I move along the glass I can eventually see A slither of the boardwalk and it’s daytime and people are just casually walking. Then I see that there is wood panels on the outside and the doors are boarded shut.
So I frantically start banging on the glass doors and I can see people look in my direction but they just continue to walk by. I don’t know if there was a hurricane or something to explain why the doors are boarded shut.
So with the little energy I have left I knock and knock and knock. I don’t know if the people think the knocking is from construction or if they just don’t care.
Eventually I fall to the flood put my back to the wall and bang with my elbows against the glass.
The hope that I once had is gone. My body has zero energy and I’m going to die like a trapped rat. I just can’t keep my eyes open anymore. I have no idea when the last time I ate was because I don’t know how long I was asleep for.
Then I pass out.
I slowly wake up and realize that I’m on a hospital gurney. Apparently someone heard me knocking and notified the police. The Good Samaritan was a former casino worker who knew the casino was essentially abandoned and there was no work going on.
I was given IV’s that gave me enough strength for me to regain my consciousness. I asked the nurse “where’s my grandmother?”
She responds “Do you want me to call your grandmother and tell her your in the hospital?”
I say in a weak raspy voice “No, my grandmother was in the casino with me!”
The nurse said “Sir, the police report says your probably homeless and somehow you wandered into the casino.”
I say “No, my grandmother and I were playing the slot machines for days with no rest and we both went into the bathroom and each passed out in a stall.”
The nurse says “Sir the Taj Mahal went bankrupt months ago. If your story is accurate then you have been asleep for months.”
I start to get weak again and tell the nurse “Please my grandmother is on the third floor on the women’s bathroom.”
Then I pass out again.
submitted by mtp6921 to Odd_directions [link] [comments]

Trump and the apprentice for United States of America & Predictive programming

Back when Trump entered into the race for presidency in 2016, I had this thought that he would win because he had been strategically placed in that position. He “graduated” from becoming an apprentice to becoming the boss.
This goes a little into predictive programming. How did the Simpson so accurately depict the Presidency?
I’d say they have have been prepping for him to become president starting in 1987 when he wrote “The Art of the Deal”. Slowly dripping random Trump moments from then until 2016.
Trump first ran for president in 2000 and wrote the book “The America We Deserve”. This is also when the Simpsons episode was produced - Bart to the Future.
The TV Show - The Apprentice
It first aired in 2004.
An apprentice is defined by : a person who is learning a trade from a skilled employer, having agreed to work for a fixed period at low wages.
Let’s face it he probably wasn’t making as much money as he would if he was developing multimillion dollar properties. He was becoming a household name, but not for his book, casino or airline - but for him as a person. 2004 is also when Macy’s started carrying the Trump Brand.
Then came the celebrity editions. What makes him different than a celebrity? Why is he in control? Can you see what I’m saying? Also a nice look at nepotism having Ivanka, Donald JR and Eric being his advisors.
Now for the obvious connection of Trump being a in building and Freemasonry. I won’t go too deep into the Freemasons but I would like to say there are 3 great lights. The holy bible, square and compass. Trump has said that his favorite book is the Bible. And being a builder he would surely know his way around a square and compass. But I have no proof of him being a Freemason. This is pure speculation.
What’s the first degree of the initiated? You guessed it the “entered APPRENTICE” - they are there to learn the ways, the symbolism and historical aspects. The Bible and its verses are a main part. I also would like to add that the Entered Apprentice is hoodwinked and represents mystical darkness, or ignorance of the uninitiated. Which is funny to me because Trump acts very ignorant when asked questions with the responses he gives. Almost like he knows the answers but is playing the role of someone who doesn’t . King Solomon’s temple was built by Freemasons. Like I said I’m not going to deep into Freemasonry but the connections run deep.
Let’s look at NBC. The station that aired his show. It is the OLDEST major broadcasting station in United States founded in 1926 (RCA/GE). In 1927 it expanded to the west coast with the launch of the NBC Orange Network.... dun dun ok that’s a joke, but not really that really was what it was called. Also called the Pacific Gold Network. So you get it, it’s old, it’s apart of United States, it’s been engrained.
Now the symbolism of the NBC logo is somewhat occult. If you didn’t know it’s a peacock. Before the Peacock they had what was called “The Snake” logo. The peacock has the feathers that look like eyes. Because of the myriad of eyes in its tail feathers the peacock was accepted as the symbol of wisdom, and on account of its general appearance it was often confused with the fabled phœnix of the Mysteries. There is a curious belief that the flesh of the peacock will not putrefy even though kept for a considerable time. As an outgrowth of this belief the peacock became the emblem of immortality, because the spiritual nature of man--like the flesh of this bird--is incorruptible. Fun fact, peacocks eat snakes in the wild. The peacock logo ate the snake logo in a sense.
The producer who made The Apprentice was created by Mark Burnett, who brought us very known shows like The Voice, Survivor and Shark Tank. He’s proven that he would be the best producer for this job.
There was also talks about doing The Apprentice : White House edition. How fitting.
Now what’s the antonym of apprentice? The opposite is - VETERAN
When you think of the word veteran you probably think of military. Most of our presidents have been war heroes. I mean that’s just what I think of when I think of powerful respected president. They are the commander in chief. It’s been clear that Trump dodged the draft and is the farthest thing from a “vet”. I thought that was an interesting tidbit to this predictive programming. It almost seemed like they were testing the effects of a “21st century” president. A new age or pop culture prototype. Who would voters relate to?
In 2011 they had Trump on the Comedy Central Roast to hit a different younger demographic of potential voters.
NBC cut ties would cut ties with Trump June 2015 - 2 weeks after he announced his run. But could we have a sitting president on a reality show? Or would that be too ridiculous? Or can we have a reality star as a president? Or would that be too ridiculous?
So by having him on a weekly show from 2004-2015 he was essentially the apprentice to becoming the ultimate boss: the president of the United States. Whether you’ve flown on his plane, stayed in his hotel, gambled in his hotel, wore his tie, bought his books, bought his steaks, went to his university or seen his show, you were well aware of him long before he ran for president.
I’m sure I’m missing a lot. But let’s talk about it.
TL;DR - Trump was on apprentice tv show, that was his apprenticeship to becoming the president of the United States
submitted by OnlyHereForLOLs to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Joke Cards Contest and Congratulations to the Weekly Winners!

Joke cards Contest!

In our upcoming Sentinels rework, one of it's planned features is a thing we are calling Joke Cards! The purpose of those is to make you laugh, bringing in funny and unexpected effects to the game.
In good ol' Collective fashion, we are making a contest to get as many ideas as we can from the players themselves for these type of cards!
Some example of Joke Cards:
Eater of Words
Golden Golem
The Weatherman
Massive Boulder Moment
A Fragment of Time
Cardgame Purist
Revenge of the World
As you can see, you can go pretty wild with those. We will take a look at all of them and see which ones we can implement into the game. That does mean that not everything is actually possible, but that's not the point of this contest!


1st 1200 Marbles
2nd 900 Marbles
3rd 600 Marbles



You can send multiple submissions. They can be in the same or a different comment.
The cards don't need art. You can still make art for them, though!
They don't need to be blocked, either. As that would be impossible.
Winners will be picked by us.
The cards that do get in Sentinels won't be avaliable for multiplayer. (Obviously)
Submissions will be accepted until GMT Midnight of Jan 15th.

Weekly Cards

Gelatinous Gladiator 1000 Gold
Crawling Contagion 1000 Gold
Oaky Boomer 1000 Gold
Vengeful warrior 1000 Gold
Elem's Scrying Bone (A replacement for Altered Memories) 1000 Gold
Hellkite Tyrant 1000 Gold
Sketchtime Imitator 1000 Gold
Knave Upgrade Adept (Aediv Legendary) 1000 Gold
Ghostly Goo 1000 Gold
Blasting Wand 1000 Gold


Lunar Crash (now only hits units)
Sky Totem (+1 Cost)
Plasma Sploosh (-1 Damage)
Multi-Shot Spellslinger (2/3 -> 2/2)
Scholar's Disc (-1 Cost)

Cosmetic Update

Voltage Giant (Added Giant tribe)
Moro Gajima (now from Wonderstar Casino)
Chip Burglar (now from Wonderstar Casino)
Lady Tyche (now from Wonderstar Casino)
Whims of Fate (now from Wonderstar Casino)
Magic Dave (now from Wonderstar Casino)
Panzer Faust (now from Seal of Elementary grammar fix (still have the ok for this))
Clumsy Dealer (Now from Wonderstar Casino)

Submitted For Your Approval

submitted by plassaur to collectivecg [link] [comments]

I saw 91 movies in 2020. Here is my full ranking.

I don't want to bore you all so please take a look at my thoughts on some pretty cool films! I watched ~91 movies this year and beginning January 1 I decided to keep a list and write a review if I felt inspired or didn't write one if I was too high or lazy. The list is a combination of movies that came out in 2020, movies I had never seen before, and some movies that needed a rewatch.
I am by no means a professional critic but only an incredibly passionate fan that likes to think I have a good eye! Comment if you agree, comment if you disagree, just comment so I have something new to think about some of the films.
As a quick note, this post is essentially a rip-off of a post done by u/BunyipPouch that can be referenced here: . I really like the way this person outlined their list so I'm pulling a Quentin Tarantino and stealing their idea! Without further ado:
Arrival - 10/10 Confirmed my favorite movie of all time. Watching for what might be the 7th time made me realize the strength of a feeling that movies can give you. Having a favorite movie doesn’t mean it is the best movie, but the feeling you get when watching your favorite movie has you wanting to chase that feeling in every movie you see. Certain aspects are unexplainable but all I know is there is something about this movie that gets to me every time I watch it. Maybe it’s the decision she makes to live out the life she sees in front of her even though it leads to extreme heartbreak. Maybe it’s the daring concept of alien life in what is almost such a real depiction. Maybe it’s the idea that time really is a shiftable construct that we may have the power of utilizing. Whatever it is, it leads to extreme beauty and an indescribable feeling.
Parasite - 10
Spotlight - 9.4 A near perfect 10/10. This isn’t a typical movie that should be judged by the acting or camera work, but by the ability to progress and tell a sick and twisted story. The layers are peeled back with each scene, revealing a new horrific aspect about the size of the case, the attempt to cover it up, and the sickness of the individuals involved. The scope of the story can cause an emotional reaction at multiple points and makes you see the pain that the victims have gone through without leaning too much on showing this actual pain.
2001: A Space Odyssey - 9.4
1917 - 9.3
Gone With the Wind - 9.3
Waves - 9.2 There are so many interesting aspects of this film that make it unique and almost fantastic. Firstly, it is almost equally an experience of sound as it is of color and visual (hence ending on Alabama shakes’ Sound and Color). The soundtrack uses modern rap and R&B hits in an effective way and not in the way of trying to impress the audience with good music. Secondly, the emotional scenes are so genuine and the directing style is not aggressive so you can feel the emotion with the characters. The moment of Emily seeing her bf hug her dying father, causing her to walk away bursting into tears and trying to find the words to say to her parents over text, is beyond heartbreaking and done so well. The demise of her brother is depressing and felt exaggerated but goes to show that life can take crazy turns. Loved it.
Soul - 9.2 Such a beautiful film that I did not expect to move me the way it did. The film tackles incredibly deep and metaphysical questions with such ease that it makes the directing and everything about the movie feel even more genius. At times it struggles between being a movie for kids and trying to answer life's toughest questions, but overall tells a beautiful story of just living to live.
Sound of Metal - 9.2
The Lighthouse - 9.2 Oh my god. I don’t really know what to say but this movie made me feel things and that feeling is hard to find. I don’t want to rate it.
The Social Network - 9.2
Pain and Glory - 9.1
Dear Zachary - 9 Never cried more in a movie as this is what the heaviest loss looks like. The sheer passion and commitment that Kate and David have toward honoring their son and being good people is astounding and incomprehensible at times. I’ve never hated someone so much in my life before and felt so strongly about the need to live and do good. It is easy to be broken after something like this happens to you but the awe-inspiring love and devotion that these people have for this family is one of a kind. Please watch this if you need to cry.
The Tree of Life - 9
Ferris Beuller’s Day Off - 9
Midsommar - 9 I don’t even really know what I watched but I know it was genius.
Gladiator - 8.8
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring - 8.8
Steve Jobs - 8.7 Shot in 3 unique stories, this movie is able to give you the spirit of Steve Jobs without needing to explain historical information like many biopics would. Faasbender is spectacular and creates the essence of Steve Jobs perfectly as someone who is utterly devoted to better the human race no matter the cost it brings to those around him. The editing is impressive with so many quick cuts and blending the shots to feel like a singular story. You walk away impressed with the legacy jobs left behind, the heartbreak of him not being around to further the human race, and the harsh reality that he was not a flawless human.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - 8.7 This film is really in a category of its own, not because it’s the greatest movie ever made, but because of how unique each of the elements are. Fincher takes his signature style of directing and combines it with a Tree of Life storytelling narrative and a Steven Spielberg/James Cameron style of creating a classic feel good drama. Overall, it’s core is designed to make you accept life for what it is, even if this is particularly a positive spin on life and its consequences.
The Grand Budapest Hotel - 8.7
Frances Ha - 8.5 It is such a realistic depiction of struggling New Yorkers without the emotional breakdown. You never really see her lose her shit even when she seems to be going crazy. I hated in the moment the separation of Greta and her best friend because of the somewhat abrupt change in Sophie’s character, but they have a nice full circle reunion. The performances are fantastic and the film has a certain air to it as if Baumbach wants you to realize that what you are watching is not real life while trying to make it seem as real as possible. Definitely a unique film that has minor flaws but overall shows a meaningful journey of a New Yorker trying to find their way.
Almost Famous - 8.5
Bridge of Spies - 8.5 Steven Spielberg has centered his masterful directing skills into telling real life stories without the need for too much artistic involvement. Movies like Vox Lux and The Lighthouse capture you with artistic involvement, but Spielberg has learned how to capture you with immaculate storytelling of historical events. If you are ever interested in learning something new, Spielberg will not disappoint.
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - 8.5
The Other Guys - 8.5
Drive - 8.5
Munich - 8.4 This is an action film that takes away the historical cliches of action films and adds a layer of raw truthfulness. Spielberg uses his gift to inform people of a momentous story that affected Israel and the Jewish people without adding any propraganda-like elements to make you pity them or be completely one sided. The story is horrifically true, and Spielberg does not hold back on any of the details. The acting is solid and provides an emotional look into the consequences that come with facing terrorists both for a nation and for an individual.
Ad Astra - 8.4
Okja - 8.4 So goddamn high please don't hurt the animals.
Wedding Crashers - 8.4 You sandbagging son of a bitch
Blade Runner - 8.3
Crash - 8.3 Incredibly powerful and socially relevant, this movie was necessary during these times to artfully show the systematic racism engrained in society. The acting performances are stellar, particularly Thandie Newton, and Haggis’ directing is perfect to convey the raw emotion in each scene.
Spirited Away - 8.3
Blade Runner 2049 - 8.3
Kill Bill Vol. 1 - 8.3
Enemy - 8.2 Such an interesting and gripping movie that didn’t seem to make a lot of sense but I imagine a second watching would provide more insight. Gyllenhal is truly something else and should be treasured. Villanueva is so good at creating his own world and creating such a uniquely shot film with moods and coloring.
Good Time - 8.2
Snowpiercer - 8.2
The Town - 8.2
5 to 7 - 8.1 Luckily I was in the mood for a rom com but this had its own unique air to it as of course there were cheesy parts, but they were not delivered in a cheesy way. Once over the fact that someone essentially like me could find themselves in this sort of relationship, I could actually begin to root for them and understand how something like this could work. There are some amazing lines that I should go back and write down for when I want to pursue someone, and the holistic narrative of the film is done very well. There is nothing special from a directing standpoint, but his simple approach at least allows the story to progress without any complications from a camera perspective.
Oceans 11 - 8.1 The heist movie of all heist movies. You show me a young Brad Pitt and George Clooney and I’m not sure there’s a way to fuck that up. There are obviously cliche moments and the impossibility of actually pulling this off is sometimes too ridiculous (they throw glow sticks into a hidden elevator shaft to a vault), but overall wonderful to watch.
Jojo Rabbit - 8.1
Philadelphia - 8 Led by the incredible acting of Hanks followed by the emotionally gripping plotline, Philadelphia is able to tell the story of not just one gay man’s plight with aids and the repercussions socially and physically, but of an entire minority’s struggle with acceptance. The directing is very understated in a way that pays off considering the story development should be at the forefront of the film. Incredibly heart-wrenching and is clearly an important film to giving a voice to gay Americans.
Uncut Gems - 8 The Safdie brothers have a particular way of filming/directing that creates an environment of entertaining stress that is able to grip your attention for the whole film. I love the connection between the opal gem and Howard as the movie begins and ends with that connection through his body. Sandler was absolutely snubbed and perfectly portrays what it’s like to be an addict and constantly on the run.
Molly's Game - 8
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - 8
Jaws - 8
Love Actually - 8
Cruel Intentions - 7.9 A glorified soft-core porn featuring a young Reese Witherspoon? Yea, you could say I liked it.
Knives Out - 7.8 An all star cast and provides enough mystery to keep the plot moving seamlessly. It’s a very interesting film for a murder mystery as they reveal what would typically be the biggest piece of info quite early in the movie, but there are more layers that need to be peeled back. The reveal is very clever and was not too outlandish, but I think they could’ve done more to make it even more shocking. Aside from that it’s a fun film and is worth the watch.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes - 7.8 In what was a surprisingly enjoyable movie, planet of the apes takes an Avatar approach and gets you to root against the humans. The montage of the ape growing up is done concisely but effectively and allows you to connect with him while remaining entertained. There are obviously some cheesy aspects and not a lot of character development outside of the ape, but I left feeling like I could watch a sequel.
Tenet - 7.8 I love Nolan but I struggled at times to keep up even with my eyes glued to the screen.
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World - 7.8
Booksmart - 7.7 In what can be assumed to be an ode to the Superbad films of the late 2000s, Booksmart successfully keeps you entertained primarily driven by strong performances from Kaitlyn Dever and Beanie Feldstein. They have a clear chemistry that is never doubted and play the perfect duo of extroverted smart high school kids that are finally ready to rebel. There are scenes that are a bit predictable and slightly lazy in writing in order to move the story along that I’m choosing to nitpick over (dever creating a “diversion”, using the pizza guy as the free get out of jail card), but once the little things are accepted the greater story can be appreciated. The movie has the particular feel of Superbad in which you know you’re going to see some outlandish things on the journey that will lead to laughs, but will ultimately lead in a coming of age lesson in a heartwarming way.
Out of Africa - 7.6 "You’ve ruined it for me, being alone."
10 Things I Hate About You - 7.5
Zodiac - 7.5
Frozen - 7.5
The Interview - 7.5
Casino Royale - 7.5
Skyfall - 7.5
The Talented Mr. Ripley - 7.4
Tron Legacy - 7.4
Palm Springs - 7.3
Borat Subsequent Moviefilm - 7.2 The hype was too much to overcome but Cohen really did a nice job of bringing back the classic and presenting Borat in a 2020 world. It’s genius filmmaking to have someone like Borat show America what America is really like as you can look in the eyes of a racist foreigner.
Don’t Worry He Won’t Get Far On Foot - 7
Quantum of Solace - 7
The Perks of Being a Wallflower - 6.9 The cheesiness makes it shocking that it was released as late as 2012 but overall its an interesting story clearly coming from a novel with strong themes.
Loopers - 6.9 I liked having seen Loopers, but it’s not a must see movie. The ending was creative and definitely saved my overall opinion of the movie.
Have a Good Trip - 6.9 Never forget the power of psychedelics and how these icons have had crazy trips. Carrie Fisher is your new favorite.
Coachella Documentary - 6.9
The Gentleman - 6.9
Jurassic Park - 6.9
About Time - 6.9
Spider-Man Far From Home - 6.8 Probably the worst of the new Spider-Man movies but still provides great visuals with interesting hero concepts. There is definitely a lull in the middle and there are some scenes that make you appreciate Marvel, but otherwise just another solid movie from marvel.
Oceans 13 - 6.7 While entertaining and still shows you Pitt and Clooney, there are definitely more annoying aspects and less intriguing storylines.
The Social Dilemma - 6.4 Obviously a very important topic that should have more documentaries like this one, but really overplayed some of the dangers in a dramatic/theatrical sense.
Ford Vs. Ferrari - 6.2 Not gonna lie, while the story itself is enthralling and a unique part of history, the “studio” feel of this movie took away from much of my enjoyment. I feel bad that Bale and Damon had to be in such a studio made film because they both put on great performances. Bale can do anything he wants and crush it. The way they vilify certain aspects is comical and the cliches are tough to get by, but there are some great action shots of the races and powerful scenes where bale is doing the heavy lifting.
Long Shot - 6.1 Definitely some funny and witty jokes, but overall it’s mediocre. I didn’t hate it and actually enjoyed many of the aspects, but no need to say much more.
Air Force One - 6 Patriotic in the most 90s way possible, with Harrison Ford as president, evil Russian bad guys with mustaches, and an essentially all white cast, Air Force One is a hidden American propaganda film. The movie was funnier than anticipated because of the classic Harrison Ford trope of constant survival and the dramatic set ups to make the wins look even more unbelievable. Either way, hard not to love Ford as the president of the USA and almost made me proud to be an American by the end.
Meet Joe Black - 6 With a 100% white cast and overall 90s feel to the movie, it’s hard to rate this movie “fairly” as if it had just come out in 1998. But I like the idea similarly to Tree of Life in terms of looking over your life and making sure you have lived it completely without any regrets. However, acting is mediocre and I didn’t realize how much I hate the typical 90’s businessman in movies.
Andre the Giant - 5.8
Fury - 5.5 This was definitely a disappointing letdown. Expectations were definitely high going in but the horrible special effects and mediocre acting made this tough to be invested by the end.
Armageddon - 5
Back to School - 5
Cougar Hunting - 4.9
submitted by thirstywaterboi69 to movies [link] [comments]

Pros and Cons

This remaster has a lot of good improvements but there are also some changes that didn't make everyone happy, so I will be listing all the good and bad changes I noticed.
(𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈: 𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒔𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒔)
•Graphics improvements (obviously): the new graphics and shades are beautiful, there's absolutely nothing to complain about it.
•New short cutscenes
•You can now run (unlike the original PC version).
•New Scenes for the opening
•New music.
•Changing the Soda Popper's pants from red to stripped, which made them look way more ridiculous than before.
•You can now see what objects are clickable.
•Sibyl's glasses now have temples
•New voice actor for Bosco: the new voice actor performance is in fact inferior to the previous one, Bosco sounds too young and not paranoid at all.
•In some episodes, Sybil's office is way too dark.
•They changed the license plate of that car parked next to the DeSoto
Original: DRG DLR (drug dealer)
New: RMS DLR (arms dealer, I guess?)
Which made the joke less funny
(𝑨𝒑𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒍𝒚 𝒊𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒃𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒙𝒆𝒅)
•From episode 2 onwards, when you click on some objects, Max still has the old voice from episode 1 (unlike the original, where his voice completely changed from episode 1 onwards).
(𝑨𝒑𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒍𝒚 𝒊𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒃𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒙𝒆𝒅)
•New opening theme.
•The items in the car chase segments (such as the megaphone and the car horn) have been moved from left to right.
𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 1
•The lights turn off while interrogating Jimmy, which made the scene way better.
•The location for the spray can got changed to a place that is now easier to find.
•The time changes from day to night throughout the playthrough.
•They changed some of the lines (or censored, like some people say), for instance:
𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞:
Bosco: It's the latest in BoscoTech inovation, it'll clear out a room of militant college students in no time, guaranteed.
𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞:
It's the latest in BoscoTech inovation, it'll clear out a room in no time, guaranteed.
𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 2
•You can now see the outside of the WARP studios.
•Fatherly has some new clothes
•Fixed the bug from the original, where Max's voice didn't amplify when he used the megaphone.
•The hypnobear head does not move while hypnotizing Myra.
•They changed some of the lines (or censored, like some people say), for instance:
𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞:
Bosco: Oh no, the Skinbodies are like Skinheads, but ten times worse!
𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞:
Oh no, the Skinbodies are like those horrible hairless cats, but ten times worse!
Which ruined the joke, considering the "Skinbodies" themselves are a reference to the "Skinheads"
•When you take a picture with Hugh Bliss, the picture still has the old models from the original.
𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞:
Bosco: Tally-Ho, foo'!
𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞:
𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 3
•You can now see the outside of the casino.
•The Ted E. bear theme song will you play when you enter the casino.
•Max will watch you play the rats games, just like he did in "Hit the Road".
•Sam & Max can now wear the bear heads after they join the mafia.
•When you click the bear head in the table Sam will stare at it, which is kinda funny.
•You can now see Sam & Max running through the casino when it's about to explode and you can actually see the results of the explosion.
•They changed some of the lines (or censored, like some people say), for instance:
𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞:
Bosco: You may call me, Jean-Francois Sissypants, the cowardly French anarchist.
𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞:
You may call me, Jean-Francois Bonde-A-Part, the new wave French anarchist.
Which doesn't make sense, considering Sam & Max still call him "Sissypants"
(𝑨𝒑𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒍𝒚 𝒊𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒃𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒙𝒆𝒅)
𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 4
•The windows of the Oval Office will close every time one of the Poppers say "war", which made the scene better.
•The "War Song" now has subtitles.
•You can now go back to the office from inside the war room
•When you shoot the missile at the Lincoln statue, not only the statue will get destroyed, but the pavement as well (unlike the original where just the statue got destroyed).
•When you shoot a missile at Antarctica and Krypton the screen won't update and the time estimate for the missile to hit Krypton does not show up.
(𝑨𝒑𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒍𝒚 𝒊𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒃𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒙𝒆𝒅)
•The news for the results of the election still has the old blurry textures from the original.
•When the "War Song" musical is playing, the pool and water where the secret agents jump in is the exact same low poly model from the original.
•They changed the timing for one of the jokes:
In the original when Max says he feels like someone is watching and judging his every move, he would slowly turn his head towards the camera while saying that and then Sam would look at the camera and say "That's me Max.". Now Max will say the whole phrase while looking at Bosco and then he will look angry at the camera after saying that, and Sam will not look at the the camera at all, which made the the joke way less funny.
•Unlike the original, the camera does not closeup when reading the newspapers and Max doesn't show any animation (apart from the lipsync), especially when saying "I can dig it", which made the joke a little less funny.
𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 5
•Reality 2.0 visuals looks pretty.
•A new visual effect got added when you remove the virtual reality goggles.
•Fixed the bug from the original, where Max's voice didn't amplify when he used the megaphone.
•They changed some of the lines (or censored, like some people say), for instance:
𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞:
Bob: Take our complimentary goggles designed for special-needs children so that the little ones can play along.
𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞:
Take our complimentary wide-fit goggles designed for playing while bicycling or enjoying full-contact sports!
𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞:
Bosco: It's 'cause everyone on the internet has to pick an avatar, like a dwarf or an orc or an hot young fifteen-year- old girl curious about the adult world and willing to experiment.
𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞::
It's cause everyone on the internet has to pick an avatar, like a dwarf or an orc or a troll... But we've got enough trolls.
𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞:
Bosco: Half-elf, foo'!
𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞:
Half- elf, troll!
•The C.O.P.S. song wasn't synced up right, so the visuals were wrong and the end got cut off.
•In a different part of the episode, Max just wanders off during part of the dialogue.
𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 6
•You can now see the DeSoto landing and leaving the moon.
•The lighting on the "Blister of Tranquility" is beautiful.
•Hugh Bliss bacteria form is way shiner an has little particles floating around him, which kinda looks like a real bacteria.
•They changed some of the lines (or censored, like some people say), for instance:
𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞:
Max: A hundred trillion?! You crazy, foo'!
Bosco: Look man, all I know is, I keep making up the most ridiculous price I can think of, and you keep paying it! So I ask you, who's the foo'?
𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞:
Look man, all I know is, I keep making up the most ridiculous price I can think of, and you keep paying it! So I ask you, who's the crazy one?
Him saying "crazy" doesn't make sense, since Max called him a "foo'".
•They also removed some of the dialogue option, (some of them were pretty funny) such as:
𝟏-"𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐱 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞"
Sam: Mind telling us how you came to be a woman?
Max: Did you use lasers, or just do it the old-fashioned way?
Bosco: Are you sassin' me? Boy I'll whup your behind so hard you won't be able to see straight!
Max: But I don't see out of my behind.
Bosco: You will after I get through with you!
𝟐- "𝐇𝐨𝐰'𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧?"
Sam: So how are those BoscoTech breasts holdin' up?
Bosco: Oh, these are all natural, honey.
Max: I'm not gonna lie, I like 'em bosomy.
Bosco: Oh, Max, you take after your father.
Max: Okay, you just crossed the line, pal!
Sam: Easy Max, theoretically, we have even more disturbed people to worry about right now.
•In the original when you click on the bug, Sam will say "Hey Max, is this our bug?" and then the bug will repeat the same thing but with Sam's voice. Now when you click the bug, the bug will say the same thing, but in his own voice, which kinda removes the point of him being a "bug".
•Unlike the original, Mr. Spatula's water cooler is still in the office, despite the same cooler being on the moon, removing the idea that the fish ran away with his water cooler and everything, making the joke less funny.
•Max will now ask "Where are we going Sam?" even after Hugh removes his vices (Unlike the original, where he didn't say anything).
These are all the changes I noticed, but If someone finds more changes (or even a typo), just let me know and I'll edit it right away!
submitted by Gibus_Squidward to SamandMax [link] [comments]

OfflineTV and Friends Minecraft Server Season 3.5: After Toast (AT) | FTB Revelations: New Beginnings | (Dec. 2 - Dec. 4) Faction Updates, News, and Power Rankings (#6)



Funny: Home of Jokes

The faction, Funny: Home of Jokes is a faction that has been built on the far north of the town in the Icy Extreme Mountains. It is currently unknown what their goal or purpose is

Aria Design Corporation

The Aria Design Corporation is currently undecided whether it will be a faction or not. This corporation accepts jobs at building certain infrastructures and designs them for residents that needed help on improving their houses or amenities
Architect Aria

Forgotten Ones

The Forgotten Ones are the ones who are lost in time and space and hasn't been resurrected in the new world or went missing since coming into the new world

Rumored Ones

The Rumored Ones are people that are rumored to descend upon the lands in the future

News Headline


Basement CollectoTycoon/Sl_t Collecting Basements

A local resident has been providing favors to other residents that has a house. The favors is exchanged with a living space under their houses
Total Basements Collected: 10

L'Ottos Casino Has Undergone Massive Renovation

The AriaDesignCorp has taken the job to fully renovate the whole casino to look better than before
L'Ottos Casino Under Construction


Ottomated has descended upon the lands!
John has been recently resurrected with his memories wiped out
He spoke an unknown language when Wendy is giving him a Slime Starter Pack, almost like a caveman or a Jorc
TedNivison has descended upon the lands!
An underground mall (Black Market) is being built a few meters grom the casino by Sasuke Ryan
Residents has been losing their minds figuring out the correct entrance in his mall
Astral Sorcery Queen Sydney has started learning the arts of Thaumcraft
Rumors has it that she plans to learn all kinds and types of magic to become the most powerful witch in the world
Toast has been seen jumping around the world. It seemed that he has recovered from being bedridden
It is currently unknown if he's still senile since he was spotted gambling at the casino
Astral Sorcerer Myth has announced himself to be the Star God of Mining. His title has been updated
Local former bedridden resident robbed another resident's house. Voices in that resident's head told her the identity of the robber
Two people of The Hive, the Private and Sasuke, has taken the job to hunt down the robber and return the robbed items
The robber claimed to be only a humble beekeper and that he didn't do anything
Star God of Mining Myth started and followed Astral Sorcery Queen Sydney in studying the arts of Thaumcraft
GingerPale has descended upon the lands!
AlexiaRaye has been resurrected!
Abe has obtained the last relic of Botania from Gaia 2, the Key of King's Law. This will exponentially boost his power ranking
Ottomated has coded the matrix of the universe and placed it on a computer into a monitor that can receive and show the voices in the residents' minds
##This just in!
[REDACTED] has managed to obtain [REDACTED] in an unknown way. [REDACTED] may [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] [REDACTED] came back
False Alarm

Power Rankings

Power ranks is based on current armor, weapons, and technology. Potential is also taken into account
Rank ?
Rank 1
General Tubbo
Rank 2
Sasuke Ryan
Rank 3
Private Brooke
Rank 4
Major 5up
Rank 5
Robot Overlord Michael
Rank 6
Rank 7
Flower King Abe
Rank 8
Astral Sorcery Queen Sydney
Rank 9
Engineer Kris
Rank 10
Star God of Mining Myth
Rank 11
Thaumaturgist Wendy
Rank 12
Scammer Ludwig
Rank 13
Zookeeper Ash
Rank 14
Serial Screener Miyoung
Rank ??
Grassjeli Jeff
Author's Note
Abe's new weapon is extremely cool! I'm becoming biased
submitted by TheOmegaOne9000 to offlineTV [link] [comments]

Trump, the Apprenticeship for President & the Media’s Predictive Programming

Trump and the apprentice for United States of America & Predictive programming
Back when Trump entered into the race for presidency in 2016, I had this thought that he would win because he had been strategically placed in that position. He “graduated” from becoming an apprentice to becoming the boss, the president of United States.
This goes a little into predictive programming. How did the Simpson so accurately depict the Presidency?
I’d say they have have been prepping for him to become president starting in 1987 when he wrote “The Art of the Deal”. Slowly dripping random Trump moments from then until 2016.
Trump first ran for president in 2000 and wrote the book “The America We Deserve”. This is also when the Simpsons episode was produced - Bart to the Future.
The TV Show - The Apprentice
It first aired in 2004.
An apprentice is defined by : a person who is learning a trade from a skilled employer, having agreed to work for a fixed period at low wages.
Let’s face it he probably wasn’t making as much money as he would if he was developing multimillion dollar properties. He was becoming a household name, but not for his book, casino or airline - but for him as a person. 2004 is also when Macy’s started carrying the Trump Brand.
Then came the celebrity editions. What makes him different than a celebrity? Why is he in control? Can you see what I’m saying? Also a nice look at nepotism having Ivanka, Donald JR and Eric being his advisors on the show, as well as in real life, in the White House. What qualifications do they have to be in such a position?
Now for the obvious connection of Trump being a builder and Freemason. I won’t go too deep into the Freemasons but I would like to say there are 3 great lights. The holy bible, square and compass. Trump has said that his favorite book is the Bible. And being a builder he would surely know his way around a square and compass. But I have no proof of him being a Freemason. This is pure speculation.
What’s the first degree of the initiated? You guessed it the “entered APPRENTICE” - they are there to learn the ways, the symbolism and historical aspects. The Bible and its verses are a main part. I also would like to add that the Entered Apprentice is hoodwinked and represents mystical darkness, or ignorance of the uninitiated. Which is funny to me because Trump acts very ignorant when asked questions with the responses he gives. Almost like he knows the answers but is playing the role of someone who doesn’t . King Solomon’s temple was built by Freemasons. Like I said I’m not going to deep into Freemasonry but the connections are there.
Let’s look at NBC. The station that aired his show. It is the OLDEST major broadcasting station in United States founded in 1926 (RCA/GE). In 1927 it expanded to the west coast with the launch of the NBC Orange Network.... dun dun ok that’s a joke, but not really that really was what it was called. Also called the Pacific Gold Network. So you get it, it’s old, it’s apart of United States, it’s been engrained.
Now the symbolism of the NBC logo is somewhat occult. If you didn’t know it’s a peacock. Before the Peacock they had what was called “The Snake” logo. The peacock has the feathers that look like eyes. Because of the myriad of eyes in its tail feathers the peacock was accepted as the symbol of wisdom, and on account of its general appearance it was often confused with the fabled phœnix of the Mysteries. There is a curious belief that the flesh of the peacock will not putrefy even though kept for a considerable time. As an outgrowth of this belief the peacock became the emblem of immortality, because the spiritual nature of man--like the flesh of this bird--is incorruptible. Fun fact, peacocks eat snakes in the wild. The peacock logo ate the snake logo in a sense.
The producer who made The Apprentice was created by Mark Burnett, who brought us very known shows like The Voice, Survivor and Shark Tank. He’s proven that he would be the best producer for this job. Notice how all of these shows you are fighting to be the best. These are some of the top rated shows of all time as well.
There was also talks about doing The Apprentice : White House edition. How fitting.
Now what’s the antonym of apprentice? The opposite is - VETERAN
When you think of the word veteran you probably think of military. Most of our presidents have been war heroes. I mean that’s just what I think of when I think of powerful respected presidents. They are the commander in chief. In charge of our military. It’s been clear that Trump dodged the draft and is the farthest thing from a “vet”. I thought that was an interesting tidbit to this predictive programming. It almost seemed like they were testing the effects of a “21st century” president. A new age or pop culture prototype. Who would voters relate to?
In 2011 they had Trump on the Comedy Central Roast to hit a different younger demographic of potential voters.
NBC cut ties would cut ties with Trump June 2015 - 2 weeks after he announced his run. But could we have a sitting president on a reality show? Or would that be too ridiculous? Or can we have a reality star as a president? Or would that be too ridiculous?
So by having him on a weekly show from 2004-2015 he was essentially the apprentice to becoming the ultimate boss: the president of the United States. Whether you’ve flown on his plane, stayed in his hotel, gambled in his hotel, wore his tie, bought his books, bought his steaks, went to his university or seen his show, you were well aware of him long before he ran for president.
I’m sure I’m missing a lot. But let’s talk about it. Now back to your scheduled predicted program.
TL;DR - Trump was on apprentice tv show, that was his apprenticeship to becoming the president of the United States
submitted by OnlyHereForLOLs to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Trump, the apprentice for United States & media’s predictive programming

Trump and the apprentice for United States of America & Predictive programming
Back when Trump entered into the race for presidency in 2016, I had this thought that he would win because he had been strategically placed in that position. He “graduated” from becoming an apprentice to becoming the boss.
This goes a little into predictive programming. How did the Simpson so accurately depict the Presidency?
I’d say they have have been prepping for him to become president starting in 1987 when he wrote “The Art of the Deal”. Slowly dripping random Trump moments from then until 2016.
Trump first ran for president in 2000 and wrote the book “The America We Deserve”. This is also when the Simpsons episode was produced - Bart to the Future.
The TV Show - The Apprentice
It first aired in 2004.
An apprentice is defined by : a person who is learning a trade from a skilled employer, having agreed to work for a fixed period at low wages.
Let’s face it he probably wasn’t making as much money as he would if he was developing multimillion dollar properties. He was becoming a household name, but not for his book, casino or airline - but for him as a person. 2004 is also when Macy’s started carrying the Trump Brand.
Then came the celebrity editions. What makes him different than a celebrity? Why is he in control? Can you see what I’m saying? Also a nice look at nepotism having Ivanka, Donald JR and Eric being his advisors.
Now for the obvious connection of Trump being a in building and Freemasonry. I won’t go too deep into the Freemasons but I would like to say there are 3 great lights. The holy bible, square and compass. Trump has said that his favorite book is the Bible. And being a builder he would surely know his way around a square and compass. But I have no proof of him being a Freemason. This is pure speculation.
What’s the first degree of the initiated? You guessed it the “entered APPRENTICE” - they are there to learn the ways, the symbolism and historical aspects. The Bible and its verses are a main part. I also would like to add that the Entered Apprentice is hoodwinked and represents mystical darkness, or ignorance of the uninitiated. Which is funny to me because Trump acts very ignorant when asked questions with the responses he gives. Almost like he knows the answers but is playing the role of someone who doesn’t . King Solomon’s temple was built by Freemasons. Like I said I’m not going to deep into Freemasonry but the connections run deep.
Let’s look at NBC. The station that aired his show. It is the OLDEST major broadcasting station in United States founded in 1926 (RCA/GE). In 1927 it expanded to the west coast with the launch of the NBC Orange Network.... dun dun ok that’s a joke, but not really that really was what it was called. Also called the Pacific Gold Network. So you get it, it’s old, it’s apart of United States, it’s been engrained.
Now the symbolism of the NBC logo is somewhat occult. If you didn’t know it’s a peacock. Before the Peacock they had what was called “The Snake” logo. The peacock has the feathers that look like eyes. Because of the myriad of eyes in its tail feathers the peacock was accepted as the symbol of wisdom, and on account of its general appearance it was often confused with the fabled phœnix of the Mysteries. There is a curious belief that the flesh of the peacock will not putrefy even though kept for a considerable time. As an outgrowth of this belief the peacock became the emblem of immortality, because the spiritual nature of man--like the flesh of this bird--is incorruptible. Fun fact, peacocks eat snakes in the wild. The peacock logo ate the snake logo in a sense.
The producer who made The Apprentice was created by Mark Burnett, who brought us very known shows like The Voice, Survivor and Shark Tank. He’s proven that he would be the best producer for this job.
There was also talks about doing The Apprentice : White House edition. How fitting.
Now what’s the antonym of apprentice? The opposite is - VETERAN
When you think of the word veteran you probably think of military. Most of our presidents have been war heroes. I mean that’s just what I think of when I think of powerful respected president. They are the commander in chief. It’s been clear that Trump dodged the draft and is the farthest thing from a “vet”. I thought that was an interesting tidbit to this predictive programming. It almost seemed like they were testing the effects of a “21st century” president. A new age or pop culture prototype. Who would voters relate to?
In 2011 they had Trump on the Comedy Central Roast to hit a different younger demographic of potential voters.
NBC cut ties would cut ties with Trump June 2015 - 2 weeks after he announced his run. But could we have a sitting president on a reality show? Or would that be too ridiculous? Or can we have a reality star as a president? Or would that be too ridiculous?
So by having him on a weekly show from 2004-2015 he was essentially the apprentice to becoming the ultimate boss: the president of the United States. Whether you’ve flown on his plane, stayed in his hotel, gambled in his hotel, wore his tie, bought his books, bought his steaks, went to his university or seen his show, you were well aware of him long before he ran for president.
I’m sure I’m missing a lot. But let’s talk about it.
TL;DR - Trump was on apprentice tv show, that was his apprenticeship to becoming the president of the United States
submitted by OnlyHereForLOLs to C_S_T [link] [comments]

Don’t pass out in a Casino bathroom

I had turned 21, on June 21, 2016, and my Grandmother took me to Atlantic City where she went on her honeymoon before the casino’s were established. Unfortunately, my grandfather had passed away in 1999 and at least my Grandmother has me to go places with her.
We stayed at the Trump Taj Mahal and I just loved the bright lights and the sounds of the slot machines. My Grandmother and I decided to play the penny slots with just one penny at a time. We were definitely not their target customers.
My Grandmother carried around a big purse where she had loads of snacks stuffed inside. Between the free drinks and my Grandmother’s snacks there was really no reason to get up besides to go to the bathroom.
Every time I would get up my Grandmother would save my seat at the slot machine. My Grandmother was raised during he depression and she developed some unique habits, like if someone had only eaten half of their hotdog and left it on the side of the garbage then she would just finish eating it. I just thought it was funny and she probably had developed an immunity to every imaginable germ.
Watching my Grandmother, I followed suit and did the same thing by finishing other people’s meals.
I was 21 and had no real responsibilities. I came from a dysfunctional home where my parents were at times functioning alcoholics and other times they weren’t really functional at all.
Unfortunately, I had the same addictive personality like my parents as does my Grandmother and the slot machines were like candy to our brains.
Neither my Grandmother nor I had cell phones so we had no one to bother us. We just had such a good time playing the slots and joking around with each other. There was no real concept of time inside the Taj Mahal. 2:00 am looked the same inside the casino as 2:00 pm.
We just played and played and played. We both seemed to drift off at times and close our eyes for a short time then we wake up and continue to play.
I would lose a penny then win three pennies then lose five pennies then win seven pennies. The thrill of winning mixed with the bright lights and catchy sounds sent a jolt of happiness through my brain.
My grandmother and I were definitely poster child’s for the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. We just both had addictive personalities. I remember reading about radio contests to see who can stay up the longest where days of sleep deprivation led to permanent mental health issues for the contestants.
I knew things were getting bad when multiple cocktail waitresses would say “hey your back again” or “you were in the same spot as last week.”
I was hanging on by a thread. I knew if I got away from the stimulus of the machines then my mind and body would just collapse. I had complete tunnel vision everything besides my Grandmother was completely filtered out.
The casino manager actually approached my Grandmother and I to give us a friendly warning that it was time to leave. I almost collapsed when he told us that it had been three weeks straight that we were playing the same slot machines. I think we caused red flags in their computers because neither of the slot machines we using were generating any money for the hotel.
I think we were scared to move for fear that we would both collapse. The casino made an exception and brought us both coffees.
After drinking the coffees my Grandmother and I agreed to get up and go to the bathroom then leave. When I got into the bathroom I knew that I had pushed my mind and body way to far from days if not weeks of sleep deprivation. I was concerned for my grandmother but I truly had nothing left in me, so I went in one of the bathroom stall’s locked the door and sat down on the toilet where I instantaneously passed out.
I had such deep dreams that I never had before. I was in my own dreamworld. Nothing could wake me up but time.
Then, like a bear knows hibernation is over, I felt a sensation in my head that it was time to get up. I opened my eyes and there’s nothing but absolute darkness. A darkness that I haven’t experienced since I was deep in an underground cave when I was on a tenth grade field trip.
I thought that I had gone blind because there was nothing but darkness. My head was just so exhausted. I feel like I could close my eyes and sleep more, but my adrenaline was starting to kick in.
I’m still feeling a bit woozy and I say “where am I?” I was still trying to remember all the weird dreams I had on top of trying to figure out where I am in this complete darkness. I’m in a sitting position so I try to stand up, but my legs are numb, so I sit back down.
I then try to recall where I am and I say “am I sitting in a toilet in the casino?” I think to myself this can’t be. Did the lights in the bathroom break? Why hasn’t anyone else come in?
I yell out “Hello ... Hello. The lights in the bathroom are out. Grandma! Can you hear me?”
I’m met with deafening silence. I reach my arms out and feel metal walls on both sides of me so I know for sure that I’m in a bathroom stall.
I figure I sat for to long and I must of put to much pressure on my nerves so that’s why my legs are numb. I decide to throw myself on the floor. I lean forward and I could feel the door of the stall in front of me. I use the door to brace myself to the floor.
I continually say “ooh awe ooh” until I hurl myself on the floor. My legs are still to weak to move so I drag myself with my arms and reach up to unlock the door to the stall.
I get out of the stall and I get a sensation of extreme hunger and thirst. I now focus on finding the sinks. I use my arms to drag my body on the bathroom floor. I can’t remember where the sinks were located so I just continually move around on the floor. The fear of the absolute darkness outweighs the disgustingness of the bathroom floor. Eventually I start to feel metal pipes and I realize that I’m under a sink. I’m starting to get a little sensation back in my legs so with one hand I reach up for the sink and I reach out with my other hand and thrust myself upwards until I’m on my knees. I yell out a loud groaning sound and I awkwardly stand up. My legs are shaky and weak but at least I can feel them. I give myself a minute to allow my legs to get reacclimated and allow circulation to go through them.
I reach out and feel metal and I push in and realize that it’s one of those faucets that you push in to get water in order to get water to come out. I use one hand as a cup and I lean forward and continually drink water from my hand until I’m satisfied.
I start to feel that my legs have some strength so I take small steps while I hold onto the sink.
I get an overwhelming urgency to urinate so I decide to pee in the sink rather than trying to find the urinal. I unzip my pants and all I could think of if someone opens the door then I would be so embarrassed or possibly arrested. I finish peeing and I pick a direction and I slowly move my legs. I feel around the walls and eventually I feel the frame of a door and I push on it forward.
As the door opens I see nothing and I hear nothing. I’m scared beyond belief. I don’t know if there was a massive power outage or some type of evacuation happened or there was some type of apocalypse.
I yell out “Hello is there anyone else here Hello!” I get no response so I continually to yell out Hello. I vaguely remember the women’s bathroom being next to the men’s bathroom. So I guide myself against the wall until I feel a door. I figure that it must be the women’s bathroom so I open the door.
I yell out “Grandma are you in there ... Grandma are you there?”
I wait a few moments and in a low raspy voice I hear “John, Is that you? Turn the lights on. Where am I?”
I say “Grandma I think we’re still in the casino and I don’t know what’s going on. There’s no power anywhere. It’s just not the bathroom. The casino is completely dark as well.”
My grandmother responded “Casinos never close. Especially the Taj Mahal.”
I respond “I know Grandma. I have no idea what’s going on!”
My grandma responds “How long have we been asleep?”
I respond “I have no idea. I’m guessing days.”
My grandma says “I can’t move my legs.”
I respond “I know I couldn’t move mine either. Give them a few minutes you’ll get your sensation back. Try to move around as you sit down. I’m going to go and try to find out what’s going on!”
My grandmother responds “Ok but come back. Don’t leave me to die.”
I say “I won’t I’ll come back for you.”
I exit the bathroom and yell out “I’ll be back Grandma!” And she responds “You better!”
I try my best to remember as much as I could about the casino and the arrangements of everything. It’s difficult because it’s as dark as an underground cave. There is zero light or at least I hope that’s the problem and I haven’t gone blind. But then I think that my grandmother couldn’t see either. I thought there’s emergency lights that should come on if there’s a power outage, so I really have no idea of what’s going on.
I get a dreamlike memory of dropping money on the floor and remembering a red like carpet then I remember the garbage cans alongside the walkway where people would leave there their uneaten food.
I slowly start to remember that there’s a walkway made up of tiles in the middle of the casino floor that separates two areas of slot machines. So if I make it to the middle area then I probably could walk towards an exit.
I feel the floor and it’s carpet. I slowly start to walk and I feel slot machine after slot machine. I walk slow so I don’t bang my legs into chairs. I’m in a virtual maze and I feel like I’m just going around in circles.
The feeling of overwhelming hunger is starting to consume me as well. My legs have most of their strength back at this point but I’m consumed with hunger and fear.
Navigating around a casino floor is confusing enough with the lights being on and in complete darkness it’s virtually impossible.
I’ve must have been wandering aimlessly for an hour in a virtual circle. I have to come up with a plan. I know my grandmother must be terrified as well.
I have no rope or anything else. Not to say that rope would help me. Then I have an aha moment. I say out loud “The chairs. Use the chairs.” Meaning that the backs of the chairs move to the side when someone gets up from the slot machines. So if I move the back of the chairs to their sides then that’s how I’ll know I’ve been down the row.
I can’t explain why all the chairs are facing forward. If there was a mass exodus then most of the chairs would be facing to their sides.
As I walk each chair I pass I move it to its side. This takes a painstakingly long amount of time but my wandering method didn’t work.
Eventually my method seems to work as I can tell which rows I’ve been down already. Remarkably I feel a divide in carpet from from tile and I say “Thank God!”
I have grainy memories of coming into the casino and seeing staircases and escalators that were opulent but my Grandmother wanted nothing to do with them. But I do remember getting on an elevator and I believe we went to the third floor, so I know that I have to find stairs now.
I know we originally came in through the boardwalk and we didn’t walk that far once we got inside the casino. So now I have to find the stairs and not miss them because the hotel is long and if walk in a direction opposite the boardwalk I am virtually dead because I’ll never find my way back in the pitch dark because the hotel casino is so big and long.
So I slowly walk with my hands out. I walk back and forth and I can tell that the tiled area is about six feet wide.
Eventually I find an area where the tile opens up. My hands reach out to walls and I feel metal elevator doors. Of course their buttons don’t light up. Next to the elevators is a wall that feels like a dead end. So I feel for the elevators again and move past them. I know there must be stairs in the middle of the casino floor.
I want to find the stairs and I don’t want to keep walking down that tile corridor. Also I don’t want to fall down the stairs so once I make it past the elevators I slowly put my foot down to the right and feel more tile so I’m guessing this is more of the corridor.
I backtrack a little bit and I try to move in a horizontal direction to the elevators towards the middle of the casino floor. I inch my way towards the center with my hands out and eventually my right leg hits something and I quickly determine that it is an escalator.
Though I’m consumed by hunger, I know I’m close to getting out of here. I walk down the escalator then I get off and walk down two more sets of escalators.
I figure that I’m on the ground floor and I’m overwhelmed with disappointment that it’s still complete darkness. I have no answer for this. I figure the glass entry doors should emit some form of light even if it’s the moonlight if it’s dark outside.
I know that I have to walk towards the boardwalk and if I move in the wrong direction then I’m better off dead.
I remembered how I walked down the escalators where I went down one way then the next floor I was turned around.
So I figure that I need to walk straight. I force myself to count steps and if I walk more than a hundred then I know I’m going the wrong way. So I slowly move forward with my arms out.
I counted 60 steps and for the first time I can see something other than darkness. I can barely make out a silhouette of a wall, so I move towards the wall.
As I move towards the wall I can’t explain why there’s only a small amount of light getting through. I reach out with my hands and I feel glass. I’m still baffled on why there’s only faint light. Then as I move along the glass I can eventually see A slither of the boardwalk and it’s daytime and people are just casually walking. Then I see that there is wood panels on the outside and the doors are boarded shut.
So I frantically start banging on the glass doors and I can see people look in my direction but they just continue to walk by. I don’t know if there was a hurricane or something to explain why the doors are boarded shut.
So with the little energy I have left I knock and knock and knock. I don’t know if the people think the knocking is from construction or if they just don’t care.
Eventually I fall to the flood put my back to the wall and bang with my elbows against the glass.
The hope that I once had is gone. My body has zero energy and I’m going to die like a trapped rat. I just can’t keep my eyes open anymore. I have no idea when the last time I ate was because I don’t know how long I was asleep for.
Then I pass out.
I slowly wake up and realize that I’m on a hospital gurney. Apparently someone heard me knocking and notified the police. The Good Samaritan was a former casino worker who knew the casino was essentially abandoned and there was no work going on.
I was given IV’s that gave me enough strength for me to regain my consciousness. I asked the nurse “where’s my grandmother?”
She responds “Do you want me to call your grandmother and tell her your in the hospital?”
I say in a weak raspy voice “No, my grandmother was in the casino with me!”
The nurse said “Sir, the police report says your probably homeless and somehow you wandered into the casino.”
I say “No, my grandmother and I were playing the slot machines for days with no rest and we both went into the bathroom and each passed out in a stall.”
The nurse says “Sir the Taj Mahal went bankrupt months ago. If your story is accurate then you have been asleep for months.”
I start to get weak again and tell the nurse “Please my grandmother is on the third floor on the women’s bathroom.”
Then I pass out again.
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[LENGTHY] Letter to The One That Got Away.....

CONTEXT: Names have all been changed for anonimity, there's a lot of inside references and memory references that may not seem as significant to any reader, but just wanted to put this out there to let people know to not get complacent in the relationship and let them get away. I still hope one day I find my way back to her, but for now this was the final letter I left her.
Dear Michelle,
I’ve spent a countless number of days staring at this blank piece of paper not knowing what to do with it or what to say. The number of times I’ve scrunched it up and had to restart is crazy. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I still don’t know what I’m doing with this, just putting all cards on the table I guess. But most importantly I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I miss you and think about that gorgeous face of yours all the time. In no way is this me trying to “get you back”, no ill intentions or anything negative, please understand this.It’s been many years since I’ve used an actual pen to write on a piece of paper, the last being your “Get Well Soon” card when you were upset about you and your ex and your Christmas Card. Not having you in my life anymore has granted me a lot of time to myself to think and process my life. Believe me, I’ve done a LOT of thinking, about you, about me, about us and life in general. You’ll be happy to know I’ve done a lot of growing and all this period. All that I ask is IF you do read this, try to take in every word and read it meaningfully with no distractions. I write this with all my heart.
Remember the day I planned on asking you out to make things official? I dedicated the entire day to being all about you and keeping that beautiful huge smile on your face. I took you to get your ears pierced, we then went to Chadstone and shopped around, came home to nap before I took you to the Melbourne Star wheel. The glimmer in your eyes throughout the day and even while in the deck was mesmerizing and I couldn’t have been a happier man, unfortunately we were plagued by the indians and their families in the same cabin so I wasn’t able to fulfill my plan on asking you out but we laughed about it in the car ride home and at least it gave us a funny story on how we came to be official. Although I was grateful and thankful for the amazing time I got to spend with you then and especially the feeling of your warmth and comfort when you were cuddled in my arms and in that moment looking at you watching the view with me I couldn’t help think to myself, I’ve never cared about someone so precious ever in my life but most of all, you’ve never looked more gorgeous than in that one moment.
Or even the night I took you to the Conservatory, you wore my favourite outfit of yours but we were still a bit shy with one another. You were quiet at the dinner table as we were still early together but the vibe was mutually great and the night outside was as beautiful as you were. Never have I seen someone I love look so amazing while messily munching down on a buffet of food, that was the night you showed me you were a Little Piggy. The funniest part of the night was seeing your shock and guilt with the bill, I don’t need to tell you the cheeky laugh it gave me to see you like that as I was doing it right in your face. Although, my favourite part of the night was when we parked out the front of your house and chilled there for the longest time and enjoyed each other's company, in that moment, was when I knew, there’s no place I’d ever rather be than with my arms around you.
My all time favourite moment would have to be the time we spent staying at Crown. There has never been a better set of days in my life as perfect as those. It was all unforgettable, from the moment we came and just jumped in bed to cuddle, going to the Galactic Circus and playing the arcade games, especially the fun playing air hockey having to pretend to lose to you, seeing so concentrated on winning and then the smile that erupted on your face when you did, I couldn’t help but smile and think to myself, this angel makes me feel at home. The coolest part was the dinners on both nights, Korean BBQ the first night then having the pleasure of Jono and Erin to join us at Kitchen Workshop for the second night, the casino with them after it was fun as hell. What set each day in stone in my mind was showing you how much you meant to me when making love to you every night, I’ll never forget how lost I was staring into your beautiful blue eyes, I still do to this day and they’ll always be my true favourite feature of you. I’ve had a countless number of memorable cherished experiences with you and it is an honour for a lot of these experiences with me to be your firsts in general.
You’ve taught me so much over these past couple years that we’ve dated, you’ve shown me how to be a better person day by day by treating everyone with the same kindness, love and respect that you’d love reciprocated by them back. I’ve slowly learnt from you on how to be the bigger person in situations instead of sinking down to their level, how to be a mature man and not the Shaun I used to be before I met you. I love the man I have become because of you and have always hoped that you were lowkey proud of my development, all thanks to how amazing you are. Props to your amazing parents for raising the beautiful woman you are today. I know I still have faults, I admit that and take full responsibility for them all but I have grown heaps especially these past few weeks and am still working on them. You may think I never listen to you but I’d like you to trust me, because I always am, I listen to every word of your recommendations on how to be better, at the time I’m just a tiny bit ignorant about it but don’t let that deter you from thinking that I don’t take your words in.
The one thing I have loved being able to do with you that I am unable to do with anyone else EVER is ALWAYS FEELING COMFORTABLE coming to you whenever I need do things like vent, a shoulder to cry on or help with how to deal with certain situations because I found that no one else could ever help as much as you could and would. I loved being able to vent to you about any and every one of my problems throughout my day or life in general, you were my rock, I felt safe and at home knowing that you genuinely cared and were also giving me endless support and advice. It felt good knowing someone was genuinely listening to me and was there. I have always tried my 100% best to do the same for you and I hope I have reciprocated that same feeling back. I hope that you always knew and felt comfortable coming to me to vent about anything, work, life, any of your problems like your career troubles, friends (I’m not going to name all the troubles, we both know everything). Whenever you did rest assured that I always dedicated you my 100% undivided attention and support and would always drop whatever I was doing and come straight over to cheer you up whenever I possibly could because I wanted to always be there for you, seeing you sad is my least favourite thing in the world, it still is.
Most importantly, the one thing I think of that is most special in my life and that I hold very dearly to me is two words:
2 Weeks
In the little over 4 weeks I spent chasing you, I realised that all it took was only the last 2 that meant something to me. 2 Weeks together. 2 Weeks was all it took for me to fall in love with you. I remember our first kiss like it’s tattooed in my mind. I remember every moment, from coming to Jenna’s house to take you home, meeting Rachel for the first time and listening to her saying “you have a really nice car”, you whispering something to her before she closed your door, something that we will both never know which has always crossed my mind, in a happy and funny way. I remember playing our song OTW in the car going towards Mia's place and you falling asleep while it happened, I remember looking at you there so drunk, yet peaceful and full of life, happy in the moment even though you were asleep, no sight has ever lit up my world more than that. Taking you to Mia's house and conversing and getting along with all your friends was great but then our moment happened. I remember holding you so you wouldn’t stumble while walking me to my car, I remember you caressing my arms while we looked into each other’s eyes and all I could think was, there’s nothing in the world that I wouldn’t do for this angel to keep her happy, then you kissed me. You kissed me Michelle. I felt the touch of those soft amazing lips against mine and you turned my whole world upside down, the funny thing is, I was so full of happiness and shock that a tear came out of me left eye and I’m not even joking, I wasn’t crying but it was just one tear and I was praying that you wouldn’t notice and that it didn’t run across your face for you to feel it, thank god you didn’t and this is the first time you’re hearing about it. I laugh every time I think about it. I remember the drive home being one of the longest drives home as I had the windows, sunroof open pumping my hands and waving my arms around like I just scored the winning shot for the NBA Finals. I remember screaming YES!!!!!! FUCK YES!!!!! WOOOOOO!!!! I LOVE THIS WOMAN!!!! YESSSSSS!!!! ALL THE WAY HOME, I didn't care if any cars next to me heard or saw, loving life. What adds to this is how you became not only my partner, but my best friend as well. I love how I’m able to be 100% weird and silly with you, I love how much I’m able to be myself around you and share my humour with you, amazing how you find the same humour as me funny. We share a lot of history together. We’ve got history. When I started getting you into Chris Brown properly, then you started sharing the same interests and hobbies as mine (reps, Jordans, setups, gaming, tech, youtubers, PCs, shoes, I got you into the Marvel Universe, then you branched out and we kind of shared Star Wars together too, you branching out into streaming, finding your own favourite games like Skyrim), I loved the influence we’ve had on one another's lives and have always tried to support everything you do, I hope you know that (e.g. like always watching your streams to keep your viewer count up, helping you with your setup ideas, stresses, etc).
I constantly thought to myself, where am I ever going to find someone this gorgeous who’s into literally everything I’m into as well but is somehow still unique in her own way (I love how you enjoy listening to game and movie soundtracks, reading into things like lore of games and stuff, the list doesn’t end). Not only were you my girl, you were my best friend, more than Jono or Jack, more than anyone. My favourite thing is how you even kind of listened to Jake Miller and Zayn when I started playing them in the car and you started singing along and suggesting which songs you like, never been happier and prouder than realising our music taste influences one another, that Post Malone concert we went to was another night I won’t forget. I hope we never leave each other’s lives and stay close, there’s no one in the world like you, I won’t lie when I say I genuinely do hope we find our way back to each other but that’s not me telling you it HAS to happen or like forcing you or anything. It also is definitely not my intent on writing this letter, like I said, I just wanted to speak my mind and also put all my cards on the table. I know you told me not to wait, I listen, I completely understand and have accepted it may not work out, it’s just a little bit hope, I say it with full confidence that I’ll never love someone as much as I love you, you’re my best friend, my soul mate and although you don’t like ‘Friends’, you’re my Rachel, it’s you Michelle, it’s always been you.
It’s been mind-blowing to have you in my life and I am forever grateful and thankful for everything you’ve taught me, helped me with, changed in me (willingly, wanting to and for the better) and especially shown me (like how much I can love someone both as my bestie and my partner, taking advantage of every opportunity given in life). I truly mean it when I say thank you for everything, all the memories, the history, everything. You are a blessing on this Earth.
Thank you Michelle.
submitted by shaun7584 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

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